View Full Version : Sun ra...


05-22-2014, 07:17 AM
He would have been 100 years old today on earth. In the outer spaceways
he lives forever:)...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/TCnls9CyKDI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

05-22-2014, 08:50 AM
Sorry for the error. I was trying to embed the link for this selection this morning...

Then again, I doubt there are any Sun Ra fans still on the forum....

05-23-2014, 11:26 PM
I'm still here!

05-24-2014, 07:53 AM
I guess that makes a whole 2 of us, robb!...Any favorites?...

05-24-2014, 08:25 AM
Because I've had to work I've missed much of this but I'll be enjoying as much as I can this

05-24-2014, 01:49 PM
I am a Sun Ra fan!

05-24-2014, 01:55 PM
Remember this.....


05-25-2014, 05:59 AM
Remember it? I own it. I've been listening to the last day of the festival this morning and I
was thinking I don't blame a lot of people for being afraid of a lot of Sun Ra' s 70's material
because he could get really really out. I'm almost sure robb didn't like his later work, the
afro futurist stuff, his expanded synthesizer use. Sun Ra was a big influence on P funk,
especially in the early years and obviously on Bernie Worrell yet I'm sure there are many
Funkadelic fans who didn't get him. Right I'm listening to an alternate version of Space Is The Place, a live one and missing June Tyson. Sun Ra forever!....

06-11-2014, 11:27 PM
"Then again, I doubt there are any Sun Ra fans still on the forum.... "

Don't start none....won't be none.

One of my all time faves to see in person. Outside of Space, I can't name one dam Sun Ra song...but I will never forget the two concerts that I saw him in person at the Famous Ballroom sponsored by the Left Bank Jazz Society.

Loved him and the Arkestra. They set that stage on fire. In addition to his "out" stuff, Sun would drop it down every few songs and they would pound out some straight ahead stuff right that would be at home in the Blue Note catalog.

I used to make "booze" runs to the Wig Wam across the street for several of the performers that played the Famous including the Arkestra [[but not Sun). Sun picked up on the fact that I was one of younger cats there and used to drop science on me.

Two of my all time fave remembrances of my times at the Famous centered around Sun Ra.

There was a big long table near the front of the stage. Here sat the Jazz Illuminati of Baltimore and surrounding areas. Avg. age as about 142. No one was allowed to sit there without their permission. When Sun Ra would play, especially his Out stuff...they would boo, hiss, gnash teeth and tell him to play some "real music". Sun used to tell me not to even sit close to them, let alone converse with them. He said they were old, dried up, wooden and unchanging and uncaring.....and those were the nicer things. The last time Sun was there, they were riding him hard. Between songs he leaned over off the stage, stared down and them and yelled, "Why don't you all just fricken die!!" Scared the poop outta them.

Sun used to have a guy in the Arkestra that played about 10 notes during the whole 2 or 3 set concert. He's hold his triangle for 30 minutes or more.....and play one note. One day after I made a run, I asked him if I could hold his triangle. He handed it over and said, "Now what." I pinged one ding and said, "Boy I'm wasted, feels like I just played a whole set....I need to lie down." He and the rest of the guys picked up on it just fell out laughing.
I still miss him.

06-12-2014, 12:50 PM
Hot Skillet Mama! Sun Ra was nutty and I love him, albeit in small doses, ala Beefheart.