Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
No I do not contradict myself. Poor wording, poor typing is all I am guilty of! When I used the phrase that she is "not simply ignornant" my intent was to show how some people are characterizing Ms. Dean. This is what I mean: SHE IS NOT IGNORANT AT ALL WHEN IT COMES TO USING RACIAL OR ETHNIC SLURS!!!!!

She does that shit on purpose and anyone that believes that a 66 year old woman that has built a career and business up to the point of becoming a million is ignorant when she says these terrible things are being naive or just too forgiving of it!
OK, now I understand what you're saying, and I agree! Where she is ignorant, though, is in her beliefs.

She was just dropped by Smithfield, and now her other partners are re-evaluating her.