Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
Seriously Bob C? You want to destroy all your "black records" because people at this forum discuss the fact that African Americans suffered from racism in the 1960's? Really? YOu sure got a lot of issues going on. Too many for me to tackle, but I'll address a couple and hopefully others will chime in as well, even if you don't come back here ever again because you feel "your people" are under attack.

For starters, except for the most virulent white racists, most white people who have bigoted feelings about African Americans don't mind Blacks when they sing, dance, entertain or play ball. They can enjoy the music and even buy the songs, watch them on TV or even attend a concert, but still harbor racist feelings that Black people are inferior or are not deserving of equal rights or social justice. Perfect example of this mentality: In Mary Wilson's first book she talks about a white woman who came up to her in the 60's and told her that she usually doesn't permit her children to watch Negroes on TV, but she makes an exception for the Supremes because "they're different". Or in the 80's , The Cosby Show was the highest rated show on TV, yet a number of its viewers turned around and voted for Ronald Reagan, or in North Carolina, voted for Jesse Helms.

I'll let others discuss racism in the 60's in more depth as I was an infant back then. But it existed all over. Segregation was still in place in many parts of the country in the early 60's and even up to the end of the decade. Though whites bought the records, that didn't mean the artists had the same sort of quality accomadations that a white star would have. You also talk about self segregation in the 70's. You don't seem to understand the purpose of the Civil Rights movement. Blacks weren't fighting for Civil Rights because they loved white people and wanted to be with them. No, they were fighting for the right to be treated fairly and equally and with respect under the law. To have the right to vote and use any facility they wanted to patronized without being barred or sent to the back door.

And perhaps our times are not as racist as they once were, but anti Black racism still exists in this country. Just the other day down in Flordia a Black teenager was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch leader in a gated community in Florida. The teenager lived in the community with his father and step mother. He just went out to buy some Skittles and Long Island Ice tea and was on his way back home. But all the Neigborhood Watch leader saw was a Black teenager, a criminal in his mind. He shot him and killed him. And the police let him go. Now the father is demanding justice. Why don't you fly down to Florida and tell the father there's no such thing as racism in the United States? Go on, I dare you. If you don't believe this story, here's the link: http://m.yahoo.com/w/news_america/fa...us&.lang=en-us

Your outburst is a culmination of your posts here lately. You harbor a lot of racial resentment. I wonder why? Perhaps you have guilt over what's bottled up inside you and rather than confronting your feelings you decide to deny them and blame others for fantasizing about being victims of racism? I don't really know. But you're a sick puppy and you need to get some help. The sooner the better.
Oh ummm..... I don't think many people are going to chime in here, because you pretty much said it all! Elegant Soul, where are you? LOL!!!! A WOW!