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  1. #1

    Rush Limbaugh Apologizes To Sandra Fluke For Calling Her A 'Slut'

  2. #2
    Watch all of his sponsors come running back to support him all over again.

  3. #3
    Oh, so NOW he's sorry? Yeah right! If he were really sorry, he'd quit his show! hehehehehehehe.... He's not sorry. He is sorry that he did not project the public's response of his disgusting rants.

  4. #4
    Jerry.... no need to Worry..... even after the apology, CARBONITE has just walked! One of his 3 BIGGEST sponsors! i'm peeing myself with delight over this.

  5. #5
    Classic! I hope he winds up taking ads for ED drugs like Glenn Beck did before he went off the air when nobody else wanted to buy his air time.

  6. #6
    Rush Limbaugh and flaccid weenies go together like peanut butter and jelly.

  7. #7
    The total sponsors that have left now stands at 6. Let's hope it keeps up!

  8. #8
    That slime only half-apologized when he realized that his asinine remarks would threaten his show. At least a lot of his sponsors are now realizing just how toxic the guy is, and can be for their products.

    Right now would be a good time to remind the public of all the disgusting things he's said over the years.

  9. #9
    And you know Soulster... Ron Paul of all people said the exact same thing this morning on Meet the Press. that his apology wasn't geniune, and he did it for his own personal gain.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    And you know Soulster... Ron Paul of all people said the exact same thing this morning on Meet the Press. that his apology wasn't geniune, and he did it for his own personal gain.
    And, you don't think Ron Paul said it for his personal gain?

  11. #11
    I don't believe there are "accidents" or unplanned "slips" when this stuff happens. It's all about ratings, and this one got people talking and paying attention.

  12. #12
    Well, the question if Limbaugh believes the garbage he spews. He claims to be a shock jock, but I think he's serious. Even if he's not, his audience hangs on his every word. Ditto heads, they used to call them. His audience is mostly White males, just as Glenn Beck attracts White females.

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Well, the question if Limbaugh believes the garbage he spews. He claims to be a shock jock, but I think he's serious. Even if he's not, his audience hangs on his every word. Ditto heads, they used to call them. His audience is mostly White males, just as Glenn Beck attracts White females.
    “Mr. Limbaugh’s recent comments went beyond political discourse to a personal attack and do not reflect our values as a company,” the Internet-based flower delivery company wrote in a statement on its Facebook page Sunday afternoon. “As such, ProFlowers has suspended advertising on The Rush Limbaugh radio program.”

    I liked this statement. I guess his personal shots against the president, first lady, and Hillary Clinton were all in the interest of politics. This pathetic wretch of a human being has gone this far before, but it was against "fair" targets before. The first to call names is always the first one to run out of something constructive [[postitive or not) to say.

  15. #15
    Soulster... of course Ron Paul said it for personal gain, but I think Ron Paul truly BELIEVES it, too. UPDATE!!!! the sponsors leaving his show now stands at EIGHT! AOL has dumped him, CNN just reported this about 30 minutes ago. I knew more dominoes would fall once monday got here, and companies had a chance to have meetings and make decisions after the feedback gathered over the weekend.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    “Mr. Limbaugh’s recent comments went beyond political discourse to a personal attack and do not reflect our values as a company,” the Internet-based flower delivery company wrote in a statement on its Facebook page Sunday afternoon. “As such, ProFlowers has suspended advertising on The Rush Limbaugh radio program.”

    I liked this statement. I guess his personal shots against the president, first lady, and Hillary Clinton were all in the interest of politics. This pathetic wretch of a human being has gone this far before, but it was against "fair" targets before. The first to call names is always the first one to run out of something constructive [[postitive or not) to say.
    I'm wondering about doing business with any of these companies because they ignored Limbaugh when he said nasty, personal things about the President and his wife and family.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    Soulster... of course Ron Paul said it for personal gain, but I think Ron Paul truly BELIEVES it, too. UPDATE!!!! the sponsors leaving his show now stands at EIGHT! AOL has dumped him, CNN just reported this about 30 minutes ago. I knew more dominoes would fall once monday got here, and companies had a chance to have meetings and make decisions after the feedback gathered over the weekend.
    That's #8! How long before KFI sees him as a liability.

    This does not mean I now support Ron Paul. I still think he's a disgusting racist bastard, and his extreme libertarian idea would destroy this country and plunge the world into chaos. Good thing he will not be the nominee.

  18. #18

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Now, ultra-conservative Patrica Heaton is taking the heat for her part in this.
    I guess the folks at ABC read both Twitter and angry viewer e-mails. I wonder if "The Middle" will take a ratings hit Wednesday night?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I guess the folks at ABC read both Twitter and angry viewer e-mails. I wonder if "The Middle" will take a ratings hit Wednesday night?
    Either that, or she quickly saw how damaging her remarks were to her career and she pulled her own account.

  21. #21
    And just why is getting all of this flak for this particular comment? This ass **** has a long history of making racist, sexist, and homophobic comments. Why did this one ignite such a shit storm?

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by timmyfunk View Post
    And just why is getting all of this flak for this particular comment? This ass **** has a long history of making racist, sexist, and homophobic comments. Why did this one ignite such a shit storm?
    Maybe it is the last straw. In any event, it is about time he got thrown out on his rear.Name:  418355_358818654149403_174612345903369_1089604_1405368964_n-1.jpg
Views: 263
Size:  15.6 KB

  23. #23
    Because he chose an innocent person as his target, typical of what a bully does.

    It doesn't say anything good for the republiKKKan party who have, to this very moment, refused to repudiate him. Still, not one of them will sta nd up against Limbaugh. It makes one wonder just what he has on them, or what they think he can do to them.

    Even if they come out now and stand up to him now, they still look bad for allowing him to get away with all that he has said and done over the years.

    Another problem the the repibliKKKans have: if they do start standing up to Limbaugh, they will alienate all his fans and will loose support.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    Maybe it is the last straw. In any event, it is about time he got thrown out on his rear.
    I predict he will keep going with his show and no one will call for his removal. They will listen to him like they do Donald Trump. In fact, Faux news and the other conservatives are rallying around him. The gop leadership is supporting him

    He is attempting to maintain his relevance by linking everything to the "left".

    Meanwhile, he has lost two more sponsors today, and no, a Hawaiian radio station has dropped his show. And, this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/0...n_1321654.html

    Anyway, all this is making me very happy! Obama is looking at four more years in the White House!
    Last edited by soulster; 03-05-2012 at 07:29 PM.

  25. #25
    Limbaugh=Hog Shat....with a' less than' mentality to boot!

  26. #26
    You are probably right,unfortunately. Same thing goes for the top federal judge in Montana. I heard someone say today that if the situation was reversed and a Democratic Judge said that about W's mother there would have been hell to pay.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    You are probably right,unfortunately. Same thing goes for the top federal judge in Montana. I heard someone say today that if the situation was reversed and a Democratic Judge said that about W's mother there would have been hell to pay.
    Yep. That was in the news for about 20 seconds. But the media is biased to the left? Yeah, right...

  28. #28
    i just saw that another station dropped his show. And now, in the middle of all of this, Rush is trying to justify what he said on rappers. And, the republican nominees still won't say much about Limbaugh. How are they gonna stand up to Iran when they can't even stand up to Limbaugh.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    You are probably right,unfortunately. Same thing goes for the top federal judge in Montana. I heard someone say today that if the situation was reversed and a Democratic Judge said that about W's mother there would have been hell to pay.
    Oh yeah! that's a big one! How come no one on either side is speaking up about that one?

  30. #30
    Didn't the top Federal Judge in Montana say something like Barak Obama's mother had sex with a dog?

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Didn't the top Federal Judge in Montana say something like Barak Obama's mother had sex with a dog?
    He forwarded an email from his work email address suggesting that. He does back to the bench tomorrow. I think he suspended himself for a few days and asked for an investigation. Personally, he should step down and forget about his pension.

  32. #32
    In 2009, I received a couple of e-mails from some guy in my company that worked in Arizona where he was taking the opportunity to trash President Obama hard. He was forwarding stuff that he received to a distribution list that he created and he typed in my last name and first initial and thought that I was someone else. I forwarded them to my boss who contacted his manager. Shortly after, I received apologies but I always got the impression he trashed me in his next e-mail.

  33. #33
    I dont know why the Repubs are afraid of Rush? They act like he has the final word! As happy as I am to see these advertisers pull out I think it may be back to business as usual for him he would have to have LOTS of advertisers pull out for him to sink because of his huge audience. I never will forget when he said Michael J Fox didnt take his medicine so he could appear shaky in front of Congress so they would vote for stem cell research. Shock Jock or not he has said some things that if anyone else had said it would have been sued or yanked off of the air.

  34. #34
    Listing of advertisers who have pulled out and its more than 8!


  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
    Listing of advertisers who have pulled out and its more than 8!

    Two radio stations have now dropped him. I have a feeling more will follow.


  36. #36
    I've been waiting a long time to see this jerk get taken down. I hope this is the big moment.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Two radio stations have now dropped him. I have a feeling more will follow.

    More companies than that have pulled out. The big ones are starting to pull out.

    And, for your enjoyment:

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I've been waiting a long time to see this jerk get taken down. I hope this is the big moment.
    If the Clear Channel drops him, he knows he has a home at Faux news. They are supporting him.

  39. #39
    The total sponsors dropping him are now up to TWENTY FOUR!


  40. #40
    I was just answering trivia questions in the Soulful Detroit Forum about Sly & the Family Stone and some of the above posts make me think of their song Higher and Higher.

  41. #41
    To make it easy, here's the tally do far at this writing:

    Service Magic
    Hadeed Carpet
    John Deere
    St. Vincent's Medical Center
    Bethesda Sedation Dentistry
    Cascades Dental
    Philadelphia Orchestra
    Goodwill Industries
    Heart & Body Extract
    Downeast Energy
    Capitol One

  42. #42
    Don't get too excited too soon. Rush is worshipped by the Cult of Personality. Even if he gets sacked from his present gig, he will [[just like Imus did) find himself working somewhere else. There are millions of empty minds out there hoping to eat the slop this pig dishes out and when the dust settles, advertisers will be less concerned with this incident than they are with making money.

  43. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Don't get too excited too soon. Rush is worshipped by the Cult of Personality. Even if he gets sacked from his present gig, he will [[just like Imus did) find himself working somewhere else. There are millions of empty minds out there hoping to eat the slop this pig dishes out and when the dust settles, advertisers will be less concerned with this incident than they are with making money.
    Like I said, Roger Ailes at Faux news will gladly accept him into the family.

  44. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Like I said, Roger Ailes at Faux news will gladly accept him into the family.
    It would still be nice to see him put in check, though. I'm pretty sure there are many in the GOP establishment who are hoping he's sacked [[Michael Steele, for example).

  45. #45
    You know it! A lot of the gop would like to see him cut down to size or even disappear. But, it's their own fault he's so powerful. They gave him the power over them. All it would take is one prominent republiKKKan to stand up to him. Once that happened, the others would feel safe enough to follow.

  46. #46
    This is true but they're gutless, like most Democrats. People will put up with indignant behavior when it happens to others to avoid the bully focusing on them. They sit on the sidelines and refuse to make eye contact while someone else is picked on like they're kids on a school yard, wondering why nobody will do something about it.

  47. #47
    Peer pressure.

    How can we expect these guys to run a country if they can't even stand up to a bully?

  48. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    This is true but they're gutless, like most Democrats. People will put up with indignant behavior when it happens to others to avoid the bully focusing on them. They sit on the sidelines and refuse to make eye contact while someone else is picked on like they're kids on a school yard, wondering why nobody will do something about it.
    That is the way a lot of things work. You never who who or when or if will make the difference. As an example: Ernesto Miranda.

  49. #49
    77 of the 86 commercial spots on Rush's show today were public service Ad council commercials. Ones that DON'T pay money. and this was on the flagship WABC:


  50. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    77 of the 86 commercial spots on Rush's show today were public service Ad council commercials. Ones that DON'T pay money. and this was on the flagship WABC:

    Jill, I heard this evening that he has lost about 50 paid sponsers including Home Depot and Geico. I am sure they are going to try to keep him on the air until this all blows over. If Rush does not pick up new sponsors to replace the ones he's lost, I would not be surprissed if he gets a wealthy benefactor such as the Koch Brothers.


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