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  1. #151
    ladonna Guest
    [QUOTE=BobC;92972]Ralph--thanks for putting up with us.[/QUOTE

    Yes, Ralph; thank you for putting up with us low lifes, cretins, and undesirables; we simply are not worthy! How DARE anyone question your omnipotence!! LOL! Who ARE these people?

  2. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by P-Shark: The Revenge View Post
    Soulster, when Juice typed you, he wasn't targeting you in particular, he meant you as in we. You're taking "you" literally. Reread again
    No, here's the part:

    And anyone calling themselves a ''peacemaker'' or a ''voice of reason'', or ''respected'' yet is ALWAYS amongst the first to take shots at people, while complaining about about the shots that their target takes at them & others, then guess what?

    You're anything but a ''peacemaker'' or ''reasonable''. You're just another shit-stirring pot calling the kettle black.

    And you're one of the reasons why things don't get better here. It won't get better because in truth, you don't really care if it does or doesn't.

  3. #153
    ladonna Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Ladonna, help me understand something. Why do you persist in playing games and wasting people's time here? That picture you have up on your profile here is the same tired picture that MissLish, aka Divilious, etc has been using for years on her profiles elsewhere and claiming that she is a "woman" living in Denver, Colorado. Why are you doing this? Ralph had to banned MissLish last year. Are you saying that you are MissLish?

    Ha! Ha! Once again, Marv2, your powers of deduction never fail to stun! Once Ralph and I have met, I'll let him inform you about my gender status. LOLOLOLOL!! Good try though! I'm sorry you didn't enjoy my profile photo, but I would hardly chaharacterize it as "tired." ;0)

  4. #154
    Well gang, I can only absorb so much fat-mouthing from someone who may not be who she says she is. I banned her....for life...I wonder who "she" will resurface as?

  5. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Well gang, I can only absorb so much fat-mouthing from someone who may not be who she says she is. I banned her....for life...I wonder who "she" will resurface as?
    Ralph this is who she "Ladonna" is! Aka MissLish. As bizarre as this is going to sound, it has been explained to me that "she" may not even be a "she" but a guy. I am not trying to understand people do this, try to destroy this forum.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  6. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Well gang, I can only absorb so much fat-mouthing from someone who may not be who she says she is. I banned her....for life...I wonder who "she" will resurface as?
    A screen name of "Miss Troll"?

  7. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    A screen name of "Miss Troll"?
    What a gentleman. NOT!!!!

  8. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    What a gentleman. NOT!!!!
    It was a joke!

  9. #159
    Yeah, I think we were being played. Juice, I don't understand it either. Kind of sad when you think about it.

  10. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    It was a joke!

    Calling someone a troll is not funny IMO.

    Seems like a lot of ganging up and sucking up paid off. Wonder who's next?


  11. #161

    Indeed I addressed you but when I did, I was responding to your addition about the removal of Diana Ross fans leading to an empty forum. That's why I opened my remarks with the references to The Supremes.

    Now as Marv said, I wasn't referring to you & perhaps the fact that I didn't separate my thoughts may have led you to believe otherwise & if so, I apologize for my lack of clarity. I thought that given the fact I spoke about this previously & have said similar words when these dust-ups occur, that it was rather clear the parties whom I was referring to. After all, we've had numerous dust-ups on this forum about this very same topic.

    I also thought that by referring to things which was going on in ''The Supremes'' thread it was clear that I was only referring to the people & their actions in that thread, people who tend to champion the banning of someone, let's say Marv, for example, while doing the SAME EXACT THINGS which they accuse him of doing.

    Now re-read what I wrote again & please explain to me how you could possibly believe that I'm going off on you for behavior that you didn't practice in the thread that I mentioned & I was very specific about it.

    Again, perhaps I assumed that everyone could connect the dots with this situation which has been occurring here for years. If my assuming otherwise led you to believe that I was referring to you in anything that I wrote aside from the remarks about The Supremes fans, then I apologize for being so vague about the matter. But in no way was I referring to you in my assessment.
    Last edited by juicefree20; 02-13-2012 at 06:34 PM. Reason: I hate spelling mistakes!

  12. #162

  13. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I don't think calling someone a troll is funny Ralph.

  14. #164

    Verbiage...I like that

    Either way here's the bottom line...you & others are guilty of practicing some stirring of your own & keeping the pot boiling. Perhaps if a few of you would simply refrain from keeping the fires going & act like the classy, intelligent & refined adults that I keep reading that you are, we could've put an end to this crap YEARS ago.

    But you don't, you won't & here we are bringing in yet another New Year, with the same old garbage. Where where I sit we call B.S. exactly what it is...B.S. And constantly carping to Ralph while doing the same thing[[s) that you accuse others of doing is exactly that...B.S.

    On another note, your complaint against Ralph is very vague. You still haven't pointed out what offense[[s) occurred, nor have you pointed out where. Now I'm pointing out specific things that I see and/or have witnessed. You tell me to re-read what you said in order to better comprehend what you've said But that's exactly the point...you aren't saying anything. You've levelled an accusation, but haven't defined what Ralph's offenses against you, nor anyone else. Perhaps if you were more specific about your gripe[[s), I could understand your point.

    On a brighter note, I didn't have to edit this message for excessive verbiage. Hopefully it will meet with your approval.
    Last edited by juicefree20; 02-13-2012 at 06:46 PM. Reason: See above^^^^

  15. #165

    Destroying the forum is a little deep. If this forum can be destroyed over arguments over musical groups, then we're in serious trouble.

  16. #166
    Ladonna, simmer down there, Sweetpants. Ralph has been very nice to me, and I think you secretly love him. You're just being coy.

  17. #167

    Nah...no one was played. It was nothing more than business as usual & if the person is indeed the same person that Marv says that they are, then both you & I both have been fried together in that particular wok years ago.

    And if what Marv says is correct, it's even funnier to consider that even though I've seen some pretty errr...unpleasant things written about myself there, that I never allowed what was written outside of these doors cause me to start an argument with them inside of these doors. In fact, considering that I personally read some of the less than nice things that was written about quite a few of us elsewhere, I've been quite cordial & didn't take any of it to heart.

    I don't know, I'm just not into writing or saying things over the internet that I couldn't say in public. Beyond that, I think that it's cowardly to talk about people or instigate a fight, if I'm not going to put my own name to it. If I feel a certain way about someone, I want them to know how I feel about it & not some unnamed pseudonym.

    Barring state secrets, if I'm going to say something over the internet that moves me to have to use a pseudonym, then most likely it's something that I really shouldn't be saying at all.

    But maybe it's just me.

  18. #168
    Those guys in the "Diana Ross" threads always refer to anyone with an opposing view of her as a "troll". Your friend RossHolloway routinely admonishes you all to "not to feed the trolls" and you say nothing. In fact, you are known for ganging up and piling on those you and the others disagree concerning "Miss Ross"! Miss Ross for pete sakes LOL! So don't even try it Roberta, you are looking pretty hypocritical here at this moment my friend.......

  19. #169
    Ok I should have said destroying the peace and tranquility of this forum by always personally attacking other forum members for not agreeing with them.

  20. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I don't think calling someone a troll is funny Ralph.
    RossHolloway :

    Senior Member Join Date Aug 2010
    Posts 646

    You really should just ignore the trolls, they just feed off of the attention that you give them.

    Originally Posted by Roberta75:

    There isn't a day goes passed that he doesn't talk about Diane Ross but he doesn't care. Right. LOL

    Now Roberta the above is just one example. If you really feel the way that you say you feel about people calling others "trolls", then why didn't you say something against it in your conversation with RossHolloway? Your "LOL" at the end of your response here to RossHolloway looks like you are laughing about his calling someone a "troll".

    Last edited by marv2; 02-13-2012 at 07:17 PM.

  21. #171
    I haven't seen this much activity on this forum in one day since I can remember!

  22. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Calling someone a troll is not funny IMO.
    It is when it's the truth.

  23. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post

    Indeed I addressed you but when I did, I was responding to your addition about the removal of Diana Ross fans leading to an empty forum. That's why I opened my remarks with the references to The Supremes.
    It was in jest, but probably not too far from the truth. I guess not too many people have a sense of humor around here.

  24. #174
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post

    Indeed I addressed you but when I did, I was responding to your addition about the removal of Diana Ross fans leading to an empty forum. That's why I opened my remarks with the references to The Supremes.

    Now as Marv said, I wasn't referring to you & perhaps the fact that I didn't separate my thoughts may have led you to believe otherwise & if so, I apologize for my lack of clarity. I thought that given the fact I spoke about this previously & have said similar words when these dust-ups occur, that it was rather clear the parties whom I was referring to. After all, we've had numerous dust-ups on this forum about this very same topic.

    I also thought that by referring to things which was going on in ''The Supremes'' thread it was clear that I was only referring to the people & their actions in that thread, people who tend to champion the banning of someone, let's say Marv, for example, while doing the SAME EXACT THINGS which they accuse him of doing.

    Now re-read what I wrote again & please explain to me how you could possibly believe that I'm going off on you for behavior that you didn't practice in the thread that I mentioned & I was very specific about it.

    Again, perhaps I assumed that everyone could connect the dots with this situation which has been occurring here for years. If my assuming otherwise led you to believe that I was referring to you in anything that I wrote aside from the remarks about The Supremes fans, then I apologize for being so vague about the matter. But in no way was I referring to you in my assessment.
    As you just stated, it was the way in which your thoughts weren't separated.

    I don't pay too much attention to those Supremes threads, but since it was mentioned, I thought i'd take a look at the thread in question and did add a couple of remarks. I got it out of my system for a while.

    We can't get rid of the Supremes fans, and I don't like to see people banned unless they are absolute trolls or totally disruptive. Even then, I like to see the mod work with them first. If it were, say, The Beatles, i'd feel the same way.

  25. #175
    I feel like I'm in some bizarre psychology experiment. Are you all actually reading these paragraphs-long diatribes? I mean, seriously? I could never drum up that kind of enthusiasm for something so pointless.

    If somebody's posts annoy you, don't read them. I mean who cares?

  26. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    As you just stated, it was the way in which your thoughts weren't separated.

    I don't pay too much attention to those Supremes threads, but since it was mentioned, I thought i'd take a look at the thread in question and did add a couple of remarks. I got it out of my system for a while.

    We can't get rid of the Supremes fans, and I don't like to see people banned unless they are absolute trolls or totally disruptive. Even then, I like to see the mod work with them first. If it were, say, The Beatles, i'd feel the same way.

    Soulster, he worked with her. She was banned before for cursing him out!

  27. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by BobC View Post
    Ladonna, simmer down there, Sweetpants. Ralph has been very nice to me, and I think you secretly love him. You're just being coy.
    Well I must admit I do have a hankering for a strong powerful man with nice feet BobC.


  28. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    As you just stated, it was the way in which your thoughts weren't separated.

    I don't pay too much attention to those Supremes threads, but since it was mentioned, I thought i'd take a look at the thread in question and did add a couple of remarks. I got it out of my system for a while.

    We can't get rid of the Supremes fans, and I don't like to see people banned unless they are absolute trolls or totally disruptive. Even then, I like to see the mod work with them first. If it were, say, The Beatles, i'd feel the same way.
    Thank you for that Soulster. I agree with you about banning people. We must counsel and work with Supremes fans to help show them a better way of communicating. Rehabilitation is the pathway to leading a peaceful and enriched life.


  29. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Well I must admit I do have a hankering for a strong powerful man with nice feet BobC.

    Don't they make foot spray for strong feet? Oh wait....I misread what you wrote. Hahahahah!!! I kid!

  30. #180

    You do a great job as it is.

    Life is life.

    as Eddie Kendricks said "Keep On Truckin'"


  31. #181
    Thank you edafan. I will do just that.

  32. #182
    Talk about time to close down a thread. Enough already...

  33. #183
    Yeah, I think we took his about as far as needed. I'm closing it down. Thanks everyone for participating.


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