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  1. #101

    Moderating a forum is easy??? Do you really believe that?

    The truth is that one of the most difficult job of ANY manager is the MODERATING of people.

    There are just too many personalities, too many quirks & as pointed out earlier, you simply can't deal with everyone exactly the same way, no more than you can deal with every employee,nor every family member the same way.

    A person who deals with EVERYONE the same exact way runs the risk of being too rigid, unyielding, unwilling to compromise & those aren't desirable traits in this day & age.

    I had a very short-lived forum & the hardest thing in the world is when YOUR FRIENDS can't put THEIR egos aside for even 3 minutes, then you have to figure out a way to appease everyone, as they're all your friends. And lo & behold, there'll always be one whom no matter how many times you speak with them privately simply CANNOT restrain themselves in any shape, way or form & therein the problem lies. When your friends won't try to make your life easier, what can you expect from anyone else?

    Yet we blame the kids for being so warped & out-of-step with all that's righteous. I wonder why? 40 & 50 years-olds come here & have been playing out the internet version of "The Bloods Vs. The Crips'' over music, but the kids have it all wrong for acting as they do.


    My problem with understanding your situation is that it's vague in nature. You're levelling a charge & I haven't an idea as to what you're referring to.

    Now if you're suggesting that Ralph is unfair, I don't know that I'll agree. And if you're suggesting that Ralph favors his "buddies", I'll point out that most of us are wired that way. I'll also point out that Ralph & I have been more than friendly for quite some time now. Despite this, there was a situation where I thought that a fellow forumer wasgoing out of their way to post inflammatory & somewhat racist posts abput President Obama, despite our friendship, he didnt jump on my bandwagon & jump over that forumer as I publicly suggested that he should.

    And I didn't get mad at Ralph, nor decide he was no longer a "good" guy. Ralph had his opinion, I had mine & when all was said & done, it was Ralph's call to make & I was cool with that. I didn't agree, but I wasn't going to declare him "Public Enemy # 1" for not agreeing with me.

    Now there was a time here when I saw people baited in plain sight, then when they responded, a cry for their banishment would arise. There was a time here when if ''certain'people didn't like you, you were as good as gone. Myself & a few others were almost victimized by this on one occasion, over a joke thread & on another occasion, because we all didn't salute a certain project. It was said that if we didn't speak out in support of this project that we should be banned & the fact that we didn't bow down in support of a few involved only made the cry louder.

    THAT'S how it USED to be here at times & most long-time members here know exactly what I'm speaking of.

    And how can Ralph ever please everyone when I myself have seen people complaining about the behavior of SOME members, when they are guilty of baiting said member[[s) & starting arguments themselves?

    And most often, it's been those members whom have been crying out to Ralph to ban others, despite the fact that the pages of this forum have often proven them to be the stirrers of the drink. Not to mention a few of their more errr..."RESPECTED" members, one of whom in my mind comes here as nothing less than a wolf in sheeps clothing, given their propensity to make excuse for the behavior of a few [[chalking their behavior up to being merely ''jokes'), while curiously always finding themselves in the position of stirring up quite a few gallons of manure in their own right.

    I digress...

    Exactly how should Ralph proceed given the tendency of some to act up, then reappear under new pseudonyms? Personally speaking, folks should be quite happy that Ralph's running things because i'd have drop-kicked several people from here a long time ago, ESPECIALLY the folks who stir manure while attempting to tell us whom are "voices of reason", while kicking around mucho doo-doo themselves on the sneak.

    After 5 or 6 years, it's gets rather tiresome watching the SAME exact people having the SAME exact arguments over the same B.S. over & over & over & over & over...

    Personally, I just don't have that kind of patience for foolishness. There's a real world out here with REAL problems.

    TO my obviously warped way of thinking, my favorite singer just doesn't factor into the problems of the world, which is something which some here have decided to turn into their own internet version of "War & Peace" or The hatfields Vs The McCoys.

    Just strikes me that somepriorities need some serious reassessment, is all.

    Again, just one persons opinion.
    Last edited by juicefree20; 02-13-2012 at 01:45 AM.

  2. #102
    whoa, you're quick...jumped to page 3 before I knew it...let me try this again...hahaha

    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    ....good to see you Juice, you and your post have been sorely missed. Hope all is well.

  3. #103
    ladonna Guest
    Sorry, Juice; I've done it before. Pretty simple. Set the ground rules, and dole them out fairly and equally. Simple. Of course, like I've stated, many folks will make even the most simple of tasks complicated. I think it is because many folks don't feel empowered and/or validated in their personal lives.

  4. #104

    My point exactly!

  5. #105
    Ms. M:

    Good to see you & all is as good as can be asked for.

    On another note, I'm sorry that I missed Ronnie last weekend. If I had found out a bit earlier I would've made arrangements to be there, if only to say ''hi''.

  6. #106
    My bad Juice I should have contacted you. HE NEEDS TO CALL YOU anyway and I got on him about that!!!!!

  7. #107
    Ms. m:

    I understand everything perfectly & Ronnie Mac is as good as gold with me

  8. #108
    I know Juice but still....

    listen, give me a call when you can, we're do for a catch up session anyway.

  9. #109
    and that would be "due"....hahahaha

    some things never change

  10. #110

    I lost the post that I was going to write. I'll still say that moderating can be a slippery slope & frankly, can be a frustrating, time-consuming & ultimately, a thankless job. Sometimesit's difficult to moderate a family of four, how much more a forum of thousands?

    Here's the "Cliff's Notes" of my stricken post...

    I believe that if you check back through the archives, you'll discover that Ralph has usually been fair & balanced & has usually allowed people to police themselves. If he appears to be different these days it's likely because hes fed-up with certain folks & their behavior.

    And remember too, not everyone does their dirt or create trouble while screaming, cursing or using a hammer. Some do it concealed with a velvet glove, some do it with a smile. Some do it using a hairpin, but a hairpin inserted into the spine still elicits the desired effect.

    I'm not sure where this particular problem stems from, but I can truthfully say that I've been around since the days when all that it took to get railroaded out of here was to anger the wrong person by simply responding back to the in the same manner in which they responded to you. There was a time here when you were supposed to know "your place" & bow down to the proper authorities & anything less than self-emasculation was tantamount to having a bulls-eye planted firmly on your back.

    I saw that happen to others, which is how I learned how to avoid the one painted on my own back.

    After all that I've seen in 9+ years here, I simply don't believe that you give Ralph enough credit. Truth-be-told, things here are more fair & balanced now than they were in 2005 or 2006.

    Ask me & a few others [[2 whom had their accounts jacked) how we know. And 'fair'' & ''balanced'' as things were back then, we would've been banned had if not been for Ralph's own sense of fairness, an act which cost him several errr...''friends". It seems that a person can back folks 99 times out of 100, but the one time those same folks don't get their way, all that anyone ever chooses to remember is the one time that they didn't get their way & now that same person is now a ''bum''. People tend to be that way sometimes.

    You may not agree with some of his decisions, but a man who has no sense of fairness simply doesn't risk alienating friends & people whom he's worked with by standing up for others when they're right.

    T'was not always so around these parts & I have the threads that prove it.

  11. #111
    Ms. M:

    As I said, you & Ronnie Mac are good as gold with me. Don't even sweat it, it's not that serious. As they say, ish happens

  12. #112
    Ms. M...

    Cool. Ill give you a ring tomorrow. I went to The 70's Soul Jam yesterday & had to set someone right about some info that they had been told. More about that tomorrow.

  13. #113
    LOL....I got that part but seriously, we really are due ...actually overdue for a catch up session....lots happening...ya dig?

  14. #114
    okee dokee...have to monitor an interview @ 2 and will be tied up for about 30-40 mins or so but after that it's all good.

  15. #115
    Cool. Consider it a date

  16. #116
    If Ralph were to get help moderating, I would suggest that he get someone who doesn't have any friends, or isn't part of the few cliques around here. That's a tough one because that person would still have to know the people and the culture. But, this kind of brings it back around to defining the rules in explicit terms and abiding by them. A lager forum kind of demands more stringent guidelines.

    Juice, the same people who act as the voice of reason and act humble are the same pot-stirrers. Perhaps they are pitching for a moderator job with the smile on their face and a knife in the hand hidden behind the back.

    I have bona-fide suggestions and opinions, but have well-confessed my impatience with a certain band of people, whom act more like trolls.

    As to people having differences, I think people should attempt to address specific issues that hurt them and work them out. It's not immature to feel hurt by others. It is not immature to have a desire to resolve issues with other members or even the moderator.

  17. #117
    WOW! The thread had grown since I left it last night.
    Ladonna, I don't think you could handle the moderating job here. I'm not trying to put you down [[as you do me) its just that this place takes a certain amount of finesse to run that can only be learned over time. And I've put in the time. I would never compare myself to President Obama, but when he mentioned that he was getting better at his job, I could relate. There were times in the past that I later realized I could have done things better or maybe said something a little different, but I am, after all, human. You keep mentioning that I don't know the rules. That makes me smile. The rules are really quite simple when boiled down to their basic nature. Behave like an adult. How tough is that?
    The people you see on this thread supporting me have been my friends for a very good while now, and its not like we have'nt bumped into one another along the way. Ask Ms.M. She was the most worthy opponent that you would never get close to being. That girl can dance. You have two left feet, so to speak. That probably goes, pretty much, with all that have posted on this thread. You're just not in their league and therefore I would never hire you as a moderator.
    I did take the time to check your profile and noticed you live in San Francisco. A mere stone's throw from me in Monterey. If you come down this way from time to time, I would love meeting you somewhere for coffee and a good face to face knock down drag out, but still no job offer.
    Once again, to all my friends who have given me their support, a very heartfelt thank you.

  18. #118
    Why do people take this crap so seriously? It's an internet forum--that's all it is.

  19. #119
    So true, Bob. So true.

  20. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    So true, Bob. So true.
    But its not just an internet forum it's an M&S [[Motown and Soul) Internet Forum!!


    P.S. .. you probably have to be British to understand the joke, so here is a clue for the rest of you ..


  21. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by roger View Post
    But its not just an internet forum it's an M&S [[Motown and Soul) Internet Forum!!


    P.S. .. you probably have to be British to understand the joke, so here is a clue for the rest of you ..


    I still don't get it.

  22. #122
    I hang out in fossil hunting forums, True Crime forums, and music forums--and believe it or not fighting goes on in all of them. I just ignore it--unless its comical. Fossil hunters are the most pretentious, egotistical people you'll ever hear braying on a forum. They all know EVERYTHING.

  23. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by BobC View Post
    I hang out in fossil hunting forums, True Crime forums, and music forums--and believe it or not fighting goes on in all of them. I just ignore it--unless its comical. Fossil hunters are the most pretentious, egotistical people you'll ever hear braying on a forum. They all know EVERYTHING.
    I personally know one. He's my eighth-grade social studies and drama teacher. But, he's a cool guy.

    Your link was that of a clothes store or something. That's what I didn't get.

  24. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I still don't get it.
    Aha Soulster .. M&S have food halls that sell very good quality [[if pricy) food and have had a long running UK TV Ad campaign in which it is explained that, for example, the tub of blueberries is "not just a tub of blueberries, it's a tub of M&S blueberries" or the creme caramel dessert "isn't just a creme caramel dessert it's an M&S creme caramel dessert" .. and so on .. and so on ..


  25. #125

    I just wanted to point out something which will underscore some of the points that I've been trying to make here.

    I've been away from the forum lately, so I decided to visit the "Motown" section, the "Diana Ross Receives Grammy" thread specifically, which I knew would serve to prove my point. As usual, those Motown threads are the gift that keeps giving.

    You're saying that Ralph doesnt apply rules evenly & fairly, yet in that thread, on the one page that I read both you & another individual chose to call out a fellow forumer in that thread. When I live, that is generally regarded as a practice known as "baiting", something designed to either cause embarrassment for someone or to elicit a negative response from that person.

    The point being is how can you complain about the stench coming from another when your own hands are covered with shit right up to the elbows? How anyone complain about Ralph when they obviously enjoy playing the game of "Tit For Tat" themselves? HelenKellerin braille can see the digs being taken in that thread, yet Ralph's said nothing. He said nothing to you, said nothing to anyone else. And while Marv made a statement about Clive's party being a yearly event, I don't see where he called out any specific forum member, nor somuch as uttered any specific forum member by name.

    Can you say the same thing?

    You're asserting that Ralph's not applying the same rules evenly & equally. But even though you & others took DIRECT shots & digs at Marv, from your posts last night I can see that as ''unfair'' as Ralph is you're still here, Marv's still here & so are those who took their digs at Marv directly.

    It simply seems to me that it's more than a little hypocritical for anyone to scream about ''injustice'' when they're willing participants in misbehavior themselves.

    So I guess that my question then becomes, upon which of those who took clear digs at Marv in that thread should Ralph begin dispensing ''equal'' justice?

    From where I sit all of this appears to be a case of "hit dog holler''. Nothing less & nothing more.

    Truthfully, the biggest problem with all of this is simply that some 40 - 50 year-olds simply haven't come to grips with the fact that it's possible to be a fan without behaving as FANATICS & those five letters at the end makes all of the difference in the world. Artists love fans, fanatics...not so much because fanatics sometimes fail to recognize where the real world ends & where fantasy begins.

    It's a sobering thought to consider that John Lennon & Selena [[just to name two) were murdered by one of their ''fans''. I believe that if either could speak today, they'd wish that that ''fan'' had loved them just a little less & David Bowie or Esmeralda Espana just a little bit more.

    Be it Marvin Gaye, The Temptations or Rockwell, given the many great artistswho've passed through the doors of Hitsville, 900 threads about any ONE Motown artist is a bit scary to me.

  26. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by roger View Post
    Aha Soulster .. M&S have food halls that sell very good quality [[if pricy) food and have had a long running UK TV Ad campaign in which it is explained that, for example, the tub of blueberries is "not just a tub of blueberries, it's a tub of M&S blueberries" or the creme caramel dessert "isn't just a creme caramel dessert it's an M&S creme caramel dessert" .. and so on .. and so on ..

    I guess you do have to be British to "get it"...

  27. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post
    Truthfully, the biggest problem with all of this is simply that some 40 - 50 year-olds simply haven't come to grips with the fact that it's possible to be a fan without behaving as FANATICS & those five letters at the end makes all of the difference in the world. Artists love fans, fanatics...not so much because fanatics sometimes fail to recognize where the real world ends & where fantasy begins.

    It's a sobering thought to consider that John Lennon & Selena [[just to name two) were murdered by one of their ''fans''. I believe that if either could speak today, they'd wish that that ''fan'' had loved them just a little less & David Bowie or Esmeralda Espana just a little bit more.

    Be it Marvin Gaye, The Temptations or Rockwell, given the many great artistswho've passed through the doors of Hitsville, 900 threads about any ONE Motown artist is a bit scary to me.
    Beautifully written!

    You know, if you put all of the Diana Ross fans on your ignore list, the forum would shrink.
    Last edited by soulster; 02-13-2012 at 01:59 PM.

  28. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post

    I just wanted to point out something which will underscore some of the points that I've been trying to make here.

    I've been away from the forum lately, so I decided to visit the "Motown" section, the "Diana Ross Receives Grammy" thread specifically, which I knew would serve to prove my point. As usual, those Motown threads are the gift that keeps giving.

    You're saying that Ralph doesnt apply rules evenly & fairly, yet in that thread, on the one page that I read both you & another individual chose to call out a fellow forumer in that thread. When I live, that is generally regarded as a practice known as "baiting", something designed to either cause embarrassment for someone or to elicit a negative response from that person.

    The point being is how can you complain about the stench coming from another when your own hands are covered with shit right up to the elbows? How anyone complain about Ralph when they obviously enjoy playing the game of "Tit For Tat" themselves? HelenKellerin braille can see the digs being taken in that thread, yet Ralph's said nothing. He said nothing to you, said nothing to anyone else. And while Marv made a statement about Clive's party being a yearly event, I don't see where he called out any specific forum member, nor somuch as uttered any specific forum member by name.

    Can you say the same thing?

    You're asserting that Ralph's not applying the same rules evenly & equally. But even though you & others took DIRECT shots & digs at Marv, from your posts last night I can see that as ''unfair'' as Ralph is you're still here, Marv's still here & so are those who took their digs at Marv directly.

    It simply seems to me that it's more than a little hypocritical for anyone to scream about ''injustice'' when they're willing participants in misbehavior themselves.

    So I guess that my question then becomes, upon which of those who took clear digs at Marv in that thread should Ralph begin dispensing ''equal'' justice?

    From where I sit all of this appears to be a case of "hit dog holler''. Nothing less & nothing more.

    Truthfully, the biggest problem with all of this is simply that some 40 - 50 year-olds simply haven't come to grips with the fact that it's possible to be a fan without behaving as FANATICS & those five letters at the end makes all of the difference in the world. Artists love fans, fanatics...not so much because fanatics sometimes fail to recognize where the real world ends & where fantasy begins.

    It's a sobering thought to consider that John Lennon & Selena [[just to name two) were murdered by one of their ''fans''. I believe that if either could speak today, they'd wish that that ''fan'' had loved them just a little less & David Bowie or Esmeralda Espana just a little bit more.

    Be it Marvin Gaye, The Temptations or Rockwell, given the many great artistswho've passed through the doors of Hitsville, 900 threads about any ONE Motown artist is a bit scary to me.

    As they say in some churches when the truth has clearly been spoken, "WELL".............

  29. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Beautifully written!
    I am telling you. He is truly amazing that's why I wished he'd post more often!

  30. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Behave like an adult.

    The thread was :Site's Rules of Conduct? It's a perfect reply Ralph !

  31. #131
    It sure isn't rocket science, Phil. Except maybe to a select few.

  32. #132
    Hey Juice,
    I gotta be straight up honest with you. I haven't looked at any of the Diana Ross threads. I rarely check out any Supremes thread either. I know what trouble lurks within, and usually rely on forum members to alert me of a problem. Which, in a sense, settles the moderator question. You are all moderators and those of you that treat this place with respect will not stand for someone to mess it up. This has been working rather well and I urge all members to feel free to contact me when the fog comes in.

  33. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by ladonna View Post
    Oh! If photos count, mine is on my profile; although, I hardly see the relevance to this thread, soulster.

    Thanks for the shout out, but let's not get dramatic, no one is trying to force anything. I am simply offering up a few ideas that could make the SDF experience more enjoyable for all. Are y'all this defensive in your personal lives.

    Once again, Ralph; if you need a break, I'm your gal!
    Ladonna, help me understand something. Why do you persist in playing games and wasting people's time here? That picture you have up on your profile here is the same tired picture that MissLish, aka Divilious, etc has been using for years on her profiles elsewhere and claiming that she is a "woman" living in Denver, Colorado. Why are you doing this? Ralph had to banned MissLish last year. Are you saying that you are MissLish?

  34. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Hey Juice,
    I gotta be straight up honest with you. I haven't looked at any of the Diana Ross threads. I rarely check out any Supremes thread either. I know what trouble lurks within, and usually rely on forum members to alert me of a problem. Which, in a sense, settles the moderator question. You are all moderators and those of you that treat this place with respect will not stand for someone to mess it up. This has been working rather well and I urge all members to feel free to contact me when the fog comes in.
    I did say earlier that I feel it is a member's responsibility to report issues. If someone doesn't report a problem, it means that they either want to see the trainwreck, or they plan to participate in it. The problem is that too many of the good people just back away and stay quiet, thinking that silence and ignoring things work.

  35. #135

    Personally, I have nothing against Diana Ross, nor most Diana Ross fans. Diana Ross deserves her props because Diana's record of achievement speaks for itself & there's nothing that can be said on an internet forum which will, nor could ever change that. Diana Ross needs no defending from anyone here as her accomplishments are written in stone. Though times change & sand shifts, as regards the world of entertainment, as well the era in which Diana helped to make a small label in Detroit the fulcrum of class, taste, style & great music, Diana, Flo, Mary & even Cindy as a collective will always be BIG NEWS. They've earned that stature & earned it the hard way.

    My thing is that I guess that I was just too young to fixate on any one Supreme, I loved them all & believed that ALL of them were important.And being a young boy back then, I was never oohing & ahhing over the gowns that they wore, or their jewels. I just never viewed them in that light. All that I know is that in a world full of Angels & Shangri-Las, I finally saw 3 girls who looked as though they could've been my cousins or aunts, on-stage, singing great, looking fine & doing their damn thing.

    THAT was what made them special for me. The fact that thousands of girls could turn on Hollywood Palace, Ed Sullivan or Shindig & see 3 young ladies whom looked like them, whom could make them believe that their dreams could also come true. The Supremes....ALL of The Supremes were a tremendous source of pride, just as were their male counterparts, The Temptations. And during that time frame, in that crazy era of American history, they helped to knock down racial barriers which certainly helped some previously unenlightened people view us in a different light & that was no small feat.

    The only problem that I really have with Supreme fans, as I do with other groups is this inane ide that every song that emanated from their lips is a thing of perfection, that out of the hundreds of songs that they've released, that EVERY one of them have been knocked out of the park. More than that, I dislike the idea that should anyone actually say this, they get offended as though you've molested the family dog & the town virgin & then want to have a big fight. If so, here's one for you...

    I DON'T like every song that they've ever recorded, no more than I like every song that folks such as Sam Cooke, James Brown, The Temptations or even The Dells made. I was a James Brown fan & when I was about 9 years-old, I would've argued with anyone who would've dared to say such a thing. How dare they. But guess what...

    I'm not 9 years-old anymore, neither is anyone else here & the calendar now says 2012, which renders my immaturity & everyone else's to be at least 3 decades beyond its need to exist. Martial law won't be declared should any of us acknowledge that our favorite artist has flaws or shows signs of NORMAL human frailty, traits which all of us humans suffer with. It's that very inability to admit such which always drags these discussions down to the level of 3rd graders arguing that ''my dad's bigger than your dad'' crap.

    What it comes down to is this...I'm not perfect, my mama ain't perfect, my daddy sure ain't perfect & neither are any of us, INCLUDING the stars whom we love. We're all flesh & blood who've lived or are living in a very cold, unfriendly & very contentious world, trying to make it the best way that we know how.

    Most times, it's not what you SAY that defines you, but rather what you DO that does. And as I've said here on many occasions, there are exactly ZERO innocents here. At times, not even myself. The truth is that you are what your actions prove you to be. And anyone calling themselves a ''peacemaker'' or a ''voice of reason'', or ''respected'' yet is ALWAYS amongst the first to take shots at people, while complaining about about the shots that their target takes at them & others, then guess what?

    You're anything but a ''peacemaker'' or ''reasonable''. You're just another shit-stirring pot calling the kettle black.

    And you're one of the reasons why things don't get better here. It won't get better because in truth, you don't really care if it does or doesn't.

    It's bad enough to see teenagers trying to raise their idols [[which is a VERY bad descriptive to begin with) to the level of ''Gods'' & 'Goddesses".If that is true, then how much worse is it for 40 to 60 year-old whom otherwise consider themselves to be rational, reasonable, intelligent & [[watch for the hook...)MATURE adults to behave in such a manner?

    Of course, I don't expect anyone to actually cop to this, nor admit, much less change their behavior. But then again, why would I expect a baby not to cry, a wolf not to howl or a cow not to moo?

    Sometimes, it is what is is. But what I will say is that Ralph shouldn't need to ban anyone & he shouldn't need to tell grown folks how to act. The mere suggestion that Ralph should have to oversee the same few people over & over & the fact that some of the people who have been crying out for regulation while damn near ALWAYS being amongst the first to willing cast the first stone is indictment enough for most of us. The idea that Ralph should have to oversee anyone should be offensive to us all. Especially when often times the ones calling for his intervention are guilty of committing the same offenses. Sorry, but that's simply hypocritical.

    Especially since one of the stirrers has never seen an opportunity to take their own shots that they'd pass up. And THAT, ladies & gentlemen only ensures that the proverbial shit will continue to flow.

    And so it goes
    Last edited by juicefree20; 02-13-2012 at 04:05 PM.

  36. #136
    By the way Ralph, I want you to know that i didn't bring that thread up in order to call it to your attention, as it's really not that severe. I brought up that thread simply to make a point, the point being that while you're being accused of not employing a level playing field, that folks are somewhat in violation of the very "Terms & Conditions" that they want you to enforce across the board for all.

    I just found it to be a bit ironic, that's all.

  37. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by roger View Post
    Aha Soulster .. M&S have food halls that sell very good quality [[if pricy) food and have had a long running UK TV Ad campaign in which it is explained that, for example, the tub of blueberries is "not just a tub of blueberries, it's a tub of M&S blueberries" or the creme caramel dessert "isn't just a creme caramel dessert it's an M&S creme caramel dessert" .. and so on .. and so on ..

    Or put another [[British) way - If Carlsberg did Motown Internet Forums, they'd be the best Motown Internet Forums in the world!

  38. #138

    The truth of the matter is that I've had to scale everything back a great deal because I need to keep a closer eye on my mother. Between everyone's schedule, plus spending as much time as is humanly possible with my grandson, I just have to put a lot of things on the backburner for now & that included shows. I went to The Beacon the other day, but I was determined to make that a date with my lady, as I'm sure that it's no fun for her to watch a show by herself while I'm all over the place shooting a show.

    Because of this, I'm not really in a music frame of mind & in terms of meaningful contributions, would leave me with very little to offer right now. Cmbined with the usual bluster & assorted B.S. found on the internet these days, I'm just not in an internet chat frame of mind these days.

    Which is why I'm rarely here nor on Facebook very often these days.

    It could be that after 9 years of non-stop internet, I simply need to be away from it for awhile.

  39. #139
    Ralph--thanks for putting up with us.

  40. #140
    Hold on, Juice!

    Don't go off on me now! I really think you have misinterpreted what I have written about "peacemakers" and "pot stirrers", didn't read my post carefully, or are confusing me with someone else. I also never claimed to be innocent. Keep it straight, bro! Although some of us are praising you with wise words, you too are also coming off as some sort of "voice of reason". I also don't think you have the right to judge my intent or frame of mind regarding what I think I want to get better around here. I'm glad to know you know more about me than myself. You're right. You aren't perfect, either.

    I have admitted I am no saint, but, neither are you. I like and respect you, but cut the high and mighty crap.

    Now: I don't have a problem with Diana Ross either. I am just annoyed by the level of fanaticism of her fans on this forum, and that goes for any artist on any forum. Sorry. Sometimes I do post about it all in jest, but they really DO get on my nevres. It's ALWAYS about Diana Ross & The Supremes or Mary Wilson!

    I was about the same age as you during the 60s. I didn't care who sang what, what they looked like, or anything else but their music. I cared about the songs. Period.
    Last edited by soulster; 02-13-2012 at 04:43 PM. Reason: clarity, punctuation

  41. #141
    selinasian Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Hotspurman View Post
    Or put another [[British) way - If Carlsberg did Motown Internet Forums, they'd be the best Motown Internet Forums in the world!
    I'm just partaking of a Carlsberg myself.

  42. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post

    The truth of the matter is that I've had to scale everything back a great deal because I need to keep a closer eye on my mother. Between everyone's schedule, plus spending as much time as is humanly possible with my grandson, I just have to put a lot of things on the backburner for now & that included shows. I went to The Beacon the other day, but I was determined to make that a date with my lady, as I'm sure that it's no fun for her to watch a show by herself while I'm all over the place shooting a show.

    Because of this, I'm not really in a music frame of mind & in terms of meaningful contributions, would leave me with very little to offer right now. Cmbined with the usual bluster & assorted B.S. found on the internet these days, I'm just not in an internet chat frame of mind these days.

    Which is why I'm rarely here nor on Facebook very often these days.

    It could be that after 9 years of non-stop internet, I simply need to be away from it for awhile.
    Well ok then. I do understand all of that and hope that your Mom is doing well. How is big boy? Your grandson? Walking yet?

  43. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Hold on, Juice!

    Don't go off on me now! I really think you have misinterpreted what I have written about "peacemakers" and "pot stirrers", didn't read my post carefully, or are confusing me with someone else. I also never claimed to be innocent. Keep it straight, bro! Although some of us are praising you with wise words, you too are also coming off as some sort of "voice of reason". I also don't think you have the right to judge my intent or frame of mind regarding what I think I want to get better around here. I'm glad to know you know more about me than myself. You're right. You aren't perfect, either.

    I have admitted I am no saint, but, neither are you. I like and respect you, but cut the high and mighty crap.

    Now: I don't have a problem with Diana Ross either. I am just annoyed by the level of fanaticism of her fans on this forum, and that goes for any artist on any forum. Sorry. Sometimes I do post about it all in jest, but they really DO get on my nevres. It's ALWAYS about Diana Ross & The Supremes or Mary Wilson!

    I was about the same age as you during the 60s. I didn't care who sang what, what they looked like, or anything else but their music. I cared about the songs. Period.

    Soulster, I can promise you that he is not referring to you. I know exactly whom he is speaking about.

  44. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Soulster, I can promise you that he is not referring to you. I know exactly whom he is speaking about.
    Oh no! He addressed his post to ME. But, that's OK. I'm used to people going after me. I've administered it, I can take it...when it's deserved. But, there are others who have shown me that they can't take what they dish very well.

    Last week, or so, I was on a thread where I honestly wanted to know why this forum had an large population of a certain group of people here. Apparently, some saw that as offensive and complained, so Ralph removed it , but I was not trying to be offensive in any way. I seriously wanted to know. Only one person was willing to give me some insight. That was not pot-stirring. It's just that this whole Supremes/Ross-obsession mystifies me. I really do not understand the level of obsession towards those, and certain other famous women. I am not in that world, so I don't know.

  45. #145
    ladonna Guest
    Sorry Ralph ; that was a put down; you know very little about me or my abilities, and yet once again, you appear to arbitrairily reach a conclusion. I mentioned that you didn't know the ause you made that declaration yourself. LOL!! Seriously, how can any one be effective if the are unaware of the guidelines? LOL! Starting to be redundant.

    Amend let's be clear, I actually have no interest in being an moderator here, but. Soulster challenged me if I thought I could do a better job, and he is absolutely correct, if I gonna raise the issue, I had better be ready to walk the walk. I am; the offer still stands.

    I am not often in Monterey; however, I am in Los Angeles, and maintain a residence in NYC

  46. #146
    ladonna Guest
    I am in Los Angeles quite often, and maintain a residence in NYC; are you ever in the San Francisco area? We should exchange contact info; I'd love to meet you ..

  47. #147
    It's good for one to know one's limits and shortcomings.

  48. #148
    ladonna Guest
    Bob C.? I can't speak for everyone, but Ralph was very rude to me when I first joined, I have also witnessed home being rude to others; I take that seriously. Coming from a member, I wouldn't take it as seriously, but from the site's moderator; not cool.

  49. #149
    Soulster, when Juice typed you, he wasn't targeting you in particular, he meant you as in we. You're taking "you" literally. Reread again
    Most times, it's not what you SAY that defines you, but rather what you DO that does. And as I've said here on many occasions, there are exactly ZERO innocents here. At times, not even myself. The truth is that you are what your actions prove you to be. And anyone calling themselves a ''peacemaker'' or a ''voice of reason'', or ''respected'' yet is ALWAYS amongst the first to take shots at people, while complaining about about the shots that their target takes at them & others, then guess what?

    You're anything but a ''peacemaker'' or ''reasonable''. You're just another shit-stirring pot calling the kettle black.

    And you're one of the reasons why things don't get better here. It won't get better because in truth, you don't really care if it does or doesn't.

  50. #150
    ladonna Guest
    Juice, after wading through your verbiage, you have completely missed my point, as have most of the posters on this thread. I would invite all of you to re-read what I've said. My points are twofold and simple. I have stated them more than enough; please do try to read for comprehension.


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