i've never seen the edited footage, nor was i present in the auditorium that evening. IMO there was plenty of blame for an array of people

there have been different accounts of the physical altercation between M and D. according to Mary, Diana used enough force to qualify for an Ultimate Fighting Champion. according to Suzanne and Randy, it was more like a "hey - you're supposed to be over here." i don't disagree that physical contact between performers onstage is an absolute no no. and same with the wrist grabbing/mic/it's been taken care of situation that came a little later. So Diana is definitely in the wrong here

suzanne should have been more prepared - why wasn't the medley provided to the women prior? cutting it was just the wrong decision. they cite the lateness of the hour but i seriously doubt many of the other acts had hours and hours of rehearsal. why didn't they just use the Greatest Hits medley that Diana had been using in her own shows. at least that arrangement would have been familiar to her, the charts would have been ready, M and C really don't have all that difficult of material to work with so i would think they'd be able to either pick it up quickly or just fudge it. also the dismissive way she seems to have treated M and C - shame on her!

Mary - she displayed an amazing amount of unprofessionalism this evening. if she was so upset about the cutting of the medley, why didn't she speak up? why would she plan these secretive ideas of singing super low in sound check and purposely ignoring the planned choreography and where her marks were? and even if she "picked up" the lead when Diana seemed lost, hand it back or share it. mary had done more than enough tv and live performances to know how to handle when something goes wrong. or did she just take hold of the lead and sing it herself in order to grandstand and make a scene for herself on national tv? whatever the reason, mary was a far more gifted and talented performer to let her personal feelings influence her behavior that night. she would late remark how Diana had tarnished the Sups reputation of being all smiles and sequins but mary certainly did nothing that evening to bolster the group's historic legacy.

C - apparently this woman is really unable to think for herself. Cindy had to be aware of the tension between D and M. C was always the consummate professional so why would she agree to go along with mary's inappropriate antics? she should have risen above all of this