As a kid coming up in the 70's near Buffalo, NY, I never heard any of the 70's Supremes records on the radio, with the exception of Stoned Love, which was an oldie. I heard the 60's Supremes stuff all the time, but not the 70's. I didn't even know the Supremes went on after DR--and I was really into pop music and R&B. Even today, when I occasionally listen to an oldies station, I only ever hear 60's Motown stuff--which I'm frankly tired of. It seems almost like something radically changed in the 70's--it's almost like the 70's never happened. I hear Stop in the Name of Love or You Keep Me Hanging On all the time, but huge 70's hits like Alone Again Naturally or Temptation Eyes almost never get played. I don't know why.