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  1. #2401
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    Falling Apart

    It's probably too good to be true, but man oh man, I hope BLOTUS & Sons go down in flames.

    I mean, if they could take their feckless cunt of a sister down with them, it would be better, but a judge let her our of the mix a year or so back.

    A NY judge, for those reading this years later for historical purposes, cited fraud for the [[t)Rump Organization for over inflating value to their assets, mostly real estate - including his self-named tower.

    The judge effectively revoked BLOTUS' licenses to operate his NY properties — and potentially an even broader swath of the family business that BLOTUS built over the last half-century. The ruling left much of his New York operation hanging in the balance.

    Oh please oh please oh please..............

    I would so love to see his buildings be stripped of his name. For all his business failures - and they are many - having his real estate holdings in NY taken from him, would have to sting.

    I mean, I'd love to know BLOTUS Jr and Eric got dry fucked in prison, but the start of the fall of their empire is a start.

  2. #2402
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    John Fetterman, Pennsylvania Democratic Senator, mocking Fox News over a report about the loosening of Senate dress code by taking down Fox, the GOP and Bobo:
    "I figure if I take up vaping and grabbing the hog during a live musical, they'll make me a folk hero."
    Aaaaaand scene!
    Cassidy Hutchinson, former aide to Thing 45 lapdog Mark Meadows, smacking down Florida GOP loon Matt Gaetz after he claimed they dated:
    "I will give Matt credit [to] his part of the statement that we did have an amicable working relationship and we were good friends—at points [but] Matt Gaetz, in my opinion, is somebody that I personally do not hold in high regards in terms of trust, and I do not think that Matt Gaetz has the best track record for relationships. I will say for myself: I have never dated Matt Gaetz. I have much higher standards in men, and Matt, frankly, is a very unserious politician ... I don't really have much else to say to somebody that is more concerned about a soundbite than actually passing legislation."
    So, basically she’s saying Matt Gaetz is a moron who is woefully out of his depth and nowhere near her league.
    Sounds right; he’s one of those social media politicians who want clicks but have no real interest in doing their job.
    Vivek Ramaswamy, smarmy GOP presidential candidate, discussing transgender youth at this week’s debate:
    “Transgenderism, especially in kids, is a mental health disorder… It is not compassionate to affirm a kid’s confusion. That is not compassion, that is cruelty.”
    I wonder when this slimeball used car salesman asshat became an expert on transgender and why he disputes the American Psychiatric Association which says diverse gender expressions “are not indications of a mental disorder.”
    Perhaps he’s just catering to bigoted MAGAt asshats ... or he’s just a lying fuck himself.

    Tim Scott, at that same GOP debate the other night, saying that welfare assistance was harder than slavery for Black Americans:
    “Black families survived slavery! We survived poll taxes and literacy tests. We survived discrimination being woven into the laws of our country. What was hard to survive was Johnson’s Great Society, where they decided to put money—where they decided to take the Black father out of the household to get a check in the mail.”
    Funny, sounds a little like Scott might actually be acknowledging systemic racism, something he says does not exist.
    As for welfare being harder than slavery … I can’t.
    Tim Burchett, Tennessee’s GOP Representative, on Kevin McCarthy and his future as Speaker:
    “I have my doubts right now because I’m seeing—we need leadership … We don’t need someone just to say we’ve got 218 votes or whatever that jumps on the train after it leaves the station. Speaker Pelosi, I don’t agree with her ever, hardly on anything, but she was pretty successful. And the way she did it was she put an issue out amongst her caucus. She met with them. She figured out what they wanted, and then they put it out on the floor and they passed it and they rallied around it. A lot of work goes into that but I’m not seeing that work right now. And it’s very disappointing to me.”
    Cuz it’s all games, Tim; it’s all show for Matty and Marge and Bobo, and Kevin’s hanging onto his power by a thread, so they can’t get anything done. Your party doesn’t work; it stopped working a long time ago and in the last six years has become a group of traitorous jokes.
    Howard Stern, embracing being called “woke” by the wingnuts:
    “I kind of take that as a compliment, that I’m ‘woke.’ To me, the opposite of woke is being asleep, and if woke means I can’t get behind [Inmate # P01135809], which is what I think it means, or that I support people who want to be transgender, or I’m for the vaccine—dude, call me woke as you f—ing want. I’m not for stupidity. I am woke, motherf—er. And I love it. I think that’s a compliment. These guys who I see on the internet who say they’re not woke, but they seem to be really angry, super against gay people—especially transgender. Am I for kids being able to read about anything in school? Yeah, I am. I don’t give a s— what kids read. Give me vaccines, man. I’m all for it. I like being woke.”
    The opposite of woke is asleep, and the Republicans, many of them, in America, are asleep as to what they’re being told; they’re too fast asleep to even question the lies; they’re far too sleepy to see that what they’re being fed is hate.
    Unless they all just hate, which might be true, too.
    PS A USA Today-Ipsos poll released in March found that 56% of Americans have a positive association with the term “woke,” understanding it to mean to “be informed, educated on, and aware of social injustices.”
    I feel sad for the 44%.

  3. #2403
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    I recently caught a speech given by 2024 Dem candidate Marianne Williamson, who is running to Biden's left. But have you noticed we don't hear about her or her voice in debates, since the Dem party isn't having any. But Marianne was a public speaker by trade, and she's been getting a lot of practice. She was really good when I caught her rally online, and quite right to call out the unholy matrimony of corporate politicians enriching weapons manufactures. She spoke about LGBTQ rights, rising the minimal wage, and many other topics I think need done ASAP!!! But we aren't seeing her in debates, and we don't see her even being interviewed on the news much. She's basically running on an old platform, as a progressive, and progressives are pretty much blackballed by corporate media, and the Dem party. I would have to hear more, if I would indeed vote for her, but my point is why are we not being given other options of people to see and vote for, and why are they discounted just because they don't fit into either party 100%? Especially by dems. Funny how my party is the party of women, and yet they dismiss Williamson as "unserious" or as the crystal's lady. I quite frankly didn't find anything dippy about this woman or her speech.

    This article made a good point. If one of the damn parties would raise the fucking wage this wouldn't be happening. Are strikes going to become the new every other week thing??? But when your wage hasn't kept up with the rising cost...of everything...including inflation and being indoors in public with ungrateful people and you get sick with covid, I guess people no longer think it's worth it. Remember the GOP definitely does not want to raise the minimum wage because they rep business owners, not employees. Progressives call for wages to be raised, Biden then added it to his agenda, but then Manchin, Sinema and two others joined the republicans to kill it. But then I wonder did they really want to? We need to fight harder on this. Writers, actors, UPS drivers, hotel workers, Starbucks, American Airlines, and gulp, even Amazon have all demanded wages which meet the costs of living.

    It's not rocket science. I fear if these basic needs like minimum wage, and healthcare issues are delt with soon, it's going to get ugly. Or we can just be milky toast, and just "accept" our dealt hand of cards -yet again.
    Last edited by lakeside; 09-29-2023 at 11:07 AM.

  4. #2404
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    And, of course, the country runs out of money today and those horses ass in the House are going to try and push through something that they know the Senate is going to vote against because our Senators know an asswipe when they see one. Supposedly the ring leader for this is Matty Gaetz, though you can bet he's not the only insurrectionist involved. You would think that these people would realize that when members of their own party point to their inability to govern, calling it chaotic, they would understand they need a new course of action. Nope. These people don't care that a majority of Americans are looking at them and thinking "asswipes," or that this stunt is going to lose them voters in the next election. These 21 people are not only shitting in their pants, they're sitting down and squishing it around because they want an authoritarian government led by their Lord and Savior Donald Trump. They are destined to fail... badly, and the longer this continues, the worse their downfall will be.

  5. #2405
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    Congressional Cotillion

    SEPTEMBER 30, 2023
    By Charles P. Pierce:
    Let us now talk about profanity. In his biography, Mark Twain reminds us that, “Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” The Old Gentleman not only was sanguine about the use of profanity, he was unreasonably proud of it. In Roughing It, he pronounced his pride in how many and varied were the options in English:
    When it comes down to pure ornamental cursing, the native American is gifted above the sons of men.

    He even staked his claim for the Hereafter. In his notebook, he sought to negotiate the conditions under which he would accept admission to Paradise.

    If I cannot swear in heaven I shall not stay there.

    All of this came back to me while I was watching the first open hearing of the House Oversight Committee’s impeachment “inquiry” into whatever the hell they’ve dreamed up concerning Hunter Biden, and his uncle, and his father, who is president of the United States. Several linguistic barriers unknown to Roberts Rules were broken. Rep. Nancy Mace, Republican of South Carolina, dropped “bullshit” twice in three sentences. Rep. Jasmine Crockett, Democrat of Texas, waved the famous photo of the stacks of boxes stored in the necessary at Mar-a-Lago, and opined that, “These are our national secrets, and they look like they’re in the shitter to me.” Even Rep. Tim Burchett, Republican of Tennessee, came right up to the edge of the admittedly limited frontier of what Twain called ornamental cursing. Burchett was so disturbed by whatever the hell it is the committee was looking for that he found himself forced to deploy “dadgum” twice. C’mon, Congressman. Go for the gold.

    It’s been quite a month of congressional decorum. On Thursday, Senator John Fetterman bowed to the fashion police and showed up in a suit and tie. Fetterman’s regular attire — a hoodie and cargo shorts — had been blessed by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. The etiquette police from both parties had conniption fits over this obvious offense against the Senate’s dignity and the dress code was reinstated. The continued offense against the Senate’s dignity that is the presence of Senator Bob Menendez remained in place.

    Fetterman dressed up to dress down Menendez, who always wears a suit, perhaps even when he’s busy hiding gold bars in his sock drawer.

    Offenses against the dignity of the Senate assumes the existence of something against which one can offend. This is not a consideration in the House of Representatives, which has no dignity worthy of either respect or disrespect. This is a sentiment with which at least half the country agrees because, ever since at least 2010, it has elected increasingly crazy Republican majorities. One hesitates to declare the current bunch to be the nadir of the form, given its unreasoning fealty to the former president*. But if this isn’t the bottom of the barrel, I don’t want to know what’s really living down there.

    The committee hearing on Thursday was a perfect bell jar of a House gone mad. First of all, it was completely devoid of what are called “fact witnesses,” people who can tell the committee what specific acts specific people have done at specific times. The panel of witnesses included Michael Gerhardt, a professor from the University of North Carolina, legal hack-for-hire Jonathan Turley, Bruce Dubinsky, a forensic accountant, and Eileen O’Connor, a former assistant attorney-general under the previous Republican Worst President of All Time, George W. Bush.

    Things went sideways almost immediately when all three of the witnesses on whom the committee’s Republicans were depending all said that, no, there was no evidence that would warrant impeachment. This sent the next six hours spiraling into the shadowy world of speculation, innuendo, and dark imaginings. And even that didn’t help. The lede on most stories was set in concrete almost immediately — Witnesses Say No Evidence Against President. The rest was all soundbites and auditions for the next open slot on Newsmax


    It was not a legitimate oversight hearing. It was merely the burlesque of one. The committee’s Democrats, led by Reps. Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin, ran rings around the consistently baffled chairman, Rep. James Comer, Republican of Kentucky. From NBC News:

    Comer seemed to acknowledge at the end of the six-hour-plus hearing that Republicans have not yet done so but said that’s because “investigators have been shut down when attempting to explore avenues that to the president,” which is why an impeachment inquiry is necessary, “wherever that evidence leads.” He said the panel would be subpoenaing bank records from Hunter Biden and the president’s brother James “and their affiliated companies.” On Thursday night, the Oversight Committee said Comer issued subpoenas for James Biden, Hunter Biden and his business partner Eric Schwerin, as well as companies associated with them: Owasco P.C., Owasco LLC, Skaneateles, Lion Hall Group, and JBBSR Inc.

    This is pure Clinton Rules, updated for the 21st Century. There is always another record, another tape, another bank statement, that will crack the case, whatever the hell the case is supposed to be. Keep dropping those subpoenas and be very careful not to bring in anyone who actually knows anything about the situation ostensibly under inquiry. Comer’s dodge for the lack of actual evidence of impeachable acts by the president is that he’s still looking for it, and that there are bank statements where it might be hiding. This is a hole in the committee’s logic through which you could sail the Nimitz. As such, it was certainly big enough for the Democratic committee members to march through. Late in the afternoon, the carnival midway opened for real.

    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene once again went spelunking through Hunter Biden’s sexytime, this time displaying partial nudes of a woman she accused the younger Biden of having “trafficked” around the country and summoning up the Mann Act more than any legislative body has heard since they busted Chuck Berry in 1959. Rep. Lauren Boebert made her first appearance in a while on a camera of which she was aware. Turley was trying to explain to her that they had no evidence linking the president to anything his son may or may not have done. She cut him off at that point, raving,

    Thank you, Mr. Turley, but it’s time for Joe Biden to stop lying to the American people about his deals. He used intensely complex maneuvers to pocket millions of dollars from our adversaries when he was vice-president and as a candidate to gain the office of President of the United States, and now this committee has uncovered the truth and it is time to impeach this compromised commander-in-chief.

    This was wildly unproven, as Raskin attempted to explain at length, only to have Comer cut him off and throw things to another Democrat on the committee. Etiquette, you understand.

    Outside experts are predictably appalled by the spectacle. From the Washington Post:

    “It seems to me that if I were a doctor and I were examining the body of Congress, I’d say something is going wrong here,” said Philip Bobbitt, an impeachment scholar at Columbia Law School. “When Congress becomes distracted and immobilized, that’s a real crisis for us.” Timothy Naftali, a senior research scholar at Columbia University and co-author of “Impeachment: An American History,” lamented what he called a “troubling” precedent for a generation of lawmakers who have come to view impeachment as another tool of partisan warfare. “Impeachment was in a glass case for a century,” Naftali said. “Now, the House starts an impeachment inquiry because the speaker is trying to hold on to his job.”

    And that is the final pie fight in this slapstick exercise. The inquiry exists for two possible reasons: 1) to muddy the waters surrounding the former president* and his 91 criminal charges, and 2) to divert attention from the fact that the government is likely to shut down over the weekend because the Republican majority in the House has become ungovernable. The reasons for the latter predicament were on vivid display in the committee room, too. Reckless insistence on the clearly implausible. So we should give the Old Gentleman the last word on what will surely follow, with increasing lunacy, over the next year or so.

    “All Congresses and Parliaments have a kindly feeling for idiots, and a compassion for them, on account of personal experience and heredity.”

    There may not be enough profanity in the language to get us through.

  6. #2406
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    Touchdown! Execute Taylor Swift? Conservatives hate Women and Football...

    They're only so much rightwing garbage I or anyone can keep up with but, occasionally something are just too ridiculous or too vile to ignore, especially as the desired end result of inflammatory rightwing rhetoric is murder.

    So, my Chicago Bears are currently the worst franchise in football. I say this because the Chicago Bears are supposedly a storied franchise but, have been unable to adapt to modern football or even develop any modicum of sustained success. The highpoint for the Bears in the last 25 years was the Devin Hester, Super Bowl Kickoff for a Touchdown in 2006. Since then it has been a steady decline into ridiculous irrelevance and sub-par mediocrity, defeat, and fanbase misery. Punctuated by comical losses [[the Double Doink playoff loss in 2018) and soul-crushing insults like last year when Aaron "Torn Tendon" Rodgers declared, "I still Own You!" while beating the Bears, yet again.
    Who are the Chefs?

    So as the Kansas City Chiefs, led by transcendent QB talent Patrick Mahomes [[whom the Bears passed on in the draft), were crushing the Bears 41-0, Taylor Swift was seen in the KC private box as a guest of TE Travis Kelce. Mahomes said afterwards he didn't believe Kelce had invited Taylor Swift to the game, but said meeting her was cool,
    "Yea I met her. She's really cool. Good people. But like Trav said, imma let them have their privacy and just keep it moving."
    Davis founded The Federalist
    and is upset women won't "date" him
    Pencil-dicked conservatives latched onto Taylor Swift a few years back, about the time Kanye jumped on stage and interrupted her, as their ideal woman; the überfrau. Since then conservatives have fallen into love with Kanye and out of love with Taylor and her army of Swifties. You see rightwing men saw the 6 foot tall Swift as their Nazi Goddess and got big boners thinking about how they could impregnate her with their seed and build the master race. But, Taylor Swift, like most women, want nothing to do with the MAGA Republicans. Even worse Swift is galvanizing her Swifties into an engaged voting bloc.

    So, you know what happens next. The juvenile rightwing brain immediately switches to hating that bitch, declaring her music sucks, and she's stupid, and ugly, and gay... oh and she should be executed. You see conservatives loathe women and wish to enslave or murder them. This is a great amount of the subtext of the rightwing gun fondling and displays. Of course, the majority of guns are used to kill the gun owner after he has murdered his so-called loved ones and family members.

    C. Kirk: Face to Big for Helmet
    But! No Brains to CTE!
    Stew Peters had a whole segment on his "show" about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Besides declaring Kelce is the new Colin Kapernick, Peters stated

    "This is a strong point in favor of the rumors that Taylor Swift is actually a lesbian or even asexual because with a history like that and all these death jabs, it's pretty clear Kelce has no dick,"

    Peters declared Kelce sold out to Pfizer and is complicit in the murder of babies so his guest on the show, pyscho fundamentalist fanatic, Morgan Ariel added,

    "I think that we need justice in this country. I think the celebrities that are pushing it, they should be tried. I think these people should be publicly prosecuted and hung."

    You know what happens next, rightwing trolls and Russian bots on every social media platform amplify and expand the reach of these calls for Taylor Swift's murder, while the odious YouTube algorithm continually recommends rightwing influencers. Republicans and law enforcement ignore it but, agree that something should be done about these baby-killers and death jabbers. Some triggered right-winger takes it to heart and kills people and Republicans and Rightwingers offer up their Thoughts & Prayers and ask how this can happen and then go on to demonize someone else who is outside the MAGA circle.
    Last edited by lakeside; 10-01-2023 at 12:26 PM.

  7. #2407
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    And, as you all know, Congress avoided the dreaded shutdown again. This was after Mitch McConnell said the Senate Republicans would not vote for the 45 day extension. What is telling is that in the House of Representatives, Republicans voted with the Democrats to move this piece of legislation forward. 90 Republicans voted against it, including Green and Gaetz, voted against it. When push came to shove, Centrist Republicans pushed back against the shoving crazies. Their party is in disarray. Chaos reigns. Will these hardliners learn their lesson? Nope. These are the diehards of the "just say no," party, the ones who so desperately want to say "shut up! we're in charge." Their end is nigh, brought on by the Spawn of Satan, Donald Trump.

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  9. #2409
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    And, of course, the country's debt ceiling is safe for another 45 days. I found it fascinating that some Republicans are furious that both Republican Senators and Congressmen voted with Democrats to get this agenda passed, which says a lot about them. There are certain members of the GOP who refuse to vote on any bill that Democrats are involved with. This is what we've come to expect from the party that so desperately wants to say "shut up, we're in charge." For them, compromise is dead, murdered by Newty Gingrich.

    Probably the other funny thing, funnier than Taylor Swift pissing off Conservatives, is that there appears to be a plan to expel Matt Gaetz from Congress, mostly because his dating habits, teenage girls seem to be part of his agenda. Now you have to admit, isn't it both hilarious and telling as hell that nobody likes him? Remember that video clip back when McCarthy was trying to get the speakership and someone pulled Matty aside to give him a word of advice? Matty was frowning so badly afterwards, but he voted for McCarthy. Well, he seems to have flushed that advice down the drain. The fact that people are saying this is a good possibility, that Matty will get kicked out before George Sanchez, is quite titillating. I'm sure his daddy's none too happy, especially after it cost him so much money to get Matty elected.

  10. #2410
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    Kevin meet curb, curb meet Kevin.

  11. #2411
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    Quote Originally Posted by sophisticated_soul View Post
    Kevin meet curb, curb meet Kevin.

  12. #2412
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  13. #2413
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    The Top of Armoire Gang, formerly known as The Mantel Gang, has a lot to celebrate as the GOP continues to fall apart.
    Gaetz of Hellousted Kevin McCarthy as speaker.
    The Grumpy Trumpy Felon From Jamaica in Queens continues to amaze with a combination of crimes and a mouth that can't be stopped. The man simply cannot shut up. I can't wait for him to violate the gag order.
    So what is there to do except bide our time with a conga line?

    Justice Ginsburg leads the way, gavel in hand, because she famously once proclaimed: Nobody puts Ruthie in a corner!

    She's followed by Hillary, who recommended her to Bill as a Supreme Court nominee, and what a great justice she turned out to be.

    Then comes Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and Kamala Harris.

    An illustrious group of gentlemen dances close behind. It's Dr. Fauci, Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, and President Joe Biden––who has not been charged with any crimes and who is not under a gag order.

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  16. #2416
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    and he's single now too..hahah

  17. #2417
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    Of course, Kev McCarthy got fired yesterday by his party. Anybody who didn't know this was going to happen when he was elected Speaker of the House is way too naive; this was predictable, except for the obtuse. The chaos that has ensued is amazing, and adding to this, the Republicans have decided to take the rest of the week off. That's right, they need to take a break to... try and focus? Perhaps. They don't seem to have a plan, so I guess this means they'll be "winging it" until 2024, when a number of them will be voted out of office.

    I did have to laugh at how many Republicans were blaming the Democrats for not saving McCarthy's ass, this was after McCarthy was corrected on CNN on Saturday when he claimed that Democrats had not helped in passing the stop gap measure to keep the government from shutting down. Like most Republicans, he lied, it was every Democrat voting for that piece of legislation which got it passed. Maybe if Republicans just stopped lying, instead of being in constant attack mode. Of course, they've been in attack mode for so long, I doubt if they know who to do anything else

  18. #2418
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  19. #2419
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    California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom will appoint Laphonza Butler, president of the pro-choice women’s political action committee EMILY’s List, to replace recently deceased Senator Dianne Feinstein in the US Senate.
    A woman of color, Butler will also be the first out LGBTQ+ person to serve as California’s senator and that sound you hear is MAGAt heads exploding everywhere.

  20. #2420
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    In another desperate attempt to keep Catholics from fleeing their bigoted criminal church, Pope Francis suggested that some Catholic priests could bless same-sex unions. But then he also said the Church only recognizes marriages only between “a man and a woman” who are “naturally open to procreation” so, yeah, lying hypocritical bigot.
    Oh, and those of you heterosexuals who marry but don’t want children, it kind of sounds like the Pope doesn’t like you either. Pedophiles and Nazis are okay, though.

  21. #2421
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    Markwayne Mullin, GOP Senator from Oklahoma, sharing some opinions on Matt Gaetz:

    “You’ve gotta think about this guy. This is a guy that didn’t have—that the media didn’t give the time of day to after he was accused of sleeping with an underage girl. And there’s a reason why no one in the conference came and defended him—because we had all seen the videos he was showing on the House floor that all of us had walked away, of the girls he had slept with. He bragged about how he would crush E.D. medicine and chase it with energy drinks so he could go all night. This is obviously before he got married. And so, when that accusation came out, no one defended him. And then no one in the media would give him the time of the day. All of a sudden he found fame because he opposed the speaker of the House back in November. And he’s always stayed there. And he was never gonna leave until he got this last moment of fame … by going after a motion to vacate.”
    Everyone knows Matty Gaetz is an underage girl f**king perv, but still it’s funny, and a bit sickening, that, if he did show his perverted videos in Congress, that no one in his own party every reported it.
    The GOP, sick as they are, stick together because power is the end game.
    Abby Phillip, CNN host, on the history of GOP Speakers:

    “It was Republicans who, even prior to that vote that weekend, failed to pass their own bills to fund the government. But if you look at the recent history of Republican speakers, the cause of death becomes a little clearer. McCarthy, ousted. Paul Ryan, quit in disgust over his right flank. John Boehner, pushed out by the Freedom Caucus. Dennis Hastert, spent time in prison after admitting sexual abuse. And the hyper-partisan Newt Gingrich, who faced ethical complaints, resigned before his own caucus staged a rebellion. So, perhaps the issue isn’t actually Democrats, but the insatiable thirst for rebellion in the Republican conference.”
    Bam! Nailed it. The GOP will eat themselves and the Democrats just need to keep showing it.

  22. #2422
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    Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation, criticizing the Draft-Dodging-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Former-President, after a report surface that he tried to bar a severely wounded veteran from public appearances during his presidency:

    “It’s just the latest in a pattern of outrageous attacks on the people who keep this country safe. And September puts me in a reflective mood because it’s actually tomorrow, nine years ago now, that I got back to South bend after my one tour in Afghanistan. I served with people who did five, six, seven tours, some of them after being injured. I served with a guy who had the fin of a rocket go through his triceps … and miraculously the rocket didn’t blow up and kill him. And he was eager to get back onto his next tour … I ran into someone I served with who basically had her leg shot off ... and she said to me that the Navy fixed her up just fine and she went right on into her next assignment. These are the kinds of people who deserve respect and a helluva lot more than that from every American and definitely from every American president. And the idea that an American president, the person to whom service members look as a commander in chief, the person who sets the tone for this entire country, could think that way or act that way or talk that way about anyone in uniform, and certainly about those who put their bodies on the line and sacrificed in ways that most Americans will never understand … I guess wounded veterans make [him] feel uncomfortable … But those are exactly the kind of people we should lift up because their commitment could help unify the country. And we need voices, whether it’s ordinary people, servicemembers or political leaders who are interested in unifying not dividing Americans.”
    General Mark Milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, claims Thing 45 was irritated after Luis Avila—who lost a leg and suffered brain damage after an IED attack in Afghanistan—sang at Milley’s 2019 welcome ceremony:

    “Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded.”
    In 2020, it was reported that Inmate # P01135809 said the Aisne-Marne American cemetery in France—where more than 2,000 American military members France are buried –was “filled with suckers” and that the more than 1,800 marines who died at Belleau Wood, a key WWI battle, were also “suckers” for getting killed.
    The Inmate denied the allegations but cannot deny that, in 2015, he claimed that John McCain, the late US senator and navy veteran who spent nearly six years in a Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camp, was a “loser”, adding:

    “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”
    This from a man who never served because his feet hurt.
    PS Pete for president!
    Jasmine Crockett, Texas Democratic Representative, expressing her frustration with Republicans for their lack of concern over Thing 45's handling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago while raging about Hunter Biden and impeachment:

    “When you’re talking about impeachment, you’re talking about high crimes or misdemeanors. And I can’t seem to find the crime. And honestly, no one has testified of what crime they believe the president of the United States has committed. But when we start talking about things that look like evidence [like classified documents hidden in a bathroom at Mar-Illegal] they want to act like they’re blind. They don’t know what this is. These are our national secrets! Looks like in the sh**ter to me. This looks like more evidence of our national secrets on a stage at Mar-a-Lago. I will tell you what the president has been guilty of. He has unfortunately been guilty of loving his child unconditionally. I hope and pray that my parents love me half as much as he loves his child until they find some evidence. We need to get back to the people’s work, which means keeping this government open so that people don’t go hungry in the streets of the United States.”
    Jasmine Crockett is that new breed of Democrats who have zeros fucks to give, and she’s showing the difference between a rightfully twice impeached Thing 45 and a real witch hunt by the GOP to Joe Biden.
    This is how the Democrats need to respond.
    Neil Cavuto, Fox News Business host, on the GOP’s impeachment “evidence”:

    “For the better part of six hours, I have been following these hearings, taking an hour off to do my Fox Business show earlier today. I don’t know what was achieved over these last six plus hours. James Comer, the Oversight Committee chairman had said that there would be presented a mountain of evidence against Mr. Biden. But none of the expert witnesses today presented yet any proof for impeachment. What’s more, none of the witnesses testified today of direct knowledge of what Republicans have been claiming about Joe Biden. When you begin to trumpet what you have as the beginning of an explosive inquiry into the president of the United States to potentially remove him from office, you would think you would bring your A-game.”
    Unless, as most people know, they have no game.
    PS Cavuto is that one rare voice of reason in the Fox News cesspool where Hannity, Graham and Pirro swim.
    Maxwell Frost, Democrat Representative from Florida, unloading on the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden:

    “This fake impeachment is based on desperate political calculation, not any evidence. They’re just asking more questions. We have one witness who has a lot of questions—Ms. O’Connor—one witness who knows something about accounting—Dubinsky –but has no real involvement in what’s going on—and Mr. Turley’s stopping here on his way to his next Fox News hit.”
    As he spoke O’Connor could be seen on camera with her jaw agape, as if to be in disbelief at Frost’s dismissive remarks and yet she offered no rebuttal.
    Cuz she ain’t got none.

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    If you hadn't read, John Kelly, BLOTUS' longer chief of staff, has gone "on record" about his former boss.

    I'd say none of it is that surprising, but we've known it for a while. Kelly knew it sooner, sat by and did nothing. He's as bad as BLOTUS. Possibly worse.

    The man was a Marine general. And he kicked back while BLOTUS denigrated the military and gold star soldiers. And would refuse to be seeing with disabled veterans. Kelly was as bad as his son-in-law who puckered up while his dad-in-law showed his antisemitic side.

    I hate saying people are worse than BLOTUS, but........sometimes it is warranted. Here he is on his last employer:

    “A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women. A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.
    “There is nothing more that can be said,”. “God help us.”

    Maybe Kelly thought he could keep BLOTUS from becoming a communist country. Maybe he liked his position as is. Maybe he's just a fucking dirtbag who waited three years to say something. I'm going with 2 out of 3.

    Everyone is so scared of BLOTUS. Honestly, had 3-4 folks stepped up during the presidency, this might have all been over long ago. But now we are going into season 3 of the worse reality series in the history of the United States.

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    Of course, the de-evolution of the Republican party continues. Tiny Jimmy Jordan wants to be Speaker of the House, so does Steve Scalise. Some duffer called them conservatives. That is so far from the truth. They, and their cabal of ultra-right wingers, are authoritarians who dream nightly of controlling America. They are the bringers of Chaos. Pundits, conservative and liberal, are laughing at them because they fired the McCarthy without putting a single thought into who was going to replace him, and now they will need to vote for an individual who's not going to get enough votes, unless they get democrats to side with them. Ouch! Some want the Orange Anus to run for the opinion, however these losers passed a rule that said no one with and indictment that holds a penalty of 2 or more years can be Speaker of the House... and they're going to need Democratic votes to change that rule. Yes, you know where I'm going... these people are that damn stupid.

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    And, of course, the Republican shit show continues in the House. First they were going to have an informal thing on Fox TV, I guess sort of a Meet and Greet the Fascists, and then they weren't. They've been forewarned that putting someone farther to the Right [[notice I'm not saying Conservative) into the position will get them nothing. Will they listen? Gimme a break. We're talking about Republicans here. A majority of Americans are not buying their pseudo- authoritarian, wannabe regime oriented politics. Ouch. Let's be honest here, has that ever stopped them before?

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    Rally Pastor Asks Jesus To Strike Down Trump’s Enemies

    October 8, 2023 Christianists, Trump cultists

    “We pray that you will impart wisdom to our president as he goes forth to stand in our place. We ask that those who stand against him be put to silence. That those horrendous actions against him and his family be exposed and struck down. When we leave this place, give us the courage to say no to evil. Give us the courage to stand with President Trump in the caucuses and the election to come. We ask for your guidance, wisdom and power. In Jesus’s almighty and all-powerful name, amen.” – Pastor Joshua Graber of the Cornerstone Baptist Church.

    A Trump-supporting pastor: “We ask that those who stand against Trump be put to silence.” Disgusting. The very antithesis of Christian. https://t.co/K2XfpGuyWT
    — Joe Walsh [[@WalshFreedom) October 7, 2023
    Woman at Trump rally yesterday: “Trump works for God. And God is all about America. And God is the one that’s gonna save America. He’s using Trump as one of his tools. That’s why we support Trump, because he works for God.” pic.twitter.com/JgYibSaff9
    — Ron Filipkowski [[@RonFilipkowski) October 8, 2023

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    I saw where Trump's blow bro Vlad blamed the United States mid-east policy for Hamas invasion of Israel. Only Republicans in this country will believe that. Meanwhile, Washington is investigating Iran's involvement, did they train Hamas' terrorists? Add to that, the fact that Russia and Iran are good chums [[Russia's buying drones from Tehran), and that back in 2016 the Orange Anus provided Israel's security / defense information to the Russians and bragged about it, and it's not difficult to see how Russia's part of this terrorist souffle.

    Here in America, the Republican congressmen are huddling this morning to try and pick a new leader. They've already been warned to not go to the Right, that a Centrist will have a better chance of working with the Democrats. Unfortunately, a number of Republicans don't want to reach across the aisle. Nope. All they want to do is tell America to "shut up! We're in charge!"

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    Beware GOP's!

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    President Joe Biden, remembering Matthew Shepard on the 25th anniversary of his death:

    “Twenty-five years ago today, Matthew Shepard lost his life to a brutal act of hate and violence that shocked our nation and the world. The week prior, Matthew had been viciously attacked in a horrific anti-gay hate crime and left to die – simply for being himself.
    Matthew’s tragic and senseless murder shook the conscience of the American people. And his courageous parents, Judy and Dennis Shepard, turned Matthew’s memory into a movement, galvanizing millions of people to combat the scourge of anti-LGBTQI+ hate and violence in America.
    As Vice President, I had the honor of helping to enact the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which extended federal hate crimes laws to cover sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability.
    This legislation is a lasting tribute to Matthew, a testament to the relentless advocacy of Judy and Dennis, and an important step forward for our country.
    I was proud to honor Judy and Dennis as Uniters – Americans who stand against hate and heal our divides – at the United We Stand Summit here at the White House last year. Our charge is to continue the fight against hate, against violence, and against bigotry in all its forms.
    Today, as threats and violence targeting the LGBTQI+ community continue to rise, our work is far from finished.
    No American should face hate or violence for who they are or who they love. I once again call on Congress to send the Equality Act to my desk so that we can ensure LGBTQI+ Americans have full civil rights protections under our laws – because every American is worthy of dignity, acceptance, and respect.
    God bless Judy, Dennis, and all those who are grieving and remembering Matthew today.”
    Of note: not one single Republican, as far as I searched, remembered Matthew Shepard yesterday and their silence is deafening.

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    John Fetterman, on the salaries of CEOs at the Big Three Automakers as compared to factory workers’ salaries:

    “The CEOs at these three auto companies make more than 281 times what the median worker at the company makes. Let me be clear: I know what CEOs do and I know what workers do, and an hour of CEOs time is certainly not worth 281 times more than an hour of a worker’s time actually building the cars and trucks on the factory floor.”
    I know CEOs work hard to keep their factories open and their workers employed and their products on the market, but let’s just say a worker makes $100,000 a year working on the factory line; is the CEO deserving of making $28,100,000?
    Nancy Mace, South Carolina GOP Congressperson, saying she’ll support Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House over Steve Scalise because he appeared at a 2002 event organized by David Duke’s white supremacist group:

    “I plan on voting for Jim Jordan on the floor. I’ve been very vocal about this for the last couple of days. I personally cannot, in good conscience vote for someone who attended a white supremacist conference and compared himself to David Duke. I would be doing an enormous disservice to the voters that I represent in South Carolina if I were to do that.”
    And while Scalise has referred to himself as “David Duke without the baggage., let’s not ignore the fact that Jim Jordan, while an assistant OSU wrestling coach from 1986 to 1994, ignored rampant sexual abuse by Richard Strauss, a team doctor who died in 2005.
    Several athletes have come forward suggesting Jordan knew of the abuse and did nothing.
    Hmmm, so the GOP’s two best choices for Speaker are a white supremacist sympathizer and a pedophile enabler.
    The Party of Family Values at work and Nancy Mace is standing with a sexual abuse enabler.
    Lindsey Graham, former Miss South Carolina 1948 and current GOP Senator, wants to literally blow Iran off the map for the current war between Israel and Hamas:

    “For every Israeli or American hostage executed by Hamas, we should take down an Iranian oil refinery. The only way you’re going to keep this war from escalating is to hold Iran accountable. How much more death and destruction do we have to take from the Iranian regime? I am confident this was planned and funded by the Iranians. Hamas is a bunch of animals who deserve to be treated like animals. So if I was Israel, I would go in on the ground. There is no truce to be had here. I would dismantle Hamas. This is the best opportunity Israel has to destroy Hamas. Take it to the Iranians. If you harm one American in Syria by using your Iranian militia against us in Syria, if you escalate the war by urging Hezbollah to attack Israel in the north, if Hamas kills one American Israeli hostage, we’re going to blow up your oil refineries and put you out of business. It is now time to take the war to the Ayatollah’s backyard.”
    I’d like LindseyBelle to volunteer to lead the charge and get away from his cushy desk job and take his war on personally.
    He’s always the first one to suggest slaughtering the so-called enemy while he sits on his fat ass or bends over for the amusement of the former traitorous president.
    Jessica Tarlov, a liberal Fox News co-host, blasted her colleagues on wingnut cable channel who were shocked, shocked I say, that Hillary Clinton wasn’t nice when talking about the MAGAts:

    “I really need everyone to spare me the faux outrage and the pearl clutching about this. [Thing 45] and high-ranking Republicans call liberals on a daily basis: ‘anarchists,’ ‘anti-American,’ ‘deranged,’ ‘communist,’ ‘corrupt,’ ‘compromised,’ ‘groomers and perverts,’ ‘thugs,’ and ‘traitors’ [but] Clinton was explicit that she was talking about a subsection of the Republican Party, the same way that Joe Biden is when he talks about MAGA extremism. But you tell me, if the leader of the Democratic Party—so that that would be Joe Biden—was facing four indictments with 91 felony counts, he had been found liable of sexually assaulting a woman and defaming her—that’s E. Jean Carroll—guilty of fraud, sharing the nation’s secrets—not only in the Mar-a-Lago indictment but there was a report yesterday from ABC News that he had shared information about our nuclear submarine capacities with an Australian billionaire who’s a member of Mar-a-Lago, who had then gone on and shared that with dozens of other people and included specifics as to how many nuclear warheads they carry, and how close they can get to Russian subs without being detected. And then I told you, so all of that is happening, and he’s shooting up in the polls. And when you see those interviews of [his] supporters outside of the rallies, they’re like, ‘none of this is true. It’s the big lie, he won the election,’ etc. And you wouldn’t say to me, ‘you guys are in a cult?’”
    To put it in perspective, what Hillary Clinton said what that “at some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of [his] cult members.”
    And the cult went nuts.

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    The news from Gaza is bad. It's only going to get worse. Unfortunately, the only way to break the power of the jihad is to crush Hamas. Casualties will be high.

    For amusement in this country, we have the Republican party. I don't believe they understand that their incompetence makes them look... well, terrible. They put together rules that permitted Matty Gaetz to fire that nincompoop McCarthy without a replacement in the wings. Scalise was going to try and win the gavel, but he has some form of cancer and Republicans don't like people who are sick. Now, little Jimmy Jordan has managed to get the nomination, however there aren't enough stupid people willing to vote for that little asshole. So, what do the Republicans do? They take the weekend off. I'm sure they're burning up their phone lines trying to get their act together, but don't expect anything resolution any time soon. They're going to lose their majority because they simply refuse to work with Democrats. There was a time when that was not the case.

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    I've heard that little Jimmy Jordan and his team of insurrectionists are making a big push to get Republican congressmen to vote him into the Speaker of the House position. While Republicans are publicly saying that his is a lost cause, I consider every loss he suffers through to be fitting. Some conservatives call him a little firebrand, they're wrong. He's an authoritarian instigator and insurrectionist. Every time he loses, Democracy wins.

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    Monday, October 16, 2023

    The Pedophiles Are Inside The Churches ... Still

    It’s been a while since we noted the child sexual abuse going on in our nation’s churches by our church leaders, teachers, and such. So, let's take a look.

    Christopher Pruitt, a Beaverton pastor was jailed last week after being accused of inappropriately touching two young girls who were members of his congregation. Pruitt was indicted on six counts of first-degree sexual abuse and two counts of third-degree sexual abuse.
    Michael Sperou, former pastor and co-founder of North Clackamas Bible Community, was sentenced to 13 years in prison after he was found guilty of two counts of first-degree unlawful sexual penetration; this marks the third time since 2015 that Sperou has been tried for sexual abuse.

    Stephen Ayon, a former English teacher and volleyball coach at Fishers Christian Academy was arrested and accused of sexual misconduct with a student, according to court records. He faces three counts of sexual misconduct with a minor, three counts of child seduction and one count of dissemination of matter harmful to minors.
    Matthew Brown, a former Bishop Luers High School teacher, has been charged with four felony counts of child seduction.

    David Nims, a former Calvary Baptist Church youth director, was sentenced to 50 years in state prison for hiding a camera in the church bathroom to record people and possessing child pornography.
    Derrell Redding, an Ocala, was arrested a pastor after two underage girls described the sexual abuse they endured at his hands. Redding is charged with two counts of sexual battery of a child under the age of 12, a count of sexual battery of a teenager under the age of 18, and lewd and lascivious battery of a child more than 12 and less than 16.
    Allen Farabee, a retired pastor, is accused of exposing himself to a nine-year-old girl. According to the affidavit, he was arrested the day prior for similar allegations at the same pool.

    Benjamin Garlick, an evangelical pastor, was arrested for the rape of a child. In addition, his wife, Shaantal Garlick, is also facing 1-count of Facilitation of Aggravated Rape of a Child and 1-count of Aggravated Child Abuse / Endangerment to a child aged 8 and younger.
    Rodolfo Martinez-Guevara, a Catholic Priest has been charged with possession of more than 600 images.
    Nicholas Garrett Corl, a Baptist church faculty member was arrested on suspicion of felony lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age.
    Todd Baldwin, a department staff member at Valley Christian Schools in San Jose, was arrested for possession and distribution of explicit digital media involving juveniles. Baldwin is also suspected of allegedly paying students for the explicit images and videos.
    Barry Fike, a minister and former teacher at Fillmore Church of Christ, has been charged with multiple felony counts of child abuse, including accusations that he tried to meet up with a 15-year-old girl for sex.

    Garrett Biggerstaff, a pastor and athletic director pleaded guilty to one of two felony charges of child grooming.
    Ferrell Kissiar, a former assistant pastor at the Pentecostal Church in Patoka was sentenced to a total of 30 years in prison after various consecutive sentences were handed down in the plea agreement for his involvement in a child pornography ring.

    Kelly Garrett Ivey was indicted for attempting to sell an underage girl on the dark web. In addition, his church, the Rock Springs Church and its affiliated school, Rock Springs Christian Academy, also faces allegations it failed to warn congregants about Ivey trying to traffic a 16-year-old.
    Doyle Mirtsching, a former kindergarten teacher and senior pastor at a North Carolina church was arrested and charged with three counts of third-degree sexual exploitation of a female minor.
    Ivan Hugh-McDonald Peden, a former Methodist minister, is charged with taking indecent liberties with children, indecent exposure to a person under 16, sexual battery, and secret peeping.

    Shawn Gooden, a Boy Scout leader, an LDS church leader, and a lawyer, pleaded guilty to four sexual assault charges involving a girl less than 14 years old.
    David Lloyd Walter, pastor at Faith Baptist Church, pleaded guilty to federal charges related to child sexual abuse material; Walther knowingly searched for, downloaded, distributed and possessed child pornography.
    Ronnie Allen Killingsworth, pastor of a Wichita Falls church, has been indicted on six counts of indecency with a child by sexual contact.

    Daniel Balizan, a Roman Catholic priest who was removed from a Santa Fe parish nearly a year ago amid a misconduct investigation, has been charged with enticement of a young girl with the intent to engage in sexual activity.
    Jordan Huffman, a former Plover youth pastor, has agreed to a plea deal after pleading guilty to two counts of repeated sexual assault of a child; six other charges were dismissed as part of the plea deal.
    Marvin Leroy Mosley, former pastor of United Methodist Church in West Penn Twp., was charged with indecent assault involving three juvenile girls between 2007 and 2012. Mosley is no longer a pastor at the United Methodist Church but at the time of his arrest was serving at a church outside of Schuylkill County.
    And again, not one drag queen or gay person in the bunch.
    Huh, it’s almost like that whole ‘gay people and drag queens are grooming children” nonsense is a lie to cover-up for the real groomers … the so-called Men and Women of God.

    And for some more FUN church news:

    Houston pastor ordered to pay $2.45M after allegedly giving woman herpes [[click2houston.com)

    Last edited by lakeside; 10-16-2023 at 10:33 AM.

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