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  1. #51
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    Thank You cd is no.2 at Amazon UK Best Sellers in CDs & Vinyl today, and vinyl at no.31
    Thank You [Amazon Exclusive Limited Edition] is no.54
    One Woman : The Ultimate Collection is no.27
    Love And Life - The Very Best Of Diana Ross is no. 33
    The Greatest is no.47

  2. #52
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    I've noticed a decline in vocal ability not just with DR but other women of her era including Aretha and Patti Labelle. That being said, if thousands of people still want to pay money to see any of them, I say the more power to them. After all, Diana Ross fans don't go to her shows to see a concert, they are there to bask in the presence of a goddess!

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by jack020 View Post
    Thank You cd is no.2 at Amazon UK Best Sellers in CDs & Vinyl today, and vinyl at no.31
    Thank You [Amazon Exclusive Limited Edition] is no.54
    One Woman : The Ultimate Collection is no.27
    Love And Life - The Very Best Of Diana Ross is no. 33
    The Greatest is no.47
    Not bad for a 78 year old!!!!


  4. #54
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    Last edited by Boogiedown; 06-27-2022 at 02:29 PM. Reason: Like this font for screaming

  5. #55
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    i think at this point, most people attending are well aware that 1) Diana is in her 70s despite her glamorous and youthful appearance and 2) most are attending for the fun of going down memory lane and hear the big hits. it's more about the experience and spectacle than the singing. it might be a good idea for her to do less dates so that she preserves her voice more. and it could be that she had a cold or allergies or who knows what.

    most fans are just happy to be part of the experience and understand. and want to enjoy what time we have left with her as a public figure

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by westgrandboulevard View Post
    Yes, it is becoming increasingly evident that her singing voice is now variable. There is a noticeable strain, and some notes are not easily reached [understandably, partly due to age] and probably also through fatigue from too many recent shows. And, possibly, also some technical difficulties which may not have been immediately obvious.
    Spot on! I saw her in Birmingham last Monday and she was phenomenal. The whole arena was feverish. However, when you see her tour schedule for the UK - 14 shows in less than a month - it is gruelling for any performer, but in particular for someone whose age should no longer be mentioned here, lol. I wonder if she has ever taken lessons by a vocal coach. I too felt uneasy watching her Glastonbury performance, but there is a lot of love out there for her which I am very happy for. What would Berry have said, one wonders?
    Last edited by soren1974; 06-27-2022 at 05:44 PM.

  7. #57
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    I don't know if she should hang it up, but if she carries on with live shows after this year, may she sign up for mini residencies and tours not as demanding, in terms of number of performances and travel, as this UK tour.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by westgrandboulevard View Post
    I cannot say that I have never been critical of Diana.

    Or even an avid fan, but who can then quickly feel very critical through any personal disappointment with her.....

    As with many others, I was somewhat concerned with what I heard yesterday...but what I saw yesterday on television was an appearance by what many would say was one of the greatest performers, male or female, of the second half of the twentieth century.

    And still a major star [superstar, legend, etc...], right up to date in this twenty-first century.

    Diana still looked exactly like the enduring star many have loved for decades, and she conducted herself as a star for the crowd at Glastonbury.

    Yes, it is becoming increasingly evident that her singing voice is now variable. There is a noticeable strain, and some notes are not easily reached [understandably, partly due to age] and probably also through fatigue from too many recent shows. And, possibly, also some technical difficulties which may not have been immediately obvious.

    But Diana's fans surely do not attend her concerts simply to hear her replicate her recordings, and to sound exactly as she did. She has become a part of their personal lives, and they attend an appearance just to be with her in person. It is part of the definition of 'star'.

    Most of the huge crowd at Glastonbury cannot have been among the greatest fans of Diana Ross, but they did seem to enjoy the experience very much.

    Technically it may not have been one of Diana's greatest performances, but it was still a very significant performance in her career. A major event, and it represented real life. In performance, and both for her, and that estimated crowd of 200,000 people, many of whom who can now say they have 'seen Diana Ross'.

    So maybe we could afford to relax, let it all go, and just enjoy Diana while we still have her.

    And if, as time passes, Diana's singing voice indeed becomes even more unpredictable, she can still feel confident in having such a HOT band and singers on stage with her, don't you think?

    Those musicians are so accomplished, it won't matter what key Diana starts any song; they will certainly track her down before the end..smile...
    I totally agree

  9. #59
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    It seems that all Diana had to do was show up

    It sounds like she was loved and got great reviews and she didn’t lyp synch like Dolly Parton apparently did

    I think the hardcore fans want the perfection of the 70’s and 80’s and a special concert with no hits lol

  10. #60
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    Diana's easily got another 20,000 left on her tread.
    However, she must promise to never never never never never never NEVER

    perform THE BOSS while sitting down again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Last edited by Boogiedown; 06-27-2022 at 08:59 PM.

  11. #61
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    Does anyone know if Diana's 'Thank You' CD was auto-tuned? When I listened to it, I was
    so impressed it was note perfect.....or maybe not??

  12. #62
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  13. #63
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    I'm a Big Supremes Fan, but unforunately i'm disappointed in Diana Ross returned to LIVE peforming, her show has been the same for the last 30 or more years, nothing has changed, sure she'll put in a different song or 2, but it's the same show. i wonder did she even rehearse. and i'm not a hater, it's just the facts.it was not good.

  14. #64
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    So much positive press the fans loved her , she had the largest crowd of the event Drawing what appeared to be the largest crowd of the five-day festival, the Motown icon promised the audience some "old town Supremes" as well as newer tracks.lol DrawingDrawing what appeared to be the largest crowd of the five-day festival, the Motown icon promised the audience some "old town Supremes" as well as newer tracks. what appeared to be the largest crowd of the five-day festival, the Motown icon promised the audience some "old town Supremes" as well as newer tracks.Drawing what appeared to be the largest crowd of the five-day festival, the Motown icon promised the audience some "old town Supremes" as well as newer tracks.
    Last edited by after you; 06-28-2022 at 01:41 AM.

  15. #65
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    Another great review

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    If I hear Diana’s age mentioned even one more time I’m surely going to

    scream !!
    In what key?

    Hope your auto-tune is set

  17. #67
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    It's fascinating in a bad way that fans comment like she isn't 78. One should marvel that she was able to attract such a big audience, and she has done some incredible performances.
    Those looking for vocal perfection should never go there, and they should know that.

  18. #68
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    Everyone is going on about the vocals what about the toll on her body..she looked visibly exhausted in some parts..thats more to the point.

  19. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    Does anyone know if Diana's 'Thank You' CD was auto-tuned? When I listened to it, I was
    so impressed it was note perfect.....or maybe not??
    I would be surprised if it was not. Miss Ross has a tendency to sing flat now [[under the note) and Autotune is used for nearly all artists these days as it is an easy fix for when the singer is slightly over or under the note. For the most parts people will never know whether it was used, only when the singer is really off.

  20. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by soren1974 View Post
    I would be surprised if it was not. Miss Ross has a tendency to sing flat now [[under the note) and Autotune is used for nearly all artists these days as it is an easy fix for when the singer is slightly over or under the note. For the most parts people will never know whether it was used, only when the singer is really off.
    I was at the 02 for Fridays show and had an amazing time as did the remaining 20,000 people who were up on their feet - clapping - dancing and singing along to their idol and I use that word advisably for that is exactly what she is an idol. I never heard one complaint around me save for an elderly couple behind me who moaned that every one was on their feet. Sure there were a few bum notes - a few fluffed lines but most were not there to hear a perfect performance they were there to see a legend and that's what they got to see. Nobody seems to be giving the lady and her performace the understanding it deserves - she is as she pointed out on the night now 78 - how many people can perform anything at 78 like they could when they were 40? Not many I guess and she was at the tail end of a gruelling tour enough to wipe out a performer half her age - you could see as the show progressed how she visibly became more and more tired - most people of her age would be tucked up on the sofa watching TV not belting out 20 or 30 hits night after night and Glastonbury well I guess I just wish it had been her first show of the tour and not almost the end. I'm so glad I went I just wish some of the doubters would cut her some slack.

  21. #71
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    I'm as big a Diana Ross fan as any and while there were minor flaws in her performance on Friday night [[what would you expect given her age and the gruelling last few weeks) it was totally awesome.

    All the concerts were packed and it just showed that even after she has been inactive in the UK for so many years we still love her here - I did think there might be problems with filling all the venues.

    But why are some getting so upset about the reaction to her Glastonbury outing?

    It would be stupid to pretend that while she had great stage presence the vocals were well below her usual standard of performance.

    Unfortunate, but that's how it is and it just seemed that everything had caught up with her and she was fighting exhauation.

    It doesn't lessen the respect I have for her.

    Many will have watched the show on national television and what saddens me is that with all the highs she has had in the UK for well over half a century this will be her legacy for many.

    3.1m watched the TV show on Sunday night making it the second most watched programme of the day!
    Last edited by florence; 06-28-2022 at 06:19 AM.

  22. #72
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    Diana Ross sounds just fine for a 78 year old legend. We should be happy she is still with us and performing. Before she passed, I always said we should be fortunate to have Mary Wilson, Diana Ross and the FLOs singing and all still sounding good. Most of today's singers are autotuned. Remember, we should cherish that we have Miss Ross still with us. Mary Wilson passed less than 2 years ago. We could lose someone in an instant. Diana Ross can still perform and obviously still loves it. Cherish what we enjoy, it could be gone in a minute. I am thrilled Miss Ross as well as Miss Payne and Miss Greene are out there still singing and they are all far more talented than many of today's singers. I hope Miss Ross and her fans are enjoying her current tour.

  23. #73
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    The lady came, she sang, she conquered.
    All Westgrandboulevards‘ comments are spot on and we are so fortunate to still have her singing for us. After all the dire ʺshe’d better not lipsync“ Diana had the courage to perform live with all the risks involved and her audience – and the press - loved every minute. An epic milestone event I feel privileged to have watched [[from home). My heart still misses Mary all the time so I cherish the gift of still having Diana. And after all the fan anguish over what she ʺshould“ sing she gave her Brit audience the I’m Still Waiting + others we craved. With all the debating over old, new, obscure music the lady gave us enough of everything. What an amazing performer. Thank you Diana.

  24. #74
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    Certainly Sir Paul is no longer at his peak, but I would not consider an imperfect vocal delivery or any other nitpicking complaints as reason for him to call it a day. His millions of fans can decide that; for now he remains energetic as he is beloved.

  25. #75
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    I'm with you, Peace.

  26. #76
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    Here is the link to the whole show. I just watched it and really quite enjoyed it.
    The audience seemed to really enjoy themselves. What a massive crowd.


  27. #77
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    I experienced Ella Fitzgerald in her mid-60's barking her way through a JVC Jazz Festival concert at Carnegie Hall and we loved her. I attended a Nina Simone performance at The Blue Note when she was in her late 50's and she sang one note and hit some bad keys on the piano; standing O. At Lena Horne's last major NYC gig, also at Carnegie Hall, when Horne was 78 [sound familiar?) the vocals were shaky to start and strong enough by the time she completed the concert. All these events were received with great public and critical acclaim, with the obvious concession to the performers' age[s). But ... none of these ladies are Diana, so The Toads remained silent. Or, just weren't interested. Diana was a massive success at Glastonbury; a 'basket of undesirables' should not let us refrain from celebrating that.

  28. #78
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    Diana wasnt just at Glastonbury to please the diehard fans.there were thousands upon thousands of folks there many I should imagine were there to see what all the fuss has been about all these years ...what has made Diana into the icon that she is...can you imagine how many of the younger generation out of that crowd are now walking away as Diana fans after that performance ...not many I should imagine...we will always be Diana fans no matter what....but a performer isnt just there to please the diehard fans and if even some of the diehard fans are saying the performance was below par...the legacy needs to be kept alive by inspiring the next generation...us oldies aint gonna be here forever to carry the torch.

  29. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by vgalindo View Post
    Here is the link to the whole show. I just watched it and really quite enjoyed it.
    The audience seemed to really enjoy themselves. What a massive crowd.

    Thanks so much for posting this link! Really enjoyed the fun and joy and appreciation the massive crowd showed !

  30. #80
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    Thanks for the show.

    Not the voice that sang My Man at Motown 60 but the crowd loved this show.

    I loved All We Do Is Win at the end - her voice was there for a good part of that.

    Thanks again

  31. #81
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    There’s no question that she sounded dreadful at times, and I think as Mark mentioned, she was way too aggressive with this tour, but probably felt at the time she wouldn’t have any problem with it. The look on her face at Glastonbury was heartbreaking because you could clearly see that she was not happy with her sound, and what is she supposed to do? End the show? Talk through the whole thing? Say, “ let’s try it next year?”….. I think she tried as hard as she could, as she usually does, and I am not at all unhappy that we have third row center pit seats for radio city. If they add a second night, will be there as well.

    and as someone previously said, yes, part of the reason I go is to bask in her gloriousness, And I’m looking forward to it again. Hopefully she’ll be in good voice, but I’ve seen her with a cold, hoarse, hours after her father died And completely exhausted but I still enjoy it. Usually she’s in great shape but she’s a human being, and an old one. I understand why people are disappointed, I’m sure everyone is to some degree.

    I think I’m in it for the long-haul.

  32. #82
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    I went to the Glasgow concert on 17 June and I was pleasantly surprised by the whole performance. The last time I saw Ross before was just only 3 years earlier, in June 2019 at Radio City Hall. Although Ross's voice sounded better then, in New York, I enjoyed this concert in Glasgow MUCH more, because she was clearly giving it her all and enjoying it -- while the NYC performance seemed to be a bit on the automatic pilot. Yes, she sounded wobbly once in a while, particularly on the higher notes, but nobody seemed to care as it is was compensated by so much else. Of course, much of that "something else" is lost when being televised, which also explains that the audience at Glastonbury clearly loved the show, as well as the reviewers who were present, while the viewers at home might have find it cringeworthy. Is it time for her to call it a day, I don't know... I do know that this was probably the last show of Diana Ross that I will ever attend, not because I don't think she is no longer good, but because it has come full circle for me. My first concert was in June 1982 in Rotterdam; my last one in June 2022 in Glasgow, 40 wonderful years of seeing her perform in different places. I was super happy that Ross ended the Glasgow concert with The Boss, which is the song that made me a Ross fan in the first place. Of course, I could go to her performance in Rotterdam on 8 July, again in Ahoy, but that would mean I would miss my own wedding party, as I am getting married that day ;-).
    Last edited by Jaap; 06-29-2022 at 06:55 AM.

  33. #83
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    Congratulations and Best Wishes, Jaap‼️ I always enjoy your comments and perspectives on Diana Ross I ��

  34. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucky2012 View Post
    Congratulations and Best Wishes, Jaap‼️ I always enjoy your comments and perspectives on Diana Ross I ��
    We've compensated my missing Diana perform with our Diana-related wedding invitation, although not all guests recognized the original inspiration.

    Name:  Jaap Jeroen Wedding invitation.jpg
Views: 474
Size:  87.5 KB

  35. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaap View Post
    We've compensated my missing Diana perform with our Diana-related wedding invitation, although not all guests recognized the original inspiration.

    Name:  Jaap Jeroen Wedding invitation.jpg
Views: 474
Size:  87.5 KB
    This is great. Congrats!

  36. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaap View Post
    We've compensated my missing Diana perform with our Diana-related wedding invitation, although not all guests recognized the original inspiration.

    Name:  Jaap Jeroen Wedding invitation.jpg
Views: 474
Size:  87.5 KB

    I. Love. It!!!! Best wishes!

  37. #87
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    Love it Congratulations

  38. #88
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    Brilliant !!
    That you two agreed on it too says a lot about your pairing !

    so glad you didn’t go with the jimmy webb cover !


  39. #89
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    If Diana keeps showing up and people keep buying tickets and having a good time....let the party continue. If you don't like her voice or the same old tunes....don't go. Real simple.

  40. #90
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    A couple of thoughts/observations. No she was not in the best voice. Most will agree. But when I watched some of it later, I thought to myself what is all the drama about?

    Almost all of the publicity and reviews of this show were extremely positive. It does seem as if the good reviews and attendance bother some people. You have to wonder, if almost all reviews are glowing positive reviews, what makes some people so obsessed with the 1% negative reviews. It’s a weird thing. Some are so concerned with the people that think she can do no wrong, and is perfect, that they don’t see how they appear to others, which is always critical and negative. You may not recognize it, but others can see it.

    Diana Ross has literally moved on to the next tour date. As she has famously said….. NEXT.

    Fans look forward to the next shows, but it will be interesting to see who is stuck on the negativity.

    We are all entitled to are own opinions and they are all valid.

    By all accounts, her voice wasn’t the best that day, but the overall show was a huge success.

    There are some people that celebrate the positive, and then there are some people that feel they always have to be critical.

    Great media coverage for Diana. It would be great if someone could post all of the newspaper cover stories- there are many 😉.
    Maybe if people could actually see the real reviews and coverage- it would put all this “negativity” in perspective.

  41. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaap View Post
    We've compensated my missing Diana perform with our Diana-related wedding invitation, although not all guests recognized the original inspiration.

    Name:  Jaap Jeroen Wedding invitation.jpg
Views: 474
Size:  87.5 KB
    That’s the best cover you could have chosen. ��

  42. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaap View Post
    We've compensated my missing Diana perform with our Diana-related wedding invitation, although not all guests recognized the original inspiration.

    Name:  Jaap Jeroen Wedding invitation.jpg
Views: 474
Size:  87.5 KB
    Such a fabulous idea and design! Congratulations Jaap and Jeroen!

  43. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by khansperac View Post
    A couple of thoughts/observations. No she was not in the best voice. Most will agree. But when I watched some of it later, I thought to myself what is all the drama about?

    Almost all of the publicity and reviews of this show were extremely positive. It does seem as if the good reviews and attendance bother some people. You have to wonder, if almost all reviews are glowing positive reviews, what makes some people so obsessed with the 1% negative reviews. It’s a weird thing. Some are so concerned with the people that think she can do no wrong, and is perfect, that they don’t see how they appear to others, which is always critical and negative. You may not recognize it, but others can see it.

    Diana Ross has literally moved on to the next tour date. As she has famously said….. NEXT.

    Fans look forward to the next shows, but it will be interesting to see who is stuck on the negativity.

    We are all entitled to are own opinions and they are all valid.

    By all accounts, her voice wasn’t the best that day, but the overall show was a huge success.

    There are some people that celebrate the positive, and then there are some people that feel they always have to be critical.

    Great media coverage for Diana. It would be great if someone could post all of the newspaper cover stories- there are many 😉.
    Maybe if people could actually see the real reviews and coverage- it would put all this “negativity” in perspective.
    Thank you so much for saying this. I totally agree 💯 percent.

  44. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaap View Post
    We've compensated my missing Diana perform with our Diana-related wedding invitation, although not all guests recognized the original inspiration.

    Name:  Jaap Jeroen Wedding invitation.jpg
Views: 474
Size:  87.5 KB
    Wishing you lovely gentlemen a long and happy and healthy marriage.

    My best to both of you.



  45. #95
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    Hey Jaap gefeliciteerd, maak er een mooie dag van!

  46. #96
    I have to admit that I am a bit torn over this subject. I had written a lengthy post in this thread earlier on, and it ended up deleted, in my attempt to go back and make an edit.

    I love Diana dearly, but I also can't deny the reality that she is getting older and her voice is changing. She is still capable of delivering quality performances and superb vocals, but I do think that the back to back schedule of this long tour is understandably wearing on her. I can tell, based on her vocals and overall energy level, at this point. This was evident to me during her Glastonbury performance. I suppose this was obvious to me because I've already watched far too many YouTube clips from her earlier shows on this tour. In my mind, those shows had set a higher benchmark, compared to what I am seeing and hearing now. I don't doubt that all of the travelling and back to back schedule of shows has caught up with her. Hopefully in the future, she can consider doing shorter stints on the road.

    I've also noticed that she's had to lip-sync her vocals, for a couple of the outdoor shows on this tour. When I heard her speaking to the audience during one of those shows, her voice was raspy and tired sounding. I'm afraid that this has all been too much for her. Thankfully she has been a real trooper and has not had to cancel any shows, up until this point. Everyone who has been attending her shows in the UK seem to be mostly happy, which is the main thing.

    When an artist's voice is tired, overworked and not rested, it will limit one's vocal range and cause issues with not being able to sing consistently on key. I know that this is what she has been up against, during this tour. Being older and having not used her voice consistently for two years further complicates this matter, in regards to the length of time she needs for vocal rest and recovery.

    I saw some photos and videos from tonight's show that she did in Durham and it seems she did the entire show in her puffy plad overcoat, slacks and ugg boots. It looked like the weather leading up to this outdoor show was not pleasant. It's just too bad she didn't have anything nicer to wear, that would have kept her warm?

    Name:  20220629_184515.jpg
Views: 374
Size:  82.3 KB

  47. #97
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    Aw, that’s such a cute picture. I know exactly how you feel carlo and I think all of your points are both valid and accurate.

  48. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by khansperac View Post

    Almost all of the publicity and reviews of this show were extremely positive. It does seem as if the good reviews and attendance bother some people. You have to wonder, if almost all reviews are glowing positive reviews, what makes some people so obsessed with the 1% negative reviews. It’s a weird thing. Some are so concerned with the people that think she can do no wrong, and is perfect, that they don’t see how they appear to others, which is always critical and negative. You may not recognize it, but others can see it.

    Fans look forward to the next shows, but it will be interesting to see who is stuck on the negativity.

    We are all entitled to are own opinions and they are all valid.

    By all accounts, her voice wasn’t the best that day, but the overall show was a huge success.

    Great media coverage for Diana.
    Maybe if people could actually see the real reviews and coverage- it would put all this “negativity” in perspective.
    I agree with all you posted, especially the above quotes.

  49. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by TomatoTom123 View Post
    Aw, that’s such a cute picture. I know exactly how you feel carlo and I think all of your points are both valid and accurate.
    I agree, Tom! When I saw this photo, it made me giggle because I thought she does indeed look cute! However, I was equally surprised that she did the entire show in this outfit. I guess the weather was real bad! Lol.

    Thank you as well!

  50. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaap View Post
    We've compensated my missing Diana perform with our Diana-related wedding invitation, although not all guests recognized the original inspiration.

    Name:  Jaap Jeroen Wedding invitation.jpg
Views: 474
Size:  87.5 KB
    Jaap I love this! Congrats to you both!

    Maybe if I get married for a third time, I'll convince him to do an A Go Go photo shoot.


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