Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
‘Convoluted’is perhaps the wrong choice of word. I just believe that based on Margie’s account, [which is all we have to go on) Diana didn’t have to be quite so rude. What would Margie have to gain by intentionally lying?.
Who truly knows what verbal exchanges the two women might have shared during the course of that evening. As i previously mentioned, she obviously had an axe to grind, bad timing though it was.
Does the fact that as far as your aware Diana has never mentioned Margie make it likely the two women never shared a volatile relationship or the incident happened in a rather different way?. I would imagine that Diana has indeed quite rightly forgotten an altercation of so long ago. That does not necessarily indicate it never happened.

P.s Snippy was copied from another poster.
Understood. I didn't look at it as Margie intentionally lying, but more so that Margie is interpreting the situation/Diana's behaviour from her own point of view. I was trying to state that Diana has never publicly shared her memories of Margie and therefore perhaps her memory of Margie may provide an interesting counterbalance to Margie's memories of Diana [[ie. Two sides to every story). Although I don't doubt that Diana was indeed cold to her, whether it was justified or unjustified.