Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
They were grown women, not ten year old girls. She was my friend first so i’m not going to be nice to you. I mean really!!. I would have thought she could at least retain a modicum of civility, as opposed to being outright rude. Call me old fashioned if you like.
But these comments are exactly what is wrong with Margie's "tribute". The focus is now on Diana and her behavior as opposed to Mary's friendship with Margie. There's a time and a place for relating fact of the matter stories and IMO a written or verbal tribute to what is claimed as a dear friend isn't the place. Margie could've focused solely on her relationship with Mary, the interesting people Margie was able to meet through Mary, and their fun times without mentioning her interactions with Diana at all. Interestingly, Margie doesn't once mention what it was like to meet and hangout with Cindy or Jean, good or bad.

I appreciate Margie's tribute for what it is, same as I did Mary's publicist's tribute at the Grammy museum, but the digs at Diana in the midst of what should be a focus on Mary just tells me the kind of people they likely are. I'll go so far as to say Diana may have sensed this in Margie way back then, her behavior as unacceptable as it was as related by Margie. Mary seemed to always be making a new friend. Even Mary didn't write about Diana having a problem with them all.