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  1. #1

    "You Were The One" Diana Ross

    Are there any remixes of YWTO?
    This song is deep disco!
    Love it!

  2. #2
    I agree 100%. This song and the 12" mix of What You Gave Me are two examples of Diana and disco at their best together.

  3. #3
    One of my favorite tracks from Ross.
    This could have been a hit for her back in 78. I'm not aware of any remixes.
    Disappointed to find out Ross has been postponed......
    Frustrated beyond words

  4. #4
    this was a complete miss by motown. why it wasn't release AND why didn't she spend more time in the studio with Greg Wright. i'm not a huge fan of What You Gave Me. Hal Davis obviously struck gold with Hangover. he then did Lovin Livin Givin, What You Gave me and For Once In My Life. i prefer Lovin and For Once. he also did Sweet Summertime Livin which is mediocre.

    the tracks she did with Hollands aren't nearly as strong as the disco tracks the Hollands gave the Supremes in 76. Fire Don't Burn, We Can never light old flame and You Build me up are ok at best.

    by 78 disco was massive. and none of the content except You Were the One were worthy of the top recording artist on the motown label. they'd already brought an outside producer in - Perry. Why on earth they didn't tap into some hot disco producers in 78 to provide her with some quality content is beyond me

  5. #5
    I love the background vocals on 'You Were The One ' with the Jones girls as well. Everything about this was a sure win. "What You Gave Me" was a Ashford and Simpson song so I am thinking Motown was trying to strike gold again with that combination. Personally I liked it better when Marvin and Tammi did it or as some say Marvin and Valerie. I have often wondered if more songs with the Jones girls as background singers were still in the can.

  6. #6
    i think the funky guitar on What You Gave dates the song too much. had they used a little different approach, the song would probably come across better. Diana's vocal is quite strong -she seems rather engaged.

    it would be great if there was an extended version of YWTO in the vaults. most of the dance tracks tended to be and then they edited them down a bit to fit onto the lp.

  7. #7

    Interesting . As I'm hearing it, is this the strongest example of Diana/Motown dabbling in Barry Whiteness??

    Last edited by Boogiedown; 12-07-2020 at 12:02 AM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post

    Interesting . As I'm hearing it, is this the strongest example of Diana/Motown dabbling in Barry Whiteness??

    My favourite Barry White song.......Yea.
    I think “You Were The One” should have been released as a lone single, perhaps as a double A side with “Never Say I Don’t Love You”. It might have done well on the dance chart. Ross 78 should have been canned.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    My favourite Barry White song.......Yea.
    I think “You Were The One” should have been released as a lone single, perhaps as a double A side with “Never Say I Don’t Love You”. It might have done well on the dance chart. Ross 78 should have been canned.
    It was pretty decent musically with the exception of Together, but it was a lazily put together collection with no cohesion or consistency. The highlights were awesome, and the lowlights dire.

  10. #10
    Ross 78 was such a paltry set. no rhyme or reason to it. even the artwork was cheap and unimaginative. if they felt they HAD to rehash some of the older tunes, why not at least give them a more modern sound. perhaps they could have done Reach Out like Hangover, slow at first and then big disco beat at the end.

    the truly odd thing is that they knew Diana would be working on the Wiz and yet they had done nothing to really prepare material to cover her time away. and the little they did record was pathetic mostly

  11. #11
    Yeah, it is remarkable that Motown didn't see the brilliance in the Ross-ness of that lyric [["you were bringing me the sun and the moon!"). And that vocal performance! She was all laidback sensuality climaxing in an exuberance bordering on ecstasy. I think the Barry White comparison is apt.

    I don't know that it could have been a big hit but it certainly seems like one radio would have played. As a lifelong fan, it was wonderful and terrible to only discover it decades after its release.

  12. #12
    I was DJing at this time and we got serviced this LP through the record pool. I skimmed through each of the cuts as was my typical approach when going through a new batch of releases. I wasn't asking myself if i liked the songs or not , but rather if I felt they warranted club play. I remember thinking everything was either A) not disco or B) dancable yes, but dated sounding .... a huge no-no in disco. Even Barry White was having trouble by sounding too Barry White by 1978 . This LP got placed on the reject pile.

    The other influence I hear on this cut...

    would be Sylvia:

  13. #13
    thanks Boogie!! fascinating to hear your thoughts on Ross 78.

    may i ask if you were djing when MS&S was released? what were your thoughts with the disco material from the supremes?

    and what about the dance tracks on Baby It's Me?

  14. #14
    Hi sup ! I have to go to work !! I'll get back to this , I promise!!

  15. #15
    One of the biggest mistakes Motown made regarding Diana's output is not releasing this as a single. I love her "What You Gave Me", but this is definitely the more radio friendly cut. It could've competed with anything else out at the time.

  16. #16
    i am extremely fustrated that this album has been put on hold. the last Ross solo album to get the expanded edition and Ms Ross blocks it. '
    really all these years people have wanted to her to get envolved and now she blocks the last album.
    maybe diana needs to go back and listen to last time i saw him and she how bad that album was. leave the expanded editions to the people who have been doing a great job on them. no one needs her input at this point

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by daviddh View Post
    i am extremely fustrated that this album has been put on hold. the last Ross solo album to get the expanded edition and Ms Ross blocks it. '
    really all these years people have wanted to her to get envolved and now she blocks the last album.
    maybe diana needs to go back and listen to last time i saw him and she how bad that album was. leave the expanded editions to the people who have been doing a great job on them. no one needs her input at this point
    i certainly don't know what was in the vaults from the "ross 78" period. but i would be surprised if there really is all that much. perhaps alt versions of things but if there were any disco "treasures" i would think they would have been included on Disc 2 of diana 1980 back in 2004 or so. that whole disc sort of focused on her disco content and extended songs. some more ended up on To Love Again EE.

    part of the problem with the original album was that it really lacked a whole lot of exciting new content. and maybe there really just wasn't much to pick from. we know that Andy and Harry would never ok a release of any songs that didn't put the singer in a good light. so any tracks that might be interesting in terms of alt versions or takes, if Diana's vocals weren't solid, we wouldn't be getting those anyway.

  18. #18
    Interesting, I did not know she still had this on hold.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    i certainly don't know what was in the vaults from the "ross 78" period. but i would be surprised if there really is all that much. perhaps alt versions of things but if there were any disco "treasures" i would think they would have been included on Disc 2 of diana 1980 back in 2004 or so. that whole disc sort of focused on her disco content and extended songs. some more ended up on To Love Again EE.

    part of the problem with the original album was that it really lacked a whole lot of exciting new content. and maybe there really just wasn't much to pick from. we know that Andy and Harry would never ok a release of any songs that didn't put the singer in a good light. so any tracks that might be interesting in terms of alt versions or takes, if Diana's vocals weren't solid, we wouldn't be getting those anyway.
    There's also the songs Diana cut that High Inergy ended up re-recording. And the duet with Billy Preston. Keep in mind the second disk of diana80 was devoted to dance music. Any ballads or non disco cuts Diana cut during this time wouldn't have been on the disk anyway.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    There's also the songs Diana cut that High Inergy ended up re-recording. And the duet with Billy Preston. Keep in mind the second disk of diana80 was devoted to dance music. Any ballads or non disco cuts Diana cut during this time wouldn't have been on the disk anyway.
    true but some of them emerged on To Love Again EE. I'm just wondering if there's really that much release-able content left if they've already included much of it on dian EE and TLA EE.

    i'm sure we'd all love a 12" version of You Were the One but my guess is there isn't one. otherwise they would have used on diana EE.

    of course there could be many alt mixes of songs. Lovin Livin Givin had a zillion versions released so who knows how many more are sitting in vault.

  21. #21
    I think the album Ross had originally one side with HDH and one side with dance tracks...
    However HDH had a disagreement with berry gordy and walked out.
    Ross apparently was ticked off at bg.
    The album was completed with the love songs...and maybe George has more info

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by daviddh View Post
    I think the album Ross had originally one side with HDH and one side with dance tracks...
    However HDH had a disagreement with berry gordy and walked out.
    Ross apparently was ticked off at bg.
    The album was completed with the love songs...and maybe George has more info
    interesting! i'd heard about the growing problems with DR and BG but hadn't really heard more about HDH.

    Fire Don't Burn - initially recorded in Feb - July 75 at the same time they were working with the sups

    You Build Me Up - basics of the recording were complete by Dec 75

    We can never light that old flame - no recording date info

    these were clearly old tracks motown dusted off in 77 and 78 for Diana. by that time were the Hollands even still around? Flame also lists BG as producer

  23. #23
    Ross was worth the purchase for one track - Never Say I Don't Love You, a glorious ballad with Diana at her best. Actually imo one of her best.

    Missed opportunity being "hidden" on the B-side of No-one Gets The Prize in the UK.

  24. #24
    Never say is one of her best songs. To me this and you were the one both are highlights of the album.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by daviddh View Post
    Never say is one of her best songs. To me this and you were the one both are highlights of the album.
    To love again was also a highlight on Ross78.

  26. #26
    I love “Where did we go wrong”. That along with another favorite “Never say I don’t love you” make this a must have. I also may be in the minority here, but I love the album cover.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by daviddh View Post
    i am extremely fustrated that this album has been put on hold. the last Ross solo album to get the expanded edition and Ms Ross blocks it. '
    really all these years people have wanted to her to get envolved and now she blocks the last album.
    maybe diana needs to go back and listen to last time i saw him and she how bad that album was. leave the expanded editions to the people who have been doing a great job on them. no one needs her input at this point
    Diana has blocked the release of the expanded edition of Ross 78? I didn’t know she had the rights or approval of expanded editions. Where did you hear that she blocked it? If true how disappointing.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by vgalindo View Post
    Diana has blocked the release of the expanded edition of Ross 78? I didn’t know she had the rights or approval of expanded editions. Where did you hear that she blocked it? If true how disappointing.
    universal and the team sends these packages out to the women. I'd guess that if Diana had any specific thoughts or reactions to the material, she would voice it. maybe this is an album that she doesn't like because it was such a shoddy package that Motown put out. maybe she wasn't happy with some of the unreleased content and felt it wasn't worthy of release

  29. #29
    Where is all of this supposed 'insider info' coming from in regards to Ms Ross 'blocking' the release of a planned expanded edition set of Ross '78? All I will say is that as much as the internet and this forum is a great database of knowledge, there is also the potential for misinformation and gossip to be accepted as truth. Therefore, I humbly suggest to review any proposed 'insider information' with caution, unless you know it is coming from someone first-hand at Universal, etc. I can't tell you how many years I've spent on these forums and have seen posts from people who claim this or that, under a veil of simply wanting attention, money, etc. Not calling anyone a liar, but just reminding everyone that misinformation could be at play. I don't feel it's fair to be upset with Ms. Ross over something that may not necessarily be true. Peace.

  30. #30
    If Miss Ross has blocked the release of "Ross 78" that is news to me. To the best of my knowledge she has never even been presented with the idea.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    thanks Boogie!! fascinating to hear your thoughts on Ross 78.

    may i ask if you were djing when MS&S was released? what were your thoughts with the disco material from the supremes?

    and what about the dance tracks on Baby It's Me?

    Hi Sup, I was hoping maybe some good stories would come back relating to those releases, but the truth is I paid no attention to MS&S regrettably because once I became aware of the music in the last fifteen years , I consider it amongst my favorite of the era. I would almost guarantee i didn't hear anything from the album in the clubs I attended in SF at the time, but that record was Top 5 nationally so the more likely explanation is that it just didn't grab me at the time. Still I'd like to claim as ardent as I was , nothing that big should've slipped by me.

    I'M GONNA LET MY HEART DO THE WALKING was a big favorite, we played it at home on our booming state of the art sound system over and over. We were making music tapes [[ reel to reel) at the time for several of the burgeoning stand-up bars [[ no DJ , no dance floor) in SF. We each made tapes and although I wanted it, I think my partner got IGMHDTW, we purposely would never overlap or duplicate and often bartered for who got what !

    BABY ITS ME doesn't have cuts I would file under disco.

    Back to DIANA , I also remember thinking it must be some sort of cut-out packaging , judging from the cover and the older stuff being included. It's opening cut, LIVIN LOVIN.....had long run its course from the TGIF soundtrack , and it wasn't a favorite of mine anyway. With that being the LPs most featured disco song and the only one barely over the minimal five minute preferred song length, the LP didn't stand a chance.

    After the amazing LOVE HANGOVER, and now two dud follow-up LPs in a row [[from my perspective), little would have I predicted that this was the lead up to just months later Ross releasing one of my favorite disco cuts of all time .
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 12-09-2020 at 03:50 PM.

  32. #32
    Interesting Boogie!!

    According to the limited Billboard data i have:

    Walking - didn't chart at all on their SFO disco charts but they weren't really consistent with publishing the regional ones. It went to #3 in NYC and big in other local markets like LA?San Diego where it hit 5

    in Sept 76 Billboard started to publish a National Disco Chart but also listed top markets

    Driving Wheel, Let Yourself and Love i Never Knew peaked at 5 on the national

    in SFO the listings sort of varied

    YMDW started by itself at 10 on 11/13
    nothing for the next week
    then YMDW/LYG arrived at 6, 3, 2

    then YMDW/LINKYSFSG/LTG 9 [[note the different lineup of tunes)
    then that lineup went to 4 on 1/15/77

    then they were off the chart

    don't know if the reversing of LYG and LINKYCFSG means anything or was the typist not paying attention lol

  33. #33
    And Boogie - how crazy was fan and public response in SFO to The Boss?

  34. #34
    Can't help but feel I'm under fire but I was told thru a reliable source reflections and love child are in the wings almost ready to go but universal is holding back until June 21.
    With regards to Ross. Obviously this album is not a favorite of diana's but imo. It has less to do with music and more to do with what was happening behind the scenes.....I think after this release Diana takes control of her music.
    Needless to say.....not a strong output but not her worst.
    Reach out I'll be there is a great remix here but of course I would have used it on a hits collection and not here.
    Lovin living givin is good dance tracks as well as you were the one.
    Never say I don't love you is beautiful.
    To love again and where did we go wrong are equally Ross classics.
    I think the album suffers from to many older tracks . Sorry doesn't always make it right was already three years old while the sugary Together Was even older .....I think from 73-74 .seems like an out take from last time I saw him.
    I feel Diana memories of this collection are coming from the inside of Motown and not her catalogue.
    I was not trying to stir up drama but in reflection I suppose I did. My personal frustration is universal seems to be holding out on us. Another six months.
    Damn.none of us are getting any younger.
    Well in the end.2020 us almost over.
    I was hoping for a Christmas release but it looks unlikely.
    Let's hope 2021brings us all peace ...health and now Ross expanded editions

  35. #35
    No harm done Daviddh.
    Here is what we know. We are still waiting and hoping for approval on any new expanded edition. Only artwork for "Reflections" has been assembled. That doesn't mean it won't change 50 times before the release. Bonus tracks haven't been mixed or mastered nor have any other releases including anything for "Love Child."
    We have submitted track lists for several possible expanded/ultimate editions. Releases that were already done digitally have a head start but as we did with "Merry Christmas" and "Funny Girl" we believe we can improve them for CD release.
    Currently the Universal offices are scheduled to remained closed until June 2021. [[maybe that's why you heard that date?) But everyone is working from home. There won't be a new release for Christmas but I can't say there won't be one before June. I also can't say there will be one any time before 2032! As it is with every new release we just wait for the next one and hope it will be sooner than later. We will never stop trying.
    A million thanks to everyone for caring so much. Have a beautiful, happy, HEALTHY holiday and listen to all the expanded/ultimate editions that have been released so far. I promise to give an update as soon as possible. xo

  36. #36
    Many thanks for sharing what info you do know George. I had hoped “Reflections” was almost completed, but with artwork having just being assembled there appears to be a long way to go yet. Such is life.
    As they have previously had a digital release, perhaps “Songs From The Wiz” or even “Baby It’s Me” might beat “Reflections” it to the post. I guess all will be revealed in 2021.
    As for 2020, best wishes for a ‘Wonderful Christmas Time’...

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by George Solomon View Post
    No harm done Daviddh.
    Here is what we know. We are still waiting and hoping for approval on any new expanded edition. Only artwork for "Reflections" has been assembled. That doesn't mean it won't change 50 times before the release. Bonus tracks haven't been mixed or mastered nor have any other releases including anything for "Love Child."
    We have submitted track lists for several possible expanded/ultimate editions. Releases that were already done digitally have a head start but as we did with "Merry Christmas" and "Funny Girl" we believe we can improve them for CD release.
    Currently the Universal offices are scheduled to remained closed until June 2021. [[maybe that's why you heard that date?) But everyone is working from home. There won't be a new release for Christmas but I can't say there won't be one before June. I also can't say there will be one any time before 2032! As it is with every new release we just wait for the next one and hope it will be sooner than later. We will never stop trying.
    A million thanks to everyone for caring so much. Have a beautiful, happy, HEALTHY holiday and listen to all the expanded/ultimate editions that have been released so far. I promise to give an update as soon as possible. xo
    Thanks so much George. I have all the expanded editions and love every one of them. I can’t stop playing the latest expanded edition of Funny Girl. It is so beautiful. Can you share with us if Ross 78 has been worked on yet? Is it just waiting for an approval for release? Again thanks so much

  38. #38
    Thanks George for the update.
    Can you give any insight to the album Ross as far as why the older songs were used in place of more current tracks.
    Thank you again

  39. #39
    There's a projected track list for an expanded Ross 78. I know there's a lot of hope for this one and I think it can be a good collection but personally I'd like to first see a physical Baby It's Me.
    I've heard the same as everyone else about the Ross track list. I know when they were being recorded Mr Gordy was very excited about the Brian Holland songs. I heard there was a legal reason why they weren't used at the time but I don't have any facts. Side note on this: When the first Diana CD Anthology was compiled, "Old Flame" was on disc 2 after "My Old Piano." We were told to take it off and replace it with "My Man." The reason given was Mr Gordy didn't like the mix of "Old Flame."
    Diana and Hal Davis really liked Summertime Livin' while recording it. I don't know what happened with that one but at the time they thought they had a big hit.
    Diana chose the Ross 78 cover. She talked about it in an interview. I think 1976 Andy Warhol?
    At the time of release she spoke fondly of the album to fans even mentioning the "new version" of Reach Out I'll Be There. And as mentioned before, she was performing "Lovin, Livin & Givin, To Love Again and You Were The One in concert.
    No big news but that's what I know!

  40. #40
    Thanks George. This album seems to have several gems. Can't remember who wrote or produced never say I don't love you but he should have produced more

  41. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by George Solomon View Post
    There's a projected track list for an expanded Ross 78. I know there's a lot of hope for this one and I think it can be a good collection but personally I'd like to first see a physical Baby It's Me.
    I've heard the same as everyone else about the Ross track list. I know when they were being recorded Mr Gordy was very excited about the Brian Holland songs. I heard there was a legal reason why they weren't used at the time but I don't have any facts. Side note on this: When the first Diana CD Anthology was compiled, "Old Flame" was on disc 2 after "My Old Piano." We were told to take it off and replace it with "My Man." The reason given was Mr Gordy didn't like the mix of "Old Flame."
    Diana and Hal Davis really liked Summertime Livin' while recording it. I don't know what happened with that one but at the time they thought they had a big hit.
    Diana chose the Ross 78 cover. She talked about it in an interview. I think 1976 Andy Warhol?
    At the time of release she spoke fondly of the album to fans even mentioning the "new version" of Reach Out I'll Be There. And as mentioned before, she was performing "Lovin, Livin & Givin, To Love Again and You Were The One in concert.
    No big news but that's what I know!
    Interesting George. I am surprised she spoke fondly of Ross78. I spoke to a guy [[i shall keep his name out of the conversation) who was close to Ms Ross in the late 70's and early 80's. He told me she was furious with the tracklisting on the original release and all but disowned it. I must stress this is only what i was told and i do not know for sure if this was the complete truth.

  42. #42
    well perhaps she wasn't happy with the number of old tunes placed on the album while never ones didn't get out - like Summertime. I'm not sure what she and Hal were hearing with Summertime. i think it's awful lolol. But will acknowledge her vocals are strong and well sung. she's giving it a strong performance.

  43. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    well perhaps she wasn't happy with the number of old tunes placed on the album while never ones didn't get out - like Summertime. I'm not sure what she and Hal were hearing with Summertime. i think it's awful lolol. But will acknowledge her vocals are strong and well sung. she's giving it a strong performance.
    I agree that her vocals were stronger than the songs, but it does indicate she responded well to them in the studio. Just think what she could have done with some stronger material.

  44. #44
    Songs such as “Old Flame” and “Sweet Summertime” would have sounded just as dated in 78 as did “Together” and SDAMIR.
    When you consider the quality of music the Supremes has released just two years prior, Ross 78 sounds like something from the ark.

  45. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebrock View Post
    Interesting George. I am surprised she spoke fondly of Ross78. I spoke to a guy [[i shall keep his name out of the conversation) who was close to Ms Ross in the late 70's and early 80's. He told me she was furious with the tracklisting on the original release and all but disowned it. I must stress this is only what i was told and i do not know for sure if this was the complete truth.
    I think when speaking with a group of fans who were telling her they just bought her new album, it makes sense she would put a positive spin on it.

  46. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by George Solomon View Post
    I think when speaking with a group of fans who were telling her they just bought her new album, it makes sense she would put a positive spin on it.
    I guess so.
    Thank you for the updates regarding the expanded editions.

  47. #47
    I realise baby it's me should get a physical release but I would love something newer like Reflections

  48. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by daviddh View Post
    I realise baby it's me should get a physical release but I would love something newer like Reflections
    I really want a physical release of Baby it's me especially if there is more material to add to the digital version.

  49. #49
    i'm rather disappointed about having physical releases of sets already released rather than getting more of the content out there. If there are some new discoveries for an older set, fine. but otherwise i think it's more important to get as much DIFFERENT material out there while we can.

    simply taking these digital sets and putting on cd is not IMO a great idea or anything too exciting. sure holding the cd in your hand is all sorts of wonderful. but i think its more about receiving the music and new things

  50. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by khansperac View Post
    I also may be in the minority here, but I love the album cover.
    So do I. It's frameable.


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