Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
Considering the "Windrush Scandal" meant that legal residents were treated as illegal immigrants, this does not augur well for EU citizens in the UK after Brexit.

A former town mayor who has lived in Britain for nearly 40 years has been denied citizenship [Metro, May 24]. Inga Lockington, who was mayor of Ipswich in 2007, moved from Denmark when she got married in 1979, and was granted leave to remain for an indefinite period. The 66-year-old applied for UK citizenship after the Brexit vote, but it was denied by the Home Office.

Why does she have to worry about the possibility of being deported when Brexit becomes a reality? That's just plain nasty.
Those c***s in the immigration department are now delaying or refusing to grant visas to relatives of those who died in the Grenfell fire tragedy whereas the relatives of those who died were supposed to be able to attend and pay tribute at the official enquiry.

When did the British "sense of fair play" become a thing of the past?