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  1. #1

    'Roseanne' - 'yer fired - ABC

    Bravo to ABC.

  2. #2
    Get to steppin' you deplorable pile of racist shit. Take Poops the Moron Clown with you.

  3. #3
    I just read this. It's all over the mass media. I should check out how the people at fox news are spinning it, as Rosanne is a big Trump fan.

    I am impressed by how swiftly Disney executives made their decision.

  4. #4
    Smart move, genius--the president of ABC Entertainment Group is a Black woman. Good riddance, you unfunny cretin. Trump-loving racists, consider yourselves warned.

  5. #5
    Good for Starbucks, too! They are taking steps to resolve issues with their employees, too. Their town hall starts in three hours on Twitter @MSNBC and on Twitter #EverydayRacism

    I think a lot of discussion will be centered around Barr. I think that if that's the way it goes, it will be unfortunate because there is so much to discuss. In fact, I think it would be a good idea to start a thread allowing people to post their experiences with racial bias. Hmmm...I just may do that.
    Last edited by soulster; 05-29-2018 at 06:02 PM.

  6. #6
    Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could get rid of Trumpty Dumpty that fast!

  7. #7
    For the last ten years we have been hearing people, usually Whites, say there is no more racism, and that the only people keeping it alive are Blacks. Well, I haven't heard much from them in the last couple of years.

    What concerns me more is not that public figures make these racist comments, but the public who continually supports them no matter what. A lot of singers have made disgusting racist comments [[Ted Nugent, Pat Boone, Ray Stevens), never apologized, and are still sold in record stores. We have people like Joy Reid and Phil Robertson, both whom have made has made homophobic remarks, and they still have their shows. Chris Matthews was caught making misogynist comments about Hillary Clinton and he still has his show. People still like and follow all of them. Justice and punishment is selective. And, we have a so-called president who supports racists at every turn, and is one himself. He supports dictators who kill and are at a cyber war with the U.S.. Man can't even spell his own wife's name right or give her a birthday gift. But there are people out there who would take a bullet for him unless he came for their guns.

    This world is messed up.
    Last edited by soulster; 05-29-2018 at 07:20 PM.

  8. #8
    On another message board, a poster chimed in to say that she's not racist but made a mistake with the tweet. I asked him earnestly for his definition of what a racist is and, as I expected, he couldn't provide an answer. Instead replying by asking "what isn't racist these days". Ask anybody who suggests that Trump or Roseanne or anybody else is not a racist what a racist is and they will avoid it as if their lives depend on not answering and I don't know why. How do you know someone is not racist if you don't know what racism is.

    Not being willing to let him off the hook, I provided my own answer, which is below:
    See. Nobody can answer the question. If we even can't define what a racist is, we can't address the problem. Personally, I define a racist as someone who has negative unfounded opinions of another race and reveals this mindset through words or deeds designed to either belittle or hold a person or an entire group of people back. Charging black people more for mortgages than you charge equally qualified white applicants is racist. Refusing to rent to black people is racist. Denying someone opportunity in any regard due to his/her race is racist.
    Making a joke about another race doesn't have to be racist. Comparing someone of another race to an ape, especially when there is a long and sad history of that person's race being referred to as "monkeys" or "apes", is racist pure and simple. Is the person who said it a racist? I don't know; look at their life for context. If it's a one-off, it may not mean they are racist. If they embrace people who ascribe to that mentality, then that person is probably a racist.

  9. #9
    I saw this story on the news. I had never heard of this woman or watched her show before, but, the way that she lost her show despite having given a seemingly sincere apology, made me feel quite sorry for her.

    Then, as if it wasn't important, they added at the end of the report, that she was a massive Donald Trump fan, and my sympathy for her ended right there and then.

  10. #10
    Rosanne probably won't be without a job.....Fox news will probably hire her.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Smart move, genius--the president of ABC Entertainment Group is a Black woman. Good riddance, you unfunny cretin. Trump-loving racists, consider yourselves warned.
    I didn't know - congratulations to Ms. Channing Dungey for her success and thanks to her for her positive influence to younger generations. She's a new hero.

  12. #12
    Shes an ignorant white trash bigot with not a lick of shame.


  13. #13
    You may have to buy her show's DVDs at Walmart.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Shes an ignorant white trash bigot with not a lick of shame.


    Isn't that comment putting you, a "God fearing woman", in the same category as Roseanne? I understand your anger but there is enough hatred going around even more so these days thanks to the great divider. Granted, Barr got what she deserved and now trying as most do to worm her way out of it. This garbage has to stop and we know where it has to start with our own government and Trump's propaganda. Roseanne destroyed herself. Remember, Trump is supposed to be working for us. Not the other way around.
    Last edited by nathanj06; 05-30-2018 at 11:05 AM.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by nathanj06 View Post
    Isn't that comment putting you, a "God fearing woman", in the same category as Roseanne? I understand your anger but there is enough hatred going around even more so these days thanks to the great divider. Granted, Barr got what she deserved and now trying as most do to worm her way out of it. This garbage has to stop and we know where it has to start with our own government and Trump's propaganda. Roseanne destroyed herself. Remember, Trump is supposed to be working for us. Not the other way around.
    There aren't enough stars in the internet for this post. Calling someone "white trash" is not only bigoted and classist, but it normalizes "trash of color." I reject the use of this term wholeheartedly.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by nathanj06 View Post
    Isn't that comment putting you, a "God fearing woman", in the same category as Roseanne? I understand your anger but there is enough hatred going around even more so these days thanks to the great divider. Granted, Barr got what she deserved and now trying as most do to worm her way out of it. This garbage has to stop and we know where it has to start with our own government and Trump's propaganda. Roseanne destroyed herself. Remember, Trump is supposed to be working for us. Not the other way around.
    When President Pus*y Grabber apologizes for calling Mexicans rapists and murderers and apologiozes for his disgusting birther movemement and for mocking a disabled reporter and apologizes for putting those racists and vile Central Park 5 ads in the Newspapers I will stop calling him a racist pig and Roseanne Barr racist white trash. Trump has given his base permission to say anything. Hes unfit to serve and a mysoginistic pig.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by nathanj06 View Post
    Isn't that comment putting you, a "God fearing woman", in the same category as Roseanne?
    I don't think so. Being a god-fearing person doesn't mean you can't call it like you see it. I happen to agree that Barr is a bigot and has no shame.

    Now Barr is trying to use the "Ambien defense", and the drug manufacturer came out this morning and strongly rebuked it. Ambien doesn't make you a racist, but following conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, and Donald Trump will certainly open yourself to that mindset.
    Last edited by soulster; 05-30-2018 at 05:46 PM.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    When President Pus*y Grabber apologizes for calling Mexicans rapists and murderers and apologiozes for his disgusting birther movemement and for mocking a disabled reporter and apologizes for putting those racists and vile Central Park 5 ads in the Newspapers I will stop calling him a racist pig and Roseanne Barr racist white trash. Trump has given his base permission to say anything. Hes unfit to serve and a mysoginistic pig.
    You know what? You're right. It's great to take the high road and be above Trump's level, but it just doesn't work. There's nothing satisfying in turning the other butt cheek, unless you like that sort of thing. :-)

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I don't think so. Being a god-fearing person doesn't mean you can't call it like you see it. I happen to agree that Barr is a bigot and has no shame.

    Now Barr is trying to use the "Ambien defense", and the drug manufacturer came out this morning and strongly rebuked it. Ambien doesn't make you a racist, but following conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, and Donald Trump will certainly open yourself to that mindset.
    Preach Soulster Preach. Alex Jones and Sean KKKlannity and President Pus*y Grabber and Roseanne Barr are all hatefilled bigots with NO redeming qualities.

  20. #20
    I don't find Ms. Roberta's statement offensive because I [[at least I try to) understand the anger behind it. We can't let the haters separate us - that's what they want. djt today sent Sarah S out to blabber nonsense about 'where were the apologies for him'. Gotta hang together and turn out to vote the midterms.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceNHarmony View Post
    I don't find Ms. Roberta's statement offensive because I [[at least I try to) understand the anger behind it. We can't let the haters separate us - that's what they want. djt today sent Sarah S out to blabber nonsense about 'where were the apologies for him'. Gotta hang together and turn out to vote the midterms.
    Thank you dear. i will lighten up on President Pus*y Grabber when he apologizes to President Obama for lying for years about him not being a citizen and for spreading that vicious birther lie to his illiterate base. Im going to lighten up on Trumpy whe he apologizes to Judge Curiel and the Mexican people. I will lighten up on Tump when he apologizes to the disabled reporter and apologizes to Carmen Cruz the Mayor of San Juan and Rosie O Donnell and Justice Sotomyer and all the other women hes attacked verbally or physically and to the peaceful protesters he ignored but said theres good people on the White Nationals and Neo cons. Hes a bully and a liar and a mysoginst and a race baiter and yes, Im going to say it again, he gives trash like Roseanne Barr amd his 99% white base permission to spread hate and bigotry.

  22. #22
    People like Roseanne have a way of coming out on top and smelling like a rose, so I would be willing to bet that another network will eventually give her another shot and the interest level will be so high that her next project will garner even higher ratings than this one did. People enjoy watching train wrecks and this will not be an exception. It might not happen right away but we have not heard the last of her.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by daviddesper View Post
    People like Roseanne have a way of coming out on top and smelling like a rose, so I would be willing to bet that another network will eventually give her another shot and the interest level will be so high that her next project will garner even higher ratings than this one did. People enjoy watching train wrecks and this will not be an exception. It might not happen right away but we have not heard the last of her.
    Doubt it. There's now talk that most of the cast of Roseanne could produce a show without her.

  24. #24
    Fox News gets behind another racist. SMH


  25. #25
    The cast could continue the show by killing off the Roseanne character. They could say that she was killed by a neo nazi neo nazi rally.

  26. #26
    Leave Roseanne with the Fox News crowd. If the rest of the cast moves on without her on ABC, it would be vindication for THEM. Leave Roseanne with those #MAGA midgets...lol

  27. #27
    Screw ABC. Tossing her under the bus. Fire the animal that cancelled the best show. Do something with the moron she talked about too. Acting all perfect. They are the villains.

  28. #28
    There is another thread on this topic in the club house.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by TomatoTom123 View Post
    I saw this story on the news. I had never heard of this woman or watched her show before, but, the way that she lost her show despite having given a seemingly sincere apology, made me feel quite sorry for her.

    Then, as if it wasn't important, they added at the end of the report, that she was a massive Donald Trump fan, and my sympathy for her ended right there and then.
    The first time I saw Roseanne Barr was on HBO when I was on holiday in the US either late 80s or early 90s. That was the first time I'd ever seen a female comedian consistently use 4-letter words in a stand-up comedy routine on television.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Fourtopsbiggestfan View Post
    Screw ABC. Tossing her under the bus. Fire the animal that cancelled the best show. Do something with the moron she talked about too. Acting all perfect. They are the villains.
    So, you're OK with the racist tweet?

  31. #31
    Man, Roseanne barr's ex-husband Tom Arnold went off on CNN a couple of days ago.

    Preach on, brother!

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    So, you're OK with the racist tweet?
    Obviously. S/he called the woman who fired her an animal. Trumpism rears its ugly head once again on this forum.
    Last edited by sansradio; 06-01-2018 at 05:09 PM.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Obviously. S/he called the woman who fired her an animal. Trumpism rears its ugly head once again on this forum.
    Here is "the animal" that fired Roseanne. Ms. Channing Dungey, ABC President:

    Attachment 14268

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Obviously. S/he called the woman who fired her an animal. Trumpism rears its ugly head once again on this forum.
    And doubled down on verbally assaulting Valerie Jarrett. I don't know what's worse, the lack of being able to express themselves without using racist insults or the paranoia that leads to wacky conspiracies among the 4chan crowd. Who knew it was possible for total self-fuckery to be a communicable disease?

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    So, you're OK with the racist tweet?
    The best show shouldn't be cancelled. No one is perfect. Although most people now are acting like it be cancelling stuff.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Fourtopsbiggestfan View Post
    Screw ABC. Tossing her under the bus. Fire the animal that cancelled the best show. Do something with the moron she talked about too. Acting all perfect. They are the villains.
    "The moron she talked about" Do you actually mean Valerie Jarrett? Because if you do your wrong wrong wrong imo. Valerie jarred is a class act. Roseanne Barr is vulgar ignorant trash and a race baiting slob who needs to keep her ignorant mouth shut.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Who knew it was possible for total self-fuckery to be a communicable disease?
    Ok, this made me laugh out loud, thanks Jerry! sad but true

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Fourtopsbiggestfan View Post
    The best show shouldn't be cancelled.
    So, you don't think there should be limits on how tolerable one should be towards the star's behavior? ABC had to hold their nose at many of the prior offenses she's committed over the years.

    It is clear to me that Ms. Barr is mentally ill, and it may be worsening. Just a few years ago she was calling for George Zimmerman's arrest, even giving out his parent's address for people to maybe harass them until he was? And, now she's done a 180 and now expresses alt-right conspiracy theories. Many mentally ill people tend to swing to extreme sociopolitical viewpoints. Bottom line, ABC could no longer risk that liability. Not only that, two of the show's co-stars, and a principle writer were in the process of quitting because they couldn't take it anymore. And, yes, they would have risked a massive boycott of both viewers and advertisers. Disney is an inclusive company, and its ABC president is a Black woman, who is likely conservative herself. It was her call to bring back Roseanne Barr.

    No one is perfect.
    You're right: no one is perfect. But, how much is a company supposed to risk? Money isn't everything. There's ethics and morals. A lot of public figures are making disgusting racial, misogynistic, and homophobic comments that get them into trouble. One wonders when it will be Donald Trump's time because he does it almost daily, and keeps getting away with it. He sets the tone, and the shit drops from the top.

    Although most people now are acting like it be cancelling stuff.
    What you wrote makes no sense whatsoever.

  39. #39
    It's possible she's racist, mentally disturbed, trend jumping and seeking for attention. Yesterday she claimed she was just a liberal who voted for Trump lmao

    Girl's head ain't on too tight. She needs therapy, not a TV show.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    It's possible she's racist, mentally disturbed, trend jumping and seeking for attention. Yesterday she claimed she was just a liberal who voted for Trump lmao

    Girl's head ain't on too tight. She needs therapy, not a TV show.
    Spot on, midnight! At this point, I don't care if she's a friggin' racist. I just don't want to hear about her anymore.

    Nowm if we could only get rid of the real racist in the white house...

  41. #41
    Joe Rogan said she swore to him she didn't know that Valerie Jarrett was black. Any excuse will do.

  42. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Joe Rogan said she swore to him she didn't know that Valerie Jarrett was black. Any excuse will do.
    I dont buy it for one second. Shes trashed President Obama pushed Trumps birthism BS and said crazy and mean and racist things in the past and her Ambien excuse is also not credible IMO.

  43. #43
    I think she is ... unbalanced ... but don't for one millisecond give that as a pass to her behavior and statements.

  44. #44
    In a perfect world, Ms. Barr would never have existed!But, since it ain't my version of what the world should be like, i'll settle for never having to hear her, or about her again!

    But, here's the danger of chalking up her behavior to mental illness: it gives her an excuse for the racism. Notice that the NRA does the same thing every time there is a mass shooting? They start talking about mental illness instead of the fact that guns were used, and were so easily obtained by the killers. It's a deflection of the real issue. So, mental illness or not, Roseanne barr is a racist because of all the things she's said and done. And, George Zimmerman? Even racists can have a moment of rationality.
    Last edited by soulster; 06-04-2018 at 07:36 PM.

  45. #45
    I also noticed that the NRA never had a word to say when the pig murdered Philando Castille for legally carrying a concealed weapon. Not a word about James Shaw, who disarmed the murderer at the Waffle House either. They never advocate for urban areas to use guns to lower the crime rate. I wonder why?

  46. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I also noticed that the NRA never had a word to say when the pig murdered Philando Castille for legally carrying a concealed weapon. Not a word about James Shaw, who disarmed the murderer at the Waffle House either. They never advocate for urban areas to use guns to lower the crime rate. I wonder why?
    They do not care about what happens in urban areas or to the people that live in them. The only use the NRA has for urban areas is to use them to scare people into buying more guns! "Look at Chicago", "But what about Chicago?" you know the drill.

  47. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    They do not care about what happens in urban areas or to the people that live in them. The only use the NRA has for urban areas is to use them to scare people into buying more guns! "Look at Chicago", "But what about Chicago?" you know the drill.
    A guy who used to work for me told me on Facebook that Chicago was an example of what happened when you introduce gun control. When I asked him to explain, he said nobody in Chicago is allowed to own guns. When I absolutely blew that away with links to both Chicago's and Illinois' government web pages, he was shocked. He absolutely drank all of the Kool-Aid and was rejoicing and laughing in the knowledge that nobody could legally own guns in the city, so only crooks had them. Even if that was true, why would it be funny?


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