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Thread: American Idol

  1. #1
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    American Idol

    OK. We trash it, especially after the last couple of seasons with BORING guys and girls with guitars. but the new season of American Idol is looking promising. There's the new judges who aren't mean OR incoherent. THEY seem to know their stuff. And there seems to be an emphasis on singers, people with strong voices. Idol has not had this many promising singers since Season 3. And some of these kids are picking good songs. I heard one girl sing Summertime, another male contestant sang I Put a Spell on You and another girl sang Seven-Day Fool. I think that was an old Etta James tune. And there's a 15 year old this season who sings very sophisticated material well and could have a Broadway career right now. Everyone is not great [[there's a guy who was compared to Luther Vandross, but he's far from it...more like Yolanda Adams or Donnie McClurkin). And I don't see a clear winner yet. I'm not sure what's caused the change but I like them.
    Last edited by Kamasu_Jr; 03-04-2011 at 02:59 AM.

  2. #2
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    I've watched it on and off since the beginning. I miss Simon. He was truthful.
    I think the contestants this year are the worst that I have ever heard.
    Randy used to say "pitchy" all the time. He sure could have said it a lot tonight and didn't.

  3. #3
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    Simon was truthful, but he could be also mean, depending on his mood and whether he disliked someone. I thought Steven Tyler would be tougher and maybe not so fond of non-rock singers, but he says what he thinks and feels most of the time. But this season, there's a lot of good voices, some talent for a change. It will be interesting to see how they are challenged and grow within the upcoming weeks.
    Last edited by Kamasu_Jr; 03-02-2011 at 10:33 PM.

  4. #4
    smark21 Guest
    I've watched bits and pieces this week. There's some talent there, but from what I've seen, so far the contestants are more focussed on the singing competition aspect of the show, which can lead to self indulgent over singing, rather than focus on singing in such a way that would sound good on the radio or an album or make you want to see them perform an hour long show. Not really missing Simon--he was bored the last couple of years and though he can be "honest" he really has schlocky taste, or perhaps he has insight on the kind of schlock certain people will lap up which is why is he's a good businessman. Randy Jackson seems to be stepping into the role as the one who's likely to give a more honest critique.

  5. #5
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    My take on the first two shows is that the guys are a LOT better than the girls. So despite all the predictions that a girl would simply HAVE to win this year, I am not sure I saw one tonight that deserves to win it. I do think the Luther clone was good but he ultimately will lose out on racism or because people don't appreciate the falsetto tone in a male voice. So the better bets to win will be James-the Adam Lambert wannabe, Scotty-the deep voiced country growler, or Casey, the "put a spell on you" guy. I honestly don't think any of the girls can go the distance and that standing ovation for Pia tonight was just not legitimate. We have heard LOADS of better performances than that over the years.

  6. #6
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    American Idol

    I loved Simon and I miss him but I love Steven Tyler also. I think the men contestants are stronger than the women this year. Especially "I put a spell on you" OMG!!!
    Wonderful show this year.

  7. #7
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    Screaming Jaw Hawkins. "I put a Spell on you"

  8. #8
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    Is that show still on the air?????

  9. #9
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    No, I don't see any Luther Vandross comparison with Jacob Lusk. If anything that guy reminds me a little of David Peaston.

  10. #10
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    They will eliminate 12 contestants tonight. It's like a mass execution. Twelve in one night.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebop View Post
    No, I don't see any Luther Vandross comparison with Jacob Lusk. If anything that guy reminds me a little of David Peaston.
    I just caught his performance on youtube! He's Definitely is capable of filling the void left by Ali-Ollie Woodson.

  12. #12
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    American Idol

    Don't forget to watch American Idol tonight.

  13. #13
    smark21 Guest
    The performances were taped last night and supposedly Berry Gordy was in the audience as Randy Jackson was spotted speaking to Gordy between performances.

  14. #14
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    I haven't been keeping up with this show because I finally got tired of them telling us that we were hearing "great" when we weren't. I grewtired of the constant "human interest" angle, which could garner sympathy votes for contestants who really didn't cut it. And last season totally disgusted me after having picked some of the worst contestants in its history, Simon, Kara & Randy continued to gush & totally try to oversell mediocrity, all because they had picked the worst for fans to vote on.

    And don't get me started with the fans & the "vote early, vote often" mentality of the show, as encouraged by Ryan & the producers.

    I just hope that they give us less B.S. & more talent & do away with that "Monkees & The Banana Splits clowning around in a car" crap.

    With that said, I did watch when Lusk got through & the first singer whom came to mind was David Peaston when he was winning on the Apollo every week. But even during that audition & especially after he left the room, I wished that he'd stop singing so over-the-top because if he simply took it down a notch, he'd sound better.

    Sometimes, less is more & I wish that I could apply the same principle to my writing.

  15. #15
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    As I said, Mr. Lusk has a voice, but to me, he sounded off-key at times & a bit out-of-control.

    He can tone it down a bit & still allow that Gospel vibe to shine through. I may be in the minority, but I believe that it was like the toast that I had the other day...

    A bit flat in places & a bit overdone!

  16. #16
    Oh wow!! I just heard Thia sing!! That girl is going places!! Amazing voice!! Beautiful!

  17. #17
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post
    As I said, Mr. Lusk has a voice, but to me, he sounded off-key at times & a bit out-of-control.

    He can tone it down a bit & still allow that Gospel vibe to shine through. I may be in the minority, but I believe that it was like the toast that I had the other day...

    A bit flat in places & a bit overdone!
    Jacob Lusk's performance was so over the top and screechy. Not as awful as his renditoin of God Bless the Child, but someone needs to tell him to stop oversinging.

    Thia has a beautiful voice but that arragement of Smile did her no favors when it switched to that jazzy/r and B style, she should have sung it as a straight ballad.

  18. #18
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    Is it possible that you have Pia and Thia confused? I say that because Pia [[who sang All By Myself) was the only truly great female tonight and Thia [[Smile) was just average at best.

  19. #19
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    I guess that what caused me to stop watching last year was the constant gushing over mediocrity. I forget her name, but i got so tired of them telling us that Siobahn was great. Wasn't she the one who tried to win by singing huge notes during the last 10 seconds of the song?

    I also tired of the judges raving over performances that were pedestrian at best. In no other REAL professional competition that I know of would such mediocrity be applauded. People believe that Simon ws cruel, but had these kids auditioned for a play & sounded like many of them did, they'd have been stopped within 30 seconds & that would've been it. Which is quite cruel, but I believe that's better than offering these kids hope via empty praise. And by the way, exactly how many of those "talented" singers made it or got remotely close to maintaining their buzz?

    I also got tired of seeing the fans keep limited folks such as Sanjiyah & "Chicken Little" weeks after their shelf life had expired & the ridiculous fan voting process. Not to mention the screaming fans who scream for their favorites, no matter how average their performances were.

    Usually once I've turned my back on something, I don't return. I really wanted to like this show but, maybe it's simply jumped the shark for me. I believe that in earlier years, they chose better talent. The last 3 or 4, not so much. and they overcompensated for the deficiencies of their selections by over-hyping them & attempting to push mediocrity as "greatness".

    And no professional should do that.

  20. #20
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    Just sick and tired of the concept now and I have only watched once this season, to think you Guys have got to put up with Cowell and his X Factor as well! it is killing the music industry and it has killed it in the UK. I managed many young artists and you would have them out on the road doing teen disco's, events with radio stations etc but it would cost too much now and record companies look for product off the conveyor belt that they can shape overnight rather than invest in. I rated the job that Simon Fuller first did with Idol in the UK but when Cowell came along it was he who was the start of the end and to think how much money he has made while he sucks in, and spits out so many young people!

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by daviddesper View Post

    Is it possible that you have Pia and Thia confused? I say that because Pia [[who sang All By Myself) was the only truly great female tonight and Thia [[Smile) was just average at best.
    Pia was great too. But Thia was certainly a highlight for me. I guess to every one his own. I thought she sounded just beautiful.

  22. #22
    pshark Guest
    Anybody else thinks Steve Tyler is creepy the way he eyeballs the young females?
    p.s. Berry Gordy was in the audience

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pshark View Post
    Anybody else thinks Steve Tyler is creepy the way he eyeballs the young females?
    p.s. Berry Gordy was in the audience
    Oh, hell yeah. You can tell which female contestants Tyler would probably like to take back to his mansion. There's one blond contestant who is only there because Steven Tyler went to bat for her. She's obviously his type.

    But what I miss is Simon Cowell's honesty. He was mean, but he told the truth. He said what many of us viewers were thinking. Ms. Lopez is working this show like a popularity contest in high school. She can't say anything bad [[or
    honest) about anybody because she wants to be liked.
    Last edited by Motown_M_1056; 03-10-2011 at 06:56 PM.

  24. #24
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    I don't think that it's so much that she wants to be like. Follow with me if you will...

    Both Jennifer & Paula were known as dancers. Many music critics have regarded them as light-weight singers who got over primarily because they were dancers & their video imagery, as opposed to their vocal chops. Both have been savaged for their vocals, which most music critics have discussed in less than flattering terms.

    I think that because both of them had to deal with such criticism, they personalize it & therefore aren't able to be brutally honest, having been down that road themselves. I believe that when they saw/see those young contestants, they see their own reflections staring back & them & remember all of those critical words spoken about them. I think that it brings back hurtful memories to them & they don't want to do tat to anyone else.

    I think it has more to do with that than anything else.

  25. #25
    smark21 Guest
    I think Simon has very dubious taste at times, but the best part he brought to the show was a bracing honesty and he didn't give a whit about a person's self esteem. In America we put way too much emphasis on self esteem and giving undue praise and it's created a couple of generations of people who think they are more talented and more intelligent than they really are because few are willing to tell them the truth about what they really are.

    The girl who got booted last night after her awful performance of When You Tell Me That You Love Me is a perfect example. 12 minutes after the show she went on Twitter to talk and spouted this nonsense:

    Now its time 2 be the person I was Called 2 be. From this point on nothin can shatter my dreams. No matter the outcome, God calls me winner

    Whoever comes in last place always ends in 1st place with God.

  26. #26
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    Hi all, haven't been through in a while, but this statement caught my eye particularly: "In America we put way too much emphasis on self esteem and giving undue praise and it's created a couple of generations of people who think they are more talented and more intelligent than they really are because few are willing to tell them the truth about what they really are."

    I must disagree; I think the lack of that praise is what creates the attitude of entitlement in young people. Without high self esteem, they become embittered and feel entitled to things they are not entitled to.
    Aside from the talent contest and the fame and the money and stuff, I think American Idol, like so many other parts of entertainment put an unhealthy spin of glory on fame and the lot. Many people are famous for many things that have nothing to do with talent these days, but I have to say as far as our children go, their self esteem is such a huge part of their success in dealing with life and has very little to do with the fakery that our society sets up as best things in life to be or achieve. We, as adults and people of love and experience cannot do too much to lift the self esteem of our young people. Young people are good and bad, just like older people, so their bad qualities will out regardless, but youngsters need our praise and uplifting. The village has left the caring of the children to the evil world. They have each other to tell them they are worthless, they have the media, and the workplace, and without that uplifting, they are truly lost. Sorry to disagree, but I think the one most missing thing in so many young people's lives is that bucking up, telling them they have a chance in life, to be what they dream they can be. Not enough praise, not enough support, low self esteem poors out in the schools, online, everywhere.
    I believe high self esteem gives people emotional skills to cope with life straight on! "I am good enough to achieve what I can with what I have! I am worthy of love and loving kindness. I am worthy of a caring life and a happy outlook." That is what high self esteem gives us.
    No offense meant, but this is what I beleive.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    I think Simon has very dubious taste at times, but the best part he brought to the show was a bracing honesty and he didn't give a whit about a person's self esteem. In America we put way too much emphasis on self esteem and giving undue praise and it's created a couple of generations of people who think they are more talented and more intelligent than they really are because few are willing to tell them the truth about what they really are.

    The girl who got booted last night after her awful performance of When You Tell Me That You Love Me is a perfect example. 12 minutes after the show she went on Twitter to talk and spouted this nonsense:

    Now its time 2 be the person I was Called 2 be. From this point on nothin can shatter my dreams. No matter the outcome, God calls me winner

    Whoever comes in last place always ends in 1st place with God.
    "Whoever comes in last place always ends in 1st place with God"

    That's only true if the person lives a good, honest, decent life and opens their heart and soul to Jesus Christ. Only then can you be first place with God. We were created by God for a divine purpose and he made sure that each and every person is unique. That said, God will not call you a winner if you go only for your dreams without keeping him close to your heart and always in your mind.

  28. #28
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    American Idol

    The girl that got booted had so much attitude until I could not stand another moment of her.
    Jumping on beds, rolling her neck and hopping down the stairs on her butt. I am glad she is gone.
    Just ghetto!!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjmingo View Post
    The girl that got booted had so much attitude until I could not stand another moment of her.
    Jumping on beds, rolling her neck and hopping down the stairs on her butt. I am glad she is gone.
    Just ghetto!!
    I see a future for her as Deena in a road company version of Dreamgirls.

  30. #30
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by thelastsupreme View Post
    Hi all, haven't been through in a while, but this statement caught my eye particularly: "In America we put way too much emphasis on self esteem and giving undue praise and it's created a couple of generations of people who think they are more talented and more intelligent than they really are because few are willing to tell them the truth about what they really are."

    I must disagree; I think the lack of that praise is what creates the attitude of entitlement in young people. Without high self esteem, they become embittered and feel entitled to things they are not entitled to.
    Aside from the talent contest and the fame and the money and stuff, I think American Idol, like so many other parts of entertainment put an unhealthy spin of glory on fame and the lot. Many people are famous for many things that have nothing to do with talent these days, but I have to say as far as our children go, their self esteem is such a huge part of their success in dealing with life and has very little to do with the fakery that our society sets up as best things in life to be or achieve. We, as adults and people of love and experience cannot do too much to lift the self esteem of our young people. Young people are good and bad, just like older people, so their bad qualities will out regardless, but youngsters need our praise and uplifting. The village has left the caring of the children to the evil world. They have each other to tell them they are worthless, they have the media, and the workplace, and without that uplifting, they are truly lost. Sorry to disagree, but I think the one most missing thing in so many young people's lives is that bucking up, telling them they have a chance in life, to be what they dream they can be. Not enough praise, not enough support, low self esteem poors out in the schools, online, everywhere.
    I believe high self esteem gives people emotional skills to cope with life straight on! "I am good enough to achieve what I can with what I have! I am worthy of love and loving kindness. I am worthy of a caring life and a happy outlook." That is what high self esteem gives us.
    No offense meant, but this is what I beleive.
    No offense taken Susaye, and I actually agree with much of what you say, especially about the dubious impact of shows like American Idol and how it holds out the tantalizing lure of fame and fortune, even if hardly anyone who appears on that show ever truly obtains a genuine, long lasting celebrity.

    The self esteem you describe is a "good" type of self-esteem. But there's also negative type of self esteem. One which is more about arrogance, undue pride, and self satisfaction without the wish to improve and do better. A self esteem that makes one think they know it all, when in fact, the true sign of intelligence and a strong sense of self is an awareness of how little you know and desire to become better. We can see the impact of this negative self esteem in the US education system. American schoolchildren rank low compared to other countries on test scores, but in terms of self esteem, and feeling they have mastery of a subject matter, American students are at the top. Negative self esteem can make one feel entitled to something without having to earn it, and this attitude can ultimately become toxic on the larger culture. IN today's NY Times, David Brooks had an interesting article about this type of self esteem and its impact, and I had just finished reading it this morning when I came here and responded in this thread [[so I was rather riled up!). Here's the article: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/11/op...=1&ref=opinion Check out the comments to the article as some of them are quite thoughtful and provide some interesting perspectives.

    There are many sources to blame for this negative type of self esteem: well intentioned people who want to boost esteem but forget that genuine positive esteem is achieved through accomplishment, not just mere praise; people who don't want to work with others to teach them, guide them, instruct them and give them the tools to learn and do better; selfish people who innoculate their children with false pride and ugly prejudice, for starters. I'll conclude my spiel by citing another article I read in the NY Times a couple of weeks ago about Junior Colleges in New York City and how so many of their students end up having to take remedial courses even though they have a high school diploma. One young man was quoted as saying that before he took his entrance exam, he thought he was excellent in math because he got good grades and his teachers told him he was good. He was shocked that he flunked his math entrance exam and had to take a remidial course. It was in that course that he realized how little he knew and that his teachers in elementary and high school didn't care and just passed him along because they didn't want to be bothered to take the time to teach him. Due to such neglect he had acquired a negative self esteem. Fortunately his junior college math instructor did take the time to make his students prepared to perform math competently and though it was a struggle for this young man, he eventually learned through guidance and hard work and achieved genuine self esteem by meeting a challenge and learning. I believe in giving praise and instilling people with self esteem, but such praise should be earned through strong effort and accomplishment and we should not make people feel they are the center of the world, but a humble, though no less significant part of the world.

  31. #31
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    I just love Jacob Lusk's voice,he made the Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell classic,You're all,i need to get by, his own,the other night,Randy said that Berry Gordy would be proud of him,i think that Ashford and Simpson would be proud of him,[[smile) singing the you,know what,out of they're song.
    Please stay positive
    Last edited by REDHOT; 03-25-2011 at 09:21 AM.

  32. #32
    smark21 Guest
    I think Jacob Lusk is ridiculous. He oversings [[though he was a bit better this week, only overdoing the low notes,not the high notes). And he seems completely unaware that on camera and on stage he comes across like a drag queen without the gown and wig. Which makes his performances all the more camp.


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