Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
All of that is out of line, Luke. But so is Trump's rhetoric and long history of behavior toward peoples of color and LGBTQ community. If he practices what he preaches, it will significantly reduce the quality of life of millions of Americans.

If someone supports someone who installs a cabinet of men who have a record of racist and intolerant words and actions, it is safe to say that many people literally feel threatened by Trump and his plans. And if the enemy of my enemy is my friend, it certainly stands to reason that the friend of my enemy is my enemy.

She's got a right to do what ever she wants to do. But to support someone who is unashamedly intolerant and a threat to your way of life is to invite the anger of many who feel betrayed by her.
Very well stated JerryOz and since the Orange one won the electoral college NOT the popular vote hate crimes have risen drasticaly. The Orange ones rhetorics giving people permission to be sexist and racist and homophobic. Hes got a lot to answer for imo.

She must have received death threat after her statement cause she didnt mention it before.
