Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
Steve Harvey can make any excuse he wants as to why he went. I'm not watching his talk show, Family Feud, or Little Big Shots again. And I surely won't watch him embarrass himself on the Miss Universe Pageant, where they only brought him back because his ignorance became news the last time. If he didn't ask Donald Trump about the Central Park 5 or his support of birtherism to delegitimize President Obama's fitness to serve, then he's a sellout, regardless of what good he thinks can come out of it.

the orange buffoon started and peddled the bigoted and hateful Birtherism for 8 years and his flock of dumb followers elected him for it. Now hes fgoing into office with the lowest approval in history and wait until his racist supportters find out hes taking away they healthcare and isnt building a dumb wall. Buyers remorse is just around the corner and his honeymoons gonna end in 6 months. He is not and never will be my president and shame on Steve Harvey cause you know he never brought up Trumps disgusting retoric about President Obama.