Made it through page 2.

Pansy Division is the most subversive thing I've heard since Little Hummer Girl....I likey.

I love the Chance Record youngest grand, and listening partner, JQ said that's not her fave Moonglows songs....too sad.

She also said that the Big Dee Irwin and Little Eva song sounds like Charlie and Inez Fox' of Mockingbird fame.

We both thought the Sounds of Blackness Soul Holidays was great and much funkier than the Whispers' Funky Christmas. She asked if there are just 2 members or more.
The George Michael tribute song to Gloria Gaynor was just surreal.
I also loved the Nic Nacs and Mable Scott.

Here is another that I play every year. It wasn't until about the third listen that I actually listened to the verses......and now I understand the song.....before it just sounded cool.