Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
I tend to think you are more frustrated than cynical and I can understand that frustration. However, I also think you’re being hypocritical since I find it difficult to believe we would be having this conversation if the results had been reversed.

We live in extremely partisan times. Why would a Repub controlled Senate and House with a Repub in the executive office protect anyone other than their own?

As far as Cali...what Jerry Oz and arr& bee said...
and I will add and say to California, Bye Felicia.
In the 2015 UK General Election, UKIP polled nearly thirteen per cent of the total vote, yet only succeeded in getting one Member of Parliament elected to the 650 seat House of Commons. Even though I was opposed to their views, as you can see from the Brexit thread, I still unhappy about the extent of their under-representation in Parliament. Maybe it's just the traditional British sense of "fair play".

It would be terrible if California were to secede. It would mean that with the loss of their votes in the electoral college, there might never again be a Democrat as president.