Results 1 to 42 of 42
  1. #1

    Obama urges nations to open borders

  2. #2
    Mr Obama is losing support in the UK. What a shame.

    He could have opened up the borders at Mexico. Maybe Mrs Clinton will do that.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post
    Mr Obama is losing support in the UK. What a shame.

    He could have opened up the borders at Mexico. Maybe Mrs Clinton will do that.
    The border with Mexico has always been open, just as it is with Canada. There are checkpoints and laws. The difference is that, with Canada, there isn't a legion of patrols. In some cases, all there is is a sign, and maybe one border patrol officer in a booth. No fence, either.

    The differences are that there is a huge fence along much of the Mexican/U.S. border that literally runs into the Pacific ocean. Other differences is that Mexicans, unlike most Canadians, are not White people, speak a different language, and have a different culture.

    For decades, The U.S. government looked the other way as millions from Mexico poured into the U.S. looking for a better life. It was cheap labor under the table, and fine as long as Whites were still the majority. But, when it suddenly became clear that the U.S. is poised to undergo a population shift, it alarmed Whites. From this fact, you can probably figure out why the Mexicans are now hated by many. They represent the fastest and largest minority population in the U.S., and are about to become the majority. That scares the bejesus out of White people because they will no longer have the numbers. That's all it is: fear of the White race losing majority rule, and the fear of losing the Eurocentric culture. Of course, it doesn't help that just about all of the illicit drugs also come from Mexico, Central, and South America.

    Now, they don't want Muslims, or anyone from Middle Eastern or West Asian countries because of the fear of terrorism, but terrorism by U.S. born citizens seems to escape them.

    As you see, the root cause of all this is fear. The same thing is happening in the U.K. and Europe. This is also the cause of the rise of the far-right fascist groups all over Europe, and now the U.S.. It explains the rise and popularity of Donald Trump, and I assume, the Brexit movement.

    For all of Donald Trump's blather, there already is a fence separating Mexico and the U.S.. All you have to do is go on Google Earth and look at it! I can drive down there right now and touch and feel it!
    Last edited by soulster; 09-21-2016 at 10:37 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    The border with Mexico has always been open, just as it is with Canada. There are checkpoints and laws. The difference is that, with Canada, there isn't a legion of patrols. In some cases, all there is is a sign, and maybe one border patrol officer in a booth. No fence, either.

    The differences are that there is a huge fence along much of the Mexican/U.S. border that literally runs into the Pacific ocean. Other differences is that Mexicans, unlike most Canadians, are not White people, speak a different language, and have a different culture.

    For decades, The U.S. government looked the other way as millions from Mexico poured into the U.S. looking for a better life. It was cheap labor under the table, and fine as long as Whites were still the majority. But, when it suddenly became clear that the U.S. is poised to undergo a population shift, it alarmed Whites. From this fact, you can probably figure out why the Mexicans are now hated by many. They represent the fastest and largest minority population in the U.S., and are about to become the majority. That scares the bejesus out of White people because they will no longer have the numbers. That's all it is: fear of the White race losing majority rule, and the fear of losing the Eurocentric culture. Of course, it doesn't help that just about all of the illicit drugs also come from Mexico, Central, and South America.

    Now, they don't want Muslims, or anyone from Middle Eastern or West Asian countries because of the fear of terrorism, but terrorism by U.S. born citizens seems to escape them.

    As you see, the root cause of all this is fear. The same thing is happening in the U.K. and Europe. This is also the cause of the rise of the far-right fascist groups all over Europe, and now the U.S.. It explains the rise and popularity of Donald Trump, and I assume, the Brexit movement.

    For all of Donald Trump's blather, there already is a fence separating Mexico and the U.S.. All you have to do is go on Google Earth and look at it! I can drive down there right now and touch and feel it!
    Trump is not going to build a wall between the US and Mexico and Mexico isnt going to pay for it. Trumps a lair and hes selling fear and hate. Hes the most disgusting person and you cant believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    The border with Mexico has always been open, just as it is with Canada. There are checkpoints and laws. The difference is that, with Canada, there isn't a legion of patrols. In some cases, all there is is a sign, and maybe one border patrol officer in a booth. No fence, either.

    The differences are that there is a huge fence along much of the Mexican/U.S. border that literally runs into the Pacific ocean. Other differences is that Mexicans, unlike most Canadians, are not White people, speak a different language, and have a different culture.

    For decades, The U.S. government looked the other way as millions from Mexico poured into the U.S. looking for a better life. It was cheap labor under the table, and fine as long as Whites were still the majority. But, when it suddenly became clear that the U.S. is poised to undergo a population shift, it alarmed Whites. From this fact, you can probably figure out why the Mexicans are now hated by many. They represent the fastest and largest minority population in the U.S., and are about to become the majority. That scares the bejesus out of White people because they will no longer have the numbers. That's all it is: fear of the White race losing majority rule, and the fear of losing the Eurocentric culture. Of course, it doesn't help that just about all of the illicit drugs also come from Mexico, Central, and South America.

    Now, they don't want Muslims, or anyone from Middle Eastern or West Asian countries because of the fear of terrorism, but terrorism by U.S. born citizens seems to escape them.

    As you see, the root cause of all this is fear. The same thing is happening in the U.K. and Europe. This is also the cause of the rise of the far-right fascist groups all over Europe, and now the U.S.. It explains the rise and popularity of Donald Trump, and I assume, the Brexit movement.

    For all of Donald Trump's blather, there already is a fence separating Mexico and the U.S.. All you have to do is go on Google Earth and look at it! I can drive down there right now and touch and feel it!
    Not exactly true. There is a long bank of border control agents in booths. There are cameras and mirrors everywhere and it now can take up to 20 mins per car to cross over into Canada after answering a battery of questions.

  6. #6

    You speak of the Whites. I therefore assume you are white.

    Anybody else able to comment on how the rest of the American population feel about the situation.

  7. #7
    I'm more worried about the ten thousand syrians obama wants to bring here,where are they gonna work???

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    I'm more worried about the ten thousand syrians obama wants to bring here,where are they gonna work???
    Canada has or will take in 25,000. From the reports I have seen, they have assisted them very well in starting new lives in Canada.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Trump is not going to build a wall between the US and Mexico and Mexico isnt going to pay for it.
    Of course not! But, it makes many of his supporters feel good that he's going to somehow protect their culture, the White majority by getting rid of all those illegals and Muslims.

    Again, the root of it all is Whites fearing losing their majority. It's why they keep yelling about "voter fraud". The only voter fraud is by those who are trying to keep Blacks, youth, and the elderly from voting.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Not exactly true. There is a long bank of border control agents in booths. There are cameras and mirrors everywhere and it now can take up to 20 mins per car to cross over into Canada after answering a battery of questions.
    There are hundreds of miles of practically nothing between canada and the U.S.. Just a couple of weeks ago, two Canadian kids were able to wander into the U.S. while playing Pokemon Go. No way that could happen down here.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post

    You speak of the Whites. I therefore assume you are white.
    You assume wrong.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    I'm more worried about the ten thousand syrians obama wants to bring here,where are they gonna work???
    That is a gross mis-statement by Trump and his surrogates. They make it sound like all of these immigrants are coming from Syria. Immigrants come from from all over the world. They are doing a good job of scaring you too.

    What does bother me if the news that the U.S. accidentally granted citizenship to people because of database problems left over from the old INS. Obama had nothing to do with that. Homeland Security was George W. Bush and Tom Ridge's baby.

  13. #13
    Hey soulster,i'm scared that they might stumble upon my hooch stash!!!

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    You assume wrong.
    Thank you.

    So how do you as a non-white view the situation.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    I'm more worried about the ten thousand syrians obama wants to bring here,where are they gonna work???
    Not sure if you're serious, partner. The majority of them are children and there is a robust support network to acclimate the adults into jobs and the general social order. There are far fewer problems with these folks than with good old red-blooded Americans. I hope that you know cable news outlets only give one side of the story [[generally the most sensational and frightening side) and before you panic, you should research the other side.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Not sure if you're serious, partner. The majority of them are children and there is a robust support network to acclimate the adults into jobs and the general social order. There are far fewer problems with these folks than with good old red-blooded Americans. I hope that you know cable news outlets only give one side of the story [[generally the most sensational and frightening side) and before you panic, you should research the other side.
    I'm pleased to hear that America has a good support system for the Syrians. Mr Obama has promised to take 110,000 in the year commencing 1 October.

  17. #17
    110,000??? Yikes,hey jerry do you actually believe the government's assestments of the employment situation? Mostly children eh??? Ok.

  18. #18
    I read that the previous year's total was 85,000. That's pretty impressive.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post
    Thank you.

    So how do you as a non-white view the situation.
    I grew up, live, and work with the general public in an extreme right-wing, predominantly White region. I have White friends who are of this type.

  20. #20
    Yes, Obama urges nations to open borders meanwhile England builds a wall against refugees. What a mess !


  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    I'm more worried about the ten thousand syrians obama wants to bring here,where are they gonna work???
    Why? Most of those poor people are homeless and have lost everything. Look at this poor litle child in this video. He desereves a new life. We are a country of immigrants. My mom and dad are both from other countries. We cant turn our back on people if we do we are no better than Trump and his voters.

    Heres the video everyone should see.

    Last edited by Roberta75; 09-22-2016 at 01:04 PM.

  22. #22
    Unfortunately, it's a small minority who are not in need of help that are spoiling it for those who do.

  23. #23
    We got too many folks born here who have nothing and are homeless but who are being ignored by the government,but hey let's bring in a hundred thousand more.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    We got too many folks born here who have nothing and are homeless but who are being ignored by the government,but hey let's bring in a hundred thousand more.
    We need to help the homeless and homeless veterens at home but we CANT ignore the hudreds of thousands of displaced and starving and homeless Syria people who have been bombed and left with NOTHING and many of them are women and children. We are America and thats what we do.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    We need to help the homeless and homeless veterens at home but we CANT ignore the hudreds of thousands of displaced and starving and homeless Syria people who have been bombed and left with NOTHING and many of them are women and children. We are America and thats what we do.
    What about the men? Are they to be ignored?

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    We got too many folks born here who have nothing and are homeless but who are being ignored by the government,but hey let's bring in a hundred thousand more.
    That same argument applies in Europe. We are also asking our governments why they are ignoring our own homeless and starving.

    I still don't understand why Saudi Arabia isn't prepared to take any of the Syrian people but they are quite happy to donate money to build mosques for them in other countries.
    Last edited by theboyfromxtown; 09-22-2016 at 07:19 PM.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post
    What about the men? Are they to be ignored?
    No....they should be allowed in as well but the p[rority should be children with and without parents and then mothers and then women then men imo.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post
    That same argument applies in Europe. We are also asking our governments why they are ignoring our own homeless and starving.

    I still don't understand why Saudi Arabia isn't prepared to take any of the Syrian people but they are quite happy to donate money to build mosques in other countries.
    Are you saying mosques are bad places?

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    No....they should be allowed in as well but the p[rority should be children with and without parents and then mothers and then women then men imo.
    In my opinion, it should be children, BOTH parents and then on need.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post
    In my opinion, it should be children, BOTH parents and then on need.
    Well in the real world there are single mothers. moms of kids whos husband got blown up when Syria was bombed to bits.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Are you saying mosques are bad places?
    Certainly not and I am surprised at being asked such a question.

    It is my view that Saudi Arabia ought to be helping PEOPLE and not considering matters of religion.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Well in the real world there are single mothers. moms of kids whos husband got blown up when Syria was bombed to bits.
    There are also mothers that have perished - did you not see those poor children in Nice [[France) who lost their mothers.

    In my ideal world, a father has equal rights to the mother. No more , no less, EQUAL.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post
    There are also mothers that have perished - did you not see those poor children in Nice [[France) who lost their mothers.

    In my ideal world, a father has equal rights to the mother. No more , no less, EQUAL.
    Its a heartbreaking situattion all around. Thats why we must be leaders and accept these poor people and give them better lives.

  34. #34
    @theboyfromxtown: here is something to support what I wrote earlier about the population shift:


    Put this together with what I posted about the root cause of this becomes clearer.
    Last edited by soulster; 09-23-2016 at 08:24 AM.

  35. #35
    It is the countries that have been supplying weapons to the combatants in the civil war that have the moral duty to accept the Syrian refugees.

  36. #36
    As no one has added to this thread since my last comment, can I assume that everyone agrees with it?

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    As no one has added to this thread since my last comment, can I assume that everyone agrees with it?
    Yea, I'm pretty sure that's what that means, LOL

    I don't think I was a member when this thread was up and about, or I hadn't ventured into the realms of "the clubhouse" [[or political threads within the clubhouse), so that's my excuse, LOL!!

    And I also agree with your post as it turns out, hehe!!!

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    It is the countries that have been supplying weapons to the combatants in the civil war that have the moral duty to accept the Syrian refugees.
    Surely the people who profited from their sale should be held morally responsible - not the whole country .

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post
    Surely the people who profited from their sale should be held morally responsible - not the whole country .
    Good point. I would also hold the government responsible in the case of Russia. I don't suppose they have taken in many refugees?

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post
    Surely the people who profited from their sale should be held morally responsible - not the whole country .
    In a representative democracy, the whole country [or countries] has to be held responsible, because it would be naive to think that the supplies have been made without the connivance or encouragement of the governments involved.
    Last edited by 144man; 10-19-2016 at 06:16 AM. Reason: clarity

  41. #41
    I'm not happy to accept any responsibility for something that I don't agree with and can't do anything to stop.

  42. #42
    You are responsible whether you like it or not. That's the way our democracy works.


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