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  1. #1

    Any thoughts on last night's debate

    I count it Hillary !...The Donald bupkis.

  2. #2
    Trump thought he could win on style, but he wound up being rude and very un-presidential. I think he forgot that he was talking to the whole world instead of his little insular rally groups.

    The fact-checkers had a field-day with everything he said, too!

    The one thing I wish Clinton would have done was hit him harder on things like his stance on Mexicans and Muslims, his gaffs toward women, gays, and Blacks.

    I wish Lester Holt, or Clinton would have asked Trump why he asked Obama for a birth certificate, but not Ted Cruz, who really wasn't born in the U.S., and I wish Clinton would have made it clear how insulting that was to Blacks, and a whole lot of other people.

    I wish Clinton would have mentioned Trumps continuous courting of the White Nationalists and other hate groups.

    Clinton won this hands down! Even the Russians think Clinton won.
    Last edited by soulster; 09-27-2016 at 05:48 PM.

  3. #3
    RossHolloway Guest
    The debate went pretty much how I expected it to go. Clinton was polished and articulated her positions with specific detail and she looked presidential. Trump evaded answering questions asked because he's clueless on the issues, and could not speak with much detail on anything. He has a nasty disposition and repeatedly interrupted Clinton during her time and interjected little comments through out. How or why this race is close is beyond me, Trump has shown himself to be ill informed, incompetent and boorish. I would hate to work for Trump in any of his businesses and I can't imagine him being our president. God help us all if he wins.

  4. #4
    Trump was in over his head going against hillary.

  5. #5
    It was Hillary as the winner. I was surprised at how much Donald Trump sounded like a kid that got caught doing something naughty and then tries to compare it with things others have done. I noticed how he would quickly change the subject when asked about his tax returns, housing discrimination lawsuits etc,etc.

    What was all that snorting about? Loser.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    it was hillary as the winner. I was surprised at how much donald trump sounded like a kid that got caught doing something naughty and then tries to compare it with things others have done. I noticed how he would quickly change the subject when asked about his tax returns, housing discrimination lawsuits etc,etc.

    What was all that snorting about? Loser.
    i think he stopped by grady's before he got there.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    i think he stopped by grady's before he got there.
    He must have because the dude was snorting harder than a pig in a pen. LOL!

  8. #8
    I think that was last night's special.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Trump was in over his head going against hillary.
    I wish Joe Biden would have run. He would have made Trump walk out in shame.

  10. #10
    I thought Hillary was great. Donald had the chance to challenge but didn't. How many softballs were thrown to him and he didn't take advantage. He was just too unprepared.

    I gotta ask, was it hot in that room because Donald was chugging water like he was in the middle of the Mojave desert

  11. #11
    Humpty Trumpty was obviously out of his league with Hillary. He was ill prepared and it showed how clueless he really is. He didn't answer questions because he couldn't. Very unprepared.....not sure anyone could prepare this moron. When he said his 'temperament' was one of his best features [[paraphrasing)....I almost needed a Depends!

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    i wish joe biden would have run. He would have made trump walk out in shame.
    if joe had taken trump down to gradys they both would've been runnin,not for the whitehouse,but the outhouse.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by blackguy69 View Post
    I thought Hillary was great. Donald had the chance to challenge but didn't. How many softballs were thrown to him and he didn't take advantage. He was just too unprepared.
    But in the alternate universe of the republican/conservative/far-right/tea party/right-wing talk radio/alt-right, Trump won hands down......Hahahahahahahahahahah!

  14. #14
    We are building our own wall if that racist sexist spoiled brat wins.

    She kicked his ass last night. That must burn him to have to take it from a woman.

  15. #15
    Yeah! he was beaten by a girl!

  16. #16
    Having trump in the whitehouse would be the same as bringing back andrew jackson,hillary will win but it's gonna be close.

  17. #17
    Interesting article from the Washington Post


  18. #18
    What did malcolm tell black folks more than fifty years ago?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    Interesting article from the Washington Post

    That is exactly the problem - that Trump encourages bigotry, racism, mistreating women. He makes Romney and several Bushes look saintly.

  20. #20
    Hillary Clinton cleaned Donald Trumps clock. Secrettary Clinton was rational and presidential and calm and smart and intelligent. Ive always believed that Donald Trump is mentally ill and he proved my belief on Monday night. A dangerous and sexist and bigoted and small minded man who should never get within 100 miles of the oval office.

  21. #21
    The double standards and hypocricys real apparant to me.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Hillary Clinton cleaned Donald Trumps clock. Secrettary Clinton was rational and presidential and calm and smart and intelligent. Ive always believed that Donald Trump is mentally ill and he proved my belief on Monday night. A dangerous and sexist and bigoted and small minded man who should never get within 100 miles of the oval office.

    "I've always believed that Donald Trump is mentally ill" - LOL!
    Last edited by TomatoTom123; 09-30-2016 at 02:20 AM.

  23. #23
    Imagine this. We've finally found ONE item in ALL THESE YEARS on which we ALL AGREE!

    Hell, I imagine every artist ever signed to Motown agrees. Even Diana and Mary agree!

    Ralph might be on bended knee giving thanks, crossing himself and saying hail Marys.

    We all will be if Trump loses.

  24. #24
    Wait a minute, Rob. Are you telling me I'm not dreaming?

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Wait a minute, Rob. Are you telling me I'm not dreaming?
    LOLOLOLOLOLOL the insane and dangerous Trump has brought ud all together,

  26. #26
    No dreams!

    We Are Family on this one

    What's frightening to the rest of the world is that so many Americans seem to be hornswaggled by Trump. And then there are those deplorables that come to his rallies. One of them said "they can't deplort me, I was born here"

    No I did not make a spelling mistake there

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Hillary Clinton cleaned Donald Trumps clock. Secrettary Clinton was rational and presidential and calm and smart and intelligent. Ive always believed that Donald Trump is mentally ill and he proved my belief on Monday night. A dangerous and sexist and bigoted and small minded man who should never get within 100 miles of the oval office.
    Donald Trump isn't mentally ill, at least in the way that he doesn't know what he's doing. Saying that is like letting him off the hook for all the things he's said and done. Trump is mentally fit as anyone. He's just a miserable glob of molecules.

    I do believe he has ADHD, though. He's a narcissist and a sociopath, and being a pathological liar is part of that. There is also no doubt that he is a racist, too.
    Last edited by soulster; 09-30-2016 at 01:51 AM.

  28. #28
    Trump is allegedly hell-bent on making Bill Clinton's infidelity, and Hillary's not divorcing him an issue, and his advisors are desperately begging him not to because they know how much Trump himself has done in his past, let alone his closest advisors like Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich. Lawrence O'Donnell had a segment about it on his show tonight.

  29. #29
    What about Howard Dean's cocaine allegation? The man is a doctor and probably knows what he is talking about. Even if Trump wasn't doing coke the night of the debate, I think he was definitely on some sort of drug considering his rambling and body posture. And isn't old Rudy G a piece of work.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    What about Howard Dean's cocaine allegation? The man is a doctor and probably knows what he is talking about. Even if Trump wasn't doing coke the night of the debate, I think he was definitely on some sort of drug considering his rambling and body posture. And isn't old Rudy G a piece of work.
    Oh the Donald has done coke. Impossible for me to believe otherwise. Rudy Guiliani is a sinking ship that is desperately trying to cling on to relevancy!

  31. #31
    Not sure who I despise more, Marv. Donald or Rudy....

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Trump is allegedly hell-bent on making Bill Clinton's infidelity, and Hillary's not divorcing him an issue, and his advisors are desperately begging him not to because they know how much Trump himself has done in his past, let alone his closest advisors like Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich. Lawrence O'Donnell had a segment about it on his show tonight.
    If he does it will drive more and more women voters to Hillary. Trumps disgusting.

  33. #33
    Check this out there first time doing this.


  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    What about Howard Dean's cocaine allegation? The man is a doctor and probably knows what he is talking about. Even if Trump wasn't doing coke the night of the debate, I think he was definitely on some sort of drug considering his rambling and body posture. And isn't old Rudy G a piece of work.
    That has been talked about quite a bit that he is using some kind of illicit substance. It is possible that he has been taking anti-anxiety meds to keep him calm. It has also been theorized that he also has Hyperactive Attention Deficit Disorder because he has the inability to focus.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    If he does it will drive more and more women voters to Hillary. Trumps disgusting.
    I think it is more likely that instead of some women voting for Hillary, they will just stay home.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Not sure who I despise more, Marv. Donald or Rudy....
    Well I met Donald in 1999 when came up to my job to take my boss to a Yankees game. I also lived under Rudy Giuliani's reign of terror from 1994 -2001...........I dislike them both very much!

    Attachment 11738 Ms Rudy.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I think it is more likely that instead of some women voting for Hillary, they will just stay home.
    Then they shouldn't be surprised when he taxes them by the pound.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I think it is more likely that instead of some women voting for Hillary, they will just stay home.
    Well im doing phone banks for Latina Women for Hillary and were getting great results. His comments about Miss Universe from Venezuelas weight does not sit real well with Hispanic women.

    The man is a mysoginistic and sexist and racist pig.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Well im doing phone banks for Latina Women for Hillary and were getting great results. His comments about Miss Universe from Venezuelas weight does not sit real well with Hispanic women.

    The man is a mysoginistic and sexist and racist pig.
    I think he's very nice


    Not even sure how a man like he can even get this close to the presidency! Because he is absolutely loaded I guess he can fund his own campaign and almost BUY the presidency

    His latest tweet:
    "For those few people knocking me for tweeting at three o'clock in the morning, at least you know I will be there, awake, to answer the call!"

    How dumb is that?

    [[For an idiot he has pretty good grammar, LOL)

  40. #40

  41. #41
    Also, can you imagine the President of the United States the person with the button and codes to the nuclear arsenal, waking up at four in the morning manically tweeting insults and lies about some woman's body image? What in the hell does his wife and daughter think of this?

    I know we have a couple of Trump supporters on this forum who are staying silent, but I really have to wonder how they can in good conscience vote for this guy, knowing all that we know about him.

  42. #42
    I think that ol donald[greased a few palms]to get the nomination.

  43. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Also, can you imagine the President of the United States the person with the button and codes to the nuclear arsenal, waking up at four in the morning manically tweeting insults and lies about some woman's body image? What in the hell does his wife and daughter think of this?

    I know we have a couple of Trump supporters on this forum who are staying silent, but I really have to wonder how they can in good conscience vote for this guy, knowing all that we know about him.
    I have to wonder how ANYONE in good conscience vote for Dangerous Donald. Hes unfit to be in any public office let alone be President of these here United States.

  44. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I have to wonder how ANYONE in good conscience vote for Dangerous Donald. Hes unfit to be in any public office let alone be President of these here United States.
    "Dangerous Donald" - LOL

    I'm not saying that Hilary is perfect, but she has to be better than that orange-haired buffoon of a man

  45. #45
    As I was watching the debate I drifted into a vision/fantasy/day dream type state . . . so the Donald finally snaps under Hillary's barrage of honesty, he loses it completely and rises to physically attack her. But as he does Hillary rises and coldcocks him and Trump goes down like the bag of shit he is. Bill Clinton sitting in the front row, winces at the memory of the time he was cold cocked by Hillary, then smiles. And it's Hillary in a landslide!
    Last edited by sophisticated_soul; 10-01-2016 at 08:42 PM.

  46. #46
    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa...or hillary by knockout!

  47. #47
    You don't mess with Knockout Clinton!

  48. #48
    SNL skit last night was great.

    In fact, the ONLY highlights of this presidential season has been SNL


  49. #49

  50. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    And a dollop of mayonnaise on top!


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