Stay with me, here. Have you read any report where the person who was robbed identified the kid or have the reports that you read all stated that he "matched the description" of one of the robbers? Do I have to remind you that two months ago, Philando Castille was murdered because he matched the description of a suspect because of his "wide-set nose"? Do I have to remind you that the current situation in Charlotte is because plain clothes cops approached the wrong man as he waited in his car for his kid's school bus to arrive?

"Matching the description" as often as not, means the suspect is Black and there happens to be a Black man in the area. Watch the video below and tell me that you are 100% sure that Tyre King is the man that the cops were looking for. The only "crime" that we know he was guilty of is running from the police and if he wasn't under arrest, that's not even illegal. Read between the lines. The only thing the cops actually accuse this kid of is legally carrying a BB gun. Nowhere do they say that he was the robber, although they want you to believe that he was.

I cry bullshit on him pulling his gun out on the cops, too. First reason is that even if the cops didn't know he was packing a BB gun, he did. Do you think he'd draw a toy gun into a real gun fight? And second, the cop who shot him had three prior use of firearm interactions when most cops barely fire their guns two times in the course of a 30 year career. Third, why didn't the reports that you read tell you that he was shot in the back? As I said, the only reason to lie is to cover something up.

They care less about getting the right guy as long as they get somebody. In truth, the kid [[guilty or not) should not have run from the cops. But when his friends took off, I imagine that he did too. I probably would have when I was 13 years old. You accuse him of being a crook without knowing all of the facts or even paying attention when the cops don't even say that he was the robber. You're invited to my next party, partner, but I don't want you on my jury.