Oh man, I feel you. I've always been a record collector. A housefire destroyed my entire collection at one point in the mid-90s, and I've been rebuilding since - I shudder to think how much stuff I'd have if that fire hadn't happened. As well as having a band I'm a DJ, so the missus knows all-too-well that there's no choice in it for me, I MUST HAVE VINYL!

Only time I give my records a surly look: when, like now, I've gotta stash them in random spots because we're cleaning carpets and painting. Otherwise, it's just many, many square feet of well-loved children. I have about 10 of the old Platter-Pak boxes for my 7" singles which can be found cheap on eBay and I highly recommend. And yes, the most expensive records that I've bought were Motown records!!