Such is the Music Business , which is fucked up. Individuals who have contributed important things to the music go uncredited and unpaid because thats the way it is. I have seen it first hand ,through my uncle who worked with Mtume and did arrangements on tracks by Flack ,Mills and Hyman. Hit tracks. I saw my first cousin Keith "Cowboy" Wiggins signed up as a minor by Sylvia Robinson in the rap group The Furious 5 and Leroy Burgess of Black Ivory ,contribute revolutionary contributions to music , that you hear in the "bastard" Pop and R&B, Hip Hop of today. Jose Rodriguez , a Nuroyrican from the Johnson Projects in N.Y, who mastered hundreds of recordings that are sonic classics and with Tom Moulton created the 12" disc ,I used to DJ with , died with only the credits on some album covers and his trademark "JR" you will find on the dry grooves on the original pressings. Prince passed and all of a sudden everybody who only knows his commercial output is a Prince expert and they don't know shit about Prince. It's a thorn in the perception of the music, They need to put music back in the education system . Get the shit right. Those of us who KNOW the truth need to spread the TRUTH and get the story right. Forget the storybook bullshit that is in the mass media. Give the credit to the people in the background. With the sampling it's only got worse . Allen Gumbs lives down the block from me and we talk about this all the time. The music is the important thing ,but those that create it always get fucked over by those that sell it. The labels,lawyers ,managers and publishers. There's no place in the creative process to worry about royalties and such when you are trying to feed your family and make a living. Art is art and money is money and that's fucked up , but it is what it is then and now.