Results 1 to 27 of 27
  1. #1

    50 Dead in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.

    When will it end? We need strict gun control NOW.

    Praying to God that politicians see sense and pass laws for stricter gun control everywhere. May God comfort all of those affected by the senseless mass murder in Orlando Florida. May those who were killed be in Heaven with the almighty.


  2. #2
    This is the response from the Leutennant Governor of Texas. smh is disgust just smh. And then the coward deleted his tweet.


  3. #3
    In an article the gunman's father said his son had "anti-gay" tendencies. So this could be
    a hate crime. What the hell? What did these people do to him?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    In an article the gunman's father said his son had "anti-gay" tendencies. So this could be
    a hate crime. What the hell? What did these people do to him?
    You gun 50 people down dead and critically injure another 30 just because you dont liike gay people? What type of world have we become. He also had ties to ISIS.


  5. #5
    It just came out: gunman pledged allegiance to Islamic State.

    How utterly sad........

  6. #6
    Trump will now double down on his racist hate and gain another million votes or so. Also, the official Republican response will be that if everyone had a gun, this could have been prevented.

  7. #7
    The NRA has these politicians in their jock strap. There will never be new gun control laws as long as the NRA has power.

  8. #8
    He was on a FBI watchlist and had been interviewed by the FBI and yet he managed to by all of the bullets and guns legally and they keep telling us we dont need gun control? How many more killings before we stand up to the NRA and put thouggh strict gun laws.


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Trump will now double down on his racist hate and gain another million votes or so. Also, the official Republican response will be that if everyone had a gun, this could have been prevented.
    This sums it up real clear to me.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    In an article the gunman's father said his son had "anti-gay" tendencies. So this could be
    a hate crime. What the hell? What did these people do to him?
    I found it very odd when I read a report that the Afghanistan leader had sent his condolences. That seemed very odd to me. Why would he be so concerned about this and not about others.....now I read about the father and it all becomes very clear.

    So where did those anti gay tendencies come from.....nobody is born with them, they are acquired....and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

  11. #11
    News reports [[particularly from the US) suggest that the bad feeling against the Muslim community is more apparent in Europe than in the USA because Muslims have integrated there.

    Is that true?

    Clearly the sheer numbers of Muslims here in Europe mean that they can colonise and promote their aims much better than in America.

  12. #12
    This was a case of ignorance blurring the perspective of a zealot. If it wasn't a gay club, he would have gone to a city zoo or other public space to do it. This asshole bought into the current "conservative" vitriol being communicated about LGBT people and decided he'd be a better martyr if he took a bunch of them out.

    Already, they are trying to minimize the anti-gay aspect of it in favor of framing it solely as a terrorist act. The president had it right by calling it both. Others chose to politicize it and take advantage of it moments after hearing about it. Trump already changed the focus of his "major speech" from attacking the Clintons to addressing terrorism. SMH. Small men like him precipitate it.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    This was a case of ignorance blurring the perspective of a zealot. If it wasn't a gay club, he would have gone to a city zoo or other public space to do it. This asshole bought into the current "conservative" vitriol being communicated about LGBT people and decided he'd be a better martyr if he took a bunch of them out.

    Already, they are trying to minimize the anti-gay aspect of it in favor of framing it solely as a terrorist act. The president had it right by calling it both. Others chose to politicize it and take advantage of it moments after hearing about it. Trump already changed the focus of his "major speech" from attacking the Clintons to addressing terrorism. SMH. Small men like him precipitate it.
    I wish President Obama could have another term in office. Hes real calm and strong and reasuring and remains real Presidental and human during difficult times unlike the race bating and fear mongering and disgusting and ill informned RepublicanPresidental candidate. God help us all if Trump wins in November.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Already, they are trying to minimize the anti-gay aspect of it in favor of framing it solely as a terrorist act. The president had it right by calling it both.
    Of course they are! It's because an awful lot of people in this country don't like LGBT, and some, like your Phil Robertson, liken LGBT to those who practice beastiality and prey on children. A lot of conservatives and religious types, and Trump supporters, share the shooter's hatred. That's why they don't like to talk about whom was targeted.

    Oh, BTW, this was not the worst mass killing in U.S. history. The worst one was in 1921, in the Greenwood district in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where about 300 Black people were murdered in a massecre. No one in the media is saying that because it isn't really taught in the schools.

  15. #15
    Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall
    Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall
    All the misogynist, racist and homophobes couldn't put their Trumpty Dumpty back
    together again.....
    Let's hope so!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by blueskies View Post
    Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall
    Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall
    All the misogynist, racist and homophobes couldn't put their Trumpty Dumpty back
    together again.....
    Let's hope so!
    I hope so, but his supporters have a blind spot when he speaks. They somehow overlook all of his flip-flops and mis-statements.

    This morning he said that Clinton had a problem with calling it "radical Islam", wne just an hour earlier, she said that she had no problem calling it just that. The reporter kept asking his like three times about this fact, and he just kept rambling.

    Hopefully, at some point, he will realize that actually running for president is no fun if you have to watch what you say, and will withdraw at the last second. We can dream, can't we?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Of course they are! It's because an awful lot of people in this country don't like LGBT, and some, like your Phil Robertson, liken LGBT to those who practice beastiality and prey on children. A lot of conservatives and religious types, and Trump supporters, share the shooter's hatred. That's why they don't like to talk about whom was targeted.

    Oh, BTW, this was not the worst mass killing in U.S. history. The worst one was in 1921, in the Greenwood district in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where about 300 Black people were murdered in a massecre. No one in the media is saying that because it isn't really taught in the schools.
    I'm pretty sure they meant it was the worst by one person. Otherwise, 9/11 would easily be the worst. By the way, why don't schools teach about Tulsa or Rosewood? Or other massacres of Black, Irish, Chinese, and Native Americans that occurred throughout our nation's history? Don't they want us to know? As it is, if you want to get a complete history of race in America, you have to find out about it by yourself.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Trump will now double down on his racist hate and gain another million votes or so. Also, the official Republican response will be that if everyone had a gun, this could have been prevented.
    I'm pretty sure that if any mass shooting had ever been thwarted by someone else with a gun just happening to be there in the right place to take out out the perpetrator, we would have heard about it by now. The use of guns is so widespread that if that were going to happen, it would have happened already.

  19. #19
    President Obama blasts Trumps Muslim ban and proves once again what a great President he is.


  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    President Obama blasts Trumps Muslim ban and proves once again what a great President he is.

    And, of course, Trump will double-down on his birther rhetoric that Obama secretly cheers on the radical Islamists, and 75% of republicans will agree with him.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    And, of course, Trump will double-down on his birther rhetoric that Obama secretly cheers on the radical Islamists, and 75% of republicans will agree with him.
    I dont believe that 75% will agree with Trump. 49% maybe but not 75% imo and the 49% are wromng imo.

  22. #22
    You go Anderson Cooper. He wipes the floor with the Atorney General of Florida.


  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I dont believe that 75% will agree with Trump. 49% maybe but not 75% imo and the 49% are wromng imo.
    I made a slight mistake. I meant of Trump supporters. According to the recent stats, the number of Trump supporters who think Obama is a Muslim is around 75% from the last stat I saw. That number is rising.

    On the other hand, according to new polling, Trump is losing support among White voters, including white men.


    Says the page is unavailable.
    Last edited by soulster; 06-14-2016 at 04:01 PM.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I made a slight mistake. I meant of Trump supporters. According to the recent stats, the number of Trump supporters who think Obama is a Muslim is around 75% from the last stat I saw. That number is rising.

    On the other hand, according to new polling, Trump is losing support among White voters, including white men.


    Dangerous Donald is unfit to be President,. Hes an egotisttical bigot that spread hate.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Dangerous Donald is unfit to be President,. Hes an egotisttical bigot that spread hate.

    Peter Vahlersvik via Getty Images

    How can one comprehend the tragedy that occurred in Orlando? A normal Sunday morning checking social media to discover a mass murder.

    Unfortunately, this has become common place in our America. Columbine, Aurora, Boston and Sandy Hook to name a few. The media covers extensively for a few days, social media pictures are changed and for the majority of us, life goes on.

    Orlando is different. This is my community. This is the family that embraced me when I choose to come out three years ago. These were people out having a good time, being themselves during a Saturday night during Pride month. This was officially war on the LGBT community.

    Throughout the day I had to sit back and hear people like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz speak about prayer for those affected. The same people who didn’t see the dead as equals and didn’t believe they should be treated as so, now wanted to turn to prayer to honor them.

    The religious right consistently attacks the LGBT community as a group that shuns family values. They portray us as a boogeyman. Sexual deviants who disobey the law of god. Yet, when tragedy occurs and the public outcry demands it, they pray for us.

    Save your prayers. The rhetoric and hate that the right spews on a daily basis leads to this kind of violence. It doesn’t matter that this particular killer was Muslim. On the same day, a white male from Indiana headed to Pride in Los Angeles to cause the same type of carnage. Spare me that this is about Islam. This is about hate for people who aren’t like you. A radical islamic terrorist in Florida or a Christian in Los Angeles with the same ideology.

    In the three years that I’ve been out I have undergone a remarkable transition. For 35 years I lived a fake life out of fear. I sat around and listened to blatant homophobia and even participated. Every time I’ve gone out with friends my mom has said, “be careful there are crazy people out there.” This because I was gay.

    I’m tired of my community being treated differently. I’m tired of groups like the NCAA protecting schools who allow blatant homophobia in the name of autonomy. I’m tired of religious leaders and politicians speaking out against the LGBT community.

    All this leads to actions like today. It lead to countless number of transgender people being murdered. Its led to countless number of hate crimes. It led to the murder of an innocent kid named Matthew Shepard.

    Our community needs to heal and that will take time. As we do, these 50 souls need to be honored. The community needs to be as visible as ever. We are not going away and we will not lay down.

    Coming out stories are necessary. Pride month is necessary. It gives many hope and a sense of family that many do not have. We can not apologize for who we are, but rather unequivocally be our true selves. There is no better way to overcome hatred and honor the lost.

  26. #26
    Excellent op-ed! The man is on the money!

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by blueskies View Post
    Peter Vahlersvik via Getty Images How can one comprehend the tragedy that occurred in Orlando? A normal Sunday morning checking social media to discover a mass murder.Unfortunately, this has become common place in our America. Columbine, Aurora, Boston and Sandy Hook to name a few. The media covers extensively for a few days, social media pictures are changed and for the majority of us, life goes on. Orlando is different. This is my community. This is the family that embraced me when I choose to come out three years ago. These were people out having a good time, being themselves during a Saturday night during Pride month. This was officially war on the LGBT community.Throughout the day I had to sit back and hear people like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz speak about prayer for those affected. The same people who didn’t see the dead as equals and didn’t believe they should be treated as so, now wanted to turn to prayer to honor them.The religious right consistently attacks the LGBT community as a group that shuns family values. They portray us as a boogeyman. Sexual deviants who disobey the law of god. Yet, when tragedy occurs and the public outcry demands it, they pray for us.Save your prayers. The rhetoric and hate that the right spews on a daily basis leads to this kind of violence. It doesn’t matter that this particular killer was Muslim. On the same day, a white male from Indiana headed to Pride in Los Angeles to cause the same type of carnage. Spare me that this is about Islam. This is about hate for people who aren’t like you. A radical islamic terrorist in Florida or a Christian in Los Angeles with the same ideology.In the three years that I’ve been out I have undergone a remarkable transition. For 35 years I lived a fake life out of fear. I sat around and listened to blatant homophobia and even participated. Every time I’ve gone out with friends my mom has said, “be careful there are crazy people out there.” This because I was gay.I’m tired of my community being treated differently. I’m tired of groups like the NCAA protecting schools who allow blatant homophobia in the name of autonomy. I’m tired of religious leaders and politicians speaking out against the LGBT community.All this leads to actions like today. It lead to countless number of transgender people being murdered. Its led to countless number of hate crimes. It led to the murder of an innocent kid named Matthew Shepard. Our community needs to heal and that will take time. As we do, these 50 souls need to be honored. The community needs to be as visible as ever. We are not going away and we will not lay down. Coming out stories are necessary. Pride month is necessary. It gives many hope and a sense of family that many do not have. We can not apologize for who we are, but rather unequivocally be our true selves. There is no better way to overcome hatred and honor the lost.
    Wow. Thats so powerful and beutifully written.Thank you for sharing. This is so important and should be read in every school and church but sadly it wont be.Fondly,Roberta


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