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  1. #1

    Bill Cosby Charged with felony sexual assault!

    It finally happened: Bill Cosby has been formally charged with a felonious sexual assault. Why is this in the Motown section? Bill Cosby was a Motown artist.

    Last edited by soulster; 12-30-2015 at 03:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    It finally happened: Bill Cosby has been formally charged with a felonious sexual assault. Why is this in the Motown section? Bill Cosby was a Motown artist.

    You cant drug and sexualy abuse darned near 50 women and think your gonna get away with it. Let our justice system do its job. Bill Cosby and his biggest enabler Camile Cosby needs to ask God for forgivenes IMO


  3. #3
    The shocking backstory about Bill Cosbys rape and drugging women.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    The shocking backstory about Bill Cosbys rape and drugging women.

    No more shocking that Charlie Sheen having HIV and not telling some of his sex partners.

  5. #5
    I think he is innocent until PROVEN guilty.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by motony View Post
    I think he is innocent until PROVEN guilty.
    Its all in the hands of the justice system now. Hes out on 1 million dollar bail.


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by motony View Post
    I think he is innocent until PROVEN guilty.
    So do I. I am not passing judgement on Bill Cosby. Who am I....... Let's the system handle it.

  8. #8
    Nothing Charlie sheen does shocks me. Anyone getting together with him is asking for it anyway. I don't mean HIV, but the general "it" - it's awful not to disclose your poz status, but it's insane to have unsafe sex with anyone that you are not certain of. Lots of pozzies have never been tested and don't know they are poz. Never take anyone's word for it and you don't have to worry.

    If Cosby is drugging women and abusing them without their consent, that's much worse IMO. However, I'd be happy if both got boiled in oil. What yucky people to take advantage of others.

    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    No more shocking that Charlie Sheen having HIV and not telling some of his sex partners.

  9. #9
    thomas96 Guest
    Unfortunately for everybody who wants to see Cosby in prison, there is zero chance he gets convicted in this particular case.

  10. #10
    I too, believe he is innocent until proven guilty. His accuser, with this being an 11 year old allegation, has a mountain to climb.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    Unfortunately for everybody who wants to see Cosby in prison, there is zero chance he gets convicted in this particular case.
    Hes 78 and if you saw him leave the arraignment today he look 88 IMO. I personally believe hes guilty but its up to the court to decide if Mr Cosby even lasts that long. These things can take forever to get through the court and trial and this cant be good for his health. I mean when theres headlines calling him Americas Rapist and 55 women accusing him its real real bad IMO.


    Last edited by Roberta75; 12-30-2015 at 09:48 PM.

  12. #12
    Excellent posting and logic Soulster!

    There is likely smoke where there is fire and old Bill has been caught.

    But this is not going to be easy to prove; Bill will have a dozen lawyers who worked for OJ and Michael and we all know they did it too. And there will be questions about exactly what these starlets to be exactly wanted from Bill both then and now. A tawdry affair like the trashiest Motown book!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Excellent posting and logic Soulster!

    There is likely smoke where there is fire and old Bill has been caught.

    But this is not going to be easy to prove; Bill will have a dozen lawyers who worked for OJ and Michael and we all know they did it too. And there will be questions about exactly what these starlets to be exactly wanted from Bill both then and now. A tawdry affair like the trashiest Motown book!
    We all know they did what? Where's the video? If I am not mistaken, there are all types of video of cops murdering unarmed people but none end up in prison for murder.......
    Last edited by marv2; 12-31-2015 at 12:47 AM.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Hes 78 and if you saw him leave the arraignment today he look 88 IMO. I personally believe hes guilty but its up to the court to decide if Mr Cosby even lasts that long. These things can take forever to get through the court and trial and this cant be good for his health. I mean when theres headlines calling him Americas Rapist and 55 women accusing him its real real bad IMO.



    Yeah, just like you were certain that Patti LaBelle was going to be taken to the cleaners over that Cadet mess.....As far as I know, no one went to jail for even one night!

  15. #15
    Patti paid lawyers and money; she had to do a dozen shows to cover it

    This will cost bill a fortune and will dog him until he passes away.

    Ultimately you get what you deserve just like dear Mary got no reunion!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Patti paid lawyers and money; she had to do a dozen shows to cover it

    This will cost bill a fortune and will dog him until he passes away.

    Ultimately you get what you deserve just like dear Mary got no reunion!
    You don't know that about Patti. Hell, I know she sold over $7 million worth of pies in one week!

    This is not going to Bill Cosby a fortune. He's given away a fortune to all of Universities and Colleges around the country along with other institutions he's donated to over the years. His money is Camille's money. You can't get at it like that!

    .....and to remind us of how nutty you can be, you bring up the fabulous Mary Wilson who needs no reunion, she is doing her own thang! She's number 17 this week on Billboard's Dance Charts LOL! Yes I do agree, you do get what you deserve and I am not mentioning any names unrelated to this thread when I say that!

  17. #17
    I guess Ralph and Lowells words falling on some deaf ears. Absolutely no reason to take a shot at Mary Wilson above. Pattis bodyguard was found innocent in 2013.
    Last edited by luke; 12-31-2015 at 12:59 AM.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Excellent posting and logic Soulster!

    There is likely smoke where there is fire and old Bill has been caught.

    But this is not going to be easy to prove; Bill will have a dozen lawyers who worked for OJ and Michael and we all know they did it too. And there will be questions about exactly what these starlets to be exactly wanted from Bill both then and now. A tawdry affair like the trashiest Motown book!
    he's gonna have an uphill battle. You see, he admitted to a pattern of drugging women in a deposition. They just got through with a round of depositions in California. new evidence has come to light. I doubt PA would have filed charges if they didn't think they had a solid case against Mr. Cosby.

    I know there are people who absolutely refuse to believe that their lifetime hero could be a serial rapist, or because of whatever reason. The man caused his own problems.

    What kind of wealthy man has to drug women to have sex with him?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    he's gonna have an uphill battle. You see, he admitted to a pattern of drugging women in a deposition. They just got through with a round of depositions in California. new evidence has come to light. I doubt PA would have filed charges if they didn't think they had a solid case against Mr. Cosby.

    I know there are people who absolutely refuse to believe that their lifetime hero could be a serial rapist, or because of whatever reason. The man caused his own problems.

    What kind of wealthy man has to drug women to have sex with him?
    John F. Kennedy did that from a documentary I saw recently.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    he's gonna have an uphill battle. You see, he admitted to a pattern of drugging women in a deposition. They just got through with a round of depositions in California. new evidence has come to light. I doubt PA would have filed charges if they didn't think they had a solid case against Mr. Cosby.

    I know there are people who absolutely refuse to believe that their lifetime hero could be a serial rapist, or because of whatever reason. The man caused his own problems.

    What kind of wealthy man has to drug women to have sex with him?
    Im with you Soulster. I think hes got a real legal battle ahead of him especially after admitting he drugging women. I think theyve got a case against him and all 50 women cant be lying IMO.

    happy new year.


  21. #21
    I feel he has a legal battle too. I mean the man himself admitted giving women drugs. If you were totally innocent, you wouldn't admit to such a thing.

    In the Bill Cosby case, where there's smoke, there's fire. That's all I'm saying.

  22. #22
    Hey Luke,that's what people like Jobeterob do,bring Mary Wilson's name up,just to pissst someone off,when the thread is not even about her,i'm sure he was hoping to get a negative reaction,Jobeterob no one fell for it, remember Mary's latest single Time To Move On.

  23. #23
    Sometimes I read & wonder whether people actually have ever had anything to do with the entertainment field, ever lived through the 60s & 70s, or ever went to a club or a bar, for that matter.

    To say that Cosby "gave" women drugs, as though that automatically equates to him giving them in order to rape them, is a huge leap to assumption & one which seems to leave a lot of history out of the equation.

    Since the 60s [[just dealing with my lifetime, not the several decades which preceded me), men have been giving women drugs & drink & women have been willing recipients of them. In the entertainment business, drugs, drink, uppers, downers, coke & even orgies have been a part of the entertainment fabric. I'm sure that the musicians on this forum can tell you all sorts of backstage & hotel room stories from those days.

    As a young DJ in the 70s, I watched women willingly accept coke, weed, drinks, you name it from men & it sure wasn't forced upon it.

    Still others here act as though they've forgotten just how wild the 60s & 70s were, as well as the fact that just about anyone who became involved in those fields were well aware of the casting couch, as well as the fact that the field was so crowded with upstarts, that a whole lot of young women were more than willing to do whatever they believed would give them an upper-hand over the competition.

    Including going to the motel or dressing room of a known married man, then willingly accepting & swallowing pills, the content of which were unknown.

    How many here would accept pills from ANYONE & take those pills without knowing what you were taking?

    Furthermore, how many of you would remain in contact with someone whom raped, molested, or even tried to rape or molest you, continue to be in their presence, even taking money from that person? And believing that you had been drugged, how many of you would accept a plane ticket from your rapist, go to see him alone, then take the same damned pills that you took the first time, which led to you BELIEVING [[NOT KNOWING, BUT BELIEVING) that you had been sexually assaulted the first time?

    There's a difference between admitting that you gave a woman drugs in preparation for sex & saying that you drugged her. Case in point, men have been giving crack heads drugs in exchange for sex for about 3 decades now, men have been giving women drugs at clubs in HOPES of scoring sex since I was a kid & even before that.

    And you're being very forgetful or disingenuous if you grew up in the entertainment business or even club life if you say otherwise. Even when my sisters & her friends were doing local modeling, just about every young woman was warned about the casting couch & to NEVER go alone to ANY man's room, no matter how "nice" or "helpful" you thought that he could be to your career.

    I swear sometimes I read comments about this case & I could swear that everyone must've been neighbors with Beaver Cleaver or Greg Brady, because I remember the 60s & 70s as being far different than this Pollyannish utopia that many seem to be describing.

    I have friends & family members, both male & female who were molested or raped & some of the accounts given by some of these women simply don't pass the sniff test. I don't know of one whom would've done half of what these ladies did, much less react as they did. ESPECIALLY in the entertainment business, where you have to have one hell of a thick skin & some toughness to traverse that minefield.

    Now, I believe that we was a cad, I also believe that he took advantage of his status & made promises that he didn't keep & was probably more than a bit nasty & arrogant about it. But being a jerk doesn't make him a rapist.

    And if any of you believe that 50 people can't lie about the same thing, I've seen a group of people lie out of their faces about something just because they didn't like a person, in this case, it was the police & they wanted to extract some vengeance against the police.

    And not that I want to drag politics into this, but I see Presidential candidates & their followers lie every damn day & they lie about things that we've actually SEEN & can PROVE that they're lies.

    So if thousands of people can lie every day full-well knowing that their lies can easily be refuted, how much more will someone lie about events which allegedly happened 20 to 40 years ago, when they have a score to settle, some tv appearances that they feel cheated out of & millions of dollars may be had?

    Shit, we watch people lie for free & they're not even going to get a Happy Meal for their trouble, they do if for free.

    One last question...wouldn't you think that at least one of these women would've seen a doctor, not so much for evidence to be used against Cosby, but at least to see whether he had given them a social disease which could be hearmful to their health?

    Under those circumstances, at minimum, wouldn't you have done at least that much?
    Last edited by juicefree20; 01-07-2016 at 10:21 PM.

  24. #24
    Bill has managed to wreck the remainder of his life and his wife's life.

    These are not going to be easy cases to prosecute criminally and the complainants will be dragged through both the judicial system and the mud.

    He obviously has done something; you can't drug people and have sex with them and say they consented. If there are 55 complainants, there are probably at least 200 cases out there ~ but a bunch of them won't step forward.

    But the individuals are hardly blameless; a great many of them were probably prepared to do anything necessary to become a "star" and Bill was amongst the best vehicles to make that happen.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Bill has managed to wreck the remainder of his life and his wife's life.

    These are not going to be easy cases to prosecute criminally and the complainants will be dragged through both the judicial system and the mud.

    He obviously has done something; you can't drug people and have sex with them and say they consented. If there are 55 complainants, there are probably at least 200 cases out there ~ but a bunch of them won't step forward.

    But the individuals are hardly blameless; a great many of them were probably prepared to do anything necessary to become a "star" and Bill was amongst the best vehicles to make that happen.
    It doesnt matter if the women showed up in his dressing room or hhome buck naked it still doesnt give Cosby permission to drug and rape IMO.

    His life is wrecked and hes brought it all on himself. May God forgive him and may he ask God to forgive him.


  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    It doesnt matter if the women showed up in his dressing room or hhome buck naked it still doesnt give Cosby permission to drug and rape IMO.

    His life is wrecked and hes brought it all on himself. May God forgive him and may he ask God to forgive him.

    May be they gave him permission. You ever thought about that?!

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    May be they gave him permission. You ever thought about that?!
    Prob not Marv, for some, the art of thinking is a lost art.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by detmotownguy View Post
    Prob not Marv, for some, the art of thinking is a lost art.
    Believe me, I am starting to see that!!!

  29. #29
    With all due respect to all who KNOW what Cosby did, unless you personally were there pulling the cotton out of the bottles of drugs, or helped roll the condom on his penis, you DON'T know what DID or DID NOT happen & as such, you're guilty of bearing false witness against your neighbor.

    But the media is to blame for these types of things because in their quest to sensationalize everything, they contribute to the one thing that the law is supposed to entitle everyone...

    The presumption of innocence until PROVEN guilty.

    An accusation is not a FACT. And frankly, I'm tired of the hypocrisy & pussy-footing around with people who purport to "KNOW" everything.

    A perfect illustration of my point can be found right here in this forum, when a certain forumer made untrue accusations a.k.a LIES about other forum members. And in one of the many cases that I could cite, JobeteRob, in one incident that someone was YOU, when you accused Ralph & myself of conspiring with Marv to "destroy" this forum.

    Remember that?

    I do & I didn't write that with the intent of starting an argument because I never really cared that you said such nonsense, it wasn't that deep. But since I'm reading all of this crap written about what Cosby "DID" when you & others weren't even 100,000 miles near Cosby when all of this allegedly happened, I DO know what YOU did, as I was right there & I didn't wait 20 years to comment about what you said.

    As I said, this isn't written to start a fight, one which I wouldn't waste my time responding to. But what that incident [[as well as many others which have transpired here) proves, it merely shows the depths that some people with axes to grind will stoop to when they disagree with, or simply don't like certain people.

    See how easy it is for such things to happen?

    Bearing false witness is a very unsavory habit that far too many have fallen into. And it needs to stop. That is, unless you were there holding the flashlight for Bill.

    Enough said.
    Last edited by juicefree20; 01-07-2016 at 10:19 PM.

  30. #30
    Thanks Juicefree20,you are on point,some people[[not all)come here for drama,and post for negative thing,for a reactions,you called one out,and we know who the others are.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by detmotownguy View Post
    Prob not Marv, for some, the art of thinking is a lost art.
    Maybe you should work on your art of thinking dear.

  32. #32
    Lets keep this conversation cool, gang. Good subject.

  33. #33
    If you want my take on this, I have been on the side where there were women that wanted to be with me simply because I was in a hot band. I learned this early on, that women will throw themselves at musicians or entertainers, in general. This most certainly isn't suggesting that privileges weren't taken, but everyone, at that time, was an adult and had to know what could go down. So for all these years since, to see this many accusers come out of nowhere, claiming how their lives were ruined, makes me somewhat uncomfortable and has me in Cos's corner at this time.

    Again, this is my opinion.

  34. #34
    And we don't need to roil old waters guys. Stay on topic.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    If you want my take on this, I have been on the side where there were women that wanted to be with me simply because I was in a hot band. I learned this early on, that women will throw themselves at musicians or entertainers, in general. This most certainly isn't suggesting that privileges weren't taken, but everyone, at that time, was an adult and had to know what could go down. So for all these years since, to see this many accusers come out of nowhere, claiming how their lives were ruined, makes me somewhat uncomfortable and has me in Cos's corner at this time.

    Again, this is my opinion.
    Hi Ralph,

    Hey, the conversation is cool & I wasn't angry when I wrote what I wrote. I wrote what I wrote because it appears as though many people believe that a person is guilty of something just because the accusation was made.

    Now in the situation that I cited, a lie was told simply because I said something that wasn't liked. I wasn't lying, but what I had to say wasn't appreciated because it was pointing out a few, shall we say...discrepancies.

    From there, a crazy tale was concocted & others joined right in with swearing to & repeating a lie. I just illustrated how easy it is for a person to lie & have others swear to it.

    My primary point is that if this kind of nonsense can happen in a music forum, exactly how much more incentive do people have to lie about someone who likely took advantage of them & millions of dollars can be at stake?

    If people can try to ruin you me & others over some stupid forum dispute, what WON'T some people do when they feel as though someone played them for a fool, especially they may reap some money from going after that person?

    I could've named other people whom have done that here, but as they're not participating in this conversation, that would only be looking for trouble. But I believe that my point has been made, in that human nature is human nature & it's all too easy to get people to jump on a bandwagon when there's a common enemy involved.

    Having made my point, I'll exit this conversation & there's no need for anyone to further confirm what I said. I was just making a point from personal experience. Nothing more than that, so there's no need for anyone aside from whom I mentioned by name to address what I said.

    It was what it was & having made my point, I'm content to leave it at that.

    But again, unless we were there, we don't know what did or did not happen & unlike some, I'm not swearing on a stack of Bibles that I "KNOW" that he's 100% innocent because I DON'T know that for a fact.

    But just as with many other cases which were proven false, he's been tried & convicted, not based upon sworn testimony, but based upon accusations, all before he's had his day in court.

    And that is called PREJUDICE & I'm not ready to ruin a man's life until I hear ALL of the evidence presented from BOTH sides. Thus far, all that I can deduce is that he was a serial cheater & I can't really say that, as I believe that as with most famous people, he & his spouse had an "understanding".

    And just as you, from the age of 17 to 24, I had women throwing themselves at me, just so they could be seen with the DJ, in the booth, waving at their friends as though it made them a big deal.

    Now if I had women throwing themselves at me because they & their friends believed that the DJ was "somebody", then how many of these women WILLINGLY hooked-up with Cosby, believing that he could help to advance their careers, or merely because they believed that they'd become a real item?

    I was a nobody, so just imagine what people will do when they have visions of fame & fortune dancing in their heads. On the other hand, imagine what they'll do when they believe that you've cheated them out of it & because you reneged, they never gained the fame that they believed that they'd receive?

    Seriously, this is being accepted without question by people who grew up in the 60s & 70s & whom are "wise" in the ways of the entertainment business?

    I find that equally unbelievable, as one of the biggest mantras of those days was "No head, no backstage" pass. Yet through some miracle, Cosby managed to find the only 50 something women who'd never heard of the casting couch, or knew the the field of entertainment leans toward the side of "You do something for me & I'll do something for you".

    Nope, they were all fresh off of the farm like poor 'ol Rebecca of Sunnybrook. But seeing what I've seen & knowing what I know, I'm just not buying that load of bull, if only because it's totally inconsistent with everything that the entertainment business has proven to be about & inconsistent with most of the young upstarts whom I knew trying to break in as a model, singer or actress here in NYC from the 60s through the 70s & the 80s were even worse.

    And a few police or hospital reports would go a long way in helping me to believe them because the people in my family or friends filled out at least a police report & got themselves checked for syphilis. That none of these women have been reported as having even done that little, makes it hard for me to believe what they're saying.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    If you want my take on this, I have been on the side where there were women that wanted to be with me simply because I was in a hot band. I learned this early on, that women will throw themselves at musicians or entertainers, in general. This most certainly isn't suggesting that privileges weren't taken, but everyone, at that time, was an adult and had to know what could go down. So for all these years since, to see this many accusers come out of nowhere, claiming how their lives were ruined, makes me somewhat uncomfortable and has me in Cos's corner at this time.

    Again, this is my opinion.
    Ralph it is starting to come out that many of these women accusing Cosby have criminal backgrounds and have been caught lying. One accused Marv Alpert of raping years ago:

  37. #37
    Part II. Very good viewing:

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post
    Hi Ralph,

    Hey, the conversation is cool & I wasn't angry when I wrote what I wrote. I wrote what I wrote because it appears as though many people believe that a person is guilty of something just because the accusation was made.

    Now in the situation that I cited, a lie was told simply because I said something that wasn't liked. I wasn't lying, but what I had to say wasn't appreciated because it was pointing out a few, shall we say...discrepancies.

    From there, a crazy tale was concocted & others joined right in with swearing to & repeating a lie. I just illustrated how easy it is for a person to lie & have others swear to it.

    My primary point is that if this kind of nonsense can happen in a music forum, exactly how much more incentive do people have to lie about someone who likely took advantage of them & millions of dollars can be at stake?

    If people can try to ruin you me & others over some stupid forum dispute, what WON'T some people do when they feel as though someone played them for a fool, especially they may reap some money from going after that person?

    I could've named other people whom have done that here, but as they're not participating in this conversation, that would only be looking for trouble. But I believe that my point has been made, in that human nature is human nature & it's all too easy to get people to jump on a bandwagon when there's a common enemy involved.

    Having made my point, I'll exit this conversation & there's no need for anyone to further confirm what I said. I was just making a point from personal experience. Nothing more than that, so there's no need for anyone aside from whom I mentioned by name to address what I said.

    It was what it was & having made my point, I'm content to leave it at that.

    But again, unless we were there, we don't know what did or did not happen & unlike some, I'm not swearing on a stack of Bibles that I "KNOW" that he's 100% innocent because I DON'T know that for a fact.

    But just as with many other cases which were proven false, he's been tried & convicted, not based upon sworn testimony, but based upon accusations, all before he's had his day in court.

    And that is called PREJUDICE & I'm not ready to ruin a man's life until I hear ALL of the evidence presented from BOTH sides. Thus far, all that I can deduce is that he was a serial cheater & I can't really say that, as I believe that as with most famous people, he & his spouse had an "understanding".

    And just as you, from the age of 17 to 24, I had women throwing themselves at me, just so they could be seen with the DJ, in the booth, waving at their friends as though it made them a big deal.

    Now if I had women throwing themselves at me because they & their friends believed that the DJ was "somebody", then how many of these women WILLINGLY hooked-up with Cosby, believing that he could help to advance their careers, or merely because they believed that they'd become a real item?

    I was a nobody, so just imagine what people will do when they have visions of fame & fortune dancing in their heads. On the other hand, imagine what they'll do when they believe that you've cheated them out of it & because you reneged, they never gained the fame that they believed that they'd receive?

    Seriously, this is being accepted without question by people who grew up in the 60s & 70s & whom are "wise" in the ways of the entertainment business?

    I find that equally unbelievable, as one of the biggest mantras of those days was "No head, no backstage" pass. Yet through some miracle, Cosby managed to find the only 50 something women who'd never heard of the casting couch, or knew the the field of entertainment leans toward the side of "You do something for me & I'll do something for you".

    Nope, they were all fresh off of the farm like poor 'ol Rebecca of Sunnybrook. But seeing what I've seen & knowing what I know, I'm just not buying that load of bull, if only because it's totally inconsistent with everything that the entertainment business has proven to be about & inconsistent with most of the young upstarts whom I knew trying to break in as a model, singer or actress here in NYC from the 60s through the 70s & the 80s were even worse.

    And a few police or hospital reports would go a long way in helping me to believe them because the people in my family or friends filled out at least a police report & got themselves checked for syphilis. That none of these women have been reported as having even done that little, makes it hard for me to believe what they're saying.

    The reason most rapes go unreported cause the vicims are treatedas criminally by some men because of the way they dress or if they consumed liquor or because they dont go to the police or the doctor. Have you any idea the shame a woman feel after being raped. You believe Cosbys innocent well I do not. I think he drug and rape a large percentage of those women and it makes it real hard for me to believe that he did not.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    It doesnt matter if the women showed up in his dressing room or hhome buck naked it still doesnt give Cosby permission to drug and rape IMO.

    His life is wrecked and hes brought it all on himself. May God forgive him and may he ask God to forgive him.

    Totally agree that you cannot drug someone and have sex with them.

    But these women are going to faces questions about delay and remembering accurately.

    And sadly [[or maybe not) some of them would have had sex with Bill and many others because it's a ploy some use to win favour, advance a career, get a role etc. They are not going to win the same sympathy as a lady raped on a train in India on her way home from work.

  40. #40
    The problem for Cosby is that he admitted giving women the drugs in a deposition.

  41. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    The reason most rapes go unreported cause the vicims are treatedas criminally by some men because of the way they dress or if they consumed liquor or because they dont go to the police or the doctor. Have you any idea the shame a woman feel after being raped. You believe Cosbys innocent well I do not. I think he drug and rape a large percentage of those women and it makes it real hard for me to believe that he did not.

    Indeed, what you say is true & I feel for any woman or man who has felt the need to remain silent.

    However, we're speaking about women who just happened to have come along during the explosion of the sexual revolution, where the mores had completely changed.

    Let's take for instance, the woman who claimed to have been raped in the Playboy Mansion in the late 60s at age 15. Now at the age of 8, I knew what Playboy Magazine was all about, as my cousins & uncles had the magazines. So my question then becomes, exactly WHY was a 15 year-old in that mansion & how did she even know to go there?

    If she was 15, then it means that she must've lied in order to gain entry. So am I to believe that she went there with the intent of getting glasses of Nestle's Strawberry or Chocolate Quik? Or do I take an educated guess & conclude that while perhaps may have been looking for some milk, that it wasn't from that bunny from the commercial.

    I'm sorry, but I'm simply having a difficult time believing that out of 50+ women, not one of those women went around Cosby without having an agenda of their own set firmly in place.

    And from what I remember about rape, most times rape is committed by either a perfect stranger, or a family member or friend. But I can't believe that that Cosby found 50 women whom were confident or headstrong enough to believe that they could compete in the shark infested waters known as show business [[which has historically chewed up & spit out young ladies by the thousands), yet were too afraid to utter a mumbling word about Cosby in an era where Black men were chased out of neighborhoods such as Howard Beach & Bensonhurst for walking through those areas, much less touching a Caucasian woman.

    Never in the history of negrodome, have I heard of a man raping 5 Caucasian women & surviving, much less 50.

    I'm sorry, but I know of far too many women who didn't "believe" that they had been sexually assaulted, they KNEW that they had been sexually assaulted & while some were afraid to come forward because they had to be around their tormentor, as he was a family member or friend, these women don't have that same excuse.

    And as we have seen far too many times, the fact that a woman or a man accuses someone of something, doesn't mean that it's necessarily true.

    I honestly believe that these women were perfectly willing to go along with his program because he promised them help. I believe that he likely reneged on his promises & likely dismissed them when someone newer or fresher cane along & they became pissed, but really had no way to even the score.

    And once one accusation caught fire, that opened the door for some retribution to be exacted. Seriously, even if what they assert is true, perhaps a few women whom were scared may have surfaced once this surfaced. But suddenly, more than 50 women whom were terrorized suddenly found courage & strength to come forward?


    Sorry, perhaps I know too many people who'll fight for themselves tooth & nail without any prodding from anyone, but I simply give women a lot more credit than that.

    And isn't it somewhat interesting that almost ALL of these women found this courage & strength only AFTER the Statute Of Limitations expired, where by law, Cosby doesn't have to defend himself & won't face prosecution. However, by doing so, they've placed him in the position of having to defend himself against charges which have no true legal ramifications for him, or look guilty as hell if he exercises his right to refuse to do so. For most, their accusations are more than sufficient to prove "guilt".

    So even if he wins, he's already lost in the court of public opinion & do you want to bet that if he slipped a million to each of them, that all of this would've gone away?

    I save my sympathies for the women, children & yes, men, whom I know have been sexually assaulted & from most of the accounts that I've read, these women DID NOT respond as most sexual assault victims I've known or seen.

    But based upon what I've observed in about 40 years of being in clubs, at shows & anything entertainment related, most of these women have reacted & this is just my opinion, as thousands of women whom I've seen who were perfectly willing to go along in order to get along.

    But what taints this whole picture is that we're talking about sexual assault, which is about the worst thing that any human can do to another & the mere thought or accusation of it makes people think of all of the men who HAVE raped & taken advantage of women & some people find it difficult to believe that a woman would ever lie about such a thing.

    Sorry to say it, but a lot of women & even kids do lie. I know a mentally handicapped man who lost more than 10 years of his life sitting in prison, because some teenager [[who was actually screwing his equally mentally-handicapped brother), accused him of "touching" him, all because he wouldn't give the kid money.

    People do lie & when millions of dollars at stake, some may believe that there's strength in numbers. You may find 5 or even 10 women who'll be assaulted & not file a police report, or won't go to the hospital in order to get themselves checked out. But Bill managed to find more than 50 women who did absolutely nothing & a few who willingly chose to remain in his presence & accept money & other favors afterward.

    That doesn't seem to fit the description of fear, trauma, nor rape, for that matter.

    What that suggests, I'll leave for God to decide.

    Having said that, if all of this proves to be true, then let the chips fall where they may & he'll have earned every drop of scorn being heaped upon him.

    I also say that all of these universities removing his name from everything, should give every dime that he's donated to them to a charity for battered or sexually abused women & children.

    If they honestly believe that he's guilty of what he's been accused of, then they shouldn't want to receive that kind of "bad" money. Let's see how many of them will do that, or remain a bunch of hypocrites who pay lip service & are willing to distance themselves from him, but certainly WILL NOT distance themselves from the millions that he's donated to them.

    Ted Cruz will kiss President Obama in the middle of Times Square at high noon before such a thing ever happens.

  42. #42
    Thanks Marv,for postin these video's,about these women,telling lies,i notice people don't wanna touch what you post,i'm sure people are shocked too. the media smh

  43. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    The reason most rapes go unreported cause the vicims are treatedas criminally by some men because of the way they dress or if they consumed liquor or because they dont go to the police or the doctor. Have you any idea the shame a woman feel after being raped. You believe Cosbys innocent well I do not. I think he drug and rape a large percentage of those women and it makes it real hard for me to believe that he did not.

    You are speaking in general. None of what you said apply to these women and their "cases"!

  44. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Totally agree that you cannot drug someone and have sex with them.

    But these women are going to faces questions about delay and remembering accurately.

    And sadly [[or maybe not) some of them would have had sex with Bill and many others because it's a ploy some use to win favour, advance a career, get a role etc. They are not going to win the same sympathy as a lady raped on a train in India on her way home from work.
    You're changing your story and your stance Jobeterob aren't you? But why? Just over a week you said that we all know that Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson and [[I forget the third person you mentioned at the moment) that they all did it! There's no proof, but that doesn't matter to people like you and Roberta.

  45. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    The problem for Cosby is that he admitted giving women the drugs in a deposition.

    Did he also stay that he offered some and they accepted it? I heard Beverly Johnson say out of her own mouth that she knew she was drugged after the first sip. Then she took another sip........................hmmmmmm

  46. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by REDHOT View Post
    Thanks Marv,for postin these video's,about these women,telling lies,i notice people don't wanna touch what you post,i'm sure people are shocked too. the media smh
    You are welcome Redhot. Many of these women were prostitutes and had criminal records either before or after they met Cosby. Some flat out lied to get a piece of the pie!

  47. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post
    With all due respect to all who KNOW what Cosby did, unless you personally were there pulling the cotton out of the bottles of drugs, or helped roll the condom on his penis, you DON'T know what DID or DID NOT happen & as such, you're guilty of bearing false witness against your neighbor.

    But the media is to blame for these types of things because in their quest to sensationalize everything, they contribute to the one thing that the law is supposed to entitle everyone...

    The presumption of innocence until PROVEN guilty.

    An accusation is not a FACT. And frankly, I'm tired of the hypocrisy & pussy-footing around with people who purport to "KNOW" everything.

    A perfect illustration of my point can be found right here in this forum, when a certain forumer made untrue accusations a.k.a LIES about other forum members. And in one of the many cases that I could cite, JobeteRob, in one incident that someone was YOU, when you accused Ralph & myself of conspiring with Marv to "destroy" this forum.

    Remember that?

    I do & I didn't write that with the intent of starting an argument because I never really cared that you said such nonsense, it wasn't that deep. But since I'm reading all of this crap written about what Cosby "DID" when you & others weren't even 100,000 miles near Cosby when all of this allegedly happened, I DO know what YOU did, as I was right there & I didn't wait 20 years to comment about what you said.

    As I said, this isn't written to start a fight, one which I wouldn't waste my time responding to. But what that incident [[as well as many others which have transpired here) proves, it merely shows the depths that some people with axes to grind will stoop to when they disagree with, or simply don't like certain people.

    See how easy it is for such things to happen?

    Bearing false witness is a very unsavory habit that far too many have fallen into. And it needs to stop. That is, unless you were there holding the flashlight for Bill.

    Enough said.
    Juice, I love it when you shine the light on these things! I remember very well how he accuse you, Ralph and I of trying to destroy this forum when I know the real truth! This is why I am not surprised at all how these same people will jump on a Bill Cosby, a Patti LaBelle or a Michael Jackson and declare them guilty of any and everything they are accused of !

  48. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    You're changing your story and your stance Jobeterob aren't you? But why? Just over a week you said that we all know that Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson and [[I forget the third person you mentioned at the moment) that they all did it! There's no proof, but that doesn't matter to people like you and Roberta.
    And people like YOU have little respect for women. Your the one that always defend wife beaters Ike Turner and Pedro Ferrer so it doesnt really matter what you say or think.

  49. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    You are speaking in general. None of what you said apply to these women and their "cases"!
    And you know everything about these women cases and history. Please stop!!!!

  50. #50
    Keep it civil, gang................


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