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  1. #1

    The Supremes' Christmas Album

    Boo! Hiss! Fans and and other folks who enjoy The Supremes have practically begged for A Go Go expanded. Why on earth do we need another release of the holiday tracks digitally [[December 4th)? Oh, I know: "Follow the money!" This is ridiculous. Personally, I am getting tired of hearing how wonderful Andy, George, and Harry*** are. I know they are great people, but I also know they are employees. Regardless, fans are not getting what they actually want. This Christmas reissued is ridiculous. Let's be honest. !

    *** Harry has essentially disappeared from the Boards.
    Last edited by longtimefan; 12-03-2015 at 11:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by longtimefan View Post
    *** Harry has essentially disappeared from the Boards.

    And I don't blame him ...

    It's up on iTunes US, btw.

  3. #3
    And Bethlehem is spelled incorrectly in the booklet ... a few times.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by longtimefan View Post
    Boo! Hiss! Fans and and other folks who enjoy The Supremes have practically begged for A Go Go expanded. Why on earth do we need another release of the holiday tracks digitally [[December 4th)? Oh, I know: "Follow the money!" This is ridiculous. Personally, I am getting tired of hearing how wonderful Andy, George, and Harry*** are. I know they are great people, but I also know they are employees. Regardless, fans are not getting what they actually want. This Christmas reissued is ridiculous. Let's be honest. !

    *** Harry has essentially disappeared from the Boards.
    Longtimefan, I don't think you know how difficult in getting these releases out there is. Andy, George and Harry don't sit around and make all the executive decisions on what albums they are and aren't going to do, what format it will be released on, the release date, prices, etc. The music industry is a very big and difficult business. An idea or a plan to do something can be put on hold, drastically changed with or without your input or say, go on as planned but without you involved or nixed completely. Put yourself in their shoes. Andy and George are fans just like the rest of us and want to not only put out the best product, but make sure the fans get what we want to hear. Universal may have wanted to release the Supremes' Merry Christmas now. It may not have been high on the list of releases they'd like to do, but it's either not do it at all and all we get are the album mixes OR do the release and give it the expanded treatment. Please don't put the blame on the guys. They're fighting for the fans and Universal is a mighty mountain.
    Last edited by bradsupremes; 12-04-2015 at 01:29 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    Longtimefan, I don't think you know how difficult in getting these releases out there is. Andy, George and Harry don't sit around and make all the executive decisions on what albums they are and aren't going to do, what format it will be released on, the release date, prices, etc. The music industry is a very big and difficult business. An idea or a plan to do something can be put on hold, drastically changed with or without your input or say, go on as planned but without you involved or nixed completely. Put yourself in their shoes. Andy and George are fans just like the rest of us and want to not only put out the best product, but make sure the fans get what we want to hear. Universal may have wanted to release the Supremes' Merry Christmas now. It may not have been high on the list of releases they'd like to do, but it's either not do it at all and all we get are the album mixes OR do the release and give it the expanded treatment. Please don't put the blame on the guys. They're fighting for the fans and Universal is a mighty mountain.
    very well put bradsupremes. I am totally disillusioned with Universal and I do not blame the guys who do us a great service. What I and many others want is a physical product but we appear to be fighting a losing battle. As far as I am concerned you can stuff your downloads. I know I may be cutting my nose off to spite my face but I really struggle to embrace this new way of accessing music. It is so cold, empty and soulless. I hate it.

  6. #6
    Planning to get the high def FLAC files from 7Digital. I know some here are proponents of these sites. Can you get the booklet from 7Digital, HDtracks, etc, as well? Or is it only on iTunes? As the booklet isn't listed elsewhere as part of the release. This is the same for the previous digital only releases as well. Hoping maybe it just downloads automatically?

  7. #7
    I don't blame the guys for staying off the message boards either..lol

  8. #8
    Uh maybe the Christmas Expanded was released at this time because its the holidays and Christmas is just around the corner.....................you think ???
    Perhaps Andy, George and Harry are fans as well......................you think ??

    Quote Originally Posted by longtimefan View Post
    Boo! Hiss! Fans and and other folks who enjoy The Supremes have practically begged for A Go Go expanded. Why on earth do we need another release of the holiday tracks digitally [[December 4th)? Oh, I know: "Follow the money!" This is ridiculous. Personally, I am getting tired of hearing how wonderful Andy, George, and Harry*** are. I know they are great people, but I also know they are employees. Regardless, fans are not getting what they actually want. This Christmas reissued is ridiculous. Let's be honest. !

    *** Harry has essentially disappeared from the Boards.

  9. #9
    this project was apparently done, and all the griping certainly helped shut it down.. these are last gasp efforts to keep things alive, the Ross set hitching a ride on The Wiz tv production, and the Supremes set hitching a ride on..duh... Christmas.. if these are well recieved, it may lead to more and physical product.. if they are met by the usual pouting and boo hooing, then you can most likely kiss anything else ever good bye.. and twenty or thirty posters vowing to only buy physical product would elicit laughs at the Universal Xmas parties, if they even bothered to pay attention, which, trust me, they don't..either support or don't support..save the drama for important things in your life

  10. #10
    RossHolloway Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by longtimefan View Post
    Boo! Hiss! Fans and and other folks who enjoy The Supremes have practically begged for A Go Go expanded. Why on earth do we need another release of the holiday tracks digitally [[December 4th)? Oh, I know: "Follow the money!" This is ridiculous. Personally, I am getting tired of hearing how wonderful Andy, George, and Harry*** are. I know they are great people, but I also know they are employees. Regardless, fans are not getting what they actually want. This Christmas reissued is ridiculous. Let's be honest. !

    *** Harry has essentially disappeared from the Boards.
    Have you wrote to the powers that be at Universal/Motown to let them know how you feel?

  11. #11
    Andy is on Facebook regularly

    Susaye says on Facebook that we need to support and accept the digital releases

    We need a more rational and reasonable forum if we are to expect people like that to post here regularly

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    this project was apparently done, and all the griping certainly helped shut it down.. these are last gasp efforts to keep things alive, the Ross set hitching a ride on The Wiz tv production, and the Supremes set hitching a ride on..duh... Christmas.. if these are well recieved, it may lead to more and physical product.. if they are met by the usual pouting and boo hooing, then you can most likely kiss anything else ever good bye.. and twenty or thirty posters vowing to only buy physical product would elicit laughs at the Universal Xmas parties, if they even bothered to pay attention, which, trust me, they don't..either support or don't support..save the drama for important things in your life
    We don't need you to tell us that Universal do not care about us and they probably do laugh at us who still cherish physical product. We are fully aware of their stance and they are unlikely to change that, but that does not mean that I have to bow down quietly and accept this. If I cannot have it on physical cd I will do without it.

  13. #13
    Can you get the booklet from 7Digital, HDtracks, etc, as well? Or is it only on iTunes? As the booklet isn't listed elsewhere as part of the release. This is the same for the previous digital only releases as well. Hoping maybe it just downloads automatically?
    I wouldn't assume that at all - it's my major gripe with hi-res downloads. For instance, I bought the expanded "Baby, It's Me" from HDTracks but there's no booklet with it so, yes, I bought it again from iTunes to get it. I really loved and supported the project so I didn't mind too much, but it is ridiculous. I'm hoping that sort of thing gets fixed with time. As for this new "Merry Christmas", I'm torn because there's a booklet listed on iTunes, but no booklet listed at 7digital for the 16-bit/44.1kHz FLAC tracks [[which I prefer) - I'm going to go to the Facebook page for the releases and ask about the booklet - hopefully I can buy the Hi-Res FLAC tracks and still get the undoubtedly terrific booklet...cheers!

  14. #14
    they laugh at people who makes demands but aren't in a position of power to make those demands.. if 100,00 fans/potential buyers were making noise that would be something else

  15. #15

  16. #16
    Hi you guys at Universal - time for a good laugh. I'm with Bluebrock on this.

    Not at all upset and not whinging about it though, that's just the way it is with Motown product. But all is not lost, there's the Early EPs vinyl set and the Roy Orbison MGM Years 13 CD box set to spend the money on. Both Universal too I assume. So they still get my money either way and I get the products I really want - win win if you ask me.

    Looking forward to more ACE, Soul Music, Culture Factory and Elemental Motown CDs, not to mention more Japanese Motown releases. You pays your money and still get what you want - no problem.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by mysterysinger View Post
    Hi you guys at Universal - time for a good laugh. I'm with Bluebrock on this.

    Not at all upset and not whinging about it though, that's just the way it is with Motown product. But all is not lost, there's the Early EPs vinyl set and the Roy Orbison MGM Years 13 CD box set to spend the money on. Both Universal too I assume. So they still get my money either way and I get the products I really want - win win if you ask me.

    Looking forward to more ACE, Soul Music, Culture Factory and Elemental Motown CDs, not to mention more Japanese Motown releases. You pays your money and still get what you want - no problem.
    Thank you mysterysinger - as you rightly point out thank goodness we still have Ace, Soul music.com etc etc. These Companies actually listen to their client lists. Universal could take a leave out of their books but instead display breathtaking arrogance. Shame on them.

  18. #18
    RossHolloway Guest
    Thanks for posting, that's a nice write up.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by ejluther View Post
    I wouldn't assume that at all - it's my major gripe with hi-res downloads. For instance, I bought the expanded "Baby, It's Me" from HDTracks but there's no booklet with it so, yes, I bought it again from iTunes to get it. I really loved and supported the project so I didn't mind too much, but it is ridiculous. I'm hoping that sort of thing gets fixed with time. As for this new "Merry Christmas", I'm torn because there's a booklet listed on iTunes, but no booklet listed at 7digital for the 16-bit/44.1kHz FLAC tracks [[which I prefer) - I'm going to go to the Facebook page for the releases and ask about the booklet - hopefully I can buy the Hi-Res FLAC tracks and still get the undoubtedly terrific booklet...cheers!
    Thanks ejluther! Please keep me posted. Perhaps I will try inquiring too in regards to having the PDF's made available to these sites. It's strange that they wouldn't be made available when one already has to pay more money for the lossless files. If someone is willing to pay a premium, then I would think everything should be available, including the PDF booklet? Unless there is some sort of licensing issues for the content/photos in the booklets.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by longtimefan View Post
    Boo! Hiss! Fans and and other folks who enjoy The Supremes have practically begged for A Go Go expanded. Why on earth do we need another release of the holiday tracks digitally [[December 4th)? Oh, I know: "Follow the money!" This is ridiculous. Personally, I am getting tired of hearing how wonderful Andy, George, and Harry*** are. I know they are great people, but I also know they are employees. Regardless, fans are not getting what they actually want. This Christmas reissued is ridiculous. Let's be honest. !

    *** Harry has essentially disappeared from the Boards.
    Based off of your hasty dismissal of them, its no wonder why they stay off the board.

    Look. Andy, George, and Harry are not bigwigs who blindly just release things because of "money." In many big and important ways, they are very much fighting for the same things we are. However, they are in a small minority in the company. The views of Universal are not necessarily that of Andy, George, and Harry. Second, Universal is an incredibly large and complex company. Sadly, "A Go Go," even if bought by all of us, would not yield a large net gain for the company. There would be no profit for all the MANY people involved - from the people directly involved in remastering, to the people in charge of marketing and design, to the manufacturers, to shipping, and to the store owners - large and small - who stock and sell the product. If the money's not there, they can't logically release it. Third, how can you be mad about "Merry Christmas" being remastered? Just because you are aware of the past re-releases [[the last one has been fifteen years ago, I believe), not everyone else is. And of course they're going to release this, considering its Christmas.

  21. #21
    you mentioned 'stores' and that, I believe, was a key problem with all The Supremes expanded editions, including the 70's packages..they were not in record stores, and were not advertised anywhere, just reliant on the on line world, which is nuts..The Beatles re issue special packages and The Beach Boys get into retail stores, why didn't Copa, Symphony, More Hits etc get into the stores? It certainly would have upped the sales/profit picture..maybe something contractual/legal? This non store stocking led to a part of the 'sales' problem that led to the stoppage of physical production, I'm sure

  22. #22
    I don't think I've ever heard the mono version of this fantastic album until tonight. I may have heard it once or twice from a vinyl version I have, but the mono mix is mostly unfamiliar to me since I've played the 1999 CD Reissue all of these years, being someone who did not grow up in the 60's. It's strange that the first two tracks were originally mixed without background vocals and then "Little Drummer Boy" was reverbed to sh*t. lol. Still cool to hear the differences. Also, has anyone ever picked up on Diana faintly talking in the background during "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town"? Sounds like studio chatter unintentionally left in. It happens at 1:20.

  23. #23
    Did anyone else think "Joy To The World" was older than'65? I also thought it sounded like it was recorded in 1962 early 1963.....Just never seemed to fit with the rest of the songs

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by carlo View Post
    I don't think I've ever heard the mono version of this fantastic album until tonight. I may have heard it once or twice from a vinyl version I have, but the mono mix is mostly unfamiliar to me since I've played the 1999 CD Reissue all of these years, being someone who did not grow up in the 60's. It's strange that the first two tracks were originally mixed without background vocals and then "Little Drummer Boy" was reverbed to sh*t. lol. Still cool to hear the differences. Also, has anyone ever picked up on Diana faintly talking in the background during "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town"? Sounds like studio chatter unintentionally left in. It happens at 1:20.
    I received the mono Christmas album, for my 16th birthday, when it was released in 1965.

    Hearing the first two songs without background, I thought it was going to be a Diana Ross solo album [[of course, now we know it actually was!)

    I did not hear the stereo versions until Motown started to release Christmas compilations with the stereo versions. Radio was still playing the mono album each Christmas.

    As for the studio chatter on SCICTT, it sounds like Diana is saying something about her ear or in her ear. Years later when I heard the stereo version I was surprised that the studio chatter was missing.

    I prefer the alternate vocals on the mono versions of Twinkle Twinkle Little Me and My Christmas Tree. I also prefer White Christmas and Silver Bells without the background vocals.

  25. #25
    Thanks ejluther! Please keep me posted. Perhaps I will try inquiring too in regards to having the PDF's made available to these sites.
    Will do - I asked about it on the Expanded Editions Facebook page but no answer yet. I found my own compromise this time in that I can stream the hi-res Merry Christmas Expanded Edition via my existing TIDAL subscription, so I bought the Mastered for iTunes version and got the booklet. I suppose enterprising fans could always agree to buy different versions and then share with each other the missing material [[booklet)/other format versions but that seems to be a needless extra step. Perhaps it's as you mentioned and has something to do with specific licensing...

    PS: Also, it's long been my understanding that Flo & Mary did none of the background vocals on the original lp and that it's all The Andantes - the booklet skirts this issue [[understandably) but my big question is "Why?" [[if it's true). Did Fuqua just prefer The Andantes? Were Flo & Mary just too tired to participate so they took a much-deserved break? Did/do Flo & Mary still get royalties on records they don't sing on even though they're presented as such? Or is it all a myth and they did sing on it? Personally I don't hear the usual personality and energy they bring so my inclination is that they're not there...
    Last edited by ejluther; 12-05-2015 at 02:03 PM.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    you mentioned 'stores' and that, I believe, was a key problem with all The Supremes expanded editions, including the 70's packages..they were not in record stores, and were not advertised anywhere, just reliant on the on line world, which is nuts..The Beatles re issue special packages and The Beach Boys get into retail stores, why didn't Copa, Symphony, More Hits etc get into the stores? It certainly would have upped the sales/profit picture..maybe something contractual/legal? This non store stocking led to a part of the 'sales' problem that led to the stoppage of physical production, I'm sure
    I've actually seen a number of the expanded editions in music stores. Grant it, it was few and far between, but they used to do it. Not sure when they stopped, but I'm sure I know why. The demand for the Supremes in particular is LOW. Go to a used record shop and Beatles and some Beach Boys albums go for sizeable prices. So do the Marvelettes, the Vandellas, etc. But you can get any Supremes album [[with the exception of both versions of "Meet the Supremes") in the 10 cent bin.

  27. #27
    What's also great about this release is some of the alternate vocals. For example, both of Flo's tracks [["Silent Night" and "O Holy Night") are not only alternate mixes, but feature slightly different vocals as well.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by antceleb12 View Post
    What's also great about this release is some of the alternate vocals. For example, both of Flo's tracks [["Silent Night" and "O Holy Night") are not only alternate mixes, but feature slightly different vocals as well.
    I didn't know that these tracks have alternate vocals. I will have to go back and listen

  29. #29
    Universal can laugh as much as they want tbh

    no physical cd means I won't be buying.

    it astounds me that they can be so ignorant to their customers needs.

    and if it's down to profit how on earth do the myriad of smaller , and some independent labels, continue to bring us good quality reissues and not go out of business??

    shove the digital where the sun don't shine.. Oh and enjoy your laughing universal because when folk stop buying, your shares drop and your bonuses you'll want us then

  30. #30
    All I can say is FREE BLINKY FROM THE VAULTS before both she & I pop our clogs!!!!!!

  31. #31
    Merry Christmas Expanded is now on Spotify for your listening pleasure

  32. #32
    I plunked down my money and am enjoying The Supremes Merry Christmas Expanded edition as I write this. Two discs worth of music and a nice booklet to boot. Sorry for the members here who are very disappointed in no physical release. Full disclosure: I am a technical ludite downloading from iTunes. I had an ID and password from the last two Supremes/Diana Ross digital downloads which I couldn't remember anything, and gave the poor iTunes online clerk who had to lead me step by step over the phone, no doubt to soak her head in a vatName:  Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 7.05.48 PM.jpg
Views: 1239
Size:  43.8 KB of gin when she gets home this evening. In the end, I got my downloads and all is well this wet and dreary Vancouver evening.
    Last edited by Mark Desjardines; 12-06-2015 at 11:07 AM.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by antceleb12 View Post
    What's also great about this release is some of the alternate vocals. For example, both of Flo's tracks [["Silent Night" and "O Holy Night") are not only alternate mixes, but feature slightly different vocals as well.
    Yep!!! And Flo's leads are a BETTER vocal take, where the hell has THIS been hiding all these years? Now for those who complain about having to buy an entire album over and over again to get a few previously unreleased versions, this is your chance to only buy those few.
    Last edited by jillfoster; 12-06-2015 at 02:30 AM.

  34. #34
    It's great to have these things.

    Any ideas for what you do with the booklet after you print it? Where do you put it? How do you store it?

    Baby It's Me and The Wiz Songs are laying by my window.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    Yep!!! And Flo's leads are a BETTER vocal take, where the hell has THIS been hiding all these years? Now for those who complain about having to buy an entire album over and over again to get a few previously unreleased versions, this is your chance to only buy those few.
    Jill you're so correct! I loved the ones previously released, but she does sound more controlled on these takes. The differences aren't too drastic, but if you're familiar with the older ones these will be a nice treat!

  36. #36
    stationary stores sell packs of plastic , page size plastic sleeves.. that's where I keep my expanded editions print outs

  37. #37
    Jobeterob, I use a mac computer, so "grab" the booklet pages and bring them to iphoto, then I might bump up the colour a bit and crop. I get a digital photo printed up to 5 X 7 as glossy photo by a photo lab and then place the photos in a DVD case, putting the front and back cover art under the plastic sleeve. The CD I burn rests in the DVD case very nicely. Kind of a personal "box set" if you will. Printing the many pages of the Funny Girl booklet cost a bit, but worth it in the end. The Wiz and Christmas booklets are only a few pages so it wasn't so expensive. Hope this helps others on this site with some ideas.
    Last edited by Mark Desjardines; 12-07-2015 at 11:19 AM.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Desjardines View Post
    Jobeterob, I use a mac computer, so "grab" the booklet pages and bring them to iphoto, the I might bump up the colour a bit and crop. I get a digital photo printed up to 5 X 7 as glossy photo by a photo lab and then place the photos in a DVD case, putting the front and back cover art under the plastic sleeve. The CD I burn rests in the DVD case very nicely. Kind of a personal "box set" if you will. Printing the many pages of the Funny Girl booklet cost a bit, is worth it in the end. The Wiz and Christmas booklets are only a few pages so it wasn't so expensive. Hope this helps others on this site with some ideas.
    Don't confuse him, Mark!!! He's lucky to get his coffeemaker to work!

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by antceleb12 View Post
    Jill you're so correct! I loved the ones previously released, but she does sound more controlled on these takes. The differences aren't too drastic, but if you're familiar with the older ones these will be a nice treat!
    I think the word is "Polished", her vocals are a bit more polished than the previous ones.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    Don't confuse him, Mark!!! He's lucky to get his coffeemaker to work!
    Lol! close! The big first step is moving them to iPhoto!

  41. #41
    Is there a way I can move them to my partner's mac? He also has a better quality printer.

    As a frame of reference I can barely use our coffeemaker. I think I even forgot how to boil water; I usually just put a cup of water in the microwave for my cup of tea.

    And to stay on topic:
    My partner decided we needed to get into the Christmas spirit. I immediately suggested I would get my Supremes Christmas CD at once.

    My ploy worked, he said we should wait until next weekend after my birthday and then he went back to watching football. Peace On Earth, at least for tonight.

  42. #42
    Lol we share so many similarities - no wonder we hope for a physical releases!

  43. #43
    Name:  Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 7.05.32 PM 2.jpg
Views: 936
Size:  34.7 KBYes, the bottom line is, if we are all brutally honest with each other, this downloading music business is very complicated, time consuming and frought with anxiety. Full disclosure, I'm retired elementary teacher and about 2/3's into my career, computers were introduced into the curriculum. My school board gave a few "workshops," and somehow expected us older canards to take to this new reality like ducks to water. The old Commodore 64 computers took almost the entire 35 minutes we had in the lab to warm up! Then it was Macs, which were easier to navigate for the pupils. Now happily retired, I learn Mac programs as I need to use them. Music company executives are not too concerned about us, as it is the young who know how to work the music downloading apps. Heck, kindergarten kids now have computer face time and by Grade 3 know way more than me. Let them at it!
    Last edited by Mark Desjardines; 12-07-2015 at 11:29 AM.

  44. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by mwmr View Post
    Universal can laugh as much as they want tbh

    no physical cd means I won't be buying.

    it astounds me that they can be so ignorant to their customers needs.

    and if it's down to profit how on earth do the myriad of smaller , and some independent labels, continue to bring us good quality reissues and not go out of business??

    shove the digital where the sun don't shine.. Oh and enjoy your laughing universal because when folk stop buying, your shares drop and your bonuses you'll want us then
    I'm with you friend.

  45. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by mwmr View Post
    Universal can laugh as much as they want tbh

    no physical cd means I won't be buying.

    it astounds me that they can be so ignorant to their customers needs.

    and if it's down to profit how on earth do the myriad of smaller , and some independent labels, continue to bring us good quality reissues and not go out of business??

    shove the digital where the sun don't shine.. Oh and enjoy your laughing universal because when folk stop buying, your shares drop and your bonuses you'll want us then
    You do realize that the heads at CEO aren't the only ones who have to make money, right? With such a large-scale company, there are MANY people who have to be paid for one singular release. If that release doesn't sell, there is no profit. It's not enough that they break even, but they have to make a margin.

    Think about it. There's the cost to produce and remaster. There's the cost of the artwork, the liner notes, the design, the printing. And if you like your two-disc deluxe sets, that's even more expensive. There's merchandising, marketing, shipping and handling. There's also royalties, cost of licensing, advertising...the list goes on. Like any business, not only do they have to recoup the cost of making and distributing the product, but they have to make margin, too. To do that, they have to rely on consumers to help cover those costs. Making a physical product available nationwide - even if only online - is expensive. Now I don't know the numbers, but I can bet you that even with the ardent Supremes fans out there, it would still not be enough to justify the expense.

    Why can a local business stay afloat then? There's less middlemen. They're not producing nationwide, but for a smaller market that can cover the costs. Not to mention that many of these reissues are only issued in set quantities.

  46. #46
    Is there a way I can move them to my partner's mac? He also has a better quality printer.
    The PDF of the booklet should be in the same folder as the music files. Within iTunes you right click the booklet/any song from the album and choose "Show in Windows Explorer" and that folder should open right up and there are all the files. Now you can email the PDF or put it on a flash drive or whatever to get it to the other computer.

  47. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by ejluther View Post
    The PDF of the booklet should be in the same folder as the music files. Within iTunes you right click the booklet/any song from the album and choose "Show in Windows Explorer" and that folder should open right up and there are all the files. Now you can email the PDF or put it on a flash drive or whatever to get it to the other computer.
    Thank you. I will forward this to the techie in the household. If that fails I will just buy better quality paper - or "borrow" his! Much appreciated.

  48. #48
    No less than Susaye says we need to face the music and accept digital.

    There is a reason most of the people producing these generally keep to Facebook.

    They would love to give us the physical CD and I would like that too.

    But we, here, are of a certain age and a certain ilk and the world generally isn't bending our way anymore.

    I'm sure they would love to see more of us support what they are doing and just be generally supportive period.

  49. #49
    Yeah keep buying the vinyl.

  50. #50
    So I took a listen to this album for the first time in a few years and I love Flo's alternate vocal take on "O Holy Night" and I still wonder why it was left off the original album. Is that the Andantes backing her on "Silent Night"? I used to love "Little Bright Star" but didn't find myself loving it too much this time, actually I used to love the whole album but I'm not too keen on it these days. I think the music on some of the songs and the Andantes vocals ruin it. And I've been going into listening to this album knowing it was the Andantes for over 10 years now but I still swear I hear Florence and Mary in the mix of all those many voices on "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town", I'm completely convinced that they're just on that one cut.


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