'Obscure' is one of those difficult terms to apply simply because, as it seems to me, it's inherently subjective and relative. As Robb mentioned ". . . are not 'obscure' to me," that's it in a nutshell.

In my earlier post above, none of the names I mentioned are obscure to me and, I assume, not obscure at all to many SDF members. But if I was to throw those names out to the people I come into contact with in the course of the week, I'd be very surprised if they knew who I was talking about. And if by chance they did, I think they'd be hard pressed to come up with one title of a recording. But this is all a presumption on my part, and I could well be wrong.

One thing seems certain: This is an interesting and thoughtful thread and I'm glad that Arr&bee came up with it. It's given me some music that I'll be checking out. Thanks Arr&bee.