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  1. #1

    Help...how do you delete yoour messages in the inbox

    I am getting email messages saying I have too many messages in my SDF inbox and I should delete them. I thought I had done that but clearly I haven't.

    How do you do it then?

  2. #2
    What you do, is open your inbox... then check the boxes on the right side of each message you want to delete.... then at the bottom, click on the box that says "Selected messages" and you will get a popup box that allows you to choose the "delete" action.... then click the box that says "proceed".
    Last edited by jillfoster; 09-02-2010 at 08:29 PM.

  3. #3

    It's taken me since September to see this.....I am really sorry for being so rude. But I never thought to look under the main three main boxes until today.

    I followed your advice so it was still useful.

    Thank you


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