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  1. #1
    Lulu Guest

    UMG Teases at "Baby It's Me" Release

    Two photos were posted today on the "Diana Ross & The Supremes: Expanded Edition" Facebook page:

    Name:  10734100_1531887497023218_4863973013542567508_n.jpg
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    Name:  1010405_1531859003692734_7201122492776305793_n-2.jpg
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    Last edited by Lulu; 10-22-2014 at 07:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Can we get a tease for Supremes A Go Go? I'm still waiting on edge of seat since Andy teased multiple alternate versions of Itching on Nightflight.

  3. #3
    Thanks, Lulu. This is exciting news! The date on the remastering [[above) is 2012. That was about the time when the booklet in The Supremes' Expanded "I Hear A Symphony" CD's advertised Diana's Expanded "Baby It's You" as an additional CD title available for purchase. Here it is the middle of October 2014, and Keith said that we'll have it by the end of the year. Looks like it might be right around the corner along with "The Supremes a Go-Go" Expanded. It just might be a Motown Christmas after all!
    Last edited by Philles/Motown Gary; 10-22-2014 at 08:58 PM.

  4. #4
    I see Andy and other posting on Facebook today about this. Awesome. All the RCA CDS, Motown 25 at #1, and Baby It's Me!

  5. #5
    This is fantastic news. I hope it's going to be a double CD. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  6. #6
    And about time. Aside from 'Funny Girl' [[which didn't count as it wasn't physical), this must be the first Hip-O release this year. If it is this year.

  7. #7
    Yep, two year tease!!!! It just is totally odd to me. What's the big issue for holding back???

  8. #8
    Lulu Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by longtimefan View Post
    Yep, two year tease!!!! It just is totally odd to me. What's the big issue for holding back???
    I think Andy & George have lost a little control over what gets released and when since Hip-O dissolved into the larger UMG umbrella. I'm sure they've been working as hard as they can to get this stuff out there for us!

  9. #9
    Oooooh, can't wait for more info!!!

  10. #10
    Right, Lulu! We know that Andy, George, and Kevin are the worker bees that share our love of the music. I am sure that the UMG leadership has other priorities, and that's probably an understatement. :-)

    By the way, does anyone know if Harry is still around? I haven't seen any posts by him or references to him in ages.

  11. #11
    I am under the impression that Universal still does not think we want these expanded cds after I received an email yesterday. so I sent a note off to universal Motown to express my disappointment in the constant delays of the Motown expanded editions.
    I'd liked to ask everyone to do same

  12. #12
    email universal at: classic.motown@umusic.com

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by daviddh View Post
    I am under the impression that Universal still does not think we want these expanded cds after I received an email yesterday. so I sent a note off to universal Motown to express my disappointment in the constant delays of the Motown expanded editions.
    I'd liked to ask everyone to do same
    What did their email say that indicated that they did not think fans wanted these expanded CDs? Just curious.....

  14. #14
    alanbill1074 Guest
    I think many of us already did that, and nobody responded, or at least not to me anyway.

    I've kind of written both this one and Ross off mentally now. If they happen, they happen, if not, so be it. It's just very frustrating that the two albums from the 70s I most wanted expanded editions on were these, and when we get to them it all fell apart. Instead we got The Copa, which I have to say wasn't probably the best choice and no doubt sales weren't great, which might have contributed to the situation we are now in. I guess UMG see the remaining Ross albums as having similar potential to The Copa and maybe don't feel it's worth the cost of the man hours and manufacture. Internally the tape transfers will all be racking up costs [[you'd be amazed how many tracks don't make compilations simply because a label doesn't want the £50 tape transfer cost on their budget).

  15. #15
    I think I am going to buy the Japanese version of 'Ross' from CDJapan before it gets deleted. I'm not holding out for a Hip-O edition.

  16. #16
    It seems very irresponsible to announce these limited editions and then not say anything or update the people who really want them. In the meantime you become frustrated and buy reissues from Culture Factory and so forth and in most cases when they finally are released we buy them again. I don't buy the cost of producing these a factor. While some sell poorly, other's have sold out or did very well. Surf through amazon and see the amazing releases that are available. For example, they did a twofer on four Patty Duke albums. Who would have thought you'd ever see those again? The Supremes being as famous as they were deserve the same treatment as The Beatles and look what they did for them. I would have been happy with a complete album set without extra tracks like the few Culture Factory did with the original artwork yet they've only done very few. Any information regarding the limited/expanded editions should be coming from Harry and Andrew instead of letting us all hang. A Go Go and Baby It's Me? Nice but where are they? If they can do an expanded At The Copa they can do the entire catalogue.
    Last edited by nathanj06; 10-24-2014 at 08:43 AM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by nathanj06 View Post
    If they can do an expanded At The Copa they can do the entire catalogue.
    It would be nice if this were so, but it isn't. As Andy explained on NightFlight, each release has to get approval and many times they are left hanging themselves as to whether or not a product will be released, whether or not it will be physical, etc. This is absolutely normal for the industry. What we all have to remember is how infinitesimally small the market for Motown re-issues is vs. the rest of the industry. I personally am consistently amazed at what we are able to get. Just don't buy the lesser releases and wait for the ones you really want. Both titles have long been released... it's not like we're waiting for completely new material.

    Any information regarding the limited/expanded editions should be coming from Harry and Andrew instead of letting us all hang
    They indeed did update us on NightFlight a few weeks ago. Andy was on that show and updated us and then a bunch of people [[myself included) posted and reposted it here.

    That said... I still can't wait for A Go Go.

  18. #18
    Yes, thanxal, Andy is a good guy and a FAN, but his radio chats are not official. As Nathanj clearly outlined above, we as customers, actually do not receive definitive information in the past couple if years. I am certain it's about the "money." And, once again, NO OFFICIAL website with information about releases exists. Motown releases have been significantly marginalized, i.e., no more HipO.

    As Alanbill said above, writing to Universal is an exercise in futility. Their same business model that includes no regularly updated informational website also includes not responding to customers. See Soul Music releases for a user friendly UPDATED website.

    I personally do not subscribe to the concept that we are lucky for all that we have received in the past and therefore should appreciate any morsel in the that we receive in the future. We are "customers" and are willing to pay money.
    Last edited by longtimefan; 10-24-2014 at 09:43 AM.

  19. #19
    True, but producers, etc. are most often not allowed/authorized to make statements about products. And there is no constitutional right to buying stuff. I am constantly amazed at how people can get incredibly petulant over something they want not being available, immediately available or delayed. For instance, the Apple support pages are filled with people having fits about their iPhone 6 not being delivered the moment it was announced. Let's face it, Motown reissues are not a huge market and if the dedicated fans start becoming a headache, then I could easily see these big conglomerates writing us off. Then what will we get?

    That's just my opinion and I respect yours.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by lakedistrictlad1 View Post
    And about time. Aside from 'Funny Girl' [[which didn't count as it wasn't physical), this must be the first Hip-O release this year. If it is this year.
    I do not consider "FG" a release at all. I have been offered a "homemade" CD of it, and I have declined. Makes me shake my head; if someone in their own home can burn this to disc with artwork, why can't we get an offical release? Anywayssssssssssssss.....

    Does anyone know what the last Expanded release was from Diana and/or the Supremes?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    I do not consider "FG" a release at all. I have been offered a "homemade" CD of it, and I have declined. Makes me shake my head; if someone in their own home can burn this to disc with artwork, why can't we get an offical release? Anywayssssssssssssss.....

    Does anyone know what the last Expanded release was from Diana and/or the Supremes?
    I think it was I HEAR A SYMPHONY.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by reese View Post
    I think it was I HEAR A SYMPHONY.
    But Disc 2 was a LIVE set which was almost the same as The Copa which preceded it. I have always loved the Copa album but having another LIVE Disc with almost the same songs was not that interesting. Overall I was disappointed in the Symphony Expanded Edition because of Disc 2. I think that may have hurt sales for that release.

    The LIVE selections are fine if it's a song or two, particularly if it varies from what I am familiar with from previous releases. I agree hearing the performance with Florence was enjoyable but, to be honest, I haven't listened to it since I bought it.

    I am surprised The Supremes haven't received the same treatment with releases as The Beatles did this past year with all their albums released in cardboard sleeves. I expected to at least see WDOLG released on CD and possibly vinyl. Since Meet, WDOLG and MH have already been remastered they could just issue discs from each set which include the mono and stereo versions of the albums.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by longtimefan View Post
    Yes, thanxal, Andy is a good guy and a FAN, but his radio chats are not official. As Nathanj clearly outlined above, we as customers, actually do not receive definitive information in the past couple if years. I am certain it's about the "money." And, once again, NO OFFICIAL website with information about releases exists. Motown releases have been significantly marginalized, i.e., no more HipO.

    As Alanbill said above, writing to Universal is an exercise in futility. Their same business model that includes no regularly updated informational website also includes not responding to customers. See Soul Music releases for a user friendly UPDATED website.

    I personally do not subscribe to the concept that we are lucky for all that we have received in the past and therefore should appreciate any morsel in the that we receive in the future. We are "customers" and are willing to pay money.
    longtimefan....you're right....Andy's statements on "Nightflight" are not official. That's why he doesn't make any official statements as to when product will be released, etc. Simple, huh?

  24. #24
    And not all Motown Fans support the releases of things like M25, the Ross CDs, the Expanded Editions. Don't we hear that refrain quite regularly?

  25. #25
    EXACTLY, jobeterob, I warned about that here, when people said I won't buy this and I won't buy that, like a tantrum child.. if you were someone at Universal and saw that on the Motown board, would you be in a rush to put out more product that, by it's nature, has a limited audience to begin with? I wouldn't... and, on the Universal side, their actual promotion of the product that they have put out is non existent at best, so they're not off the hook either..but the childishness seen here is responsible for the state of NOW, and I for one warned of this when everyone was hooting and hollering round here..what's done is done..

  26. #26
    I have to agree with marybrewster on Funny Girl. I held off but finally downloaded it only to find most of the songs abruptly cut off at the end. I asked amazon about this and was told they were going to request a "corrected" version and would contact me. I never heard a word and that was months ago. It was pointless to release it this way since the other's were in physical form. Download a defective album and artwork then make your own CD. No thanks. By the way, not everyone gets to listen to Nightflight. Harry and Andy do a phenomenal job on these expanded editions and know what the fans want. I believe the bottom line is we all just want to see it completed.

  27. #27
    "Funny Girl" is the only Diana Ross related "release" I did not buy, simply because there was nothing TO buy! I have no interest in MP3s but I will happily buy everything thrown my way on a physical format.

    Like I have said before, there are loads of expanded/remastered CD's coming out [[especially in the UK) from far less known artists then Diana/The Supremes. And Diana's RCA albums have just been released remastered and expanded, so surely it can't be that difficult to release the rest of Diana's solo material from Motown, as well as proper releases for the rest of her work with The Supremes.

    So come on, bring on the CD's of "Baby It's Me" and "Go-Go" - fans have been waiting long enough!

  28. #28
    Its a bit unfair to say if a fan skips one expanded set, DVD, or download Universal is going to shut the vault door and give no one the combination ever again. While I do believe support and spreading the word overall is best obviously not everyone has endless disposable income to buy every Motown related product that gets issued monthly by the many companies doing so around the globe. In the past year there have been many reissues I've skipped just because to buy them would be duplicating something I already have. A cardboard sleeved Supremes 75 would be nice to have but why waste the money when I have the HipO Final Sessions box set? Life and releases will continue if we take occasional passes on the product.

    Also, everyone is begging for physical product but sadly the compact disc is being more marginalized by the week. Even download sales are falling now. The generation coming up seems content to stream music on the cheap with inferior sound quality. The only growth sector left in music at the moment is vinyl albums and while I would love to get a few of these expanded sets on LP i'm sure it would be seen as an act of treason by others if that were the only tangible format to purchase.

    My thought is why doesn't Universal consider the idea of pre-selling the titles upfront to gauge the demand. If 5000 people cough up the 29.99 or whatever amount they feel they need to get an expanded set out there then they know they will recoup expenses. The label ships out the disc, turns a nice profit and everyone wins.

  29. #29
    ...Thank heavens for ACE - that's all I can say.

  30. #30
    well I read "announcement coming next week" so we will see if anything comes next week or this week??? kinda of tired of the cat and mouse game thing. this is not area 51 top secret material, it s an album release, why can't they just say coming late fall??? or early winter?? or October 2014? December 2014. this is my only issue

  31. #31
    If Aretha, Bette and Annie Lenox can release new physical CDs this fall celebrating different eras and genres of music then why cant UMG release physical CDs from an iconic American artist depicted in a current Broadway show singing music from an era being celebrated in a current Broadway show, especially during this 50th anniversary year? What does UMG not understand? I don't get it.

  32. #32
    I think it is a struggle for all of them to release anything ~ but Baby It's Me is not new.

    Look at the trouble Aretha Franklin had with her last CD and it sold very little.

    Some Motown artists that never hit the top cannot get their new CDS released at all.

    It's unfortunate, but I don't believe it is surprising.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by johnjeb View Post
    If Aretha, Bette and Annie Lenox can release new physical CDs this fall celebrating different eras and genres of music then why cant UMG release physical CDs from an iconic American artist depicted in a current Broadway show singing music from an era being celebrated in a current Broadway show, especially during this 50th anniversary year? What does UMG not understand? I don't get it.
    Great points, John!

  34. #34
    Are we all assuming that "Baby It's Me" is going to be a physical release?

  35. #35
    I would certainly hope it is a physical release - otherwise I am done with these re-issues!

    People keep mentioning that CD sales are going down, largely because younger people prefer to stream [[or download). While this is true, younger people are hardly the target audience here. Most Motown fans are older, have been collecting the releases for years [[decades even) and want something to add to their collection.

    I think what Glenpwood suggests might be a good idea: pre-selling. Several artists/record companies are doing this now. For example, fans wanted the latest Erasure album on vinyl. A pre-order was set up, saying that if a certain number was reached an LP version would be released. The number was reached in no time and the album is on it's way on vinyl, just like the fans wanted...

  36. #36
    Well guys theres a small instrumental snippet up on The Diana Ross and the Supremes expanded editions fb page...go listen.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenpwood View Post
    Its a bit unfair to say if a fan skips one expanded set, DVD, or download Universal is going to shut the vault door and give no one the combination ever again. While I do believe support and spreading the word overall is best obviously not everyone has endless disposable income to buy every Motown related product that gets issued monthly by the many companies doing so around the globe. In the past year there have been many reissues I've skipped just because to buy them would be duplicating something I already have. A cardboard sleeved Supremes 75 would be nice to have but why waste the money when I have the HipO Final Sessions box set? Life and releases will continue if we take occasional passes on the product.

    Also, everyone is begging for physical product but sadly the compact disc is being more marginalized by the week. Even download sales are falling now. The generation coming up seems content to stream music on the cheap with inferior sound quality. The only growth sector left in music at the moment is vinyl albums and while I would love to get a few of these expanded sets on LP i'm sure it would be seen as an act of treason by others if that were the only tangible format to purchase.

    My thought is why doesn't Universal consider the idea of pre-selling the titles upfront to gauge the demand. If 5000 people cough up the 29.99 or whatever amount they feel they need to get an expanded set out there then they know they will recoup expenses. The label ships out the disc, turns a nice profit and everyone wins.
    Wonderful idea! I imagine this business model was used with the recent RCA Diana Ross remasters. Preordering began two months in advance, but cards were charged immediately. Although it wasn't stated, I assumed the company was gauging demand by the preorders and producing stock in accordance with preorder results...

  38. #38
    I'm sick & tired of UMe treating us like a bunch of kids with a little tease here and little tease there! Most of us have been supporting Motown for many years and I think that it's a very disrespectful way to treat loyal fans. It's time to either piss or get off the pot!

  39. #39
    There are small labels putting out great quality cd's of super rare material all over the place. I will never understand what politics are causing Universal to struggle getting a single Diana Ross cd out.

  40. #40
    Didn't we learn long ago that one thing is always true in life? .... "Follow the money!" :-)
    Last edited by longtimefan; 10-28-2014 at 10:19 AM.

  41. #41
    teases is right, but i do have a feeling it's right around the corner or i have been told that is the case

  42. #42
    Lulu Guest
    Limited runs would certainly be a good idea as others have said. Look how much ya have to fork over to get some of the past releases that are out of print!

  43. #43
    has anyone listened to the unreleased snippet that's on fb?

  44. #44
    I guessed at "This Is It" for the unreleased clip [[Melba's song). No response though!

  45. #45
    AHHHH....mysterysinger you might just be right...that's the song I was trying to think of...thank you.

  46. #46
    UMG is a for-profit corporation that is here to do 1 thing - turn a profit for their shareholders. so long at products are profitable, they'll most likely continue to release content on those artists. there's 0 guarantee that product will continue and obviously they have the best insight into what is or isn't profitable.

    i do have to criticize the fans for "not buying FG cuz it wasn't a real release." quite frankly that's a poor decision on your behalf and could jeopardize future releases. for those of you that are moaning and groaning about not having something to hold or that fact you'll only buy a cd format, that makes about as much sense as the people in the early 80s that said they'd never convert to cassettes or cd's from vinyl. the industry has made radical changes in the past 10 years. digital is here to stay.

    for me the most important thing is to get the music, in whatever format. yes it's wonderful looking through a cd insert book. but remember the booklet with Farewell - it was huge. wonderful paper stock, lovely. made the pesky little cd booklets like like a kleenex. but here we are today, thrilled with that kleenex.

    also keep in mind that if you don't buy a specific release, that'll impact the units sold which will impact their forecasts for future purchases of future releases. of course they also look at the content in the release - something big like A Go Go with several huge tracks on it would most likely outsell something more obscure like FG. but if we don't buy the FG's then we might not get the Sam Cooke's, or the CW&P or Broadway collections

  47. #47
    one of the posts mention that the live set on Symphony was too similar to Copa. it's true that many tracks are repeated between the two. i actually find that quite interesting because although they're singing You're Nobody on both, the performance are drastically different. for Copa it was a relatively new song. one they'd been doing for maybe 4 or so months. plus it hadn't even been a year since WDOLG hit #1. by the time of the second live set, it was a little over 2 years since WDOLG and they were "old pros." the maturation between the two is remarkable and fun to listen to

  48. #48
    I agree, sup_fan - I love having the ROOSTERTAIL show and find it superior to COPA in just about every way [[not that I don't still love COPA...)

  49. #49
    "Tease" is certainly correct. It's been well over a year! Per the dictionary -- "To arouse hope, desire, or curiosity in without affording satisfaction."

  50. #50
    i do have to criticize the fans for "not buying FG cuz it wasn't a real release." quite frankly that's a poor decision on your behalf and could jeopardize future releases. for those of you that are moaning and groaning about not having something to hold or that fact you'll only buy a cd format, that makes about as much sense as the people in the early 80s that said they'd never convert to cassettes or cd's from vinyl. the industry has made radical changes in the past 10 years. digital is here to stay.

    sup_fan: while I do agree with what you are saying, and I was one of those that did NOT buy "FG" because it was not a physical release, don't you think it's the responsibility of UMG to at least promote these releases? Outside of those of us "in the know", how many casual fans know that it was even released? I know of long-time Supremes fan that had no idea there was even such a thing as an "Expanded Release". So while it's true that by supporting one release, it helps open the door to other releases, if we don't know these releases exist, how does that fall on us?

    And what about the people that don't have the ability to dl music? Or the knowledge? My parents are of the Supremes "era". They know not the first thing about downloading music or printing a booklet. So I can see if we are talking about Beyonce or Taylor Swift; THAT generation does not buy CD's. But the generation where THIS music comes from; that's all they know.

    I think UMG just needs to be straight forward and give it to us. Tell us that these will no longer be on CD format. Or "lease" these titles to a company, such as ACE, that WILL release them on CD format. If you can get "Partners" by Scherrie and Susaye, or "the Supremes 1975", you certainly should be able to get "Funny Girl."


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