Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
Doesn't she contradict herself here. In the infamous 20/20 interview, she says it is not about the money, and that she makes a million dollars a year. In this interview, she says it was all about the money and that she would have to be paid one third, or MORE if she were to participate in a future tour

Although we accepted that there would be no reunion years ago, that statement put the nail in the coffin.

And to dismiss Sherrie and Lynda as "it wasn't a group. It was Diane and two singers" is disrespectful to the seventies group. They, too, were Supremes and brought a lot of joy to the Supremes fans.

The original idea of the tour was to have all the Supremes participate. That would have been a reunion tour. It didn't happen for obvious reasons and the tour was rebranded as The Return To Love Tour.

I would have loved to see a reunion tour, but after the build up of a possible reunion tour, I was disappointed and decided to skip the Return to Love Tour.

I'm a little disappointed in myself for posting this, since the subject has been discussed to death. But I did it, so I'll just have to live with it
What it is is that she just gets tired of people always asking her about a reunion, RTL etc and never asking Diane so responded in a quick, dissmissary way.