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    Can Ted Nugent get any worse?

    http://mediamatters.org/blog/2013/07...l-black/195053NRA's Ted Nugent: "Denial-Riddled Hysterical" Black Community Has A "Mindless Tendency To Violence"

    Nugent: An Inability To "Read Or Speak Clearly Is The Root Of Unemployment For Blacks"

    [COLOR=#999999 !important]Blog ››› July 25, 2013 11:00 AM EDT ››› TIMOTHY JOHNSON


    National Rifle Association board member and conservative columnist Ted Nugent continued to stereotype African-Americans as violent, exemplifying a media trend of coverage that exaggerates African-American criminality.
    In his regular column for conspiracy website WND, Nugent addressed the topic of race and the acquittal of George Zimmerman, claiming in a July 24 opinion piecethat there is a "mindless tendency to violence we see in black communities across America":

    Why wasn't Trayvon [Martin] educated and raised to simply approach someone he wasn't sure about and politely ask what was going on and explain he was headed home? Had he, I am confident that Zimmerman would have called off the authorities and everything would have been fine.
    Why the nasty "creepy a-- cracker" racism and impulse to attack? Where does this come from? Is it the same mindless tendency to violence we see in black communities across America, most heartbreakingly in Chicago pretty much every day of the week? Where does this come from? And why is it so prevalent?
    This type of generalization about African-Americans is in line with racially charged comments Nugent made on entertainer Nick Cannon's podcast on July 23. In advocating for the racial profiling of African-Americans, Nugent said that his views were informed by watching news reports featuring African-Americans accused of rape, burglary and murder:

    NUGENT: I think that typically when you see the, I don't even remember the term they use, but the gangs of blacks lately that have been just been going down the downtown streets and breaking windows on cars. We played the Milwaukee state fair a couple years ago and these black mobs were just attacking white folks coming out of the fair. And over and over again I watch the news and here's a rape and here's a burglary and here's a murder in Chicago. 29 shot. 29 blacks shot by 29 blacks. At some point you got to be afraid of black and white dogs if the Dalmatian's doing the biting.
    In fact research into media portrayals of African-American crime indicates that media is responsible for creating a perception of criminality that does not reflect reality. According to research by Kelly Welch, an Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice at Villanova University, African-American criminality is exaggerated due to media portrayals of young African-American men as criminal and racial profiling by criminal justice officials:

    But public estimates of Black criminality surpass the reality. The media perpetuate ideas linking race with criminality, which have also been reinforced by political agendas. The temporary efficacy of using a racial hoax to mislead law enforcement and the public has capitalized on and strengthened views about race and crime.
    All of these phenomena have served to solidify the stereotype of the young Black man as a criminal threat among the public in contemporary American society, which then fuels the practice of racial profiling by criminal justice officials. The prevalent typification of Blacks as criminals seems to justify law enforcement tactics that exploit race in criminal investigations.
    Nugent is influenced in his beliefs by this phenomenon while also contributing to it through his own media portrayals of African-Americans.
    In his July 24 WND column, Nugent made a number of other broad generalizations about black America and suggested that, "The first step toward genuine healing for the denial-riddled hysterical black community would be to admit that George Zimmerman was indeed getting his 'a-- whooped' by an angry, violent, wildly overreacting young man, and that Trayvon Martin was not an innocent child."

    Discussing Zimmerman trial prosecution witness Rachel Jeantel, who was pilloried by conservative media over her appearance and manner of speech, Nugent claimed that the young woman represented "pretty much every self-inflicted bad choice that really oppresses blacks." According to Nugent, "Obesity is also a major cause of death for blacks," and "the root of unemployment for blacks" is an inability to "read or speak clearly" caused a lack of discipline to acquire "the most basic education" in the black community:

    Did you happen to mention that the misguided, I believe racist prosecution team's prime witness, one Rachel Jeantel, displayed pretty much every self-inflicted bad choice that really oppresses blacks?
    Obesity is also a major cause of death for blacks. That no one disciplined Rachel to get the most basic education to be able to read or speak clearly is the root of unemployment for blacks.
    In addition to calling for racial profiling, Nugent has also recently added to his lengthy history of racially charged rhetoric by claiming that African-Americans could solve "the black problem tonight" if they just put their "heart and soul into being honest, law-abiding, [and] delivering excellence at every move in your life." Those comments led to calls for his removal from the NRA's board of directors.

    Last edited by soulster; 01-20-2014 at 06:22 PM.

  2. #2
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    Fuck him. Sadly, I know Black people who echo his sentiments.

  3. #3
    thomas96 Guest
    He's white trash who got lucky with a music career. Does anyone even listen to what he has to say? I think people generally think he's insane.

  4. #4
    smark21 Guest
    I suspect he will. He's Ann Coulter with a guitar.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    He's white trash who got lucky with a music career. Does anyone even listen to what he has to say?
    Yes, the right-wing racists.

  6. #6
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    He needs to be careful before somebody puts a bullet in his head and/or ass one day....

  7. #7
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    And if that person is white, he'll die defending his right to bear arms. If the shooter is Black, he'll smile and say "I told you they were violent."

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrtGzu View Post
    He needs to be careful before somebody puts a bullet in his head and/or ass one day....
    Well, his head would be his ass!

  9. #9
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    Ted Tugent is full of hat e and anger and bigotry. He need to hang his head in shame and Fox News need to stop giving him a open platform to spread his hate. May God forgive him.


  10. #10
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    Fox News should be ashamed. Nugent is a dispicable ass, hater, & not to mention animal abuser. Discusting!
    EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW............................. ...................................


  11. #11
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    Fox news has no shame. They know their audience.

  12. #12
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    I am usually generally very proud of anyone from Michigan that makes it, but Ted Nugent is an embarrassment of the highest order! I not sure if he was always this way or had some kind of breakdown in recent years.

  13. #13
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    I think Ted got nutty when he moved to the woods and started living off the land. You're right, Marv. The guy is a disgrace.

  14. #14
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    You don't become a racist by living off the land. It's in you. All he needed was something to trigger it.

    Funny thing, though: five years ago, when Obama was elected, I saw an interview with Nugent on ABC, and he was talking camly about how he liked the guy and hoped he would be a good president. So, either he's now a raging racist, or he's just trying to position himself as a tea-bagger favorite so he can run for political office. I suggest: you decide.

  15. #15
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    I don't think Ralph meant that Nugent became this way from farming and hunting, soulster,
    his point was that Ted Nugent isolated himself so much from everyday society and most
    psychologists will tell you isolation breeds insanity. That's why so many are against the
    technique of solitary confinement used in the penal system as punishment. It doesn't
    make the inmate better, it makes him [[or her) worse. Funny thing is years back George Clinton said he and Ted were neighbors in Detroit. He called him Ted Nusiance...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I think Ted got nutty when he moved to the woods and started living off the land. You're right, Marv. The guy is a disgrace.
    Ralph, that has to be it! I remember not long ago, this young guy that worked at the same company as I, told me nonchalantly that he is a big Ted Nugent fan! I just looked at him. He has become something quite different from what he was when I first heard of him back in the 70's. The woods can do some strange things to some folks.
    Last edited by marv2; 01-26-2014 at 05:05 PM.

  17. #17
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    He is who he always has been. Many people hold their thoughts due to constraint of social mores, but once it becomes okay to express it, the true man is revealed. We all are something other than we permit others to see. I am happier knowing where the snakes are in the room. I am more worried by the undercover racists than those honest enough to open their foul mouths, revealing themselves.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by splanky View Post
    I don't think Ralph meant that Nugent became this way from farming and hunting, soulster,
    his point was that Ted Nugent isolated himself so much from everyday society and most
    psychologists will tell you isolation breeds insanity. That's why so many are against the
    technique of solitary confinement used in the penal system as punishment. It doesn't
    make the inmate better, it makes him [[or her) worse. Funny thing is years back George Clinton said he and Ted were neighbors in Detroit. He called him Ted Nusiance...
    Or, it could be argued that mentally ill people isolate themselves from the rest of society. And, there have been people who say that Nugent is known for intermittent outbursts of anger.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    He is who he always has been. Many people hold their thoughts due to constraint of social mores, but once it becomes okay to express it, the true man is revealed. We all are something other than we permit others to see. I am happier knowing where the snakes are in the room. I am more worried by the undercover racists than those honest enough to open their foul mouths, revealing themselves.
    Whjat makes him racist is not so much of what he believes, is that he thinks he, and others like him, are correct.

  20. #20
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    Racial self-image is the wackiest drug in the world. I'm amazed that people can look at others and make determinations about them based upon something that someone else has done who may have nothing in common but the color of his skin.

    So, Alexander Graham Bell invented a light bulb and he was White. Does anybody believe that Justin Bieber would have done it had Bell not succeeded? And George Washington Carver created an ungodly number of productive and beneficial uses for peanuts and sweet potatoes. Am I to be proud because I have brown skin like he did? I'd have to search Google to figure out how to roast a peanut.

    And why did we congratulate President Obama for being the first Black President? There have been many who could have led this country, so we should congratulate America for getting over it and voting for someone in spite of his race.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    And why did we congratulate President Obama for being the first Black President? There have been many who could have led this country, so we should congratulate America for getting over it and voting for someone in spite of his race.
    And, if someone White had said the same things then-candidate Barack Obama had said in 2008, we would had a White president. That people elected Obama wasn't so much that he was Black, and that the U.S. was ready, it was because there was no one else who was seen as viable at the time. Many people forget, but the Clintons played racial politics. People blame the birthers today, but anyone who really remembered that campaign remembers that it was really Hilary Clinton who started that crap. The republicans just ran with it.

  22. #22
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    Absolutely! The Faux News crowd wants to believe that people voted for him because he is black, as if that has ever happened before. I suppose Herman Cain - darker than Obama and conservative - should have been the perfect candidate. How did that work again?

  23. #23
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    I gave up listening to his music, aside from the earlier Amboy Dukes stuff...seems that every time you turn around, he's been sticking his foot in his mouth deeper and deeper.



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    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    I suspect he will. He's Ann Coulter with a guitar.
    Well....."Ann Coulter with a guitar" is the best description I've ever heard about this POS. Ann Coulter makes me puke. Old Ted and wing nut Ann are out of the same cloth.

  25. #25
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    Ted Nugent is clearly off of his rocker [[no pun intended). Just the other during an interview on CNN when he was being questioned about his comments about President Obama referring to the POTUS as a subterrainian mongrel! Later in the interview he professes to be completely non-racist , that all of his musical heroes are black and that he himself is just a black guitarist from Detroit! Yeah, that is exactly what ole Ted said!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Ted Nugent is clearly off of his rocker [[no pun intended). Just the other during an interview on CNN when he was being questioned about his comments about President Obama referring to the POTUS as a subterrainian mongrel! Later in the interview he professes to be completely non-racist , that all of his musical heroes are black and that he himself is just a black guitarist from Detroit! Yeah, that is exactly what ole Ted said!
    That's what racists do, they say and do racist things, and then claim they aren't racists because "all their music or sports heroes" are Black.

    Senator Robert Byrd used that exact, same term as Nugent did way back in the 40s, when arguing against Blacks serving in the Military. He stated regret for that comment later, though. Nugent gave a non-apology, or indirect apology, and then tried to claim he was taken out of context, or that he is the victim.

    Speaking of playing the victim, Paula Deen, in a new interview, still doesn't get it, and is still playing the victim.

    Phil Robertson? He's still ignorant as all hell, and refuses to apologize for anything.

    People like Robertson and Deen are maing it acceptable to be bigots again.

  27. #27
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    I think that Rupert Murdoch would feel slighted that you attributed his only contribution to society to Paula Deen and Phil Robertson.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I think that Rupert Murdoch would feel slighted that you attributed his only contribution to society to Paula Deen and Phil Robertson.
    I don't think Murdoch even cares, as long as the money rolls in. Roger Ailes runs Fox news, and is the real extreme wing-nut behind the channel. Whatever he says goes, except in those rare tomes when Murdoch steps in, like with immigration reform.

  29. #29
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    The fact that his international endeavors are similarly trifling tells me he is not sitting back and watching to see where the ship goes. Ailes might be the captain, but Murdoch is his master, telling him where he wants to go next. Ailes knows how to plumb money by giving small-minded people what they want [[read: somebody beside themselves to blame for their failures in life) and that makes his lord happy.
    Last edited by Jerry Oz; 03-03-2014 at 06:53 PM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    That's what racists do, they say and do racist things, and then claim they aren't racists because "all their music or sports heroes" are Black.

    Senator Robert Byrd used that exact, same term as Nugent did way back in the 40s, when arguing against Blacks serving in the Military. He stated regret for that comment later, though. Nugent gave a non-apology, or indirect apology, and then tried to claim he was taken out of context, or that he is the victim.

    Speaking of playing the victim, Paula Deen, in a new interview, still doesn't get it, and is still playing the victim.

    Phil Robertson? He's still ignorant as all hell, and refuses to apologize for anything.

    People like Robertson and Deen are maing it acceptable to be bigots again.
    Interesting that Madonna use the N word a month or so ago yet she get a free pass. Shes just as bad imo. I wouldnt buy another CD of hers just like id boycott any racist or bigot.


  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Interesting that Madonna use the N word a month or so ago yet she get a free pass. Shes just as bad imo. I wouldnt buy another CD of hers just like id boycott any racist or bigot.

    Can you tell me more about this? Do you have a link to a news article? What was the context? There has to be something more to it because I have a hard time believing she is a racist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Can you tell me more about this? Do you have a link to a news article? What was the context? There has to be something more to it because I have a hard time believing she is a racist.

    There is no correct contex for that word soulster imo. Madonnas the mother of a black child and at 56 she should know better. its a real offensive word that no longer need to be in the American vocabulary and she said it was a 'term of endearment to her son' and then real quick she take down the quote.
    Term of enderment my a*s.


  33. #33
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    She is not that naive. One more celebrity on the list of people that I hope will someday kiss my ass. She did that on purpose, hoping for the controversy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    She is not that naive. One more celebrity on the list of people that I hope will someday kiss my ass. She did that on purpose, hoping for the controversy.
    And to use that word when she have a black child is disgraceful. Madonna need to grow the heck up and act her darned age and trust me this isnt the first time miss Madonna has used the N word. Shes an opportunistt or a bigot or both and the media gave her a free pass.


  35. #35
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    Thanks, Roberta, The MSM has totally ignored this story, and one wonders why.

    First, i'm thinking that she has totally lost her importance in the world to the point where no one really cares what she does.

    My next thought is that she adopted two African children who are Black. It looks worse for this reason alone!

    Add to that, she's 55 fuckin' years old! She sounds and acts like a teenager!

    However, she's from Detroit. Isn't that city something like 95% Black? And, didn't it once have a reputation for being very racist?

    With all of this talk about football players and other has-been actors using the n-word, and the NFL banning it's use, why is Madonna being ignored by the MSM?

    And, what about all those rappers who still use the word?

    Is there really a difference in the way it's pronounced or written? Ending with an "a" or an "r"?

    Is it OK for Blacks to use the word and not anyone else? Why do rappers get a pass? Why does Eminem get a pass? Why didn't Lindsay Lohan?

    Madonna wasn't quite old enough to remember Jim Crow, Malcolm-X, MLK, or the Civil Rights movement of the 60s, but she sure hell lived through the school busing stuff! She voted for Obama and certainly knows about all the tea-bagger shit over the last five years.

    The producers of her first two albums were Black men. She's has plenty of sex with Black men, and probably women, too.

    But, do her adopted kids hear her say that word?

    If it's OK for the younger generation to use that word, why isn't it OK for the older generation to use it?

    Looking around for information about this, I came across a YouTube commentary about it by a young Black man.

    Let's discuss this. Right now, i'm not sure what to think about Ms. Ciscione. Is it immaturity? Insensitivity? Stupidity? Should CPS take a closer look at her? Is she a racist?

  36. #36
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    Yep. I am unhappy with the fact that this was not mentioned by mainstream media. They gave her an undeserved pass. This is what happens when Black folks make a distinction between their use of the word as opposed to others using it. It's already bad enough without having to hear it explained that white people don't have the right to use it. Like we're special and only we can use racially pejorative words toward each other.
    Last edited by Jerry Oz; 03-06-2014 at 04:51 AM.

  37. #37
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    Good point [[this really deserves a thread of its own so more people will chime in on this). many Black people continue to make a distinction between who gets to use the word and who doesn't. This confuses some White people and others think it gives them permission to use it themselves, however it is pronounced or written in whatever context.

    Jay-Z, Kanye West, and scores of rappers, and Black comedians use the word. Your kids and their friends use the word. Whites use the word with each other when we can't hear them. Black parents use that word when they get angry with their children. And, what is their intent? What is in their hearts? There are a LOT of questions we should be thinking about. Can we, as a society, stop using the word? What about young people saying something is "ghetto"? Is that a "Black" thing, knowing that the original ghettos in our country were for Jewish people? And, what about the word "thug"? Is that really the new euphemism for the n-word?

    Here's another Black person's view:

    Now, we are down to the meat of the matter, as this is a music forum: I know you are just like me, and have some Madonna music in your collection. I know you do! Are you now going to get rid of it all? Did you get rid of your Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy records and videos? How many rap albums do you own? Do you like or own the movie "Saturday Night Fever"?

    My point is that you can say how much you hate her, and how worthless she is, but she hasn't been the only one, and won't be the last. Are you going to rid your life of everything and everyone who has ever uttered a racial, ethnic, gay slur, or anyone who ever used the word "bitch"? Does it make a difference if they apologize and how they apologize?
    Last edited by soulster; 03-06-2014 at 05:05 AM.

  38. #38
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    From the Grio:


    However, Madonna issued an apology Saturday obtained exclusively by E! News Alicia Quarles, saying “I am sorry if I offended anyone with my use of the n-word on Instagram. It was not meant as a racial slur…I am not a racist.”

    She added: “There’s no way to defend the use of the word. It was all about intention…It was used as a term of endearment toward my son who is white. I appreciate that it’s a provocative word and I apologize if it gave people the wrong impression. Forgive me.”

    Madonna is not known for shying away from sharing her thoughts on a number of issues. In a 1995 article with Spin magazine, the “Queen of Pop,” who formerly dated basketball player Dennis Rodman, made headlines when she commented on the state of race relations in America and her experiences with dating black men.

    She said: ”I believe that I have never been treated more disrespectfully as a woman than by the black men that I’ve dated.”
    I can't say much about her choice in men of any race. Dennis Rodman? For real? Anyway, she is wrong about one thing: She is a racist. We all are to some degree. The fact that you are an American and grew up here means that you are a racist by default! It's what you absorb into your subconscious while living here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Thanks, Roberta, The MSM has totally ignored this story, and one wonders why.

    First, i'm thinking that she has totally lost her importance in the world to the point where no one really cares what she does.

    My next thought is that she adopted two African children who are Black. It looks worse for this reason alone!

    Add to that, she's 55 fuckin' years old! She sounds and acts like a teenager!

    However, she's from Detroit. Isn't that city something like 95% Black? And, didn't it once have a reputation for being very racist?

    With all of this talk about football players and other has-been actors using the n-word, and the NFL banning it's use, why is Madonna being ignored by the MSM?

    And, what about all those rappers who still use the word?

    Is there really a difference in the way it's pronounced or written? Ending with an "a" or an "r"?

    Is it OK for Blacks to use the word and not anyone else? Why do rappers get a pass? Why does Eminem get a pass? Why didn't Lindsay Lohan?

    Madonna wasn't quite old enough to remember Jim Crow, Malcolm-X, MLK, or the Civil Rights movement of the 60s, but she sure hell lived through the school busing stuff! She voted for Obama and certainly knows about all the tea-bagger shit over the last five years.

    The producers of her first two albums were Black men. She's has plenty of sex with Black men, and probably women, too.

    But, do her adopted kids hear her say that word?

    If it's OK for the younger generation to use that word, why isn't it OK for the older generation to use it?

    Looking around for information about this, I came across a YouTube commentary about it by a young Black man.

    Let's discuss this. Right now, i'm not sure what to think about Ms. Ciscione. Is it immaturity? Insensitivity? Stupidity? Should CPS take a closer look at her? Is she a racist?

    Maddonna is old and should know better and Im not believing this is the only time shes used the N word. Real interesting to me that the media gave her a pass. I hope the next time shes doing an interview shes grilled on this. Nobody should be using that word and for a 56 year old mom to call her kid the N word well she beyond disgusting.

    Im not so sure that she isnt a racist and I dont think her apology was that sincere imo.


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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    From the Grio:


    I can't say much about her choice in men of any race. Dennis Rodman? For real? Anyway, she is wrong about one thing: She is a racist. We all are to some degree. The fact that you are an American and grew up here means that you are a racist by default! It's what you absorb into your subconscious while living here.
    and now shes running around dating boys who are 30 years younger than her which really say they are only with her for her fame and money. As I said earlier I dont believe this is the first time she used the N word. Madonna is one sad woman and I hope those children she adopt from Africa challenge her on her use of the N word when they older and can use google.

    i will not be giving her another dime of my money. The last cd I bough was the last cd of hers I will ever buy.


  41. #41
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    I bought Madonna's first album on wax before she blew up. It sat on the shelf at the record shop for three months before I purchased it. I listened to it and liked most of it in spite of what I perceived to be a somewhat weak singing voice. It was definitely Jellybean Benitez' best album. I was amazed in the next year when she blew up to superstar status because of songs like Lucky Star and Holiday.

    She somehow became an iconic figure. I was actually happy for her because of her humble origin. At some point, she began to believe that she was actually who people wished her to be and she went off the rails, seeing how far she could push boundaries. Her talent never warranted her status and I have resented her success because of how she handled it.

    I never bought another of her records. I'm reminded of Gwynnth Paltrow tweeting about Jay-Z and crew being "true niggas in Paris".and explaining that since he was her friend, she felt entitled to talk about him in the way that he talks about himself. Fuck her, him, and Madonna. People always suggest "dialogue" on this subject, yet 150 years after slavery, that dialogue has not been held.

    Face it: This country remains a racist, divided, self-hating place. It's sad to consider that there may not be a better place in the world.

  42. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I never bought another of her records. I'm reminded of Gwynnth Paltrow tweeting about Jay-Z and crew being "true niggas in Paris".and explaining that since he was her friend, she felt entitled to talk about him in the way that he talks about himself. Fuck her, him, and Madonna. People always suggest "dialogue" on this subject, yet 150 years after slavery, that dialogue has not been held.
    The dialog on the word is being held. It's being talked about all over the place, even in the media.

    My two or three lengthy posts on the first page was all about making one think deep about this issue. I do give Gwennth Paltrow a pass because it wasn't done as malicious. She may be used to being around Black people who use this language. If we are going to jump all over Whites for using it, maybe we should start with ourselves first. That's what the Whites establishment is trying to tell us. There really can be no room for a double standard.

    I don't hate Madonna. I always liked her, even though I always thought she was screwed up in the head. She has money and fame, so, like Michael Jackson, she may not realize it, and won't get help. her issues go way beyond this incident, and the one with the alcohol. She sounds bi-polar. Yeah, un-treated bi-polar person will act bizarre and irresponsible, and will tend to lash out.

    I still do not think Madonna is an out and out racist like, say, Ted Nugent, but, no doubt, she has some of it there. We all do. The fact that she would attribute the way she was treated to those men being Black says a lot. She's probably biased now.

    She did not use that word maliciously. She wasn't trying to hurt anyone, and, I don't know what caused her to stop and apologize, but she did, and I think it was sincere. Maybe one of her friends talked to her. Maybe she looked at the fallout and put her own brakes on. I don't know.

    After all this deliberation, I will keep her music. I just won't actively listen to it for a while.

    Face it: This country remains a racist, divided, self-hating place. It's sad to consider that there may not be a better place in the world.
    I've always known this country is racist to its core, and no mandated election of Barrack Obama...twice in a row...changes that. If anything, it brought a lot more racists out of the closet. That tea-party didn't start right after his election for nothing. It was based purely on the fact that White people suddenly felt they social dominance and control under attack. Suddenly, all those people they fought so hard to keep down were going to get serious representation from the top.

    Ted Nugent has always been on the right-wing fringe because he is one of those gun-loving survivalists. And, from many accounts, he also has mental issues. He's prone to sudden outbursts and craves attention. He's paranoid and suffers from delusions of grandeur. If Nugent wasn't a racist before, his paranoia, and his exposure to racists, sure has influenced him. Or, maybe he was a latent racist, like so many people are. Good thing I never liked his music. It means all I had to do was delete a couple of small files from my server.

  43. #43
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    I would not feel as hard about this if she didn't follow up her apology with a tweet suggesting that people who don't like it "get off [[her) dick". So much for sincerity. I care less about whether she used it maliciously than about why she thought it was clever to use it in the first place. Fortunately, I don't have to delete any of her songs from my computer and I won't take the time to trash that old album.

    I only have three artists in my library that used that word: Richard Pryor, Tupac, and Public Enemy. In his last concert film, Richard Pryor speaks quite eloquently about why he was not going to use the word any more. Of course, the cat was out of the bag and many lesser comics fall back on it for copycat laughs. Tupac used a lot of other harsh words that I can delete his music for, but I won't. I can't really explain why I like some of his music, but I do and the words are a part of why. If I was to throw his stuff out, I'd be tossing out movies like "The Learning Tree" and that ain't happening. Finally, PE uses the word to teach Black folks how foolish it is to use it. I won't be pitching any Chuck D songs. Ever.

    My complaint about dialogue is the fact that twice a year, it comes up and our discourse on a message board won't keep some kid from feeling like I did the times it was hurled at me when I was powerless to do something in response. And to tell you how foolish our take on race is from a societal standpoint, the president is just as white as he is Black. But he's still our "first Black president". And this while everyone knows that 90% of "Black" folks in the US are only 40-60% African to begin with.

  44. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    And this while everyone knows that 90% of "Black" folks in the US are only 40-60% African to begin with.
    If even that much!

    I guess we'll have to have different feelings on Madonna. I seriously don't know what's in her mind, but it is possible that she identifies with Black people. Many White people do, you know. AND she lives in New York. Perhaps the media understands a lot of this and didn't really pursue the issue.

    She apologized, sincerely, IMO, so i'm going to let this one go, unless something else comes up. But, I still think she has "issues", and isn't a very good example for her children.

    The use of the n-word bothers me less than the use of other coded language, and actions, some people use to show their hostility and hatred towards Blacks.
    Last edited by soulster; 03-06-2014 at 04:30 PM.

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    Amen. And some of that hatred toward us comes from other Black folks. Clarence Thomas and Ward Connerly are a couple of good examples. They don't use the word, but their actions are more impactful toward us than Madonna's.

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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    If even that much!

    I guess we'll have to have different feelings on Madonna. I seriously don't know what's in her mind, but it is possible that she identifies with Black people. Many White people do, you know. AND she lives in New York. Perhaps the media understands a lot of this and didn't really pursue the issue.

    She apologized, sincerely, IMO, so i'm going to let this one go, unless something else comes up. But, I still think she has "issues", and isn't a very good example for her children.

    The use of the n-word bothers me less than the use of other coded language, and actions, some people use to show their hostility and hatred towards Blacks.
    Madonna apologize because she got caught imo. the fact that she actually tweet the N word to her 13 year old son speaks volumes to me and its letting her kid know that its okay to use that disgusting and offensive word. If she and Miss Paltrow was a conservative theyd be raked over the coals and me as a liberal woman isnt cutting either one of them slack. They should both know better imo.


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    Maybe she never would have apologized. Still, I do not think her use of the word was malicious, especially since it was used for her White son. Thing is, her African children have likely heard her say it. And, if there is a difference in the way the word is pronounced, with an "a" instead of an "r", that also may matter. Maybe not.

    Question, Roberta, are you Black? What kind of environment were you raised in? Where do you live now? That may play a role in how you feel. Jerry, too.

    I am a liberal Black man, and grew up around mostly Whites, many of them bigots are racists, and have had that word thrown at me plenty of times. I've wrongly been accused of being racist against Whites. I'm also a very heterosexual man who has been wrongly labeled gay by ignorant assholes for their own twisted reasons.
    Last edited by soulster; 03-06-2014 at 05:29 PM.

  48. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Maybe she never would have apologized. Still, I do not think her use of the word was malicious, especially since it was used for her White son. Thing is, her African children have likely heard her say it. And, if there is a difference in the way the word is pronounced, with an "a" instead of an "r", that also may matter. Maybe not.

    Question, Roberta, are you Black? What kind of environment were you raised in? Where do you live now? That may play a role in how you feel. Jerry, too.

    I am a liberal Black man, and grew up around mostly Whites, many of them bigots are racists, and have had that word thrown at me plenty of times. I've wrongly been accused of being racist against Whites. I'm also a very heterosexual man who has been wrongly labeled gay by ignorant assholes for their own twisted reasons.
    I still think shes real wrong and real irrisponsiblle and ignorant for using the word and to use it to a 13 year old child is disgusting.

    I am a straight woman and my dad was Italian and my mom is from Mexico city and i live in panorama city california which is real mixed but mostly Latino but also white and black and Asian. Ive never ever ever liked the N word and all forms of racism and homophobia and sexism and cruelty disgust me.



  49. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Thanks, Roberta, The MSM has totally ignored this story, and one wonders why.

    First, i'm thinking that she has totally lost her importance in the world to the point where no one really cares what she does.

    My next thought is that she adopted two African children who are Black. It looks worse for this reason alone!

    Add to that, she's 55 fuckin' years old! She sounds and acts like a teenager!

    However, she's from Detroit. Isn't that city something like 95% Black? And, didn't it once have a reputation for being very racist?

    With all of this talk about football players and other has-been actors using the n-word, and the NFL banning it's use, why is Madonna being ignored by the MSM?

    And, what about all those rappers who still use the word?

    Is there really a difference in the way it's pronounced or written? Ending with an "a" or an "r"?

    Is it OK for Blacks to use the word and not anyone else? Why do rappers get a pass? Why does Eminem get a pass? Why didn't Lindsay Lohan?

    Madonna wasn't quite old enough to remember Jim Crow, Malcolm-X, MLK, or the Civil Rights movement of the 60s, but she sure hell lived through the school busing stuff! She voted for Obama and certainly knows about all the tea-bagger shit over the last five years.

    The producers of her first two albums were Black men. She's has plenty of sex with Black men, and probably women, too.

    But, do her adopted kids hear her say that word?

    If it's OK for the younger generation to use that word, why isn't it OK for the older generation to use it?

    Looking around for information about this, I came across a YouTube commentary about it by a young Black man.

    Let's discuss this. Right now, i'm not sure what to think about Ms. Ciscione. Is it immaturity? Insensitivity? Stupidity? Should CPS take a closer look at her? Is she a racist?
    Madonna knows all about that. Her Uncle Gus [[who recently passed) worked with and was friends with my brother George said most of her friends growing up were black girls.

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    And nobody is talking about CPS getting involved. If they're going to take kids away because their parents are boneheaded and drop N-bombs around them, there would be a long line of kids being processed into foster care. So, the conversation is not about whether she is fit to be a parent, but whether she should know better and a question of why this was not given the attention other similar gaffes by "stars" have been given.


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