For what it is worth ,from my opinion as a student of Social Science in college ,and an observer of and life expierienced person of world and American ,Pop culture, through the 50's ,60's ,70's and 80's and the term Disco is a no frills generalized term ,who's sole purpose was to make Danceable, Soul and R&B music and anything comparable, acceptable to a Mass audience, of a music of a specific group of people , so that people that were not of that core group that created it ,but liked it, would not feel alienated in doing so. It's the same thing basically that happened with R&B / Blues and the creation of "Rock and Roll. Truthfully , WTF is Rock & Roll ? The Blues with another name. They used to call it "race music". "Covers" made it Rock and Roll. It's the same game with another name. If "Disco" is dead , where the f... did it go????????? Is DISCO just the 118-120 to 130 beat that was prevalent to the70's -80's era. Is it just referring to music played in an era when you went out dancing ,and was provided by "RECORDED MEDIA" ,instead of a "LIVE BAND and VOCALIST"? "Disco" is derived from the French term ,"Discotheque" ,in which the music was provided from records mainly. Can you say that because of that , and technology ,that that is one of the reasons that Music Theory and the playing and teaching/instruction of the art of playing an instrument ,is not a major part of the education process in the school system today?
It's now 2010 going on 2011 ,and there still exists "clubs" where people go to "Dance". What is that music played in those clubs called today???? Is that or can that be called Disco?????
Or...............because I raise these questions , make me an old crazy ,lost in the past , azzhole ,that needs to shut up!
I'm o.k with being an azzhole , I got 50 yrs worth of music to keep me warm.
"A rose by any other name would still be a rose" But I digress , forgive me.......................