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Thread: Soap Talk

  1. #51
    That's very interesting. I remember Generations, I liked it, it was probably on a few years too soon. In the world, some things seemed to change very quickly from say 1990 to 1992-93. Really the problem for me in Generations were [[ha!) some of the white characters. I couldn't bare them. I was watching a clip and I had forgotten that James Reynolds was over there for a while....

    Yep, the Wards, they were very well executed. Regime changes...that's a thing that's often forgotten about...

  2. #52
    That's why I always thought, too, zebop. Generations was ahead of its time. I'll tell you what though - it was a great show to work on. My first staff job in daytime. Sally Sussman who created and headwrote it was a fantastic mentor. She encouraged me to come to layout meetings [[script writers usually don't) and learn how it all comes together. Her philosophy was - there was no such thing as a dumb idea, because it might lead to something brilliant. And there was a feeling of family there like I've never experienced before because we were underdogs. Living under the constant threat of cancellation but we believed in what we were doing and that made us close. Vivica Fox is still one of my best friends. Great experience. Too bad it didn't last.

  3. #53
    Yeah, Generations had some real memorable entertainment.. LOVE this.

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by misty View Post
    That's why I always thought, too, zebop. Generations was ahead of its time. I'll tell you what though - it was a great show to work on. My first staff job in daytime. Sally Sussman who created and headwrote it was a fantastic mentor. She encouraged me to come to layout meetings [[script writers usually don't) and learn how it all comes together. Her philosophy was - there was no such thing as a dumb idea, because it might lead to something brilliant. And there was a feeling of family there like I've never experienced before because we were underdogs. Living under the constant threat of cancellation but we believed in what we were doing and that made us close. Vivica Fox is still one of my best friends. Great experience. Too bad it didn't last.
    The show had really good energy. I remember reading about Sally Sussman in People magazine when the show was just debuting. Vivica was very good on the show, she and Kristoff St. John made a nice couple.

    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    Yeah, Generations had some real memorable entertainment.. LOVE this.
    Heh, nice clip, I knew Kristoff St. John was going to be the one who found them.

  5. #55
    jillfoster - I wrote that script! LOL

  6. #56
    That's just so good, I never get tired of seeing it! "Come get me, BITCH!"... and "Let go of my hair, or I'll make you eat it!". I bet that scene was a toughie to block.

  7. #57
    Hi MVJ!! Been watchin' GH back when Lucille was running the 7th floor Nurse's Station, LOL!!! Me and my soapbuds have been following you [[and we could tell when it was you that wrote particular dialogue, LOL!) ever since your name first showed up in the closing credits.. I can't wait til these transplants from OLTL are gone - to me it was just awful to stick them in PC - [[I hate "crossovers" - they never work for me)....I also hate this stupid "vampire" SL..Stopped watching PC when they first introduced it, and was glad when it finally got cancelled......I'm glad to see the "vets" coming back to GH though....But can you tell me what happened to the character of Lucas, Bobbie and Tony's son? He went to camp and never came back?

  8. #58
    jillfoster - Thanks! That was so much fun to write. I remember when they taped it, all work stopped in the writers room and we all just stared in disbelief. I mean, they seriously tore that set up! LOL!

    Hi GrtGzu. Lucille! I remember her. Used to watch with my grandmother. And Jesse Brewer with her blue cardigan.
    I have to give Ron & Frank credit. Before they took over, GH was going off the cliff and when that happens, it's almost impossible to pull it back. So love what they're doing or hate it - at least the show is relevant again. We don't want to lose any more. And I agree - it's great to see the vets. Balances things out a bit.
    As for Lucas - I guess it's sort of like that kid on AMC who went up to the attic for skis and never came back down. I honestly don't remember what happened to Lucas.
    And thanks for the support.

  9. #59
    In all my years on GH, this was probably my most satisfying moment as a writer. Be warned: terrible video quality.


  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by misty View Post
    In all my years on GH, this was probably my most satisfying moment as a writer. Be warned: terrible video quality.

    Wow! You really got inside that guy's head! That's good writing!

  11. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by misty View Post
    In all my years on GH, this was probably my most satisfying moment as a writer. Be warned: terrible video quality.

    That was great writing, I enjoyed that, it really snapped him back into focus as "Luke"with the range and baggage that character has. Geary did a great job acting it too.

  12. #62
    Thanks zebop & soulster. Glad you enjoyed it. Yes, Tony was fantastic.

    If you're interested and have about a half hour, here's an interview I did yesterday, mostly about GH because of the 50th anniversary, but other stuff too.


  13. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by misty View Post
    Thanks zebop & soulster. Glad you enjoyed it. Yes, Tony was fantastic.

    If you're interested and have about a half hour, here's an interview I did yesterday, mostly about GH because of the 50th anniversary, but other stuff too.

    You're welcome That sounds great Misty I'll be sure to check that out.

  14. #64
    Very nice podcast Misty!!!!! I still think Guza, oh well nevermind.....

  15. #65
    What a great interview, MistyGirl!!! I loved it. You have a great laugh and you gave a lot of good insight. I so agree with your comments at the end about "Revenge", Scandal", etc., being soaps. It's ironic ABC has 3 good nightime ones with "Scandal", "Revenge" & "Nashville". They're ratings hits for the network. Too bad ABC was so short sighted when they cancelled "All My Childen" & "One Life To Live". If they have any sense, they'll bring them back to the network where they belong. So superior to cooking and talk shows.

    "Dallas" is back on TNT, yet another soap. You and everyone involved in bringing us daytime dramas over the years deserve so much credit for taking on contoversial subjects long before nightime TV touched them. You were and are groundbreakers with much of the best acting and writing on TV in the daytime soaps.

    As a fan, I want more, not less, and I hope the networks will keep coming at us with more nightime soaps.

    I have to post the link to your interview on my FB page. So proud of you, My Friend.


  16. #66
    You watching the Dallas Reboot too Mary??? Join the club...I've been WELDED to the tv on Mon. nights now....I still remember when me and my cousin RACED home to her house when the original aired back in the 80's, lol!!

    Now I have to watch on Mondays, and still go back and do the On Demand thing by the weekend to "go over some things".....I'm really enjoying it...

  17. #67
    Hi GrtGzu,

    I'm watching "Dallas" when I remember on Monday nights. lol The reason being the real housewives shows on Bravo are my guilty pleasure. Talk about soap operas!! Those shows are the real thing. hahahaha They come on opposite each other, so I try to catch "Dallas" later in the evening when they repeat it.


  18. #68
    Great Interviw, Misty!
    Loved the story about your Mom & Rosalind Cash. She was an amazing actress, loved her presence on the big screen, all the way back to "Klute". She had a prolific career.

    I LOVED "Santa Barbara" and missed it when it went off the air.

    I've been saying to Mary for months; "What the heck is ABC doing?!" They have the '3 top network shows' yet they keep cutting them off and putting on repeats instead of new episodes. GEEZ! "Revenge" is the bomb!!!!!!!!!!

    Guuurl............you need to write that book starting with the music biz in the 1960's at the Regal Theater. [[Oh, yea!)

    Keep up the great work. I'll be looking for you on the B & B.

    {{{BIG HUGS}}},

  19. #69
    I really liked that podcast Misty, love hearing about the Dobsons.

    And I checked out Bold and the Beautiful. That's a really good show. I saw a scene with 4 or 5 black actors and couldn't believe how authentic and not corny the characters were. Only if another soaps had done that.

  20. #70
    Thanks you guys for listening. I don't usually do interviews anymore but the GH 50th seemed like a good reason. So glad you liked it.
    zebop - so happy you're enjoying B&B. It's a little powerhouse of a show. Proud to be on it. And I agree - our black characters are very real.
    soul sister - Right. The book. LOL! When I retire.
    mary - thanks for posting it on your fb page. I have a feeling ABC might be feeling a little dumb right now about cancelling AMC & OLTL. They lost a lot of viewers in those hours and now there's all this excitement around the reboot. Then again, they stand to make billions off what Prospect Park is doing - so they're probably not crying too hard.

  21. #71
    Just watching B & B, cracked-up....love the line "Rick, life's a bitch so why would you want to be with one!" HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA!!!

    Misty, did you write that?


  22. #72
    Hey Misty - I heard [[rather read) that the Prospect Park thing is a bust, and some of the actors are coming back to GH under different characters!....I can't IMAGING how they're gonna pull this off...

    But I've been having a BALL watching the GH 50th anniversary all this past weekend....It was nice to catch up with some things, since I never purchased the GH Bible....

  23. #73
    GrtGzu, the Prospect Park thing is very much a go. They've got the first AMC episodes in the can and are taping OLTL right now. [[they'll be alternating). The thing with the GH actors is a licensing matter. PP owns the rights to the OLTL characters those actors have been portraying on GH and they want them back. ABC owns the contracts with the actors - who don't want to leave GH. So the compromise was - they could stay on GH, only they'd have to be different characters since McBain, Todd and Starr are critical to OLTL. Hope that made sense. It's crazy but that's what's going on. And the fans know about it and are willing to accept whatever, as long as they get their cancelled soaps back and are able to keep seeing Roger Howath, Michael Easton and Starr Anderson [[Alderson?) on GH.

  24. #74
    No, SS. That wasn't me. Funny though.

  25. #75
    From the One Life To Live Continues fb page:

    Every One you can watch the new OLTL starting on April 29th at 12pm on these sites on-line:

    Free: Hulu.com

    Pay: HuluPlus.com

    Pay: Itunes.com

  26. #76
    All My Children starts on the same date with the same options to view.

  27. #77
    Thanks Misty. I've got to say this is so crazy, great but crazy. I'm glad they are able to do this, both shows still have life in them.

  28. #78
    I've seen some of the new Dallas. Its not bad, but I am curious to see how long it will last now that Larry Hagman is gone.

    Needless to say the original Dallas is a classic. I miss that show.

  29. #79
    Does anyone here watch and follow "Coronation Street"?

  30. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by mickeymac View Post
    I've seen some of the new Dallas. Its not bad, but I am curious to see how long it will last now that Larry Hagman is gone.

    Needless to say the original Dallas is a classic. I miss that show.
    Oddly enough, I only liked the season without Bobby and the one with Donna Reed as Miss Ellie. Crazy I know. I don't know what they are do without Larry Hagman, it's a shame.

    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Does anyone here watch and follow "Coronation Street"?
    I'm in the US I don't think they've shown episodes here.

  31. #81
    Misty, I can't believe I'm seeing Frozen Starvos on GL. How does that happen. Sadly enough, I liked that character. I also caught the GH 50th Anniversary and heard about Jennifer Bransford hitting Kelly Monaco with a real stick? Nice... Now I see more reason why Laura Wright took over the role.

    On B&B, I really like the show, it's so cool how the characters are entwined in one another's storylines. I remember seeing Karla Mosley on GL and she really wasn't ever on enough, nice to see her used a lot, she's really good.

  32. #82
    They're ba-a-a-a-ck! Still can't believe Prospect Park pulled it off, but glad they did. Welcome back, All My Children & One Life To Live!


  33. #83
    JiveFiveMaryG often tells me I don't give myself enough credit. So here I am - tooting my own horn. I'm so excited to let you know that today I was nominated with the writing team of B&B for a Daytime Emmy. It's my first nomination with this show and I'm thrilled. [[though it does feel a little surreal, not being nominated with General Hospital). Not only do I absolutely love the show and my B&B family, my boss Brad Bell gives THE BEST parties. So even a lose is a win!

  34. #84
    Congratulations Misty!

  35. #85
    Thanks, zebop!

  36. #86
    Today's tribute to Jeanne Cooper was moving. I'd like to know the name of the standard song sung in the background while they were showing photo's from her earlier Hollywood days.
    Anyone know the name of that song?


  37. #87
    Hey Misty! Can you help me with something re: GH?

    How is Jason Franco's brother? I thought Jason was the result of Susan Moore and Alan Quartermaine, and Monica raised him as a Q after Susan died or something...How is Heather Franco's mama?

  38. #88
    Hi Misty [[BTW, I had the jones for this girl named Misty a couple of dozen years ago),

    I did check out B&B a few times recently. And, while the stories are meaty, I just couldn't get back into the show. Maybe it's just because I have been so busy. I don't know.

  39. #89
    GrtGzu - I have no idea! That's a whole different regime over there from when I wrote for the show. When Guza created Franco, there was no intention of making him Jason's twin and I don't keep up with it anymore.

  40. #90
    That's ok - I found out the next day - and you're better off not knowing....I'm just stunned how history keeps being re-written without consideration of the fact that there are fans who still REMEMBER how it first "went down".....

    I'm kinda tired of my intelligence being insulted, especially since I've had so many years invested in this soap....[["Long Live Lucille March"!- the original OG of the 7th Floor Nurses Station!)...

    But the way that they brought RoHo back into this, is just beyond - oh I can't..I just can't...

  41. #91
    What puzzles me is Franco was a fly-by-night shot in the dark character in the first place. The only reason he was created was because James Franco decided he wanted to dip into soaps and our EP and the network got all excited about it. Of course he had to be 'edgy' so Guza came up with this artist/serial killer. He was never supposed to be redeemable or even around very long. So why they'd saddle RH with this role is beyond me. But he's such a good actor, he just might pull it off.

  42. #92
    Good Luck at the Emmy Awards, Misty!!!


  43. #93
    Thanks, S.S.! Really looking forward to it.

  44. #94
    CONGRATULATIONS MISTY on your latest Emmy win for writing. So well deserved, My Friend. Your new position with B&B has brought you even more success and much happiness. I'm sooooooooooooo proud of you. Hope you'll post some photos from last night's award show. I saw some on Facebook, and you look BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Last edited by JIVE FIVE Mary G.; 06-17-2013 at 02:19 PM.

  45. #95

    I am so happy for you.


  46. #96
    Thank you, my friends. It was a fabulous night and I had a blast. Now I'm turning back into a pumpkin. Script due today!

  47. #97
    I am just glad that the Best Daytime Drama award finally went to the MUCH DESERVED "Days Of Our lives" and Chandler Massey for his Emmy win for his role of Will Horton...an amazing young actor!

  48. #98
    Congratulations Misty!

  49. #99
    Thanks, zebop! Great night.

  50. #100
    OK... this just came up on youtube, it's so funny you all will pee yourselves!!!


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