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  1. #101
    Crystaledwards Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I think you should have stared a separate thread about it.

    I clicked on your links and did not see any videos where Marv allegedly used those derogatory words. In fact, there are no videos at all of him, just videos of mostly Motown artists.

    I do not know Marv, personally, or know him like you all do. I just chat with him here. I agree that bigotry against anyone is wrong [[except obsessive, rabid Diana Ross fans ) Just joshin'...no i'm not...yes I am...

    This sounds like a personal vendetta, so you really should start a different thread about it. If Ralph sees this, he'll shut doen an otherwise good thread where no one is arguing.
    I have no personal vendetta against marv. I have been monitoring this thread for the past week and have to say I'm flabbergasted by marv's hypocrisy and felt exposing his homophobia was morally the right thing to do.

    Would you like me to post the applicable Youtube videos where marv made the derogatory slurs?

    As you correctly pointed out, all bigotry is wrong and my personal belief is bigotry should never be tolerated under any circumstances.

  2. #102
    Crystaledwards Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    It's wrong to hate someone because of a quality they were born with and cannot change.

    Again, if you have an issue with marv, and I know several of you do, please start a separate thread about it. Please? This one;s about Paula Deen. Ralph still checks in on this forum.
    Succinctly put and I totally agree. People can no more change their skin color than they can change their sexual orientation which is why it is wrong to hate because of race, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability or gender.

  3. #103
    And the blood-letting continues: http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2013/06/28/...led/?hpt=hp_t1

    Oh, and how could we forget about the food?: http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2013/06/26/...due/?hpt=hp_t1
    Last edited by soulster; 06-28-2013 at 06:45 PM.

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Crystaledwards View Post
    Check out how often marv - Marysfan - DetroitLives313 uses the disparaging and inflammatory terms fag, faggot and sissy in his YouTube responses. Does any one else in this forum find marv's antigay slurs offensive? I don't care what marv's personal beliefs are, but if they lead him to spread hate by using derogatory homophobic slurs on the public music-sharing website YouTube, then his beliefs deserve to be publicly challenged. Do you think we should call marv out for his cowardly gay bashing? I feel it is wrong to turn a blind eye to a bigot just because he shares the odd rare photo and some Motown knowledge with us. I would like to hear what other forum members think?

    Look you sad faggot Mary Wilson is iconic! She is one of the most influential women in music! She does concerts all over the World, performs The Lena Horne Project, has new single out and Cultural Ambassador for the United States. Diane Ross is a recovering alcoholic that leans excessively on her children. Oh and she tours some whenever she can get a gig. That's all!


    I don't even think about Diana Ross like most people until you fools on here start emailing me about her trashy ass. Mary Wilson rules and will continue to do so! Everyone loves Mary. No one loves Diane except a small group of faggot freaks stuck in the 70's.


    Why because I busted on you and your worship of that old fag hag Diane Ross? LOL! Could you pick a better washed up Diva to worship than Mary's former singing partner?


    Only a few fags care about Diana Ross today.

    Hey you sissy punk, just because you don't like women, doesn't mean you can get away with saying what you want. You will not be commenting on any more my videos........you've been BLOCKED!

    Fuck you! You big sissy punk!


    On 6/22/2013 marv2 posted the following about celebrity chef Paula Deen.[[all words in bold red are direct quotes taken from marv2's postings)

    Racism is also caused by hate and an evil heart. It is intentional. While I agree with what marv wrote about Ms. Deen, I would ask marv if homophobia is also caused by hate and an evil heart and challenge marv2 to publicly answer if his irresponsible gay bashing is intentionalor just an involuntary condition of just not knowing about certain people?

    On 6/22/2013 marv2 had the following to say about Paula Deen. I am telling you. Anyone giving this woman a pass for her blatant racism is making a mistake!

    While I completely agree with marv on Paula Deen's blatant racism, I have to ask, if we give marv a pass for his blatant homophobia, are we also making a mistake?
    Are you nuts?! Weren't you just banned from here and are now taking advantage of the fact that Ralph is moving as is offline a few days? You have a problem with me, bring it to me. This thread is about Paula Deen's racist slurs not about your perceived homophobia or whatever it is you're so upset about. You sound disturb to me. But if you want to come for me, bring it, come on!!!!!!

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I think you should have stared a separate thread about it.

    I clicked on your links and did not see any videos where Marv allegedly used those derogatory words. In fact, there are no videos at all of him, just videos of mostly Motown artists.

    I do not know Marv, personally, or know him like you all do. I just chat with him here. I agree that bigotry against anyone is wrong [[except obsessive, rabid Diana Ross fans ) Just joshin'...no i'm not...yes I am...

    This sounds like a personal vendetta, so you really should start a different thread about it. If Ralph sees this, he'll shut doen an otherwise good thread where no one is arguing.
    Crystaledwards, is an obsessive, rabid Diana Ross fan that Ralph recently banned from this site. There are about 5, maybe 6 guys like that here. But we don't to turn this into another "Dianah Ross" thread. These guy believe in free speech but only as long as you don't say anything unflattering about this particular singer.

    Anyway, I heard that former Pres. Jimmy Carter has been allegedly advising Paula Deen during her public crisis.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    And the blood-letting continues: http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2013/06/28/...led/?hpt=hp_t1

    Oh, and how could we forget about the food?: http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2013/06/26/...due/?hpt=hp_t1
    A WOW!!! Now that is a big one! "Paula Deen's upcoming cookbook canceled". She might as well move on , maybe to Mexico or somewhere. She is through here.

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    And the blood-letting continues: http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2013/06/28/...led/?hpt=hp_t1

    Oh, and how could we forget about the food?: http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2013/06/26/...due/?hpt=hp_t1
    Shes only got herself to blame. I knew this was the tip of the iceberg but as she said to matt Lauer "I is what i is" and you havent learned a thing Miss Paula Dean.


  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Funky, she's a FAMOUS cook who has/had lucrative deals with major companies! The is wealthy from being a COOK. So, yeah, it does matter what the says in public. It's why she is being punished now.

    I kind of wonder why you seem to be sticking up for, or making excuses for her.

    Jesse Jackson? He apologized. We haven't heard Louis Farrakkan apologize for his comments about the Jews' alleged "gutter religion".
    My point that I have repeated ad nausem was simply that the focus on this subject as some earth shattering, major event was ridiculous - and that is still my stance. And why you think I could give a damn about Farrakkan is beyond me. Dumb bigots are dumb bigots, whether they look like Paula Deen or Rachel Jenteal! You seem to put the importance on the dollar they pull.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    My point that I have repeated ad nausem was simply that the focus on this subject as some earth shattering, major event was ridiculous - and that is still my stance.
    Your opinion seems to be out-numbered by a wide margin.

  10. #110
    Crystaledwards Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Crystaledwards, is an obsessive, rabid Diana Ross fan that Ralph recently banned from this site. There are about 5, maybe 6 guys like that here. But we don't to turn this into another "Dianah Ross" thread. These guy believe in free speech but only as long as you don't say anything unflattering about this particular singer.

    Anyway, I heard that former Pres. Jimmy Carter has been allegedly advising Paula Deen during her public crisis.

    I am not an obsessive Diana Ross fan marv. I am simply calling you out on your hypocrisy. You rally against Paula Deen for her hateful racism and believe me when I say Ms. Deen deserves every criticism that is hurled her way. However, your behavior at YouTube is no better that Paula Deen's behavior. People who express hostile attitudes toward homosexual persons often are prejudiced against other minorities as well. What other prejudices do you harbor marv? Does it make you feel macho when you berate and taunt Gay people marv? Do you have children? Do you have brothers and sisters with children? Someday a GLBT person could be your own blood relative. Think about that next time you cruelly and viciously call someone a fag, faggot or freak marv. Gay people live normal lives in everyday America, They serve in our country's military, they pay taxes, and they contribute to the nation's well being on various levels. Stop the hate marv or your words could end up really hurting someone.

  11. #111
    Anyway children...Mrs. Deen has lost about 12 business partners and sponsors. I'm sure there are more to come. I really am starting to think this is becoming excessive. I think she has gotten the message that her behavior is wrong, and her beliefs need to be challenged if she plans to continue to do what she loves for a living.

    The single most important thing she can do right now is listen to people who try to explain why her words and views are so repugnant in 2013, and she needs to be sensitized to how they hurt and insult. It's not working for her to live in that "southern bubble".

    I disagree with the experts that she should let her fans rally support because many of them are the same fans that support her because of her revolting views.

    The messages the media, and her former business partners have made their point. When people see that she really understands, and makes the effort to change, then people will once again feel good about her brand. Her sponsors and business partners will come back.

    I guess this is a lesson for all of us. Be careful because our words and actions may come back to bite us. Like the police captain used to say on Hill Street Blues after the morning briefing: Let's be careful out there!

  12. #112
    I believe there are other reasons TFN dropped her so quickly. She was reportedly a prima-donna at the network, and they were still stung by the revelation that she is diabetic, yet cooks up food that contributes to the problem. She, and her food, represent the area in the country with the highest incidence of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Butter, sugar, and animal fat. You know, I see [[usually middle-aged and older) people buying tons of butter and sugar when it's on sale at the grocery stores. I can't help but think they watch her show.

  13. #113
    Sadly, she's going to be martyred by her fans, who will double down on their own hatred. One of them already tweeted disapproval of Wal-Mart for turning it's back on a fellow Southerner.

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post

    Miss Paula Dean can change Kenneth but she needs to start with the Lord and ask him to guide her every step of the way. Paula Dean knows better and her age is no excuse imo. For her to even think about having a plantation style wedding just like the old south is disgusting and she should no better and she need to have new people around her and act more humble. Im real happy shes going to meet with the Reverent Jackson but she needs to show action rather than hollow words. I did not see a humbled woman on Matt Laur the other day I see a woman scrambling to save her business and her tears were dry tears and her apology wasnt sincere.
    [[Whew! I'm attempting to keep the topics in their appropriate places!)

    Anyway, I agree 100%

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    A WOW!!! Now that is a big one! "Paula Deen's upcoming cookbook canceled". She might as well move on , maybe to Mexico or somewhere. She is through here.
    No, she isn't done here.

    Although I disagree with Jimmy Carter in his advice on handlinng the siuation, she needs to step away from the cameras and keyboard, learn about Black history and sensitivity to people different than herself, and make a sincere apology without the tears and shifting the blame.

    I understand she already donates to good causes, to that's fine. She shouldn't stop that. And, it would really go a long way with many of her detractors if she gives credit to where a lot of the southern food she deals with really came from, and why. She could also come up with healthier, yet delicious ways of making some of those foods.

    When she does these things, i'm sure most or all of those companies will come back, and she'll get a new cooking show.

    No one is too old to change, and people can be forgiven. Remember This guy, Fmr. Gov. George Wallace?
    Attachment 6862

  16. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    No, she isn't done here.

    Although I disagree with Jimmy Carter in his advice on handlinng the siuation, she needs to step away from the cameras and keyboard, learn about Black history and sensitivity to people different than herself, and make a sincere apology without the tears and shifting the blame.

    I understand she already donates to good causes, to that's fine. She shouldn't stop that. And, it would really go a long way with many of her detractors if she gives credit to where a lot of the southern food she deals with really came from, and why. She could also come up with healthier, yet delicious ways of making some of those foods.

    When she does these things, i'm sure most or all of those companies will come back, and she'll get a new cooking show.

    No one is too old to change, and people can be forgiven. Remember This guy, Fmr. Gov. George Wallace?
    Attachment 6862
    I remember George Wallace. He change before he passed away. This woman seems to be apologetic because she is about to loose her livelyhood!

  17. #117

  18. #118
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Sadly, she's going to be martyred by her fans, who will double down on their own hatred. One of them already tweeted disapproval of Wal-Mart for turning it's back on a fellow Southerner.
    Well hopefully Deen’s fans will also double down on eating Deen’s type of food and gorge themselves to early graves.

  19. #119
    This has been an interesting thread. Full of all kinds of information.


  20. #120

  21. #121
    Do you know if she has lost anymore sponsors or business deals since Walmart was announced?

  22. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Do you know if she has lost anymore sponsors or business deals since Walmart was announced?
    I guess you haven't been keeping up. http://gma.yahoo.com/12-companies-cu...opstories.html

    For a couple of days, several more companies dropped her in rapid succession. Even the book that is out now will stop being pressed, and the book that was supposed to come out in October, and has advance orders for, has been cancelled by the publisher who severed ties with her.

    Even I gotta say this has been excessive. But, these companies do't want to be associated with someone as caustic as Deen right now. She may have supporters, but what does it say about those supporters? Are they racist? And, do their numbers compare to the numbers of offended people who would boycott them if they stayed with her? These days, being associated with people who obviously hold and announce racist attitudes is bad for business. We may have finally arrived at that point in history where some big business is finally rejecting racism. But, as long as we still have business that have institutionalized racism, the fight isn't over. Why, in 2013, are there still business that build on themes of slavery, like the one that impressed and inspired Deen so much? Why do we have businesses that won't let you in the door if you voted for Obama? Why do we have large companies that won't hire you unless you are a christian?

  23. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I guess you haven't been keeping up. http://gma.yahoo.com/12-companies-cu...opstories.html

    For a couple of days, several more companies dropped her in rapid succession. Even the book that is out now will stop being pressed, and the book that was supposed to come out in October, and has advance orders for, has been cancelled by the publisher who severed ties with her.

    Even I gotta say this has been excessive. But, these companies do't want to be associated with someone as caustic as Deen right now. She may have supporters, but what does it say about those supporters? Are they racist? And, do their numbers compare to the numbers of offended people who would boycott them if they stayed with her? These days, being associated with people who obviously hold and announce racist attitudes is bad for business. We may have finally arrived at that point in history where some big business is finally rejecting racism. But, as long as we still have business that have institutionalized racism, the fight isn't over. Why, in 2013, are there still business that build on themes of slavery, like the one that impressed and inspired Deen so much? Why do we have businesses that won't let you in the door if you voted for Obama? Why do we have large companies that won't hire you unless you are a christian?
    I didn't realize she was that popular or that successful. WOW! This a very dramatic fall from grace some what.

    Yes there are still a lot of companies that have institutionalized racism in them. I, at one time worked for a Fortune 100 corporation that had offices in Detroit. I was the only African American there. I was eventually told informally that the reason they had not ever hired any black professionals is that they could not find any qualified........IN ALL OF DETROIT METRO!!!!

    I've heard this from other large corporations over the years. It is the official cop out when pressed for an answer!!!

  24. #124
    Yeah, unless they get caught red-handed, it's hard to fix that one. They have found companies that had the person collecting applications put code words on the back of those that were submitted by black people, though. Just so they would know who not to call back.

  25. #125
    Companies care only when it affects, or has the potential to affect their bottom line.

  26. #126
    Crystaledwards Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I didn't realize she was that popular or that successful. WOW! This a very dramatic fall from grace some what.

    Yes there are still a lot of companies that have institutionalized racism in them. I, at one time worked for a Fortune 100 corporation that had offices in Detroit. I was the only African American there. I was eventually told informally that the reason they had not ever hired any black professionals is that they could not find any qualified........IN ALL OF DETROIT METRO!!!!

    I've heard this from other large corporations over the years. It is the official cop out when pressed for an answer!!!
    I am so sorry you were subjected to a Fortune 100 corporation's ignorant racism. I deplore racism and homophobia. I also have little time for organized religion. Most religions, to varying degrees,are corrupt and self-serving, and tend to discriminate against the GLBT community.

    People are born into a race, they have no choice about the matter.People are born Gay or Lesbian, they also have no choice about the matter. You can't choose to abandon your race nor can you choose to be heterosexual. I will argue for as long as it takes against any and all racism, sexism, homophobia and anti-Semitism, and I do so in the name of equality for all. I will confront bigots face to face and I will call out the more cowardly ones that hide behind anonymity by way of a computer screen.

    The person with the loudest, most inflammatory opinion gets the most attention. That's how the Internet works. For example on YouTube, when people say racist, sexist, anti-Semitic or homophobic things in the comments section, they start a whole firestorm that brings them the attention they desperately crave and don't get in their everyday lives. Social media also gives permission to be hateful and bigoted because usually no one knows who you are. Online, you can usually say whatever you want in a public forum without consequences. In real life, you can't do that.

    In my humble opinion I have found the obsessive abuse of minorities, women and gays seems overwhelmingly to fall at the feet of the narrow-mined, self loathing and ill-educated.

  27. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Crystaledwards View Post
    I am so sorry you were subjected to a Fortune 100 corporation's ignorant racism. I deplore racism and homophobia. I also have little time for organized religion. Most religions, to varying degrees,are corrupt and self-serving, and tend to discriminate against the GLBT community.
    That depend on what church you go to my dear so while I agreee with you on a lot of what you wrote I have to respectfully disagree with you about church and religions. My church welcome lesbian ladies and homosexual gentlemen in fact my pastor preaches that everyone regardkless of what color they are or who they sleep with is welcome in the house of the Lord and welcome to eat and drink at God's table during communion. Not all religions are predjuced.

    Yours with every good wish.



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