I never asked anyone to give her a pass. My point [[that everybody is missing) is that this is a cook. Not a head of state, not a civil rights advocate, a cook. How can anyone expect this person to be a Rhodes Scholar when it comes to history or race relations for that matter. She is known for using butter and cooking unhealthy food, that is all. I'm not insulted or offended, especially when I consider the source. Again, why give this any importance when there are so many more important things to be concerned about right now, like the erosion of our Constitutional right to privacy. I guess its ok as long as its being done under Obamas watch. All of this the intention of corporate owned media to get Black people distracted from what is really important in our lives and furthering the facade that this administration is looking out in the best interest of the American people.

And with regards to my comment on Hymie Town Jackson - my point is was simply that one can make it back in media even after saying racist comments. With Jackson in particular, his comeback [[did he ever leave?) was even more profound since he did the unmentionable which is to make a derogatory comment about Jews. That in 99 out of 100 times is the kiss of death for someone who spends their time on TV or in movies. If Jackson can comeback from that, you can bet that Paula Deen will be on TV again sometime soon.
What Paula Deen says, said, means or meant means less than nothing to me. Interpret her how you want, try to get into that giant, wrinkled head of hers. Go spend your time doing that. Meanwhile, turn on BET and be totally ok with our young people perpetuating the step and fetch it minstrel shows of yesteryear and the dumbification of language to make ourselves look like the ignorant ones.