How anyone is putting any importance on what a 66 year old White woman from the south said upmteen years ago or yesterday for that matter baffles me. Who is really surprised? She's 66 and from Georgia. If anything, appreciate her honesty. She admitted to something that im sure 99% of all Americans [[Black, White, all races for that matter) has thought or said at some point in time of their life and would likely never admit to. Are we really that naive to think otherwise? I guess for the racist police this is a solid victory. Any chance to claim holier-than-though and convict a person they don't even know is like a fun game for them. Seeing the charges of this woman on everything from evil to sociopath is just laughable. Shes human and she made a dumb mistake...for whatever reason. She will now pay financially and has clearly been convicted in the court of public opinion. My guess is that she will make a comeback from this eventually. Most people who are caught making racist comments in Hollywood or TV make a bounce back after time. Hymie-town anyone?
I will say this though: to disparage fellow Blacks who use this time to bring up our peoples own ignorance in perpetuating the ignorant use of this hateful word is just wrong. There is no defense of our people today throwing this word around and we cannot expect it to be driven from the lips of whites until its driven from our own.