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  1. #1

    How Big is the Republican Wave Going to Be?


    Republicans set for big wave in U.S. midterms

    01/11/2010 12:57:19 PM

    CBC News
    Democrats are bracing for congressional defeat as most polls predicted a day before the U.S. midterm elections that the Republicans will be the big winners.

    U.S. voters go to the polls on Tuesday to decide on all 435 congressional seats, 37 Senate seats and 37 governorships.

    A Republican takeover of the House seems all but assured, according to polls, and some predicted the GOP could also have a chance at taking the Senate.

    Adding to the Democrats' woes, the Republicans are also expected to win the majority of governorships up for grabs.

    The Republicans need a net gain of 39 seats to take control of the House and 10 seats in the Senate to take over that chamber.

    Over the weekend, U.S. President Barack Obama pleaded with Democrats to vote.

    "Don't let anybody tell you this fight isn't worth it," Obama told the friendly crowd Sunday at Cleveland State University in Ohio. "Its always been hard to bring about change."

    Obama warned that Republican wins could mean a rollback of the progress he said they had made over the last couple of years.

    "It's up to you to remember that this election is a choice between the policies that got us into this mess and the policies that are leading us out of this mess," Obama said.

    On Monday, the Democratic National Committee was airing a new ad across the country that features Obama warning of record cuts in education and rollbacks in financial accountability if Republicans take control of Congress.

    The Republicans have indicated they will try to undo some of Obama's accomplishments, including health-care reform and financial regulations. But Obama still has the power of the presidential veto, leading many observers to predict gridlock over the next couple of years.

    But Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele dismissed concerns of government gridlock if Republican lawmakers refuse to compromise with Democrats on issues such as deficit spending and taxation.

    "We're hoping now for a fresh start with the American people," said Steele. "If we don't live up to those expectations, then we'll have a problem in two years."

    With files from The Assocatied Press

  2. #2
    I guess we'll know by tomorrow night.

    There are two conflicting things: early voting shows good signs for the Democrats, and yesterday's polling by CNN says it's going to be good for the Republicans. For those who voted early, they can't change their minds now.

    I really want to believe that the voters wouldn't be stupid enough to vote for morons like Sharon Angle [[NV), Christine McDonnell [[DE), or Joe Miller [[AK)...especially Angle, but there are a lot of angry people out there who wanted the magic negro to fix everything in two years, and people who never liked him in the first place.

    I'm not making any predictions whatsoever, because I have no more faith in human intelligence. I just hope the Democrats keep the House. I think it's unlikely they will take the Senate too.

    But, if the Republicans win big, they would be wise to actually work with the democrats and the president, because the public will see all of their stalling, filibustering, investigations, filing motions, and attempting to undo or stall any progress Obama has made. And, Obama will have learned a hard lesson: don't try to compromise with the enemy! Do what the people elected you to do, and do it with no compromising with the enemy.
    Last edited by soulster; 11-01-2010 at 07:13 PM.

  3. #3
    You know, it really doesn't worry me that much. We lived through the Regan years, and a Republican Congress during Clinton's. I don't know if the Republicans will actually govern, and if they don't it will look decent for the Democrats in 2012. Here in Washington, we lived through the administration of Dixie Lee Ray and lived to tell about it. It's all cyclical. If the thrashing is bad, it's the Democrats job to regroup and look towards the next election, in the same way the Republicans regrouped after the last one.

    What I'll be looking for is either party moving to the center, in the same way Steven Harper has nudged the Conservatives. I tend to be a bit of a Blue Dog, moderate on fiscal issues, liberal on the social ones and am getting tired of both parties running towards their wings.

    [[BTW, the Stamps don't look as good this year. Think they can overturn Calgary in the playoffs?)

  4. #4
    It looks like the Republicans will gain control of the House and the Democrats will retain the Senate.....

  5. #5
    But Doug, we still had some intelligent people back then, and they weren't so extreme politically. This crop of Republicans are total idiots, and a lot of the Democrat incumbents have no spine.

    And, the blue-dogs have made things much worse over the last couple of years.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by marxthespot View Post
    It looks like the Republicans will gain control of the House and the Democrats will retain the Senate.....
    But, even the Republicans taking over the House is a bit of a long shot. It can happen, but still a long shot, considering the clowns that are running.

  7. #7
    Name:  av-5.jpg
Views: 401
Size:  21.1 KB
    Blue Bombers forever!!!

  8. #8
    Democans, Republicrats....what's the difference?

    Independents all the way!!

  9. #9
    I was talking to a friend of mine about this yesterday. I was telling him that I have no problem with someone I can disagree with [[republicans) if they are intelligent but this crop are a bunch of bible thumping, psycho babble, class and war mongers that stand for racism and trying to take the world back to the 1800s. At least the Dems have some intelligent people running and an intelligent president. I can respect a Mitt Romney or Huckabee but Palin, ODonell and their ilk are scary.

  10. #10
    Soulster and Stephanie. Both of you are right on the money.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    Democans, Republicrats....what's the difference?

    Independents all the way!!

    Independents are nothing but disenfranchised republicans. They all lean to the right.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
    I was talking to a friend of mine about this yesterday. I was telling him that I have no problem with someone I can disagree with [[republicans) if they are intelligent but this crop are a bunch of bible thumping, psycho babble, class and war mongers that stand for racism and trying to take the world back to the 1800s. At least the Dems have some intelligent people running and an intelligent president. I can respect a Mitt Romney or Huckabee but Palin, ODonell and their ilk are scary.
    I don't even respect Huckabee. He's made some pretty disgusting remarks in the last couple of years, even hinted at assassinating Obama. Romney's not much better.

    This crop of tea-baggers run from all media except "friendlies" like Faux, and the mainstream republicans suck up to them. I have no respect for any of them. And many of the incumbent Democrats are all mealy-moused, and yellow.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Independents are nothing but disenfranchised republicans. They all lean to the right.
    No matter how much you repeat this, its simply not true. What is true is that your statements are as disturbing as the right wing fringe extremists that you claim to loathe so much.

    Believe it or not Soulster, there are Americans in this country who can formulate their own opinions without it having to be spoon fed to them from a political party with nothing but financial interests in mind.

    Right on Brad.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    Democans, Republicrats....what's the difference?

    Independents all the way!!
    Sorry, Brad. I have to totally disagree. No party is perfect, the Republikkkan party has been taken over by paranoid, racist, and extremist elements. They don't want to make any room for moderates or any other kind of republikkkans.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by timmyfunk View Post
    Sorry, Brad. I have to totally disagree. No party is perfect, the Republikkkan party has been taken over by paranoid, racist, and extremist elements. They don't want to make any room for moderates or any other kind of republikkkans.
    I agree that Republican party has totally gone off the loop, but Democrats have their own problems. The problem with this country is that it has become too damn partisan and that's the fault of both parties. Sure, the Republicans and Bush made this country suffer economically, but the Democrats refuse to take credit to the fact that they almost helped with it. To say that one party is better than the other is being foolish. I don't care what anyone says neither party is helping the American people nor do they care. Sure the Democrats "say" they are for the working class, the minorities, etc. but in the end they are all about big business behind closed doors just like the Republicans. As a Moderate Independent, I am completely fed up with both parties. Every election, it's either option A or B. Where are options C, D, E? This isn't a democracy if two parties are running this country. I hope with all these problems going on in the country that the American people realize that it's time to get rid of Democrats and Republicans and start voting in Independents and third parties to run this country. I think the country would be better off if Democrats and Republicans lost power in this country. They had their time to shine.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    No matter how much you repeat this, its simply not true. What is true is that your statements are as disturbing as the right wing fringe extremists that you claim to loathe so much.
    To quote Pontius Pilate in Jesus Christ Superstar: "What is truth? Is truth unchanging law? We both have truths. Are mine the same as yours?".

  17. #17
    You know, the right keeps talking about far-left liberal extremists, but we aren't seeing many of them. But we do see tons of far-right extremists who think they are in the center.

  18. #18
    The biggest problem with them both is they are run by big money and driven by lobbyists; however the biggest money mixes much more comfortably with the Republicans and it doesn't mix very well with Barack.

  19. #19
    Big business is a whore. They will fund anyone who will serve their best interests. Actually, that's a lot smarter than most citizens, who will vote for ideology and fear over their own best interests.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post

    I agree that Republican party has totally gone off the loop, but Democrats have their own problems. The problem with this country is that it has become too damn partisan and that's the fault of both parties. Sure, the Republicans and Bush made this country suffer economically, but the Democrats refuse to take credit to the fact that they almost helped with it. To say that one party is better than the other is being foolish. I don't care what anyone says neither party is helping the American people nor do they care. Sure the Democrats "say" they are for the working class, the minorities, etc. but in the end they are all about big business behind closed doors just like the Republicans. As a Moderate Independent, I am completely fed up with both parties. Every election, it's either option A or B. Where are options C, D, E? This isn't a democracy if two parties are running this country. I hope with all these problems going on in the country that the American people realize that it's time to get rid of Democrats and Republicans and start voting in Independents and third parties to run this country. I think the country would be better off if Democrats and Republicans lost power in this country. They had their time to shine.
    I am always going to be more fed up with the party that not only show themselves as obstructionists, but also offer no real solutions to the problems facing this nation. And other political parties have shown themselves to be ineffective in cultivating any kind of viable alternative. There's an easy comparison that could be drawn: if you knew of someone that was the victim of domestic violence and they came to you saying that they were thinking of going back to the person who gave them the cuts and bruises, what would you think of that person?

  21. #21
    ......I think what makes me different thought is that I'm not tied to a dogma. I did [[and do) support the stimulus and TARP plans, and both the auto bailout and the healthcare plan. Not to do so would have been a bad move, long term. But issues have two sides to them, and both sides have many valid points, and those points need to be discussed. When presented with a valid argument, I'm more than willing to change my position.

    What irritates the living crud out of me [[and what may get the Republicians in trouble if some of the Tea Partiers get in) is the unwillingness of many "wing" politicians to 1) understand what the other side is saying and 2) when presented with a resonable argument, change their view. I was very irritated with Senator Maria Cantwell [[D-WA) who almost sank the bank regulation bill because her pet "thing" wasn't in there.

    There is no compromise anymore, the realization that half a bill is better than none at all, or the understanding that you can't always get what you want.

  22. #22
    And, although the health bill, however castrated it turned out to be, is desperately needed by many in this country, and was part of Obama's overall recovery plan, in retrospect, he should have focused more on jobs out of the gate. The problem is, if he had done that, and waited until the country recovered some, it would have had no chance of even been considered.

    Financial reform was also crippled, again because of a few spineless Democrats, but it still has teeth, and, IMO, it's still easily the best thing he has accomplished so far.

  23. #23
    Boy did the Dems shit the bed.

    When Obama talked about change I don't think he meant this.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    Boy did the Dems shit the bed.

    When Obama talked about change I don't think he meant this.
    Obama did try to change things, but the ones who blocked his way did it for political gain only. They talked as big as Obama did, and now they will have to produce results or they, and the Republikkkan party will be dumped just as much as the democrats were tonight.

    But, if they think they can reduce the budget by trying to keep Bush's tax cuts for the rich, they'd better think of something else. If the next president turns out to be a republikkkan, they will be saddled with a worse deficit, but, you know, they'll try to pin it all on Obama like they always do.

  25. #25
    As an outsider, most Canadians think Barack is just fine and a heck of a lot better than what we've got.

    But I think Funky Fresh is pretty accurate in that no one could have seen this only two years ago.

    The message has been very garbled coming out; the health care debate dragged on and on and on and on. Whoever was responsible for that hopefully lost and is out. That was crippling. Unemployment is very bad. And too much money was spent in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and in flying bigwigs to Washington to save their jobs.

    So the Democrats have taken a beating tonight.

    This will help Barack two years from now. But he's got to start communicating again - don't let Bill Clinton be the leader and go back to two years ago and notch it up from hereforward.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    The message has been very garbled coming out; the health care debate dragged on and on and on and on. Whoever was responsible for that hopefully lost and is out. That was crippling.
    Here's what I don't think you get: The side that made the debate drag on and on won. Dirty politics, lies, racism, ideology, corrupt supreme court rulings, and a shitload of corporate money wins elections down here. If Sarah Palin runs in two years, we may be able to add ignorance and profound stupidity too.

    Unemployment is very bad.
    Not in all areas. But, if you think the republikkkan/tea-bagger majority in the House will fix that, you are wrong. They only have corporate America at heart.

    And too much money was spent in Iraq, in Afghanistan
    And the Bush administration kept it hidden.

    and in flying bigwigs to Washington to save their jobs.
    What are you talking about?

    So the Democrats have taken a beating tonight.
    It could have been worse.

    This will help Barack two years from now.
    How do you figure? The new guys will do nothing but stall things, bring up crap, and fight with the Democratic-controlled Senate and the President. Obama will start vetoing bad bills that get through.

    But he's got to start communicating again
    That's where he really went wrong. I guess, like most other Democrats, he thought intelligence and common sense would prevail over the republicans. Not!

    - don't let Bill Clinton be the leader and go back to two years ago and notch it up from hereforward.
    Now what are you going on about?
    Last edited by soulster; 11-03-2010 at 12:09 AM.

  27. #27
    It appeared to me as well that the Republicans dragged out the healthcare debate; but I think the Dems did not seem to have their own house in order before the proceeded and that helped the Republicans. They should have agreed clearly on what they wanted to pass before the free for all started.

    I am certain that Republicans would make umemployment worse and they care about the consequences less.

    George Bush ran the deficit to a trillion dollars, not the Democrats.

    Many Democrats were afraid to have Barack come around to campaign for them; they went back to Bill Clinton because he was safer. I think Barack has to get like Bill did after his Monica ride.....................drop the chin, drop any academic sheen or pretence, and come out fighting. I guess as President, with media all over these days, you must always be campaigning. I think the new guys will go in there, show themselves for the trolls they are and two years from now, it will help Barack win again.

    Remember when the Executives from the Car Companies flew in to Washington in private jets to ask for bailouts! Some of those wasteful images stuck with the Democrats unfortunately.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    It appeared to me as well that the Republicans dragged out the healthcare debate; but I think the Dems did not seem to have their own house in order before the proceeded and that helped the Republicans. They should have agreed clearly on what they wanted to pass before the free for all started.

    I am certain that Republicans would make umemployment worse and they care about the consequences less.

    George Bush ran the deficit to a trillion dollars, not the Democrats.

    Many Democrats were afraid to have Barack come around to campaign for them; they went back to Bill Clinton because he was safer. I think Barack has to get like Bill did after his Monica ride.....................drop the chin, drop any academic sheen or pretence, and come out fighting. I guess as President, with media all over these days, you must always be campaigning. I think the new guys will go in there, show themselves for the trolls they are and two years from now, it will help Barack win again.

    Remember when the Executives from the Car Companies flew in to Washington in private jets to ask for bailouts! Some of those wasteful images stuck with the Democrats unfortunately.

    The Democrats had nothing to do with the car executive travelling in luxury thing. But, guess what? The car bailout worked.

    You also have too much faith in the American people to do the right thing. You see what happened tonight.

    If nothing else was learned tonight, we learned that the politics of fear works, but being a complete moron still wit get you elected...yet. Sharon Angle and Christine McDonnell lost, but too many people still voted for them.

  29. #29
    Soulster, you can type a million k's in Republican and it still won't change the simple fact that your party failed to give the American people what they wanted. This after riding a momentum so high with a Republican president being so hated. A majority house, senate and control of the White house and your party still couldn't do it. Your answer and the answer of so many extreme leftists like yourself?? "Its the Republicans fault..."

    So sad...Again, the Dems had a chance but instead got so drunk off power they passed out and "shit the bed". Fo' real.
    We have yet to see what this power shift will do but my guess is that it will be more of the staus quo. The Democratic and Republican platforms really have little to no interest in reducing the deficit or enacting policies to improve American life. Its just more government to gain profit.

    Both parties want to continue war mongering.
    Both parties want to continue pumping Billions in foreign interests.
    Both parties want to turn a blind eye to the apartheid and ethnic cleansing taking place in Israel and refuse to admit that by doing so it endangers the lives of American citizens. They don't "hate our freedom".
    Both parties kowtow to corporate interests with funding from the major corporations.
    Both parties have NO plan to pay down the national debt. [[pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan. ending aid to foreign countries until we help our own??)
    Both parties want to continue to have the Fed print more money and devalue the dollar.

    Like Pat Paulsen once said, "Assuming either the Left Wing or Right Wing gained control of the country, it would probably fly around in circles."

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Big business is a whore. They will fund anyone who will serve their best interests. Actually, that's a lot smarter than most citizens, who will vote for ideology and fear over their own best interests.
    That is exactly what happened AGAIN last night!

  31. #31
    A little political analysis. The Republicans are going to have to show that they can govern, but their right flank won't let them, in the same way the Democrats had trouble with their left flank over the last couple of years. The "Tea Party" Republicans have shown an unwillingness to compromise....at least in their campaign speaches....and that's going to cause a big problem for a party still has no clear message outside of cliches. If they don't come up with a cohesive stratigy, the public will do to the Republicans what they did to the Democrats this year.

    The other major problem the Republicans are going to have is in 2012. With the party swinging right almost to the extreme, if I were a Republican stratigist, I'd be a little fearful that the party might nominate the 2012 equivilant of Barry Goldwater for President. I think this is why you see people like Karl Rove making disparaging remarks about Sarah Palin. Fringe candidates can win local [[Congressional) elections, but [[WITH EXCEPTION), have a much more difficult time with statewide or national ones.

    Regardless of what people think, the voters are mostly centerest. Center right, or center left, depending on their mood at any one given time, and politicians who proclame liberal or conservative mandates forget that fact.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    Soulster, you can type a million k's in Republican and it still won't change the simple fact that your party failed to give the American people what they wanted.
    Obama did try to give Americans what they wanted, but they did business with the insurance companies and we didn't get the public option. That angers a LOT of people! Don't you understand that the congressional republikkkans and democrats are in the insurance companies pocket? And, it's no secret that the republikkkans are trying to ruin Obama, and they have said this from day one. Everyone knows this. All they want to do is get back in the driver's seat, and they play dirty. And, I use the "k"s in their name because they have a loooong history of playing the race card and is filled with racists and bigots. The examples are too numerous to mention!

    So sad...Again, the Dems had a chance but instead got so drunk off power they passed out and "shit the bed". Fo' real.
    Drunk with power? The dems don't know how to use the power they had. Obama's problem is that he thinks he can negotiate with satan.

    We have yet to see what this power shift will do but my guess is that it will be more of the staus quo. The Democratic and Republican platforms really have little to no interest in reducing the deficit or enacting policies to improve American life. Its just more government to gain profit.
    There's one thing we agree on.

    Both parties want to continue war mongering.
    People do not care that much about the war. They care about jobs.

    Both parties want to continue pumping Billions in foreign interests.
    Especially the republkkkcans...

    Both parties want to turn a blind eye to the apartheid and ethnic cleansing taking place in Israel and refuse to admit that by doing so it endangers the lives of American citizens. They don't "hate our freedom".
    No one in the U.S. except for the JDL, freaking cares about Isreal's problems when they can't pay their medical bills or find a decent job.

    Both parties kowtow to corporate interests with funding from the major corporations.
    Look at the numbers. Republicans got much more from corporate and anonymous interests than the dems this time. And, the republicans have their own network...Fox.

    Both parties have NO plan to pay down the national debt. [[pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan. ending aid to foreign countries until we help our own??)
    You keep harping on foreign policy when it just isn't that important when the republikkkans deny children health care, decent schooling, and safer food. GOP + big business.

    Both parties want to continue to have the Fed print more money and devalue the dollar.
    Then, tell me why the federal reserve hasn't done that in two years.

    Like Pat Paulsen once said, "Assuming either the Left Wing or Right Wing gained control of the country, it would probably fly around in circles."
    You are trying so hard to sound like you are in the middle, but you lean to the right. Just admit it.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    That is exactly what happened AGAIN last night!
    The numbers are in. Older white people voted in the largest numbers. No real surprise there. Most everyone else either doesn't have the time, or doesn't know about, or see the importance of a congressional election.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug-Morgan View Post
    A little political analysis. The Republicans are going to have to show that they can govern, but their right flank won't let them, in the same way the Democrats had trouble with their left flank over the last couple of years. The "Tea Party" Republicans have shown an unwillingness to compromise....at least in their campaign speaches....and that's going to cause a big problem for a party still has no clear message outside of cliches. If they don't come up with a cohesive stratigy, the public will do to the Republicans what they did to the Democrats this year.

    The other major problem the Republicans are going to have is in 2012. With the party swinging right almost to the extreme, if I were a Republican stratigist, I'd be a little fearful that the party might nominate the 2012 equivilant of Barry Goldwater for President. I think this is why you see people like Karl Rove making disparaging remarks about Sarah Palin. Fringe candidates can win local [[Congressional) elections, but [[WITH EXCEPTION), have a much more difficult time with statewide or national ones.

    Regardless of what people think, the voters are mostly centerest. Center right, or center left, depending on their mood at any one given time, and politicians who proclame liberal or conservative mandates forget that fact.
    This is why the republicans are in real trouble now. We will see a real battle for the soul of the GOP. Extremists vs. the level-headed. Now it will be clear just who the real obstructionists to Obama's efforts are. Already, they are arguing about Sarah Palin [[again), and still throwing up the same clowns who ran for POTUS last time.

    And, not even voters can agree on where the center is.

  35. #35
    Interesting analysis Doug and I tend to agree. "Bonner" [[deliberate misspelling) is going to run into the same thing from the TP that he pulled on the Dems, an obstructionist mindset. Unless it turns out he has more balls and persuasive powers than I think he does , which I doubt.

    The TP has already begun targeting Repubs. The Koch Brothers and other corporations that poured massive amounts of money into the TP were not looking at some short term gain. [[ie last nights results) This is and was a long term strategy since they know like most thinking adults it will take years [[I once read 50 years) before a 3rd party could have any power. What they [[TP) do have, is the ability to turn the Repub party into an even bigger joke. Already there are polls saying the GOP will disappoint voters....DUH, ya think!

    The one point I will disagree on, I don't think it's politicians that forget this is a center left or center right country [[depending on the mood) it's the voters that forget but I think there is an interesting and somewhat encouraging sign to all of this. [[at least for Dems) As much of a beating as Dems took last night, it should have been worse considering the state of the economy. The fact they [[Dems) held on to the senate is impressive as hell and although not talked about on a wide scale, Reids win was MAJOR. The amount of money thrown at defeating him was obscenely outrageous and Nevada is one of the worse hit states in the US... and if you know anything about Nevada outside of Clark County you understand even more why Reid's win was so impressive. Clark County [[Vegas, and the outlining suburban areas) represents 70% of the voting population in Nevada....the misstep Repubs made, was not recognizing the growth in the Latino population in those areas and ignoring how engaged they were going to be in this election. [[and future elections as well) They looked at the 2008 Latino turnout as a fluke, pretty much like they looked at younger voters....that was a mistake and it cost them big time.
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-03-2010 at 06:33 PM.

  36. #36
    A question for both Ms. M and Soulster [[or anyone else, for that matter).....

    Do you think that the Republican party conservatives will be so full of themselves that the party runs the risk of running a "Goldwater" for President in 2012?

    [[Not to pick on the Republicans, but the Dems had their share of "McGovern's" too.....)

  37. #37
    Sure, I think they will either run Palin or Rubio out of Florida in 2012.

  38. #38
    Doug, I personally don't think there is a viable candidate that could beat the President at this point, unless they have someone under wraps and if that's the case they need to reveal him/her soon.

    Romney could probably give President Obama a tough run but the Repubs despise Romney. They [[Repubs) have dug themselves in a hole and it's going to be interesting and amusing watching them try to dig themselves out.

  39. #39
    Let me rephrase that, it's the Republican leadership that despises Romney. His base is pretty solid though.

  40. #40
    Ms M I was waiting for someone to mention Harry Reid! The blue collar people did a lot of grass roots work in Nevada and kept him in this shocked the heck out of me! I was so proud of Democrats today for that one reason and that we still kept the Senate. Now this is not a horrible thing if President Obama looks at this the best thing he can do is to work on job creation [[somehow) and plot and plan like the GOP does. People dont realize they work their machines early and the Dems wait until the last minute. Miss CEO of Ebay thought throwing money in ads would win but its really the grass roots efforts that work President Obama and Howard Dean have proven that to be true. The Repubs picked up on it as well the first time I saw anything about a tea party was on Hannity and then it migrated over to Glenn Beck and then all of Fox News had it and was praising their little revolution. All of this started very early they knew exactly what they were doing. The only thing that gets Palin over is her looks it is certainly not her intellect. Palin is lucky she was a governor because if she didnt have that cred behind her she would have met the same fate as Christine I am not a witch McDonnell. Palin has governed something [[how well I dont know) and it gives her experience to claim. I dont know if he will but we may see Mitt Romney come back into the fold he has the looks, the conservative charm, and business experience that the Repubs need to be big again.

    Michael Steele was on Morning Joe this morning looking all high and mighty but I think they may oust him too and try to find someone more appealing to their base they were just looking for the black vote with him. I didnt expect to see this many hispanics winning I was taken aback by that they Repubs have made some inroads there but not in Nevada. If Obama can turn the economy around he stands a real good chance of getting elected again.
    We can forget the Rand Pauls of the world right now his thinking is too narrow watch out of this Mark Orubio guy I think he is the next republican rock star.

  41. #41
    The ground game in Nevada was extremely impressive and it was the Obama team that actually put Nevada in play during the 2008 election. An extremely smart and strategic move but with that said, I give just as much if not more credit to the voters of Nevada. Nevada is a small state and outside of Vegas is conservative as all get out. As quiet as it's kept, most Nevadans don't like Reid but they are not stupid. Reid brought [[and will continue to bring) jobs to the state. The voters didn't let emotion and politics get in the way of common sense. A lesson the rest of the conservative population in this country should heed but I doubt they will....and so it goes.

  42. #42
    Doug, thinking more about your question, I can see Cantor being cocky enough to throw his hat in the ring and it's possible he could get the GOP [[at least in part) behind him but that would make for an interesting set of dynamics in the party. If you noticed, he started separating himself from "Boner" pretty early on. In terms of how voters look at things on a visceral level, he could appeal to women and younger Republicans. He's also a malleable puppet which would please many in the GOP but I remember how President Obama shot him down on numerous occasions during health reform. Each time it happened he had this really goofy [[I feel stupid) look on his face....that would not play well.

    Again, I don't see a viable candidate and I think the GOP knows this. Their only hope is continuing to fool voters and pointing the finger at Dems for their[[Repubs) inability to lead. The messaging from the GOP is solid in terms of how they push it and but listening to the press conference today, the President has acknowledged the Dems have to step up their game. I think they will and it helps that the blue dogs [[or what I refer to as Dixiecrats) are gone so we shall see.
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-03-2010 at 08:02 PM.

  43. #43
    Oh dear, Doug I just did some research and another name jumps out but before I reveal it, let me set the stage.

    There was once a young man who became very wealthy. He never wrote a book or did anything significant so his personal wealth didn't come that way and prior to becoming rich he was a failed, broke businessman. However, he did manage to get a loan, [[at 5%) buy into the Texas Rangers and become GM. Being GM put his face in the public eye, he became famous and well known in his state and was elected gov. After the election, that really sweet loan deal was forgiven and he went on to serve two terms as the POTUS. That young man was Bush Jr and there is now a another Texas governor who's financial beginnings is errily similar. ....RICK PERRY.

    For now, Perry's problem is Palin since they are in cahoots but it may be just a matter of time before he finds a way to throw her under the bus while holding on to her supporters and there is no shame in my game when I say, THAT'S a scary proposition to ponder.

  44. #44
    OH....and before I go back into semi hibernation, here is another interesting turn of events. Apparently the TP is already back peddling on all the rhetoric that got them votes. LOL...ya gotta love politics.....and note the reference to "40 year plan"

    The Tea Party Patriots, one of the the largest Tea Party umbrella organizations, with over 1,000 local chapters, hosted a press conference this morning to offer its reactions to last night’s elections and its vision going forward.
    Co-founder Mark Meckler tried to pre-empt expectations among the faithful that Washington would shrink and the federal deficit would close overnight, instead alluding to a “forty-year plan” that the group was busy working out with its members. The plan, according to Meckler, was a highway with four lanes, only one of which was explicitly political. The other three were educational, judicial and cultural.
    “All civilizations and empires have fallen because their cultures became decadent,” Meckler said. “We need to lift up conservative culture, family values and wholesome things by supporting conservative musicians, writers, artists and producers.”
    link to article below.


  45. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug-Morgan View Post
    A question for both Ms. M and Soulster [[or anyone else, for that matter).....

    Do you think that the Republican party conservatives will be so full of themselves that the party runs the risk of running a "Goldwater" for President in 2012?

    [[Not to pick on the Republicans, but the Dems had their share of "McGovern's" too.....)
    I sure do! Worse, I think if the radical fringe prevails, Palin will be their choice. No way can she actually win...no...wait...

  46. #46
    Well, I will hope for you guys that Sarah is the nominee; I'd assume Edith Bunker could win if Sarah does. But if the "ding dongs" in North Korea and Venezuela can "run" a country, maybe she can too. I think she needs to go over and spend a month with Fidel to get some brains.

  47. #47
    and Stephen Harper is not that bad. I hear he makes good pancakes........hehehehehe!

  48. #48
    Before anyone gets flips out or offended. I got that joke from Rick Mercer of the Mercer Report [[CBC).

  49. #49
    If he'd just stick to making pancakes, we would be happy. And if he would listen to Barack, Joe, Bill, Hilary and take it to heart...................

  50. #50
    rotflmao.....I could not pass this up and Marv, I tip my hat....I like the way you slid that in.

    All jokes aside though, as a citizen of the USA I don't concern myself with the inner workings of Canadian politics but Harper should be taken seriously. He's a social conservative and unlike Palin he's intelligent. By most account,s he's also quite meticulous in his efforts to turn Canadian government far right. Some feel he's succeeding. If a Stephen Harper type character were to turn up here, the political landscape could be....uncomfortably interesting.


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