Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
Let's all keep in mind that Diane has not uttered a PEEP about this, and well, that says it all. I mean, a 5 year relationship that never resulted in an engagement or marriage is portrayed as this sweeping, epic love story... and then Diana being portrayed as some little unpolished ghetto chick that Berry plucked from obscurity and molded into a superstar, just like God himself creating the heavens and the earth... and then when she gets the RCA deal, it's all like "I've made you into a beautiful star, you have outgrown me, now fly, my little bird, be free!" I'm sure Diana probably feels insulted as hell. Rhonda is "publically" supporting it, because it's her daddy... but in private, I can bet my bottom dollar the opinion ain't so rosy.
I think she is keeping a low profile because it would overshadow the show. She certainly won't attend the Motown Alumni performance because it would take away the focus from the others. Nothing sinister here...