Quote Originally Posted by Kamasu_Jr View Post
Dee Dee Sharp's What Kind of Lady still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. What an explosive record. I don't see how it failed. My dad says it caused him to have his second fight with his friend who worked in a record store in Detroit at the time. My dad had him order the record and I guess it was hard to get. But dad kept pestering the guy to get the record, so he figured it must have been hot if my dad wanted it so bad. He finally got it, played it and called my dad, who was a teen, into the store. The guy said: "Is this the piece of sh-t you've been so eager to get? It Sucks! What is wrong with you? You are slipping..." Of course my dad defended it. The store owner and my dad argued and cussed back and forth...Dad stopped going into the store... for about a week. He still has What Kind of Lady and still plays it loud. To appreciate it and get the full impact, What Kind of Lady should not be played on some tinny- sounding player. You gotta play it loud.
Great story, Kamasu. Kudos to your dad for standing up for a great song!

Dee Dee has always been one of my favorite female vocalists. Her Cameo & Gamble/P.I.R. years were the best; I still get goosebumps when I play her version of "I'm Not In Love". No doubt she took the original version by 10CC to new heights. Looking back at the many songs she has covered throughout her career as a recording artist, she excels in breathing new life on many of those songs.