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  1. #1

    Lawrence Fishburne's daughter does porn

    Under the name Cippy D, Vivid Video releases Montana Fishburne's first XXX video this month, and she outs Jamie Foxx too!



    Question is: will you buy it?

  2. #2
    I was wondering how long it would take this story to reach the clubhouse...

    Basically it all comes down to the fact that no matter how much or how little care
    and support you give to your children there will come a time when you will have to
    face the fact that you do not own them as individuals. People are going to do what
    they are going to do regardless. Personally I think if Montana going this route then
    she's already been doing things that would have upset her pops, had he known about
    it, for some time now. This is shocking for some but he's not the first well known entertainer to have a kid go off the beaten path, so to speak. His friend, jazz singer
    Cassandra Wilson had to pack up her son and move him out of New York because the
    boy kept getting in shit. Eventually L will have to get over it but right now I'd say
    whether it was her intention or not, and I've heard the airheaded talk she's been giving to the media, she just broke daddy's heart.
    I have no interest in seeing her "movie" or how far [[down) she'll go with it...

  3. #3
    Glad I'm not rearing children today is all I have to say!

  4. #4
    Yeah, they might want to make a video of someone rearing them!

  5. #5
    Unfortunately, it appears as though she's had some prior problems.

    It's been discovered that just last year, she was arrested for alleged prostitution or solicitation. It's said that she was able to escape with 2 years probation & sentenced to a work-release program. She was ordered to take a class in AIDS prevention & ordered to

    1.not charge [[or attempt to charge) money for sex
    2.have sex in a public place or a place "exposed to public view"
    3.hitchhike or otherwise engage drivers in conversation; and
    4. loiter in alleys or public streets "with the intent to solicit acts of prostitution."

    Read more: http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b194...#ixzz0w9irXYOd

    Here's a link to the court record of the case:


    Either way, this has got to be an incredibly sad thing for any parent to go through & it's a damning indictment of society-at-large for their reality show fixation, where any asshole with 2 lips can go on tv, make a complete asshole out of themselves & be held up by many as some sort of "star", for doing absolutley nothing while being totally devoid of talent. That this young lady believed that a tape would put her on the fast track to success speaks volumes about where we are today as a society.

  6. #6
    "That this young lady believed that a tape would put her on the fast track to success speaks volumes about where we are today as a society."

    I don't agree with that Juice, its more of a reflection of how kids are influenced by the bullshit that comes into their living room. Sometimes we have to take a step back and realize that an individual can make independent choices and let them run with it. I ain't blaming society on this wacked out young lady. She could decide tomorrow that she wanted to be a Nurse and nobody would say shit about it and they sure wouldn't blame it on society.

  7. #7

    I agree with you, but that's the excuse that this young lady has floated out there by way of explaining this.

    She was quoted as saying how it helped Kim Kardashian & she firgured that it would help her career as well. I haven't checked that far into it, is she trying to have an acting or singing career?

  8. #8


    I really can't answer that Juice, she is but a momentary aberration. But what I can say is that "back in the day" you could wait a lifetime for an opportunity of 15 minutes of fame, now that opportunity can arrive at your doorstep in "15 seconds" and may take 15 years to overcome the damage.

  9. #9
    Gurlie doesn't have a clue, in addition to the quote Juice posted she also backtracked and said she wasn't doing it for fame, she just wanted to do porn. [[insert rolling eyes here)
    My theory, some dude opened her nose and turned her out....whatever.

    As one of your infamous Chi Town folks would say Kdub.....here's some real talk.....seems to me if you're going to be a "hoe" at least be a good hoe...this chica is amateurish as all get out and some new sensationalize, manufactured drama will soon take her place.

  10. #10
    Her problems go far beyond looking for the fast track to stardom and independent wealth. I could say it's about the money, but she's the daughter of one of the most respected and accomplished actors around. I think she's lashing out, and think maybe she was sexual victim during her childhood. You know she has to have used/been given drugs too.

    Censored stills and videos have already been leaked to the internet. I've seen them. Ho-boy! "sigh"

  11. #11
    kdubya, I wouldn't totally dismiss Juice's comments as to where we are as a society. I have seen a hell of a lot
    of really crazy shit in the last 15-20 years that has made me wonder seriously about the future of the human race
    at large. And as far as the influence of television which I assume you are refering to, I simply don't get the appeal of
    so much of the shows people I know schedule their time around. As far as "reality tv" is concerned...if it's staged for
    television, how real can it be?....They say men are from Mars and women from Venus. These people must be from Uranus....

  12. #12
    All I can see is Laurence, sitting alone at home, face-in-hands wondering what went wrong, and how he can show his face in public after this..

    What's creepier is when I see those stills on the internet, she has her father's looks.

    But, there's nothing her father can do. She's an adult and is in a legit porno, to be rented or sold at a video dealer near you, bought online, or downloaded for free on bittorrent.
    Last edited by soulster; 08-10-2010 at 12:55 PM. Reason: typos

  13. #13
    Atlanta Teen Receives $1 Million Dollars In Academic Scholarships, Named First Black Valedictorian In 10 Years


    What part of society is responsible for this young man? and at what point do we make individuals responsible for their own behavior?

    I read a study recently that found baby boomers were the largest group among drug users. Which society is at fault for that the one we live in today or the one WE created?

    Every generation changes, some things are good, some things are not so good but to blame society for individual behavior is becoming the cop out du jour. I don't see how that helps anyone to take responsibility for their own acts and maybe that's part of the reason why people continue to make dumb decisions...they can point the finger somewhere else and not where it squarely belongs.

    Parts of society thought [[and still think) it's cute and funny to hit people over the head and stick their fingers in your eye, eg The Three Stooges...I know many, many ,many people that never mimic that behavior....hmmmmmm

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post

    ... and at what point do we make individuals responsible for their own behavior?

    I read a study recently that found baby boomers were the largest group among drug users. Which society is at fault for that the one we live in today or the one WE created?
    You have a point. We could blame drugs for a lot of things, but even many drug users have a line they will not cross. Montana doesn't seem like she's under the influence of anything. I believe her's is an emotional issue.

    Whatever the case, it's a done deal. As of this morning, her DVD's on sale for around $35. They'll probably even do a Blu-ray version.

  15. #15
    You know what, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it is society's fault because the one thing people fail to say or refuse to see...society isn't just the other guy .....WE are society as well ....hello!

  16. #16
    Soulster why does it have to be a reason....hell I think one thing, you think another but maybe this kid really is comfortable in her pimply butt skin and likes being an exhibitionist...who the heck knows and in the end why does it really matter or affect anyone other than her parents, her and the people she is involve with.

    Porn is a big ticket item and always has been.....even before the current society came into affect. If it were anyone else other than Laurence Fisburne's daughter most people would not think about this for more than 2 seconds but bottom line, it's ultimately her cross to bare. [[no pun intended) I hope the rest of her life turns out to be a good one. If not now, hopefully later.
    Last edited by ms_m; 08-10-2010 at 01:38 PM.

  17. #17
    Ms M, I'm not blaming the actions of individuals on society in general, I'm just saying the number of people following others
    off cliffs seems to grow larger every year and a lot of crazy that could have been contained when it was just doing addition and subtraction, is now doing multiplication, long division and algebra...

  18. #18
    Much of that has to do with instant communication Splanky. People have been doing outrageous things since time began, we just hear about it more now.

  19. #19
    The irony in all of this, you would think Montana Fisburne was the very first person to ever do a porn video, or that people never got their bottoms spanked, and wore 2 pieces of cloth [[if that much) on their body until rap videos came out.....LOL...folks are too funny sometimes

  20. #20
    ...and that going over the cliff thing....I bet your mom said the same thing as mine...."if your friends jump off a cliff does that mean your stupid behind should do the same?"

    My friends did a lot of things that I didn't do [[some I did do) but at each step of the way, it was my choice.

  21. #21
    Exhibitionism? I would have thought so too, except that she was arrested for prostitution. As socially liberal as I am, I have trouble believing that a well-adjusted person would prostitute themselves on the street, assuming it was on the street.

  22. #22
    ms_m right we can't really blame todays society for the mistakes that have been done in the past. If the girl did what the girl did, she's rather out of of her mind, or she doesn't care about herself. Both way's must hurt the feelings of her family and friends. I'll leave it to the family to deal with that.
    About who else to blame for this, we need to look at ourselfs first, and admit that we inherited a beautiful place to live in, but it comes with bad side effects. Maybe we get rid of them effects one day. One of the side effects is money, another is fame. Both of them gone, we wouldn't need so many hookers and the girl probably choosen different career.

  23. #23
    BTW....I understand Montana has a brother [[close to her age) that by all accounts is a very nice young man. Two kids from the same environment...how does one explain that?

  24. #24
    Ollie in all honesty I'm not a prude when it comes to porn but because society as a whole is, I do feel sad for the way this young lady will be treated. I do however agree we played a big part in creating this society, this world we live in now... the good and the bad and we need to own up to that.

  25. #25
    So prostituting yourself off the streets is ok?

    I could tell you stories about females who come across by societal standards as normal as apple pie and twice as upstanding but they use that thang for every diamond, designer dress and Jimmy Choo shoe they own....what's the dif?

  26. #26
    Prostitution is legal in Clark County [[NEV) but not the city of Las Vegas. These women do their thing, are required to undergo frequent medical examines, are not breaking any laws and I've never heard one person on SDF condemn this business.

    You know what part of society annoys me, the hypocritical side and I will be the first to admit I can be all up in that part of society as well. Try freeing yourself folks and be honest about self before judging and condemning others.

  27. #27
    One more thing Soulster and I have to run some errands. Have you ever read, "I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings", if not pick up a copy and then tell me if you think Maya Angelou is a well adjusted person.

  28. #28
    ms_m i agree. In todays society we have to make the best out of this beautiful place, and yes everybody has a responsibility in making it a better world, including me. Yes again the media loves those thing's and the girl and her famous dad will suffer from that, because as you say, the society does not compute. I didn't play a part in the creation of this society and i'm not to blame for the side effects. Humans are like music or whisky, good or bad. Not that you get me wrong here, i don't mean that humans get born bad or evil, but at one point in life each one of us makes a decision. Maybe the role as a daughter of a famous actor was too much for her, running after fame and money is the game of the day. I can forgive and forget that she did what she did.

  29. #29
    I didn't play a part in the creation of this society
    You're a much better person than I am Ollie beacuse my behavior has not, and is not always stellar. I'll take my share of the blame but I'll also take my share in the credit for the good as well.

  30. #30
    i'm not so different ms_m, and certainly not better. It's just i never voted in my life, never was in the army, never ever in a political party, so, i didn't play part in the creation of this society. Which is based on those pillars right ? I did indeed help to shape the environment. Doin' it right now.

  31. #31
    Well...it could be argued that Not DOING certain things can have an affect on society as much as DOING certain things but I'll leave that argument/discussion for others.

    Great talking to you Ollie!

  32. #32
    Ms. M, I think you misunderstand me. I'm not judging or condemning anyone.

    I always wonder what kind of thing brings people to do what they do. I don't have a problem with stripping/adult vids/prostitution. I only hope that if someone does these things it is out of a sound choice.

    I do admit, though, that it's hard to have a liberal attitude about the sex industry, even in this day and time. Someone's always out there to condemn you for having such an easy attitude toward it. There are no doubt people on this forum who are uncomfortable with this very topic on this forum.

  33. #33
    Okay, excuse me for a minute...
    I have never been nor considered myself a saint, angel or especially good and beautiful
    human being. I have been in the Army, have voted and have skipped elections [[to
    refuse to act is an act in itself regardless of outcome), have viewed pornography,
    have tried drugs[[ I smoked weed for YEARS !) and 2 of my best friends have been both
    strippers and prostitutes. Sure, I wished they had found better ways to make a living,
    but I couldn't feed them, house them or clothe them. All that said, I still say Montana
    Fishburne is making a mess of her life and it's relevant news to me considering her father's well earned status as an actor is being used as the leverage for this latest step. If she were
    Miriam Gladden from the Frederick Douglass Houses in Harlem it wouldn't even be in the New York Daily News....

  34. #34
    NO, I didn't misunderstand anything, I read and comprehend extremely well.

    Personally I think this country has way too many hang ups about sex. People do what they do for a variety of reasons, if they want their behind swinging in the wind, fine by be...it's not my butt so I'm cool and if I don't want to see their butt I don't have to look. If turning away I happen to catch a glimpse, I'll be stress free from any traumatic shock.

    All I'm saying is this, sometimes you should take the high road and simply wish people well who may seem to be heading for trouble because of double standards in society and just leave it at that. That goes for me, you Soulster or anyone.

    If it's relevant to you Splanky so be it but I'm curious, would it be relevant news to you if her father wasn't famous?

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post

    Personally I think this country has way too many hang ups about sex. People do what they do for a variety of reasons, if they want their behind swinging in the wind, fine by be...it's not my butt so I'm cool and if I don't want to see their butt I don't have to look. If turning away I happen to catch a glimpse, I'll be stress free from any traumatic shock.

    All I'm saying is this, sometimes you should take the high road and simply wish people well who may seem to be heading for trouble because of double standards in society and just leave it at that. That goes for me, you Soulster or anyone.
    Good points! And, you're right, none of us would be talking about this if her daddy hadn't been famous.

    I guess i'll go help pay for some girl's college education this evening. Just kidding!

  36. #36
    Ms M, that would depend entirely or whether I' d known her and/or her family personally which is really what my day
    to day concerns revolve around...

  37. #37


    When you stop to think how long so call sexual illicit behavior has been in existence, Montana and her exploits are nothing more than a drop in the bucket. I know a doctor [[male) who put himself through college doing some interesting things.

    Life can take us down different roads, where we untimely end up is up to us.

  38. #38
    which is really what my day
    to day concerns revolve around...
    ...and that's my point Splanky, in the end it's not truly relevant to your life or mine unless you know these people personally. We can show compassion and concern for others, I think that's more than admirable and a very positive attribute but when we start throwing in negative stuff at people we don't know personally....

  39. #39
    As far as her "outing" Jamie Foxx, I believe that people who spill business like that over the internet or Twitter are despicable.

    It's not the best way to make friends, nor to remain in the best of physical health.

    Thus far, it looks like she's 0-3 & she has a lot of growing up to do. And when she does mature, I believe that she's going to look back at all of this with regret.

    It's truly said that it's a shame that youth has to be wasted on the young.

  40. #40
    She is a very attractive young lady, and the quotes attributed to her are no different than some I"ve heard recently in person from young folk. They are of the mind set that they want their cake now, right now and if they get in in a non traditional way, then so be it.

    There are quite a few of you who are repeating what I said about fame, no not just television, but twitter, internet, cell phones, sex clubs [[ ask any pro athlete) or rapper, this route has been taken before, I cant remember the young girls name but she was famous for giving oral sex.

    The problem that I have with this, is that I refuse to be a part of anything that dehumanizes, degrades or denigrates women. This is a part of our culture that I will never ever condone or participate in. Sadly its very popular and viral.

    On the Old forum I recently waxed poetic [[at least I thought so) about the Temptations release "Woman" where the fellas sing about God's greatest gift to man " W-O-M-A-N", I love Raheeem DeVaughn's similar version as well. You can call me old fashioned but I dam sure sleep good at night, plus I have 3 granddaughters, a sister, Mom, Wife and several woman friends who I love and respect. She can do what she wants, but when this is over, the only reflection that she'll see in the mirror is herself......I feel for Mr. Fishburne but its not his call........

    I know its not funny, but I had to laugh at the irony when I used the word "viral" .......
    Last edited by paladin; 08-10-2010 at 06:27 PM.

  41. #41
    Kdub let me ask you this...men star in porn as well. Taking a cue from your post, could it not be said that men who act in porn are degrading themselves? If the answer is yes you will be the FIRST person who I know feels that way.

    Forget that, women can't do what men do and still be a lady BS because the truth is, women do skanky/freaky crap behind closed doors err day all day and their men don't have a problem with it and think they are the queen of the Universe...but don't let the neighbors see ya cuz then you a hoe.....lawd love a duck

    MAYBE and this is just a maybe, it's this type of stereotyping Montana is rebelling against. shrugs

    Who really knows what the entire story is behind this young woman's choices but you have to entertain the possibility that she truly is comfortable with this decision. If she is [[and I'm not saying that as fact one way or the other) but if she is comfortable with this, she isn't the one with issues. Just a thought.

  42. #42
    As far as what we're seeing these days, I do lay a LOT of blame at the feet of OUR generation & the one before.

    If you think back, the seeds for what we're seeing today began back in the 60s, with all of that "make love, not war", free-love thinking that many were espousing. One of the things about Kennedy that really resonated with many back then was that he was a breath of fresh air & youthful energy, in an era that had been stifled by the damn near [[and very FAKE) puritanical "moral" values that stifled many during the Eisenhower years.

    If you look just a few years before that, to about 1955/56, this spirit was best exemplified by the way that the youth responded & embraced "rebels" such as James Dean & Elvis Presley. Not the "how much is that doggie in the window, POLITE Elvis, but the Elvis who dressed like the tough guys, with the sneer on his lips.

    Little by little, morality has been chipped away & indeed, one of my mothers favorite sayings was, "if your friend jumps off of the roof, are you going to join him?" Indeed, we grew up with some common sense. But from the mid-60s on, very gradually & steadily, society has become more & more lax as regards morality. The primary difference between this generation & ours is that we had refuge & a safe-haven & weren't constantly assaulted with all of the bullshit that we see today. These kids see things today, that was simply unthought of in my childhood & even my teen years. Simply stated, our generation had boundaries, boundaries which have long since been smashed.

    And I blame our generation because many of the people responsible for the smashing of these boundaries have been those of OUR generation. Disney has always held itself up as a "moral" company who cares about the "wholesomeness" of our kiddis, yet through their subsidiaries, have been responsible for some of the smuttiest movies around.

    It was many men of my generation who abandoned families & spilled their seeds all over, without ever considering that those seeds that they dropped needed to be fed & nurtured & their absence & deriliction of responsibility has come back to haunt us in various ways.

    Either way, it all began with the rebellious spirit, the original intent of which was noble & a rather idealistic idea. However, once one barrier is broken down & certain behaviors become permissible, it seems as though it's only a matter of time before others decide to see just how far they can push that envelope.

    The next assault on society came when radio hired "shock jocks" who would be as outrageous as they wanted to be, because controversy, sex & drama sells. And truthfully, a whole lot of people bought into that. Then, came the movies which began to push the envelope of decency even further & TV followed closely behind. The first salvo which began to usher in changing mores was a little show named "Love, American Style", where they explored the various premises of free love & sex without committal & did it on a weekly basis.

    Naturally, it wouldn't be very long before music followed suit & the same suits that gave the go ahead for other forms of entertainment, gave their ok for music to become as nasty as it wanted to be. Does anyone remember the reaction & response when Ice-T released "Cop Killer"? The hypocrisy there being that it while verbotten to make a song about killing cops, they had absolutely ZERO problem with making money off of folks like NWA who killed damn near 50 blacks every song & denigrated women incessantly.

    And what does it say about a society where people are willing to make stars out of reality show assholes like Jon Gosselin [[whose only claim to fame seems to be the ability to impregnate his wife) & the folks from the various "Housewives", "Shores", etc., where the premium is placed on being the biggest & most obnoxious jerk imaginable?

    And it's been proven that this stupidity pays big bucks, but at what cost?

    I guess that what I'm saying is that when you dumb-down society to the point where idiocy becomes accepted as the norm & where it appears as though bad behavior is rewarded, this is what you get. The system of "checks & balances" that we grew up with made a difference in what most of us say, how we behaved, as well as how we lived our lives. That's not to suggest that we didn't have our fair share of miscreants, nor that we were angels.

    But we DID have a moral compass & a sense of boundaries, both of which are missing in this generation & the truth is that there's a reason why this is the case. Remember, a lot of what we're dealing with WAS NOT initially aimed, nor intended for mainstream consumption. Much of it definitely found its way there.

    This crap is like the "opiate of the masses" & the best way for many to go about their business is to have people so wrapped up in distraction & bullshit, that they don't even have the desire, nor the time to think any longer.

    I see all of this as a small part of a much bigger agenda & it appears to me as though it's working perfectly.

  43. #43
    Now that I think about it, I've seen young men get more grief for wearing their pants hanging off their buts than performing in porn videos or hustling on the street. [[men hustle /prostitute too ya know)

  44. #44
    I don't know Juice, morals haven't disappeared. Look at the video of the kid I posted above who is Val of his class and has received 1mil in scholarship money to go to college.

    Yep, we created the love not war thang and we were proud of it as I recall. Thought all the people who said we were wrong were old and unhip. We grew up,and our views changed [[many of us anyways) These kids will grow up and many of their views will change as well. I think it's all a part of the circle of life.
    Last edited by ms_m; 08-10-2010 at 06:58 PM.

  45. #45
    Ms M:

    Excellent point!

    Indeed, most of us men are guilty of stereotyping. I know of many fathers & even mothers who are quick to mentioned how popular their sons are with the ladies. Flip that script & if their daughters were equally popular or promiscuous & it's a totally different response.

    It reminds me of the saying that every man wants a virgin for a wife, but wants her to be able to handle her business [[more accurately stated, HIS BUSINESS). But if she hasn't the experience, the how is she going to blow his mind & be as skilled as he would like for her to be?

    Yes, there's a double-standard set firmly in place against women. Always has been & very likely, always will be. I think that some of that has to do with the fact that the image of purity for most men are their mother. And even though many like a woman who can blow their minds sexually & be a bit "trampy", for lack of a better phrase. But when it comes to "morals" & "good" girls vs. "bad" girls, there's some things that we just can't imagine our mothers doing.

    And if we CAN imagine it, we really don't ever want to deal with the idea that any of our moms may have been around the block, or taken many spins on the ol' door knob of life.

    I believe that's where the double-standard stems from. Unfair...yes. But hey...we're talking about moms!!!

  46. #46
    ...and I bet some CEO can look back at some WOODSTOCK footage and see his/her naked butt all in it's naked glory screwing up a storm and I also bet he/she may be a pretty decent human being today.

  47. #47
    some women don't like that double standard Juice.....I know I don't. Now granted I don't need to DO a porn video to protest it but hey, to each their own....LOL

    Again the real problem [[unless she is being forced) is the double standards of society she will have to deal with. If she can navigate the slings and arrows of that, she will be ok.

  48. #48
    That may well be true, but there's one thing that I've noticed about many of those type of folks...

    They love "morality" & wouldn't think of subjecting their own families or children to the types of things that they have no problem subjecting yours or mine to. Fo many of these folks, it seems to come down to a "class" thing. They, being of good breeding, would never be susceptible to such nonsense. WE, on the other hand, aren't as "cultured' as they, so if we should allow ourselves to get wrapped up in the b.s., then, too bad. They don't do it, so if we do, then that's our choice.

    Or course, their children have a few options & things as such which ours don't have.

    But when I think of the policies that have hurt ALL people the most, they're not written nor pushed by some 20-something year-old kid. When I think of all of the nastiness, deception & abuse which has been heaped upon the world at large, it's not a bunch of 19 year-old doing it. These things have been done for decades & it's been done by folks either of my generation or the one before. I contend that it is they whom have had the most to gain & have profited the most from the insanity.

    Truthfully, what do they care? It's not as though they're ever going to have to deal with it, nor suffer from it.

  49. #49
    Now I'm lost Juice, who is subjecting Montana to do anything she doesn't want to do. Is there proof that is happening.
    If she says she is cool with it and "they" can make money get real. Of course they would try and talk their own out of it, most parents would but she is a legal adult and "they" didn't need her parents permission.

    No one is to blame for this behavior but Montana herself as far as I can see. Until further evidence shows otherwise, she is the one that's responsible for her actions. If you really want to go on a crusade against the porn industry, Montana ain't the only one out here doing this sort of thing...fight and rally for all not just brother Fishburne's little baby girl.

  50. #50
    Juice are you aware that Hugh Hefner's DAUGHTER is in charge of his Playboy empire. She is the WOMAN responsible for putting all those naked women..oops I mean great articles in Playboy. Also one of the largest Porn film companies in this country is owned and operated by a woman....her name and the company escapes me but I'm sure the net will give you that info.

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