Every week from now until the end of December, we will ask people to list their favourite singles by year of release.

The years will commence with 1959/61 and then progress, one year per week, up to and including 1972.

This week, we are collecting votes for the year 1964.

Your task, should you wish to try it, is to list up to ten favourite singles released in 1964, in order.

Selections are to be made from singles included in each volume of The Complete Motown Singles series.

Where different singles were released in the UK, these may be includedtoo.

Both "A" and "B" sides may be selected.

The top single will be awarded 10 points and the bottom selection willwin 1 point.

All through the voting period, you can catch up by voting for earlier years.

The final results will be presented for your perusal over the Christmas holidays.

The invitation to participate in the poll is extended to everybody.

Votes should be sent to’s the Motown singles that were released in 1964 …with soundbites …that you may find helpful…

...and here’s my fave 10 Motown Singles from 1964 fave order...

10 How Can I - The Spinners
9 Girl [[Why You Wanna Make Me Blue) - The Temptations
8 My Guy - Mary Wells
8 Every Little Bit Hurts - Brenda Holloway
7 When I'm Gone -Mary Wells
6 He Was Really Sayin' Somethin' - The Velvelettes
5 Dancing In The Street - Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
4 Midnight Johnny -Liz Lands
3 Sweet Thing - TheSpinners
2 Baby I Miss You -Tommy Good
1 I Want Her Love -Jimmy Ruffin