Quote Originally Posted by R. Mark Desjardins View Post
Yes you may reproduce this. You share lot on this board, and I am only too pleased to give back to you. Some background - the photo was taken on the lower east side of Vancouver, Canada on the outside wall of a social service "drop in center" for the homeless. Someone painted this and I had previously posted it on my Facebook page to honor a recently deceased friend. I now see just how appropriate it is for Frank Wilson. His loving "Touch" to the work of the later day Supremes will live on!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to use this beautiful artwork R. Mark Desjardins. I'll frame it and place it on my Motown wall and every time I look at it I shall think of Frank Wison and you and I'll pray for the homeless that seek refuge in the shelter for Jesus said to them:

“Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”

Thank God the homeless in Vancouver have this place to lay their heads.

God bless you.
