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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Have you not ever heard of gated communities? They are all over, and they are not all wealthy neighborhoods. Many are integrated. Many residents have citizens who patrol their areas. It's one of the benefits of living in a gated community. Obviously, Black people live in these too.

    What I see is that you have, in this case, a white wannabe cop who racially profiled a black kid and took matters into his own hands. He executed the teenager, lied about it, and the real cops refuse to do anything about it.
    Of course I have, soulster... just here here I live... gated communities are all rich and white.

  2. #52

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    The sooner George Zimmerman is arrested for the cold and callous murder of Trayvon Martin better.


  4. #54
    Fox News outrage noticeably absent concerning Trayvon Martin killing

    Ryan Witt
    Political Buzz Examiner
    + Subscribe

    Over the last week every major news network has covered the story of Trayvon Martin, but one network has covered the story noticeably less than others. CNN was the leader on the story of Martin’s killing from the start, mentioning the story 41 times from February 26 to March 19. MSNBC mentioned the story 13 times over the same time period. Fox News, on the other hand, only mentioned the story once. Since March 19 the story has exploded on MSNBC and CNN, with the Martin story being featured on nearly every show. Fox News, however, still has put the story in the background, only warranting a mention once every few hours.
    For those unfamiliar with the story, Martin was a 17 year-old African American student was shot by a self-appoint neighborhood watch captain named George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was white, and the 911 tapes from the incident suggest that race may have played a role in the killing. Martin was unarmed, and weighed nearly half as much as Zimmerman, yet Zimmerman was still not arrested for the killing because the police believe he acted in self-defense.

  5. #55
    Fox news: that network of racists
    republiKKKans: the party of racists

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Fox news: that network of racists
    republiKKKans: the party of racists
    Do you seriously believe the entire Democratic party, the party of Dixiecrats and Blue Dogs, the former party of Jesse Helms, Strong Thurman and George Wallace is racist free?

    Comments like yours fuel the flames of hate and negativity just as much as the atrocious acts of the other side.

    Two wrongs will never make a right and until people start to understand they can't adopt the tactics of the side they rail against, the BS in this country and around the world will never change.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Do you seriously believe the entire Democratic party, the party of Dixiecrats and Blue Dogs, the former party of Jesse Helms, Strong Thurman and George Wallace is racist free?

    Comments like yours fuel the flames of hate and negativity just as much as the atrocious acts of the other side.

    Two wrongs will never make a right and until people start to understand they can't adopt the tactics of the side they rail against, the BS in this country and around the world will never change.
    Ms. M: Tell me the last Democratic candidate who suggested that it was time for blacks to know that they won't have a better life by taking money away from other people. Oh, and how about a Democratic candidate who referred to the most powerful man in the free world as the "food stamp president" in addition to suggesting that black youth in urban centers be conscripted to do menial work such as janitorial service at a low enough wage that there'd be no need to pay prevailing union rates. There are, of course, racists in both parties, but the GOP is well aware that many of their base supporters hate black folks and they are openly courting that voting bloc.

  8. #58
    House Democrats Who Voted Against the Health Care Bill


    Specifics can vary from one person to the next but no group of people has a monopoly on right...

    You or no one can name every single Republican... politician or not and know what they are thinking or believe anymore than I can name every Dem.

    I'll even go out on a limb and say we both agree that racial profiling is wrong...so tell me what's right about PROFILING all Republicans and painting them with the same brush?

  9. #59
    Fair enough. However, is this not the party that is voting lockstep on almost all issues in Washington right now? Is this not the party wherein nearly every representative signed a pledge to NEVER raise taxes? The party whose supporters have rallied with bigoted and racist sayings on signs? Oh, by the way, has any party leader stepped in to say that such vile imagery and language is not something that they want or need? They are painting each other with the same brush.

    I submit that they are painting each other with the same brush for accountability, but if it makes you happy, I won't consider them the party of racists. It will remain my opinion, however, that racism may not be limited to the right, but voting racists are always welcome by the GOP.

  10. #60
    Jerry Oz, very few things in life are as simple as many people try to pretend they are and there are many reasons why things happen, many underlying situations and feelings....but Trevon Martin's mother said it best when she said, "this isn't a Black and White issue, it's a right and wrong issue." That's how the argument needs to be framed, that's how you get people to not only hear what you have to say but listen to what you have to say.

    I see people whine and moan because I said something to them that "hurt their feelings" but they have no remorse what so ever calling another person a name that can hurt. Again, two wrongs will never make a right, you want change, then you have to be different than the person doing wrong...any other way and we continue to go round and round in circles never getting anywhere. ....but you if you truly believe calling every Repub a KKK will change the way Repubs think, or the things they do

    do you... and wait for the change.

    I'm out!
    Last edited by ms_m; 03-22-2012 at 07:42 PM.

  11. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Do you seriously believe the entire Democratic party, the party of Dixiecrats and Blue Dogs, the former party of Jesse Helms, Strong Thurman and George Wallace is racist free?
    Not at all! And, of course not every republiKKKan is a racist. But, that's the image, and as long as they seem to publically condone or tolerate it within their party, I will continue to paint them with such a broad stroke.

    Comments like yours fuel the flames of hate and negativity just as much as the atrocious acts of the other side.
    Allow me my right to be angry. My anger is not totally misplaced.

    Two wrongs will never make a right and until people start to understand they can't adopt the tactics of the side they rail against, the BS in this country and around the world will never change.
    So, what kind of positive tactics do you recommend will work?

    There are certainly a lot of Democrat and liberal racists out there, but as far as their numbers are concerned, nothing can hold a candle to the current crop or republiKKKans/conservatives. I have talked to a few republicans who privately told me they are totally disgusted that the radicals have taken their party over, but they will never speak out about it publically because they hate Obama so much. The only ones that will change the republiKKKan party are the decent ones themselves, and it looks like, at this point, it ain't gonna happen anytime soon. They want to get back in power too bad.
    Last edited by soulster; 03-22-2012 at 09:36 PM.

  12. #62
    Reading comprehension has never been your strong suit.

    Have a great evening Soulster.

  13. #63
    I just heard something I missed. The police in Sanford let Zimmerman go and take the weapon with him. No testing done. The officers responsible for that should, at the very least, be relieved of duty. At most, arrest for willfully interfering with an investigation.

  14. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Reading comprehension has never been your strong suit.

    Have a great evening Soulster.
    What a pompous, arrogant b____! Consider yourself back on my ignore list. Did you comprehend that?
    Last edited by soulster; 03-23-2012 at 08:31 PM.

  15. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    I just heard something I missed. The police in Sanford let Zimmerman go and take the weapon with him. No testing done. The officers responsible for that should, at the very least, be relieved of duty. At most, arrest for willfully interfering with an investigation.
    Oh yeah! The drug-tested the slain youth, but did nothing to the shooter. This one of the main reasons the police are under fire. They did shoddy investigating.

  16. #66
    HAHAHAHA....I prefer MS. BITCH...but whatever floats your boat....LOL...and once again, have a great evening Soulster. LOL

  17. #67
    Fox News host Geraldo Rivera blames Trayvon's parents for letting him wear a hoodie. I guess he figures white people are scared of black people wearing hoods. SMH.

    Fox News host Geraldo Rivera thinks he knows who or what is to blame for the slaying of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin: the hoodie did it.

    Appearing on Fox News early Friday morning, Rivera conceded that George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who shot Martin, should be investigated, but he urged black and Latino parents to not allow their children to wear hooded sweatshirts.
    "I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin's death as George Zimmerman was," the host ranted. "You have to recognize that this whole stylizing yourself as a gangsta -- you're going to be a gangsta wannabe, well people are going to perceive you as a menace. That's what happens. It is an instant, reflexive action."
    Rivera compared the situation to NPR firing Fox News contributor Juan Williams for saying he was scared of Muslims at the airport because of the way they dressed.
    "That's an automatic reflex," Rivera explained. "When you see a black or Latino youngster, particularly on the street, you walk to the other side of the street. You try to avoid that confrontation. Trayvon Martin, God bless him. He's an innocent kid, a wonderful kid, a box of Skittles in his hand, he didn't deserve to die, but I'll bet you money if he didn't have that hoodie on, that nutty neighborhood watch guy wouldn't have responded in that violent and aggressive way."
    Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy noted that New Yorkers on Wednesday had held a "Million Hoodie March" in support of Martin.
    "You cannot rehabilitate the hoodie," Rivera insisted. "I understand that the reaction might be overzealous or even irrational in some extent. You are not going to rehabilitate the hoodie. Stop wearing it!"
    "There are some things that are almost inevitable. I'm not suggesting that Trayvon Martin had any kind of weapon or anything. He wore an outfit that allowed someone to respond in this irrational, overzealous way. And if he had been dressed more appropriately -- I think unless it is raining out or you are at a track meet, leave the hoodie home."
    "Perception is reality," guest co-host Juliet Huddy agreed.
    In fact, Zimmerman told the 911 dispatcher that it was raining as he was pursuing Martin.
    "This guy looks like he's up to no good or he's on drugs or something," the neighborhood watch enthusiast said. "It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about. ... These a**holes always get away."
    UPDATE: Even Geraldo's kid is embarrassed by his "blame the victim" anti-hoodie stance:
    How bad is the backlash against Geraldo Rivera for blaming Trayvon Martin's shooting death on his choice of clothing? His own son is piling on.
    "My own son just wrote to say he's ashamed of my position re hoodies [sic]," Rivera tweeted on Friday. "Still I feel parents must do whatever they can to keep their kids safe." [..] "It's not blaming the victim Its common sense-look like a gangsta&some armed schmuck will take you at your word," he added.

  18. #68
    Leave to fix news. Pardon me, faux news.

  19. #69
    That's like saying women who wear low-cut dresses can expect to get raped.

  20. #70
    The Geraldo Rivera/Sean Hannity far-right mental illness on Faux news:


  21. #71
    Newt is putting his foot in his mouth as usual :


  22. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    The Geraldo Rivera/Sean Hannity far-right mental illness on Faux news:

    Hi soulster,
    Thanks for the clip. Very informative. Why the right has to put a spin on this baffles me. The moment Zimmerman got out of his vehicle he became 100% responsible for what followed. From where I sit, by NJ Law he would be guilty of 2nd Degree Murder.

  23. #73
    Sorry you guys... but Geraldo is exactly right. For 15 years now, youth have been dressing like criminals because they think it's "cool". and furthermore, you can probably bet this boy had his pants on the ground, so walking around with your hand in the waistband to hold them up, some people are gonna think your'e going for a gun. you absolutely SHOULD only be judged on your actions, but a person don't need to tempt fate, either. It's not his or his parents' fault as much as it is the fault of society and black culture for not rejecting the concept of children being allowed to dress like criminals, and have it be accepted. And Al sharpton wasn't being generous coming down there when his mother just died... he was wantin to be in front of the TV cameras. Jesse Jackson could have handled that rally. Don't get me wrong, Zimmerman was obviously wrong from what i've heard so far. But I don't believe in doing, saying, and wearing things that will set off unstable people.

  24. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    Sorry you guys... but Geraldo is exactly right. For 15 years now, youth have been dressing like criminals because they think it's "cool". and furthermore, you can probably bet this boy had his pants on the ground, so walking around with your hand in the waistband to hold them up, some people are gonna think your'e going for a gun. you absolutely SHOULD only be judged on your actions, but a person don't need to tempt fate, either. It's not his or his parents' fault as much as it is the fault of society and black culture for not rejecting the concept of children being allowed to dress like criminals, and have it be accepted. And Al sharpton wasn't being generous coming down there when his mother just died... he was wantin to be in front of the TV cameras. Jesse Jackson could have handled that rally. Don't get me wrong, Zimmerman was obviously wrong from what i've heard so far. But I don't believe in doing, saying, and wearing things that will set off unstable people.
    You're wrong, wrong, wrong. With that way of thinking, you're going to have to wear a long coat down to your ankles everytime you go out in case you attract a rapist.

  25. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    You're wrong, wrong, wrong. With that way of thinking, you're going to have to wear a long coat down to your ankles everytime you go out in case you attract a rapist.
    I'm not wrong.what happens IS wrong! But we got to deal with reality, and what IS, not what should be. The rape thing is apples and oranges. I don't think you'd be raped for wearing a low cut dress...but some man might come up to you and ask how much you charge.

  26. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    I'm not wrong.what happens IS wrong! But we got to deal with reality, and what IS, not what should be. The rape thing is apples and oranges. I don't think you'd be raped for wearing a low cut dress...but some man might come up to you and ask how much you charge.
    This is asinine [[in my opinion, you're entitled to your own). This is the same reasoning that permits cops to pull over black men driving expensive new cars because a lot of crooks blow their loot on expensive vehicles. So, we should all wear business suits and drive around in 1975 Novas to show that we aren't crooks? Whatever.

    Forget the fact that probably 99% of the kids sporting this look aren't crooks, so we should be afraid of all for the actions of a few. Regardless, it's good to know that we live in a society where a black kid is considered complicit in his own murder by basically walking around while being black.

    Oh, and men have been acquitted of rape in instances where women dressed "too provocatively", so you're in that fool's chorus to suggest that someone cannot control his/her actions based upon his snap judgments based upon appearance. Congratulations.

  27. #77
    Jillfoster, walking up to a woman and asking her how much they charge because they are dressed provocatively and pulling out a gun and shooting them for the same reason, is like night and day. Your logic is terribly flawed.

    Yes, people are judged based on the way they look, what they wear etc. Yes that is reality but that reality doesn't dictate they should be harmed because of it.

    If men with large ugly mustaches suddenly go on a looting spree, would it be ok to shoot Rivera because he has a large ugly mustache?

    Rivera was wrong as two left shoes and promoting an idea or "opinion" that you suddenly have to dress a certain way to keep from being shot is not only detrimental to our society but ignorant.

  28. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Jillfoster, walking up to a woman and asking her how much they charge because they are dressed provocatively and pulling out a gun and shooting them for the same reason, is like night and day. Your logic is terribly flawed.

    Yes, people are judged based on the way they look, what they wear etc. Yes that is reality but that reality doesn't dictate they should be harmed because of it.

    If men with large ugly mustaches suddenly go on a looting spree, would it be ok to shoot Rivera because he has a large ugly mustache?

    Rivera was wrong as two left shoes and promoting an idea or "opinion" that you suddenly have to dress a certain way to keep from being shot is not only detrimental to our society but ignorant.
    I agree 100%. This incident has touched a nerve with many and I have a difficult time putting my anger into positive context. I am absolutely shocked and amazed that a young man wearing a hood in the rain is partially responsible for being chased and murdered. I guess we should provide pretty yellow rain slickers to our "good" kids so people can't confuse them with thugs that have nothing in common with them other than brown skin.

  29. #79
    Jerry Oz, you're correct this incident has touched a nerve but putting emotions in check is exactly what is called for. Too many people in this country [[and around the world) are reacting and NOT THINKING. If Zimmerman had taken the time to THINK as oppose to react based on some emotion, whatever that emotion was, it's very likely the young man would still be alive today.

    Politicians and the media like to push buttons and both groups are doing an excellent job in getting folks to react as oppose to thinking ...why....because if people start THINKING, many of these politicians and members of the media will cease to be relevant. We have to stop feeding into the BS....if we don't, we have no one but ourselves to blame for the continuation of all the BS.

  30. #80
    Personally, I think the reaction has been very much reasoned. I'm not hearing the rhetoric that I expected when this was first developing. I honestly expected some wannabe Black Panthers to go down to start their own "neighborhood watch". Of course, that would be about the time that the Klan decided to exercise their right to assemble and everything would blow up.

    Unfortunately, the failure of the police to take even the most fundamental steps of a homicide case [[full interview of the shooter, ballistics testing, full canvas of the area for eyewitnesses, etc.) will lead any conclusion to be based not on facts but what people believe actually happened. I can see Zimmerman walking due to the lack of a competent investigation and that may be tantamount to what happened in Simi Valley. That's a shame because a first year assistant prosecutor should be able to put this case together for the DA.

  31. #81
    ...but here is the problem, if Zimmerman or his lawyers make the same claim...."his reaction was reasoned", you and everyone else would be ready to hang him from the nearest tree.

    I agree the police should have arrested the man but as much as Republican politicians are trying to run from that damn stand your ground law, the fact is, the police were probably following that damn law to the letter. If you do a cursory google search you'll find it's been happening in Fla and many other states that have adopted this law or laws that are similar and people are getting away with murder left and right.

    We spend way too much time reacting to news as oppose to seeing the things that are happening on the ground that never get reported. Here in NC we have a similar law and many of us tried to fight it but we couldn't get enough people to get involved to take it seriously. Yet, if something happens here like in Fla, you best believe the same people who couldn't be bothered, will be marching up and down the streets demanding justice. Something is wrong with that picture Jerry Oz. Something is terribly wrong.

  32. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    Sorry you guys... but Geraldo is exactly right. For 15 years now, youth have been dressing like criminals because they think it's "cool". and furthermore, you can probably bet this boy had his pants on the ground, so walking around with your hand in the waistband to hold them up, some people are gonna think your'e going for a gun. you absolutely SHOULD only be judged on your actions, but a person don't need to tempt fate, either. It's not his or his parents' fault as much as it is the fault of society and black culture for not rejecting the concept of children being allowed to dress like criminals, and have it be accepted. And Al sharpton wasn't being generous coming down there when his mother just died... he was wantin to be in front of the TV cameras. Jesse Jackson could have handled that rally. Don't get me wrong, Zimmerman was obviously wrong from what i've heard so far. But I don't believe in doing, saying, and wearing things that will set off unstable people.
    Hi jillfoster,
    Are the "children being allowed to dress like criminals," or are the criminal dressing like the children? Jerry Oz pointed out that 99% of people sporting that look are not criminals. I could go on about how criminals try to look like the rest of us but I'll spare everyone a dissertation.

  33. #83
    So, Jillfoster, anyone who puts on a hoodie looks like a gangsta??? That is ridiculous! It doesn't matter how the kid was dressed, he should not have been hunted down like a dog and shot.

    What you and Mr. Rivera have said is basically that young people, and people of color should dress to make bigots and racists comfortable. Well, freedom doesn't work like that! people should be able to wear what they want and not have to worry about some racist thug hunting them down for it.

    What you and Rivera are doing is making excuses, blaming the victim, and letting a killer off the hook.

  34. #84
    Whenever we have a problem with a particular group of people we stereotype them and we attribute to them many things that in fact many, often most other people can be said to also do, enjoy or participate in. We associate things with one race, religion or even sex that occurs elsewhere though we otherwise overlook it. The reality is white people
    wear hoodies too. White peoples wear baseball caps backwards, blast hip-hop from their cars, and yes there are white
    youth wearing their pants on the ground. That is a style I never liked but does that give me the right to stalk and kill them? Do we only ban blacks and hispanics from wearing certain clothes like hoodies even though we know anyone can
    buy them in Kmart and 2) they were not invented for black criminals. Geraldo is an idiot and anyone who follows his
    snot-logic is deluding themselves.But then, so many have been following him and slimeballs like Newtered Gangrene for years, it's no surprise this country is going the mess it is right now...

  35. #85
    Geraldo's new single "BLAME IT ON THE HOODIE"
    Don't blame it on Zimmerman
    Don't blame it on NRA
    Don't Blame it on Jeb Bush
    Blame it on the Hoodie

  36. #86
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    Sorry you guys... but Geraldo is exactly right. For 15 years now, youth have been dressing like criminals because they think it's "cool". and furthermore, you can probably bet this boy had his pants on the ground, so walking around with your hand in the waistband to hold them up, some people are gonna think your'e going for a gun. you absolutely SHOULD only be judged on your actions, but a person don't need to tempt fate, either. It's not his or his parents' fault as much as it is the fault of society and black culture for not rejecting the concept of children being allowed to dress like criminals, and have it be accepted. And Al sharpton wasn't being generous coming down there when his mother just died... he was wantin to be in front of the TV cameras. Jesse Jackson could have handled that rally. Don't get me wrong, Zimmerman was obviously wrong from what i've heard so far. But I don't believe in doing, saying, and wearing things that will set off unstable people.
    This is not the first time Jill Foster aka David Smothers has made explosive comments about race. I remember on Yahoo he called Susaye Green a “baboon” and a “n****r” because Susaye insisted she sang on all songs on High Energy.

    I wear hoodies on weekends, but I’ve never been hunted down by a gun crazy self appointed neighborhood watch “leader”. Maybe because I’m white and Iive in a racist society where I have privilege when it comes to matters of racial profiling?

  37. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    This is not the first time Jill Foster aka David Smothers has made explosive comments about race. I remember on Yahoo he called Susaye Green a “baboon” and a “n****r” because Susaye insisted she sang on all songs on High Energy.
    Thank you for letting us know that! I will now put Jillfoster on my ignore list too. I have no interest in conversing with religious nuts, self-righteous narcissists, or racists.
    Last edited by soulster; 03-24-2012 at 06:52 PM.

  38. #88
    I worry about putting people on Ignore. It could mean that they make points that nobody counters, and that they end up winning arguments by default.

  39. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    I worry about putting people on Ignore. It could mean that they make points that nobody counters, and that they end up winning arguments by default.
    What is the sound of one hand clapping?

  40. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    This is not the first time Jill Foster aka David Smothers has made explosive comments about race. I remember on Yahoo he called Susaye Green a “baboon” and a “n****r” because Susaye insisted she sang on all songs on High Energy.

    I wear hoodies on weekends, but I’ve never been hunted down by a gun crazy self appointed neighborhood watch “leader”. Maybe because I’m white and Iive in a racist society where I have privilege when it comes to matters of racial profiling?
    What the fuck are you talking about? You need to get a grip. Some stalker bitch tried to make it LOOK like I said such things [[12 years ago, I might add), but I never did. You all are totally misunderstanding what I'm saying. I said that Zimmerman was totally wrong, or did you stop reading before you got to that part? It wasn't what CAUSED it, but it was a contributing factor. The culture of rap and thuggery has done a great deal to undermine the civil rights movement, and that's why everyone is so defensive about it, because they damn well know it's true. I said before, earlier in the thread, the TRUE fault lies with the cheap ass Homes Association, not hiring a TRAINED security guard, and relying on hot headed dumbshits to do their security. Smark, since you are so sure I'm wrong, why don't you put on a chiffon gown and walk down main street of any small town in Mississippi, and see what reaction you get?? That's all I'm sayin. The world is WRONG for being this way... do I need to repeat it? WRONG!!! WRONG!!!! WRONG!!!!!! But it's reality, people ought to deal with what IS, and then work to change things to the way they SHOULD BE.
    Last edited by jillfoster; 03-24-2012 at 10:20 PM.

  41. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Thank you for letting us know that! I will now put Jillfoster on my ignore list too. I have no interest in conversing with religious nuts, self-righteous narcissists, or racists.
    It's just too damn bad that you would put me on ignore after youv'e been reading my posts for how long? Because some asshole makes an unfounded accusation?

  42. #92
    Okay, Geraldo.

  43. #93

    Don’t Be Threatening’: Geraldo Rivera’s Impossible Advice

    While I don’t agree with the author’s cussing, I agree 100% with everything else they wrote


    Don’t Be Threatening’: Geraldo Rivera’s Impossible Advice

    The internet was abuzz with outrage yesterday after comments national joke Geraldo Rivera made on Fox & Friends. In response to the murder of Trayvon Martin, he reflected, "I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin's death as George Zimmerman was." The angry response he unleashed was warranted, but it's worth taking a look at what Geraldo was trying to say — and why he's full of shit.
    I was reminded of a series of sexual assaults that occurred on the Berkeley campus in 2009: a man followed women home from late-night parties and attempted to rape them with his finger. His targets were exclusively women in short skirts, which led the campus police department to suggest that women avoid wearing those skirts to parties until the rapist was caught. Many were
    horrified — the police response sounded a lot like victim-blaming. But there was a level of practicality to it that goes beyond the typical asshole response to rape, "Did you see what she was wearing?" This predator was targeting women wearing a specific piece of clothing, and not wearing short skirts for a period of time was a form of protection.

    There's a key difference between what Geraldo said and what the Berkeley campus police said. There is no serial killer targeting men of color in hoodies, the way Berkeley's serial rapist was specifically focusing on short skirts. Both responses might seem problematic, but only Geraldo's devolves into actually blaming the victim. Targeting the hoodie is just a roundabout way of pinning some blame on Trayvon Martin, who chose what to wear that night. Besides, what he's really saying is, "Don't dress like a 'gangsta' if you don't want to be treated like one." Or as he tweeted yesterday, "Its not blaming the victim Its common sense-look like a gangsta&some armed schmuck will take you at your word."

    It is blaming the victim, but that's been argued to death. I'm more interested in the meaning behind Geraldo's words, which in my mind boils down to a warning: Do not act in a way other people might find threatening. Except that's a complete impossibility — the feeling of being threatened is subjective. Geraldo's implication is that racist white men will assume black men in hoodies are out to get them, and he's probably right. But by that same logic, he should be telling white men to tone down their whiteness around black people. If a white man wearing an NRA shirt got shot by a black man, would Geraldo blame the shirt? Maybe it was self-defense. The black man who shot him could have assumed he was another George Zimmerman.

    Ignorant people are irrationally threatened by so much of the world around them; it would be impossible to go through life conforming to some sort of neutral, non-threatening ideal. Think of Matthew Shepard, who was murdered in 1998 for being gay. The basis of homophobia is fear: a fear of being hit on by a gay man, of femininity, of being perceived as gay by those around you. Geraldo's message to youths of color is to tone it down. Take whatever it is about your cultural identity that scares others and get rid of it. Following that argument, should gay men act less "faggoty"? If we're going to blame Trayvon's hoodie for Zimmerman's violence, we could also blame Shepard's "gay appearance" for his murder.

    The "common sense" Geraldo speaks of is nonsense. To a racist asshole, it's "common sense" that black men are more dangerous. To a homophobic tool, all gay men are out to recruit your children, and to a frightening number of misogynists, women who dress "slutty" deserve to be raped. Barring mandatory uniforms for every person in this country, there is no "common sense" way to dress or talk or act. There will always be someone threatened by you, and that responsibility falls on them — and on law enforcement, whose job is to make sure no one turns a perceived threat into a stupid, fatal mistake.

  44. #94
    Shaking my head. The kid could have had dreadlocks and a tuxedo and Geraldo would have been pointing to the hair and saying that he should have cut it. If not his hair, it would an earring. Or a gold tooth. Or maybe a tattoo.

    How long before I'm profiled because I don't wear any of the above and some cop thinks that is "suspicious"?

  45. #95
    Jillfoster I think you are wrong. You are feeding the fears of the very people you mocked in the other thread. That’s dangerous and irresponsible imo and you need to be more careful about promoting the idea that music or clothing is responsible for some fool picking up a gun and blowing another human being away, presumably without cause….wearing a hoodie is not cause.

    To piggyback on something Steve said, criminals [[including murders) wear all types of clothing including 1000 dollar suits. Should we start blowing away everyone wearing 1000 dollar suits? You’re being extremely short sighted in your thinking. The long term ramifications of the idea you’re pushing is something you need to seriously examine.

  46. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Thank you for letting us know that! I will now put Jillfoster on my ignore list too. I have no interest in conversing with religious nuts, self-righteous narcissists, or racists.
    Whoa.....! Jillfoster is not a racist! That made me chuckle when I read that LOL! I was around back in those days when people were pulling all kinds of nasty tricks to discredit others that they did not agree with. It's been done to me. Jill is cool which can cause problems for the "un-cool" in and of itself!

    Now back to the topic of discussion here. I do not agree with what Geraldo Rivera is saying about the wearing of a hoodie. I do acknowledge that you are VERY much judged by your appearance and what you are wearing in this country. Back when I had longer hair, I use to get the "slick" comments. I can walk into a bank on a Tues afternoon in my customary suit & tie for work and be treated respectfully. I can walk into that same bank on a Saturday morning in sweats, unshaven and in a ballcap and have to almost look or someone to wait on me, to provide service! I do believe we should have the freedom to dress how ever we like and drive wherever we want. I have been stopped when driving a new car. I have been followed out of certain "off limits" neighborhoods after visiting friends there. It is a sickness in this country.

  47. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Jillfoster I think you are wrong. You are feeding the fears of the very people you mocked in the other thread. That’s dangerous and irresponsible imo and you need to be more careful about promoting the idea that music or clothing is responsible for some fool picking up a gun and blowing another human being away, presumably without cause….wearing a hoodie is not cause.

    To piggyback on something Steve said, criminals [[including murders) wear all types of clothing including 1000 dollar suits. Should we start blowing away everyone wearing 1000 dollar suits? You’re being extremely short sighted in your thinking. The long term ramifications of the idea you’re pushing is something you need to seriously examine.
    Ms. M...it's not my intention to feed the fears, simply for people to be WARY of the REALITY. If people think Tupac and Shug Knight are such great role models as opposed to Gladys Knight and Stevie Wonder, then I guessthere ain't nothin I can do about that. But the rap culture has driven a wedge between racial relations at a crucial point in history when things were truly changing at a record pace. It set the movement back by promotiong violence, drugs, crime, and misogyny. After reading Geraldo's transcript... he said "Just as much to blame". I would not go that far. My opinion is it was a "factor" in what happened. And thanks, Marv...emotions were hot and heavy back then, and alot of people with too much time on their hands engaged in alot of dirty tricks, some are still doing it. Me and Susaye did have disagreements, but both of us have moved on, and now treat each other with politeness and civility, and that is the way it should be.
    Last edited by jillfoster; 03-24-2012 at 11:31 PM.

  48. #98
    Jill Foster violence is a part of our culture, be it in music movies,television, books, etc. WHY?.... because there is enough of an interest for promoters to push this stuff.

    I'm not a fan of most rap music and definitely not a fan of gang mentality be it Black gangs, Hispanics gangs, Russian gangs, etc. but I 'm not ready to blame them for the actions of another human being who should have the good sense to choose right from wrong. Now if they don't have goods sense, we're talking a whole other issue but agreeing with Rivera is an extremist attitude...and whether it's your intentions or not you're fanning the flames of that attitude.

  49. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Jill Foster violence is a part of our culture, be it in music movies,television, books, etc. WHY?.... because there is enough of an interest for promoters to push this stuff.

    I'm not a fan of most rap music and definitely not a fan of gang mentality be it Black gangs, Hispanics gangs, Russian gangs, etc. but I 'm not ready to blame them for the actions of another human being who should have the good sense to choose right from wrong. Now if they don't have goods sense, we're talking a whole other issue but agreeing with Rivera is an extremist attitude...and whether it's your intentions or not you're fanning the flames of that attitude.
    I understand what your'e saying... this guy may NOT have had good sense. I wouldn't be surprised a bit if a mental evaluation reveals some major issues.

  50. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    I understand what your'e saying... this guy may NOT have had good sense. I wouldn't be surprised a bit if a mental evaluation reveals some major issues.
    There's no need for any evaluation IMO. Zimmerman is a trigger happy racist.



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