was flipping through Randy's bio on Diana and happened to be rereading the section when Diana and Bob divorced. and how it's speculated that she actually regretted this decision.

We all know that Diana is a strong willed woman. and that her exit from Motown was part of a deep-rooted need for her to do things herself. and to escape Berry.

while i don't think Bob would have been able to totally dictate to Diana, she certainly did recognize and appreciate that he was NICE to her. that he wasn't the source of constant critique, that maybe he wanted really what was best for her.

so could he have been a source of consultation and guidance during the RCA years? he definitely knew the industry, even managed some groups. While it never would have grown into the level of manager/star relationship she had had with Berry, do you think that he might have helped guide her? helped her avoid some of the pitfalls? perhaps influence her choice of music and resulted in stronger albums?