I was going to go last five, but I couldn't remember, ha! Memory fading ...

OK, my last three with comments:

Fitz and the Tantrums: Bought it yesterday, really like this group, have heard their hit "Moneygrabber" on the radio for some time and other songs on YouTube. A few clunkers on this 10-song CD, but overall really, really good. Kind of a Hall & Oates sound, or so say my friends, who all compared him to H & O.

Five Stairsteps: "First Family of Soul: Greatest Hits." I had none of their stuff, just familiar with "Ooh, Ooh, Child" which is a sad state of affairs for me. Excellent group, quality singing. A few too many ballads on this very long CD, many of the ballads sound similar. However, they pull it off. Excellent group, of course.

Rafael Saadiq: "Stone Rollin'". Took me a little while to get into this one, but now I love it. I still prefer his previous album, "The Way I See It" better, but this is worth a purchase. He tries a lot of different styles, which I like.

Your last three purchases?