Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
Crystaledwards, is an obsessive, rabid Diana Ross fan that Ralph recently banned from this site. There are about 5, maybe 6 guys like that here. But we don't to turn this into another "Dianah Ross" thread. These guy believe in free speech but only as long as you don't say anything unflattering about this particular singer.

Anyway, I heard that former Pres. Jimmy Carter has been allegedly advising Paula Deen during her public crisis.

I am not an obsessive Diana Ross fan marv. I am simply calling you out on your hypocrisy. You rally against Paula Deen for her hateful racism and believe me when I say Ms. Deen deserves every criticism that is hurled her way. However, your behavior at YouTube is no better that Paula Deen's behavior. People who express hostile attitudes toward homosexual persons often are prejudiced against other minorities as well. What other prejudices do you harbor marv? Does it make you feel macho when you berate and taunt Gay people marv? Do you have children? Do you have brothers and sisters with children? Someday a GLBT person could be your own blood relative. Think about that next time you cruelly and viciously call someone a fag, faggot or freak marv. Gay people live normal lives in everyday America, They serve in our country's military, they pay taxes, and they contribute to the nation's well being on various levels. Stop the hate marv or your words could end up really hurting someone.