Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
Walmart just dropped her. For once they do the right thing. Click on the name Walmart. Again, it's not about her use of the word in a denigrating context, it's about her history of unsavory comments about Blacks and slavery, her lack of genuine sincerity, her inability to take ownership of her actions, her attempt to blame others for her actions, and for her inability to understand why her words and views are offensive.

All of this doesn't say much good for her supporters, either.

Oh...BTW, anyone notice how she slipped in Jesse Jackson's name in her little scripted sob-fest?
People act as Paula Dean is acting when they get caught! She stands to loose a lot of money which is the greatest motivating factor in her wimpy apologies. I am not an unforgiving person, but when you insult me and then attempt to cover it up by lying, I have no use for you and very little sympathy!