Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
Paula Dean lose ham endorsement. This story isnt going away. Time to make ammends miss Dean with your God and with the Black community and with your fans and within your heart and make ammends with everyone else you offendded with your ignorant and hateful words.
An apology with tears isn't enough. It won't mean a thing unless she understand why she was so offensive. This isn't just about her use of the "n" word, it's about the mentality of a person who would use it. It's about how she dismissed her use of the word as no big deal. It's about as recent as late last year that she has that "slavery wasn't bad" mentality. She acted like she was among like-minded white folk on that stand, so it was OK to think that way. "Yes, of course!" You all know damn well she used that word more than once, and probably very recently. Her brother no doubt did too.

And, some Black people have to stop thinking that it's OK for white people to act that way too. Oh yeah! There are plenty of Blacks who also think this is no big deal.

And, Black people have got to stop using the word too!

White people can be close friends with Blacks and still not know or understand a thing about them or their history. Why? They don't have to.